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tv   Black And White Declined empire secures resources  PRESSTV  October 1, 2023 7:02am-7:30am IRST

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la historia de la humanidad, de la civilización o de la history of mankind and civilizations is closely related to the discovery, exploitation and industrialization of minerals. hoy día, no es posible, live
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without certain minerals, which are fundamentally known as rare earth elements. of they're used in advanced technology, defense, military, medicine, cybernetics, space flights and so on. in other words, who owns the rare earth elements has the control of today and future? china. 90% of the rare earth mels and is the largest global producer of them. this fact has turned into a certain conflict between the us and china. the us is desperately seeking to resolve the issue of rare earths in order to compete with china and avoid being defeated. so the us started to put into operation rare earth mine that it had abandoned its own territory. the us has also placed mines in spain, which is a...
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nato member, the entry of finland and sweden into nato suspiciously coincides with the beginning of the exploitation of rare earth minerals within those countries. the united states has set its sights on resolving its lack of rare earths in latin america. the us is also looking for a way to activate mining taillings to dominate them in chile. because chile holds countless rare earth elements. there is lot of rare earth elements extracted that are shipped abroad, unprocessed and for free. that is of great importance because it is assumed that in five years the need for rare earths in advanced industries, especially the military will increase 30 times. laura richardson america and fundamentally south america are places with great. she has named 50 minerals as strategic
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and important for the national security of the united states. that's why each latin american country is fighting this strategy in a way. bolivia is producing batteries and cars using its lithium. chile sells lithium to. canadian and european union companies. mexico nationalizes and industrializes lithium. each country has different attitudes and has to confront the transnational companies that are fundamentally under the direction of the united states. natural resources are the keystones for latin american countries in case of identity. rare
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earth elements are found throughout the world, but in few places are they found in sufficient quantities to make their exploitation convenient according to current technology. rare earth elements have a specific relationship with the environment, today the european countries begin to exploit rare earths and take ecological and environmental issues to their own countries. i'm eduardo artes, and this is black and white, hoy estamos con fernando, today i talk of to fernando estensoro, he is scholar and specialist in international issues from the university of santiago, chile. you're very welcome, fernando to black and white. muchas gracias. thank you very much, eduardo, it's a pleasure to be able to talk with. bien,
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fernando, normalmente, ownership of minerals is terrible issue, experience in this case, for instance in chile, their struggle was over salt peter that initiated a war among chile, peru and bolivia. today there is a fresh topic over rare earths. there are 17 of them, which are mostly filled with lithium. these natural resources are at the center of the dispute. why are these minerals important? is actually a certain conflict among countries over natural resources, especially china versus the... what are the consequences of such struggle in countries that embrace these natural reserves? china controls about 90% of these rare earths on the international market. however, the us needs these natural resources very urgently, so the us is looking for them in different
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parts, they are looking for minerals in mining wastes. the us takes topper as well. sweden and finn, spain and the us are reactivating some of the mining. i particularly believe that we are about to experience hard times from now on. why i mention this point, because when you talk about rare earth, there's a real struggle over minerals. and energy as well, it's been a crucial issue to her germanic powers, the 20th century was the age of oil, what happened to those countries with great oil reserves like the middle eastern ones, they actually lived difficult moments, why? because the first world countries were the
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ones that demanded oil during the 20th century, they were developed in capitalist countries that were highly industrialized, they were the major oil consumers, it is clear because bush said america is addicted to oil. there is a strategic fight over energy resources for the great powers. this way they build their economic and imperial powers. in the past they used to reach carbon and then the age of oil emerged during the 20th century. now we face climate change and environmental crisis, so there is a need to produce clean energy. fossil fuels include coal, natural gas and oil. we also. the emission carbon dioxides and other greenhouse gases, so there's a need to overcome the main problems of greenhouse effect. now i'm talking about anthropogenic plutins because greenhouse gases are emitted by human activities, the imperialist germany blames
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human beings for anthropogenic pollution, but the reality is different, these capitalist, highly developed and industrialized countries are the sources of anthrop. pollution, but they blame all of us for such phenomena, so we need to avoid using this polluting fossil fuel and choose the one that does not emit greenhouse gas, for instance, electrical energy and electric cars, so there are minerals that are becoming fundamental, and one of them is lithium, it doesn't seem strange because it is relatively abundant, there's also copper and series of minerals that are found in rar earth, because they are terrors, these mineral resources are very important, case of microships and other technological cirites, so these minerals are essential for the new industrial and technological production of great powers and particular for the us, the us is trying to maintain it, because it is threatened by
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emerging countries like china. richardson, the former commanding general of the united states army north stated that there were strategic resources that were part of the national security of the united states. she mentioned lithium, copper, waters etc. right now, us has 50 minerals considered strategic that are part of its national security. cómo cómo es eso, porque estados unidos considera que el planeta es su seguridad nacional, really funny that the us considers the entire planet to be part of its national security. they've been studying the ways to take natural resources from all around the world since the second world war, so that's why they've been focusing on environmentalism and ecologism. the us had realized that the natural resources were exhaustible even before 1972 conference on the human
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environment, realized that they were consuming more and more of these resources. they were worried that the third world countries were becoming greater in population and wanted. become industrialized, so there was a competition over the necessary natural resources, as a result, they launched this huge project with the help of great power centers in the us. so they began to discuss about how they could manage and control the natural resources as oil. they've been studying about this issue for about 70 years. as far as we're concerned, these natural resources have become a scarce because the consumption has increased. these natural resources are very important and strategic us. the us can sustain its industrial and technological developments using the same natural resources. the problem is that whatever they need such as rare minerals and special
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fernando, en américa latina también en fernando, as you mentioned, there were numerous cous induced by hegemonic powers like the us and western europe, in the world and especially in latin america, carried out these cous to have access to these natural resources. for instance, the 1973 chilean
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creata that was linked to the nationalization of chile's large copper mines, we've already talked about the peaceful wars that had to do with salter, there was the persian gulf for over oil, there were countless interventions and unjust wars. on the other hand, we witnessed people who fought for their sovereignty to take advantage of their own natural resources. these are... largest oil reserves in the world, the great capitalist powers of the global north need
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the oil, so that's why we see invasions of there, the reason for such heinous acts is not important at all, there is chaos in the middle eastern countries such iraq and syria, what is the reason, because there are large oil reserves, the imperialist countries maintain their powers based on economic structures and the energy is crucial in this aspect, these energy sources development their military power, we actually mentioned the climate change, so rare earth, lithium and a group of mirals are very important to continue maintaining the cycle of accumulation of the capitalist process and great imperialist powers. what does the us need? it doesn't like to lose its fight over these natural resources. what is the serious problem in this case? you're right, there are wars over natural resources, human beings can't live without. them, we're talking about latin america in general, from mexico to patagonia in argentina, there 600 million
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inhabitants in these parts, there are 500 million inhabitants in south america, we are not five or six% of the world's population, but we live in a tremendous territory that is rich in biodiversity in the amazon, in lithium, and water and rare earters, i mean that we have whatever the global north needs to continue maintaining. at germany power, the us initiates conflicts against the new powers that are joining this world of superpowers such as china, india and all of asia, all of the asian countries are industrializing and developing, so there's an intense and aggressive competition over these natural resources that are essential in case of high technology and military character. in this scenario, not only individual countries such as chile are in danger, but the whole region is. is threatened, we're no longer talking about cous in certain countries, we can actually become the ground of operations
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the wars of the great powers that exist in the centre due to our access to all these resources which they all demand a estos recursos que nosotros tenemos y que todos necesitan. hoy tenemos 400 marines norteamericanos. has activities equator, the equatorian president giller mulasso is completed in this case. unfortunately us marines are stationed at the chilean military base in kokon. chile had an experienced the us presence in its history. only the former right-wing chilean president jorge alessandria accepted to have the us military bases. why do i mention this
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point? why does it happen? because the us is developing this environmental geopolitics. why is the us deploying troops in this region? because the struggle for these resources is becoming more and more acute and intense. the us not only takes advantage of these natural resources, but has an eye on the same strategic ecosystem such as the amazon. the us southern command and armed forces are deployed in the region. the us no longer intervenes in diplomatic or political ways. they just send troops. that's why the army general. laura richardson, the commander the us southern command, is present in our region. she is here to say that latin america belongs to the u.s. and the chinese shouldn't be here anymore. i have emphasize this point that the americans are very worried, they have been studying about this topic for many years and it is crucial to them. they've been talking about this issue for a long time. the
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us has realized that latin america and south america are fundamental for them and are the areas of direct. so they decided to drive the chinese out from this region. of course, china has no intention of leaving latin america, for instance, in case of chile, there is a conflict between chinese and american companies over lithium. the same struggle is happening in argentina and believe as well. we as latin americans do not care who our presidents are. the latin american geographical territories are very important. these rich territories are essential for huge powers. to be able to sustain themselves, so they would a step in our region to exploit our natural resources, if latin american countries are united, they can end this story in their favor, and if it doesn't happen, we still be the losers and become a single region that is not called the global south anymore. in this case, latin american countries will stand next to african
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countries, because the asian nations are developing, latin american countries are going to be dependent, peripheral and... very important in this case, for instance, the mexican president, andres manuel lopez, abrador nationalized mexico's lithium reserves which were under a us company rule. mexico is not a major lithium producer and we are all aware of that. bolivia is industrializing its lithium in batteries or cars. the chilean.
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governments like the national one and many others, we can't actually compare salvador atlanta with pinoche, i think that the situation is tense and complicated. the chilean ambassador to the united states issued a statement saying that chile was a strategic ally of the united states and this very moment, the chinese ambassador told him, listen, that's very strange, so the chilan ambassador had to inform his subordinate, then he came back and said " chile also shares strategic ties with china. i think that we have to be pragmatic in this case, why? because the situations of the governments of latin america are different. chile is in touch with the us due to neoliberalism, but there's also serious debate in chile. there may be a certain type of chilean government that wants to maintain ties with the us, and it doesn't mean that
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all chileans are happy with that. there's a very important debate over lifeing, chilean dictatorship nationalized lithium, because it was a strategic natural resource. private companies are actually exploiting lithium in chile. china has become a very important ally for latin american countries in the free market. china has control of the supply of lithium batteries and other products as well. the chilean communist party and important businessman are negotiating with the chinese. so there's a real conflict in this case. there's a sector of the... dominant oligarchies that is present in this process, because the main market for its production is coming from china. in other words, they're filling their pockets from chinese money and the us dollars, why do i think that china can't be driven out from latin america? for very simple reason, because the us no longer has the capacity to buy all these resources
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and control the chinese market, no tiene la capacidad de comprar todos esos recursos y de sustituir el mercado chino, estamos de acuerdo, sin embargo, there is a certain belief that the chinese are the main rival of the americans. we're witnessing nato and ukraine, we're waiting the nato and ukraine war with russia, there are actually nato forces fighting russians and not the ukrainians, in this way the us wants to get close to china and defeat it. when they talk about this wicked expression, latin america is the backyard of the u.s., we come to realize that they come to this region to take natural resources. we're about to finish our program and i want to talk about an interesting book that you suggested to us. es un libro que se publicó por claxo se puede para que los auditores puedan conocer bueno bajar gratuitamentes and it can be downloaded
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for free. this book is about the environmental geopolitics of the united states and its allies in the global north with implications for america. it actually mentions all the points that we talked in this. program. we have studied over 10 years to this book. it describes the debate in the us power centers regarding natural resources and how to prevent other powers presence in latin america, especially china. it is actually serious debate among americans. it delivers the geopolitical dimension of the environmental and ecological debates and open our eyes a little to ecologically and politically correct discourse which is about power. environmental problems in latin america, but the americans want to preserve these natural resources themselves. this is actually the main topic. de poder y de
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proyección del poder de estados unidos. i hope to talk to you again in another program. thank you for inviting me to this program. together, we have shown that when europe is bold and united, it gets things done, à from the ivory tower. l'appel de l'histoire, it's time to come down 95 million people in the eu are fattened by poverty, there are a broken energy market while the energy and arms industries are making records. last year it seemed that it
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was better performing as compared to other industrial economies in in europe. this year and this quarter it seems the the opposite. this week's episode of iran tech, we come to lord province to check out a pharmaceuticals company that specializes in making drugs for livestock, pultry and various types of fish, in all sorts of different categories, so liquid solutions, mints and so on and so forth, so going to take a look at some of the... exclusive drugs that they make here and only here in iran and talk about the science behind it and get to know the process that goes behind manufacturing of different types of drugs, stay tuned.
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first of you headlines, another footage has been released showing a us military convoy, apparently transporting syrian oil to iraq. israels have once again taken to the streets and their thousands to protest the judicial overhaul plan by the cabinet of pm netanyahu. also the headlines, the us house of representatives and the senate have passed a stop gag measure to avert a government shut down, hours before funding expired.
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