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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  December 7, 2023 7:30am-7:59am IRST

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the headlines, israel continues to kill more palestinians and destroys civilian infrastructure in gaza and the regime presses head with its genocidal onslot across the country, a scene official strong condemns israelate strikes and southern naza saying the safe zones declared by the regime actually death trap. and praising the palestinian resistance's powerful response to israel's aggression against gaza, iran says a coming days will be very dreadful for the revene. hello and welcome everybody, it's 7:30 am here in iranian capital tehron, watching press's world news, for this half hour, more than two
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months into israel onslot on gaza, the regime presses ahead with its air strikes and ground attacks across the located territory. a new israeli strike on two homes in almazi refugee can central gaza has left nearly three palestinians death. sivilian instructures including schools, hospitals and are still main targets of the regime's air raid. gaza officials israel is deliberately destroying healthcare facilities in northern gaza where some 8000 palestinians are left without access. to medical services, in the south the regime has intensified its acts on palestinians, the city of khanes is targeted by inter strikes which have killed scores of palestinians so far. israeli guboats are also pounding the coastal areas of han, there are no immediate reports on the number of fatalities there. from the regime's related bombardment now stands at over 16,200. a senior ham officials condemned israel's incessant attack on southern gaza, which had
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been declared safe by the regime after it ordered the people to move there. asan hamdan, is also the representative of hamas resistance in lebanon said, the so-called safe areas announced by the israeli regime are actually death traps, elsewhere in his remarks, hamdon held israel responsible for obstructing the extension of the temporary humanitarian truce in gaza after its expiry last friday. he stress that movement will not accept negotiations with the occupying regime um under fire, noted that the soul way to solve the palestinian issue and bring stability to the region is ending the occupation of the palestinian territories. the islamic radio and tellivision union has held a conference in the lebanese capital beirout to honor the journalists who have fallen victim to the continuous israel aggression in the ghaza strip. the attendies called for empowering the media which has played significant role in revealing truth and winning the hearts and mind of the people around the world. let's have look. the
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islamic radios and television union held a conference in beirout to denounce the killing of journalists in palestine and leban and to voice support for the palestinian people and resistance. the speakers all stress that the battle of the media is complementary to that of the resistance. our media battle is decisive, it began as very brutal war against us when they tried to portray hamas, daesh or isis. they slammed any act of resistance against israel, as... an aggression and propagated the idea that hamas kills children and rapes women, and then they tried to sell them to the world, but with god's help and our steadfastness and the strength of our media, their campaign has backfired, and we now see the support of the people in all capitals of the world forest. the conference also included videos of the correspondents on field in gaza who have transcended all borders, despite the misinformation campaign conveyed the truth to the rest of the world.
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the resistance media succeeded despite its limited capacities since it is always dependent on the truth. the theory attributed to a former german foreign minister is that if you keep repeating a lie, others will eventually believe it. such theory could have been possible during period in history when there was no awareness or knowledge or technology, but today everyone can recognize the truth. look where the lies of the us, israeli have gotten them. the most important power we have now is the truth. and personal figures and experts stress the next phase is pivot and that the alternative media need to work on promoting the narrative of the free people of the world a global scale. the israeli regime was too late to notice that the resistance was able to let this narrative be heard. i can tell you with all certainty and despite all the misinformation and deception practice for over a month and a half that the narrative of resistance since media had been established. it's important now is how to preserve it. now this narrative is strong and has spread across the world, but we need to maintain it. i believe world
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is now ready to listen, to look and ponder on the other point of view and the other side of the story, we need to think about what is the discourse that we need to present to the world. what are its terminology, it's context, this is part of the meetings and plans for next phase, that is why it is pivotal to hold such conferences. israel has killed over 60 journalists including female reporters in gaza and three in southern lebanon. israel has attempted to portray itself as an entity trying to defend itself. the journalists who have put their lives in the line of fire in gaza have debunked these claims and have shown that it is the palestinian people who have the right to defend themselves. mariam's press. iran's foreign minister has warned that the coming days will be dreadful for israel given palestinian resistance powerful response to the regime's aggression against gaza. made the comment a phone call withtari counterpart muhammad bin abdul. the two ministers condemned israel's atrocities against women
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and children in the gaza strip and the occupied west bank. they urged the international community to take immediate steps to end the regime's warcims, genocide and blatant violations of... international law, earlier, abdullah han had called on egypt to the rafah border crossing without any preconditions to facilitate flow of medicine, food and fuel into this territory. the un secretary general has warned that the intensifying israel war on gaza is threating international peace and security. in letter to the security council said, the rapid worsening situation in gaza turning into irreversible catastrophe for palestine and the region. he cautioned about this. severe risk a collapsed in the humanitarian system within gaza, emphasizing the critical need to avert such an outcome at all costs. guetesh has actually invoked a un charter article that allows him to warn the security council of what he deems as threat to global peace and security. he urge the 50 member council as well as the international community to use
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all means available to stop israel's brutal massacre of palestinians. staff from the paris based ngo doctors without borders. have held a vigile outside united nations in new york to honor struggles sacrifices of medical teams in gaza, israel's in discriminate bombardment of hospitals. we speak out now because you cannot deliver humanitarian aid while you fear for your own life. i'm here for the mommies. i'm here to remind us how hard it is to run full speed when you're pregnant, how debilitating it is to decide if going to hold your toddler's hand or a parent's hand as you flee. our colleagues are being killed at the bedside of our patients. this must stop. we need basic perinatal care which includes water and food and electricity. so we're here in solidarity of
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our colleagues that have been lost, our colleagues that keep going to work, knowing the dangers and we're here with patients that don't have any voice, the attacks on medical facilities. on ambulances, on doctors and nurses and in our case we also lost one of our colleagues who was a laboratory technician, the fact that these people are being killed while trying to bring assistance to the population is is unacceptable, and the united nations's aster resolution some years ago that called on the protection of medical facilities, it was a un security council resolution 2286, and we do not see it being respected, we do not see humanitarian uh laws. international humanitarian laws respected here and we're calling on all parties to the conflict to bring about a ceasefire now because the atrocities against civilians need to israel forces have killed five palestinians, two of them teenagers in the west bank is the regime said with its di
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raids across occupied territory palestinian health minister a palestinian was killed by bullet to his chest in the town of yahabad west janin. another palestinian youth was killed regimes for storm the... refugee camp near the city of neblus. a 65-year-old disabled man was on when they forces shot him in the head in the city of tulokarum. earlier the health ministry had announced two of the death rather two more palestinians in village in the west bank's north since the on-set of israel on gaza. the regime has killed 250 palestinians and detained hundreds more in the west bank. israel has approved plans to build 1,738 new settler units. and occupied east with some of the regime's genocidal against the besseged gaza strip. peace now, which is an israel-based ngo said, the new settler units will effectively obstruct the last remaining corridor connecting two major palestinian neighborhoods in east algos, with the rest of the city, it added that the plan
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makes a creation of a palestinian urban continuum and east practically impossible. the palestinian foreign ministry said on tuesday that israel has taken advantage of international concerns over the war in gaza to prove the... destruction of the new settlement, the ministry added that the regime plans to f out with settlements and settlers to separate the city from its palestinian surroundings. all israelly settlements are considered illegal under international law, and they've constructed on occupied landy forces have conducted missile attacks on military targets deep inside the occupieds in retaliation for israel's brutal aggression on gaza basic or ballistic missils hit targets and the yemani army says its anti-israel operations will you until the war on gaza ends. meanwhile hasim al-asad, an official of yemen's resistance movement has called for the evacuation of people residing in omar. rush, he noted that the porard city should be evacuated as it has already been emptied of ships over the retaliatory
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strikes. also part of the palestinians, iraqi resistance forces have launched a drone attack on the us run air base of anad in western iraq and another one on al-harir air base in arabiel. iraqi resistant factions have targeted us bases in the region over 70 times in recent weeks in response to washington's support for israel's war on gaza. and pakistan's major uh religio political parties have designed have rather designed december the 8th as the national day of protection of also on this day they plan to stage rallies across the country to condemy committed by israel against palestinians in the strip press me has more in this report the heads of key religio political parties and top clear took part in national conference titled security of allah mosk and the responsibility of muslims in the
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pakistani capital islamabad on wednesday. in a collective stance, heads of religious groups and leaders of political parties designated december 8th as the national day of protection of alaksa mosk during which they intend to stage nationwide protests to denounced israel's massacres in gaza with the primary objective of tackling security. surrounding mosk, the conference has highlighted the importance of preserving the city of this holy side, acknowledging its significance for muslims worldwide. we want to tell our government along with the leaders of islamic states that we will not allow anyone to recognize israel as legitimate state. the people of the us and the uk have expressed their supports for palestine by holding historic mass protest against israel's barbarism in ghaza. if the west respects democracy and public. opinion, they should immediately withdraw their sport from israel. the participants in the event united
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in their condemnation of the israeli aggression on gaza, underscoring a shared commitment to find diplomatic solutions to the longstanding conflict. the genocide of palestinians in gaza is being carried out a daily basis. the us and israel are directly responsible for this mass killing. the streets of gaza will be turned into grave. yard for the zionist regime in the new future. speakers at the conference have referred to massive civilian casualties, infrastructure damage and the overall humanitarian crisis in the region. nobody was watching the atrocities which were beingted before this also, state terrorism, i think it is never seen before the history of the world. i would go back to germany and maybe it is worse than that, because this kind of boming was not seen. anywhere in the world,
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the participants at the conference not only reaffirmed their unwaving commitment safegard the sanctity of alexa mos, but also made it clear that they are determined to intensify efforts aimed achieveng a complete hal to israel's aggressive actions in gaza. a pro palestinian conference has been held in afghan capital. on the cause of palestin, the role of the muslim world in the face of israeli crimes correspondent brings us details. miley university in kabul has hosted a pro- palestine conference, dab palestine and the responsibilities of islamic nations with attendees, including religious scholars, taliban authorities, university lecturers and students, discussing the pressing issue of palestine. participants voiced the concern and support for gathers in the face of israeli brutal aggression while calling for
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unity among muslims. opressed palestinian muslims have been resisting for their freedom and dignity against the occupy regime for more than seven decades. they have been in the very forefront of the fight against evil and protecting islamic values. the scenes we've been witnessing since october in gaza are saddening and frustrating. a clear against humanity is happening here. on us, muslims must question why, the holy quran clearly helps muslims, no one helps you but yourself, so muslims must not expect any goodness or assistance from the west or the us, we should unite to help save ourselves, because our common enemy takes issue with our values, faith and world views. the palestinian cause is a test for muslims and may awaken and past the test successfully.
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during the conference, rights activists took this stage to draw attention to the eggs human rights violations and atrocities perpetated by israel against the palestinians, they vehemently condemned the international inaction and accused the glow community of complicity in israel's crimes, urging for immediate action, they emphasize the need to exert greater pressure and take concrete steps to bring an end to occupation and sie in the palestinian territories, israel has been relentlessly massacring innocent children women, medical workers, patients and volunteers in its indiscriminate attacks, it's not justified nor permitted by any law, they have killed doctors and assaulted hospitals which should be protected under humanitarian law. this shows the insanity and cruelty of the occupy regime. we are praying and calling for immediate end to such horrific acts for israel. the conference
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concluded with declaration that affirmed the participants commitment to backing palestine and continuing their efforts to raise awareness and mobilize action in support of the palestinian cause. this conference is means for afghans to show their support for palestine. they also urge other muslims around the world to unite for the cause of victory of palestinians. as israel's aggression against gaza continues. syrians have refirmed their for palestinians stressing that the cause of.
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"we try to get our voice heard and express our support to the palestinian people through these conferences and seminars. the palestinian cause is our central cause and cause of everyone with living conscience. palestine is our land and we cannot abandon it. we are activists to raise awareness and social media because it is the most powerful tool. we will always stand with the palestinian people and will spare no effort to support them. in the united states is shooting on the main campus of the university of nevada and las vegas has left at least three people dead before the blood had ended with the suspect that as well, another victim remains in critical condition, the shooter has not been identified yet, with police saying the motive behind shooting is still unknown, universities in the area shuttered for the rest of the day and flights a nearby international airport were halted, the shooting came as earlier this week, us broke
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its own record for most deadly mouse shootings in a single year, according to the violence archive the country has seen some 630 shootings this year, the violence has sparked a course of calls gun control laws amit a political deadlock or the issue, the wrap now, but stick around, i'll be back on the top. people in israel marrim as a holiday to commemorate the saving of the jewish people from annihilation at gameid empire in persia, as it is recounted in the book of esther, been using the occasion to play the victim,
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but what is the reality and is the truth in it? watch this document? to gain some insight.
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خلصت اجيب لك ميه حاضر
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fire is over, we can already hear the bomb hospital, there was a hit about 50 m from here, this is still in gaza, it's at 200%. capacity, yes, this is hospital, the health system is overwhelmed, this hospital simply cannot take more children with the wounds of war, there are children everywhere, these children are sleeping, there was a bomb literally 50 m from here, i cannot overstate how the capacity has been reduced to hospitals in the last seven weeks, we cannot see more children with the wounds of war, with the burns, with the shrapnel littering their body with broken bones, in action by those with influence. is allowing the killing of children, this is a war on children, my
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name is, my name is, i a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, i a palestinian volunteer with medicint. this morning, upon the request of ahli hospital administration, i moved from shifa hospital to nahli hospital to help out with the treatment of some of the wounded, as the number of wound had exceeded, the number of beds in the hospital. we had been operating all day and made the decision that in order to continue operating on space, i would stay behind um and sleep at the hospital. in the evening, after we finished one of the surgeries, we heard a screach following by huge explosion, as a result of the explosion, part of the ceiling of the
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operating room fell, as i moved towards the outside, the operating room and towards the emergency department, we see bodies of children piled up, both dead, not moving and wounded, there were... several who had been amputated, tended to a man who had his leg brown off at the thigh, we then carried on trying to resuscitate the patients, when the ambulance came, decided to help out by carrying one of the ow in his neck into the ambulance, as i was walking towards the ambulance, there were parts of, there were body parts everywhere and there were... is piled up in the courtyard of the hospital. i then got into the and escorted the patient back to shifa hospital. this morning when i
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drove into the hospital i noted how full courtyard was, families who had south refuge inside the hospital, thinking that would be safe haven. it's these very same families who are now either dead or specifically. wonded a result of this attack. this is a core crime that the world has seen coming. israel has been warning the entire world that was going to attack palestinian hospitals and it did exactly that. every western politician who has declared unconditional support for israel's war effort on the palestinian people. has their hands, has the blood of these children on their? that unconditional support is what led us to this massacre, the impunity israel has from its western ies is
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what has led to this massac. other country feels the impunity to target hospitals and get away with it. what happened today is a war crime and if the israel get away with it again then more war crimes will be committed and more hospitals will be targeted. press news and brief israel kills war polistens and destroys civilian infrastructured that it's committing against new strike on al gazi refugee camp in central leave nearly 30 palestinians dead schools, hospitals and remain main tarts of the regime is. a senior officials condemned israel's in attack on southern gaza, which has been
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declared safe by the regime. safe area is declared by israel are actually death traps, he also blamed the regime for obstructing the expansion of the azatrus after expiry.
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