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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  December 1, 2023 9:30am-10:01am IRST

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of fighting resumes in gaza after a true expires with this really air strikes and artillery fire hitting. gaza city and is really captive and gaza holds regime's prime minister responsible for the death of his family in indiscriminate air strikes on the palestinian territory. an american media says the us has provided israel with more than 70,000 weapons consignments since 1950. of
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hello everyone, thanks for tuning in the press tv, world news. now israel has resumed its bombing campaign on the gaza strip after a temporary truth ended without any new extension, announced by both the regime and palestinian resistance movement, hamas, now the israeli military is officially announced the resemption of combat. in gaza, air strikes and artillery fire have hit several locations in the strip, including in gaza city and khan yunis. palestinian media said the strikes in the southern city khan unes hit an area near nassar hospital, explosions and gun fire were even reported in northern gaza an hour before the truth expired. israel also said it intercepted rocket fire from the besige enclave and the sirens have just sounded in israeli settlements near. gaza and
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joining us now from vancouver canada is khalid barakat, journalist and activist, hello, mr. budkat, um, it's been an hour and 30 minutes now that this temporary seasfire that we saw for over a week give some relief to palestinians, has now expired. what are your concerns? well, the resumption of the israeli war crimes and atrocities against palestinian. in general and in gazza in particular, has come with a full us green light, the israeli war minister gallan today, while standing next to blincon, he basically said that they are going to resume their aggression against palestinians in gazza, and this will not happen without the united states states full support, in fact this is
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also a us declared position, we've heard that from various different united states officials who support israel attacks on gazza, and this whole big lie on avoiding casualties of civilians is just a united states lie that no one is buying, the resistance also um uh understand and they have been ready for such israeli positions, of so far the palestinian resistance did not issue any declared position, but they are of course fighting back back, and let's remember that yes, there were seven days of so-called human pause, but palestinians hospital. and
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ghaza did not receive any real assistance, some of these hospitals received zero assistants and so the israeli government feels that they don't want to crumble and fail immediately because any extensions of ceasefire or permanent ceasefire, the israeli government will collapse and there were threats by ministers in the government that if the uh netanyahu doesn't resume this war that they will resign and the government will fall. i think netanyahu himself is interested in also resuming his war crimes against palestinians in gazza because he doesn't want to go home as israelelis you say either you continue this war or you go home and basically you have a... society that is
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fascist, as society, they're fascis and they're mobilized for this war, on the other hand, the palestinian resistance have also sources of the resistance have told us that this was one of the scenarios that they are expecting, especially that israel wants to impose conditions on the resistance in term the exchange, you know prisoners, the resistance consider israeli soldiers, woman soldiers that they are soldiers, and israel wants the resistance to release these israeli soldiers, as it has been happening in the last seven days and this is not going to happen. um, israel have been able to get some
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their captured prisoners without war in the last seven days, but now they will get nothing and the... um, you know, attacking gazza again, it's not going to get israell any real beneficial, the only thing that it will happen that it will extend the life of the netanyahu government for probably few weeks or few months to come, but that's it, other than that, israel is going to continue to witness a failure after failure, because the resistance and the palestinian people will fight back. and mr. barakat, it just allowed me to uh, we have breaking news according to the gaza health ministry, three people have been killed in israeli air strike uh, in rafa, that's very, very far down uh south, we very well know that's the popular border crossing there with uh egypt,
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basically going to the un uh secretary generals point, there is no place throughout the besiege enclave that is safe and exempt from israeli air strikes and we're witnessing that now but the un and many world leaders scrambled all week at the security council to try to turn this temporary truths into a protracted or lasting seisfire, but it all ended in vain. why do you think that is the case? because of the united states position, the united states and israel are the two parties that is leading this war against the palestinian people. the united states is... responsible of these crimes against the palestinian people, not just in term of arming israel to the teeth with bombs and money and political support and you know political cover and diplomatic cover, but also actual participation of united states
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army and elites, unit elites um in in this war, in fact the united states has been declaring. this publicly that they don't have any problem of continuing the war against the palestinian people in ghaza and again they are lying to their people that they are helping in term of the so-called humanitarian assistance to the palestinian people. this is this is just a joke and no one believes byden administration today. in fact biden war against the palestinian people is supported. by 34% of the you know american public, the vast majority of people are against this war, israel and the united states, with of course their western allies are complicit in these war crimes and that includes canada, france,
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the uk, germany for sure, who's been also advocating for killing as many palestinians as wishes and all of this is not going to happen, we have seen this very same scenario in the last 50 days and nothing came out from this, the resistance did not even used its full force yet, only five to seven percent of the resistance force were used in the battle in the last 50 uh days and the palestinian resistance not just that it's united and willing to fight. back, but now israel is going to have its other eye on the northern front where the lebanese resistance have said before that the minute israel continue or resume its aggression against the palestinian people, the lebanese resistance is going to
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be engaged again in assisting their brothers and sisters in in palestine and in gazza, also we have seen escalation and resistance at in the west bank and jerusalem and this is going escalate, this is going to also be new chapter in the west bank, and the united states is giving israel more time, in fact israeli media have leaked a conversation between tony blincon and gallant, and tony blincon asked him, how long do you need, and gallant respond with two months and so they're actually mapping and orchestrating this war against the palestinian people publicly, and so the situation is going. back to square one, except one thing will happen and that is israel will kill more
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palestinian, children and men and women and innocent people, and they will get no prisoners or captured from gazza, and they will not be able to end the palestinian resistance, and they will have to face again and again their failures. there is no way that israel is going. going to be victorious in this battle, because there is no chance for israel to end the palestinian resistance, nor that it's going to get its captured prisoners by force, they are going to at the end of the day accept the conditions of the palestinian resistance, this entire war is being launched just to save netanyahu, you know and gallant and gans and these war criminals, it's not about even you know the reputation of the designist regime, you
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october 7th is done, it has it happened, and they cannot return time to you, october 6. october 7th happened and israel has been exposed internationally, israel position in the region is shaking, israel relationship is shaking, israel internal situation is crumbling and the palestinian people have never been united as they are united these days, rallying behind their resistance and supporting the palestinian resistance, because this is the only path that palestinians have in order to defend their land, defend their right, defend their cause, and again the israeli objective actually is to displace palestinians, they want to see palestinians and uh you know displaced and i'm glad you you mentioned that because i was going to ask you that was gonna be my uh
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third question to you how far do you think and we hear about uh the displacement that that's part of this this systemic attack on on gaza um the netanyahu government now the truce is over how far do you think they're going to push this uh carnage in gaza mir barakat they are going to push this until... they're defeated, because there is other way out of this, except palestinians showing steadfastness in their homeland and supporting their resistance. we have other choice but to continue our struggle until return and liberation, but if israel manages to displace palestinians with bombs and wars and ethnic cleansing and genocide. i am, i promise you these arab regime. especially the one next to palestine will never be the same again in egypt in jordan, these regimes will
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crumble, because palestinians are not willing to experience another nak like they did in 1948 and 1967, this will not happen, palestinians will rather die in their you know standing on their land than leaving palestine. thank you, mr. khalid, for our viewers. we have multiple breaking news coming in, it's been an hour and 45 minutes now that the uh temporary uh truce that lasted seven days or initial four-day trues followed up by two-day extension and the one one day extension near the 350 prisoners were exchanged by the hamas resistance movement and the israeli regime but that is all find its way to in a conclusion about an hour and 44 minutes ago now we're already hearing a tank shelling by the israelis at the neuserat and burrej refugee camps uh hamas and israel
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are also um engaged in fierce fighting in northern gaza already and an air strike in rafa and southern gaza has left three palestinians uh killed. mr uh khalid barakat just joined us for an extended conversation to shed more light on israeli atrocities in gaza as it seems like they have resumed now after seven days thank you mr. khalid barakat stay safe journalists and the joining us from vancouver, canada. meanwhile, the palestina resistance movement hamas has released more captives just before this truce expired, which was a part of the... with israeli regime eight captives consisting of two minors and six women, including dual citizens of mexico, russia and uruguay were freeed in the seventh round of the exchange deal, people very good, very kind to me, food good and the kindness and everything good. two
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russian citizens released. on wednesday were also counted on the seventh exchange list israel in return free 30, palestinians including seven women and 23 children. the initial four-day truce went into effect on november 24th, that's last friday and was extended twice up until this uh friday morning, and since then nearly 350 people from both sides have been released. the truth pause nearly seven weeks of israeli air strikes that left more than 15,500 palestinian. dead, most of them women and children. now the newly released palestinian prisoners have spoken about the dire conditions they faced in israeli custody, let's take listen to their comments. the situation inside the prison is not normal,
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it's a tragedy, it's like a ghost life. they said you were going for investigation, when we were out to the yard, they told... we were going to be released in the soft deal. what the prison authority did such as beating, repression, aggression and prisoners was so scary. thank god the prisoners have high spirits. hope all prisoners will be released soon. it was a surprise, didn't expect to be released. this is because of god and the resistance in gaza. they cut off everything, they tortured us psychologically, physically, everything. i can't describe what happened. may god be beside the prison. in other prisons, they beat us, there were people with bleeding eyes, some people were beaten, and we heard multiple herowing and accounts just like the ones that we just shared with you, meanwile an is really captive in the gazo strip has held the regime's prime minister responsible for the death of his entire
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family and indiscriminate air strikes on the palestinian territory, yet then be boss asked benjamin netanyahu to at least allow the... bodies of his wife and two children to return to occupied territories for burial. bboss made the plea in a video message release by the al-kasam brigades, that's a military wing of hamas. he said it was netanyahu killed his family through brutal bombardment of gaza. the al-kassan brigades announced the death of bybos's wife and two children on wednesday. the brigades then offered to hand over the three bodies as part of the seventh batch of the prisoner exchange deal with israel. the regime however refused to receive them. if you're just just joining us, we have breaking news coming in at the besige gaza strip that um, it is once again under heavy artillery and aerial attacks by the israeli regime as the uh temporary sease far between hamas and the israeli regime expired about an hour and
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48 minutes ago, we follow the developments in uh with respect to the resumption. of hostilities there in gaza right here on press tv so stay tuned for the latest meanwile new report by us media sheds light on the extent the country's huge military support for israel's war machine over the past 70 years. report say us has provided israel with more than 70,000 consignments of military equipment between 1950 and 2022. consignments include aircraft, ground vehicles, missiles and bombs. report said us has provided israel with at least 16 types. weapons since start of this year alone, however the exact number and types of those weapons has yet to be made public, according to the arms transfer experts, american weapons are being used extensively in the current israeli war on gaza. israel is the largest recipient of us foreign military assistance with weapons accounting for the lions share of that aid. a pentagon announced in late october it will
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not put limits on how the israeli occupation forces use american made weapons. political commentator shabi rizvi says israel not only deliberately targets vital infrastructure in gaza, but also cuts off the internet to prevent palestinians from communicating their dire situation to the rest of the world. let's talk about just very quickly before the war right, you already had the majority of the water that was coming into the gaza strip uh, it was contaminated, the majority of it was contaminated, it was sickness, and then you had the israeli occupation, even limiting access to food and construction materials, very specifically the ministers called it putting palestinians a diet, and that's exactly what they called it. now as you said it's a completely different equation where you know the the it was the infrastructure was already terrible but now it's been bomb it's been bombarded it's it's almost nonexistent and so you'll have this new
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demands raised and also the international community will be watching now more than ever that this beseg strip this this besege strip that has been just completely occupied under surveillance and just cut off from the rest of world for years is now under humanitarian crisis the world health organization even says um that you know more more gosons are probably going to die from disease and lack of resources than they actually are uh from the bombs themselves which is horrific and it also it's worth mentioning that these infrastructure uh they were specifically targeted the water stations were targeted um buildings that you know generated electricity uh were targeted that from the very first week on they cut off the electricity and then now you also have the equation of how they get this information out to the... the world, if the israeli occupation is able to cut off internet access at the flip is a flip of a switch, then what does that really say about the level of occupation they have over the palestinian people? it says that not only are
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they capable of cutting off you know their water, their their lifesaving resources, but they're also willing to cut off the very methods of the palestinians communicating their dire situation to the rest of the world. the un security council held a high-level meeting on wednesday to discuss israel's war on gaza, the turkish foreign minister hakan fedan made a blistering attack on the council for its failure to call for a permanent seasfar in the besieged palestinian territory, as rashan sagalam reports. the turkish forem minister has criticized the un security council for its inability to call for effective ceasefire in the gaza strip with one voice, speaking during security council session. hakkan fidan said israel's attacks against gaza amount to war crimes. israel's brutal attacks on gaza and its population constitute war crimes. we urge all
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civilized nations to dissa associate themselves from those crimes. in such dark times, we need strong global institutions to enforce international law and protect moral compass of humanity. unfortunately, the security council. which entrusted by the un charter to do so, time and again failed to fulfill its responsibility to maintain international peace and security. it was unable to call for effective sease fire with one voice. experts have also warned that the un security council may lose its credibility. since the beginning, turkey have been proposing the guarantee plan. this decision is mainly because turkey wants to be part in the peacemaking on palestinian land. especially after seeing the double standard reaction of the security council and other institutions, the difference between how the council reacted to the palestinian cause and with the russian ukrainian conflict. on the
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other hand, and i think that the security council may lose its credibility, which will have serious consequences on international peace. on the sidelines of the un security council's meeting, a statement was made by the ministerial committee assigned by the joint arab islamic extraordinary summit that was recently held in saudi arabia. the statement said, a truth deal regarding israel's war on gaza is not enough, it called for establishing a lasting ceasefire. the double standards of the un security council have always been criticized by turkey. president rajab tayib erdogan has said that the fate of the world should not be in the hands of a limited number of countries. rashan saglam, press tv, istanbul. that's rap for your latest here on press tv, everyone, stay tuned. though for your latest out of the besieg gaza strip as a temporary truce now has expired and there is a resumption of hostilities in the besieged enclave, but for
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now we're going to sign off and keep you updated to your next bulletin, bye-bye for now. الساعه العاشره و5 ودقائق بدات هذا كله كان معبى كمان عسكر ها بهذه الكميه بهذه النوعيه بهذه العمليه على مستشفى باعتبار انه بعض مسؤولي المقاومه في دار الحكمه لكن يوجد عندما لم تتحقق اهدافهم خربوا كثيرا في المستشفى
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بطبيعه الحال لم يكن هناك اي شيء هو معروف لو كان هناك شيء كان الاسرائيليين اظهروه للاعلام.
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now entering its uh fourth day, we're looking at uh.
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israel resumes it's a bombing campaign on gaza after a temporary truce with hamos expires, air strikes and artillery fire have hit several locations throughout the besiege enclave and including gaza city and khan units, over dozen palestinians were killed in the fresh strikes already. palestinian resistance moving hamas releases more captives under the prisoner swap deal with israel. captives held resistance fighters for their good treatment. israel it return free 30, palestinians including seven women and 23 children.