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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  December 8, 2023 3:30am-3:59am IRST

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headlines of palestinian officials say israel has dropped 52,000 tons of explosives on gaza as ragine presses ahead with genosidal war. palestinian health ministry says israel is deliberately destroying the medical system in northern gaza implement forceable displacement of his people. and president ibrahim raisi slamed west for supporting israel's genocide against palestinian people in the gaza strip. hello everyone, you're watching press tv live the studios in term. thank you for joining us. israel press is ahead with genocidal war
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on the gaza strip as more people in the sieged palestinian territory for victim to the regimes on slaught. nearly three dozen people have lost their lives in eastern gaza of city after the war planes targeted their homes. the regime also carried out deadly attack a school in the city of biglahiya which houses 3ous displaced people other regions across the beseest territory including the city of rafah were not immune to the israel's indiscriminate strikes. the residents of the city of the final. to the victims of the regime's deadly rates, according to palestinian media, at least five people were killed in the strike on raffa. palestinian health ministry says the israely attacks on gaza killed more than 350 people in a single day, more than 17,200 palestinian. including over 7 children have
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been killed since israel launched military campaign on the territory on october the 7th. the government media office in gaza says israel has dropped 52 thousand tons of explosives on the gaza trip since then. israel disregarded all moral principles during his bloody on slot on the gaza strip. the euro mediterranean human rights monitor says the regime's forces are violent arrested and abused dozens of palestinian civilians after raiding two un affiliated schools in northern gaza. the rights organization at the detaines included doctors, acamedics, academics, journalists and elderly men. the geneva based body added that israel forces beat them and forced them to take off their cloth. he said several people were shot dead in the vicinity of the schools and they refused to comply with the orders of the regime forces. the rights monitor called for investigation into the violence against palestinian civilians. the palestinian health
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ministry has also shed light on another of aspect of israel's brutality. the ministry accused the regime of deliberately destroying the medical system in northern gaza implement a forceable displacement policy against palestinians there. the una chief first part has brought into the limelight the plight of goson relentless acts. do not have humanitarian operation. in southern gaza that can be called by that name anymore, that the pace of military assault in southern gaza is a repeat of the assault in northern gaza, that it has made no place safe for civilians in southern ghaza, which had been a cornerstone of the humanitarian plan, protect civilians, and thus to provide aid to them,
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but without places of safety, that plan is tatters. iran's president the united states and europe for supporting the relentless israely. to genocide and crimes humanity. it is regretable that theses are supported by the united states and western countries. is that all this is taking place right before the eyes of the world public and that international organizations and institutions claiming to uphold human rights have proven ineffective criticized what he termed a quote unilateral unfair global system which has resulted the major predicaments such as what is currently witned in gaza. rizy express regret over the alarming number of children israel has killed in gaza. he said palestan is the issue of not only the region but the entire humanity. iran's president underscored
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the quick resolution of the humanitarian situation in the beseeg palestinian territories. the iranian president made the remarks in a meeting with his russian counterpart vladimir putin upon arrival for a one-day visit. to moscow, political commentator greck simmons says a non-western world order is replacing a declining west which he believes has shown his moral bankrupcy during onslot on gaza. let's say listen. well, if you put it into the context, you have this rising uh non-western order uh, which is... is relacing this rather declining western order and i mean this comes on the heels of putin's visit to united arab emirates and saudi arabia so you have a massive geopolitical change uh in the middle east region and i mean this is signaled by
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these different events the west is so quick to criticize the likes of russia iran or anyone else they are enabling these to happen. before our very eyes, mean, my understanding is this will actually help to precipitate or facilitate the increased full the west, because it's clearly morally and ethically bankrupt, and this is what it tries to stand on, these values and morals, which clearly are worthless. as israel's bloody on slot against the gaza trip carries on heavy fighting rages on the ground between palestinian resistance. fighters and the regime forces, the military wing of the hamas resistance movement says his fighters have completely or partially destroyed 135 israeli military vehicles across gaza during the last 72 hours. the algatan brigades added that 79 military vehicles were destroyed in the vicinity of god city alone. the southern city
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of khan units also been a focal point for intense clutches. ham says fighters at two dozen armed vehicles including two america tanks in han unis and the northern city bit lahya. snipers, killed and wounded israeli soldiers and blew up house in which the regime's special forces had gathered in. the israel military has confirmed the death of two more soldiers, including the son of a war cabinet member. total number of regime soldiers killed since this ground operation on god started in late october, now exceeds 90. the palestinian ambassador, the un has criticized international criminal court for failing to issue any arrest warrants for israeli officials of committing crimes against palestinians. this abhorent behavior by the savages in the uh leadership of the state of israel who should be held
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accountable for their crimes as we are debating and assembly of state parties to the icc from the beginning of this week in which we raised these issues. that in certain areas warrant of arrest for those were involved in issues from the point of view of the icc, but we do not see yet a single warrant of arrest of those who are committing these crimes, whether is children or the crime of settlements or the crime of the complete destruction and collective punishment against 2.3 million palestinians in the gaza strip. this is the state mansure denounced a israel's deadly ons slot on the gaza strip as barbaric aggression, he hailed un chief for his decision invoke an article of the un charter which aims to formally warn the security council of the global threat for israel's unslot on gaza. mansure hope the security council in his friday meeting will approved draft resolution that calls for
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immediate humanitarian sease fire in gaza. we sincerely hope that the security council will. up that resolution and will listen to the uh to the brave, courageous, principal position of the secretary general, in which all of us salute him for taking that step, which was not taken by any secretary general for a long period of time, and that gives you an indication of the how dangerous situation is in the gaza strip, mansur also reacted to the offensive remarks made by israel against. un officials including un secretary general antonio gutierres who has been calling for a permanent seasfire in gaza. he denounced these comments as quote disgusting and despicable and way israel minister ellie kohan said gutierez tener is quote danger global peace. the international montary fund
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has issued a stand warning about the economic impact of israel's ongoing aggression against the gaza strip. on regional economic outlook, the world body said new report that the israel is expected to severely depress the palestinian economy, the funds at depression will affect both the occupied west bank and the besieg strip, which will be the hardest hit by the economic downturn. the imf had announced last week that it will revise its economic outlook for countries in west asia and north africa due to the israeli genocide in gaza. it warm that the israeli aggression on gaza will have wide ranging consequences for both people and economies in the region. now to talk more on this, we are joined by mr. port and... emeritus uh professor of accounting from california state university. mr. foot, welcome to press tv. mr. your
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initial thoughts on imf's warning of the palestinian economy, especially considering the most official or governmental buildings, hospitals, medical facilities, schools, infrastructure, including uh the water and sewing system, electricity, nearly all are flattened or dysfunctional because of israel's bombing range, and how will it have efect on the region's economy? what they do is you have to look at where they allocate their money and this is yesterday uh there were 110.7 billion special drawing rights, that's the basket of currency used to keep track of things egypting credits of billion, jordan 1.4 billion, morocco 1.5 billion, pakistan 5.5 billion, tunisia 1.3 billion. that's what we care about, so let's take for example egypt, when the ukraine war started,
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egypt to the imf, hey, you're spying all of our estimates, we have to pay more money for qu and oil now, we didn't expect that, and we're not getting any ty anymore from russia and ukraine, you got to give us money, where's money going to come from, there are 190 member countries of the mif, but basically america is funding most of it, so if you're going to put por money into that pot, it's basically american money, and so... doesn't care one bit, they don't have to care about the reconstruction of gaza or anything else, uh, it makes, i don't know what they're trying to prove by this, because they're not saying is who they really, they really care about egypt, jordan, morocco, pakistan and tunesia, hoping to keep them in line to uh uh support the american agenda in the region and support for israel. mr. foot, you mentioned the reconstruction of gaza, shouldn't israely regime or even the us be held accountable for the destruction. should i say shouldn't uh the palestinians be compensated by the israel regime or the us for example? absolutely, but
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it's not going to come from the imf. uh, you're absolutely correct, but this was caused by uh uh the genocide zionists in israel and by america who is prompting it along, they should be held accountable, but it has nothing at all to do with the imf, the imf has their their list of currencies and the list of the countries that they currently allocated to, and that's what they're worried about is they're now going to have to come up with more money to uh support countries such as egypt, otherwise what will happen politically in egypt if suddenly the people have to pay more money for their bread and they have to pay more money to - for their fuel, and then there's political unrest in egypt, that's what they really care about, they don't care about gaza at all. professor, how much of an effect has a war on gaza had on the economies of europe, sorry, the us and
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europe, considering that they are involved in the ukraine war against russia, many are saying all these billions of dollars could have been used to remedy their own alien economy, oh that's correct, the this is a political issue in america right now is that many americans are saying you could have built. infrastruction here, you could have more schools, better hospitals, improved medical care, all these things could have been done if we weren't supportings for for israel, and so finally there's a crack in the arm where you're not supposed ever criticize israel, you're actually having some restrictions, in case of ukraine, the republicans saying, hey, that's it, we're tired of funding this, that's a great shock to the neoconservatives and and the zionis and the next question is going to be when are the american voters going to say enough of uh
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providing all this money to israel for all the evil things they're doing and it's making america look worse. america used to have a good reputation around the world, now it doesn't. america's dollar is going down in value, countries are now uh trying to get into member bricks and stop using the dollar and trade. we're paying huge price because a small number of corrupt zionists have taken over the government of america. professor, before we let you go uh, your your thoughts on the us senate republicans blocking emergency spending bill and providing billions of dollars in new military assistance package for ukraine and israel. long over do uh, yeah, the republicans should have done this a long time ago, they should have stood up, but the the cowards too - the zionist control is so extreme in this country, there was a a recent resolution on regarding israel and recognizing it, only one
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person voted against it, that was the republican. against the israelis in this country is totally outrages. mr. foot, thank you for your time. it's always good talking to you. they have in paul, emeritus, a professor of accounting at california state university. thank you sir. lebanon's resistance movement said it has conducted fresh retaliatory attacks against israeli military sits. the group said it is several military positions
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located in the occupied villages of hunin and bayaz balida a contingent of israely soldiers was also hit in. khale using appropriate weapons, the retaliatory attacks come in response to the regime's bombardment of some residential areas in the ita al-shab village in southern lebanon. meanwhile, the regime's media announced an anti-tank missile fight from lebanon has killed one in the occupied town of mitat. lebanon's southern board has been the scene frequent exchanges of fire between hezbollah and israel since october the 7th. our corresponded in berut. joined this area with more details on the latest exchanges of fire between israel and we had at least four posts where they had gatherings of soldiers or contingencies of the israel soldiers that were targeted in in several other areas but there were also areas as well
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inha for example in shulah those were areas where they israel basically more around very rarely, we don't see it move around lot, so therefore once the resistance does have that target insight, we see that they are targeting them, but today we did have very heavy shelling from the israelies, even before hezballah's operations began uh, but then later on we had some 11 operations for husball, like i said, four of them targeting soldiers directly, heavy shaling occurred of course all throughout the border, but the biggest shaling was in the town of conin, now over there uh that was that basically to lot the houses being damaged, especially the glass windows, all destroyed, it was vocational school also that was somewhat near the area of sharing and we did see that there were some students that were wounded as a result of the broken glass, of course there was unfortunately three of soldiers fires that have been murdered, today hazballah
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declared the marterium of these three fighters, the you senator... republicans have blocked emergency spending bill aimed at providing billions of dollars in new military assistance package for ukraine and israel. the vote was 49 in favor to 51 against, but 60 votes were needed in the one members to begin debating the $110.5 billion dollar package. the republicans pressed the demand that us home security should come first. they cited immigration control mechanisms at the mexico border. part of the new package would have provided nearly $50 billion dollars military and economic assistance for kiev and also for. billion dollars of military assistance for israel, minority leader mitch mcconnell said the state the senate needed to meet america's national security priorities. pakistan's major religio-political parties have designated december 8th as the national day of protection of the mosk. on this day
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they plan to stage rallies across the country to condemn atrocities committed by israel against palestinians in the gaza trip. has more in this report, the heads of religio political parties and top clerics took part in national conference titled security of alaxa mosk and the responsibility of muslims in pakistani capital islamabad on wednesday. in a collective stance, the heads of religious groups and leaders of political parties designated december 8th as the national day of protection of. some mosque during which they intend to stay nationwide protests to denounce israel's massacers in gaza, with the primary objective of tackling security concerns surrounding. the conference has heighted the importance of preserving the santity of this side, acknowledging its significance for muslims worldwide. we want
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to government along with the leaders of islamic states that we will not allow anyone to recognize israel as legitimate state. the people of the us and the uk have ex their palestine by holding historic mass protest against israel's barbarism in gazza. if the west respects democracy and public opinion, they should immediately withdraw. sp from israel: the participants in the event united in their condemnation of the israeli aggression on gaza underscoring a share commitment to find diplomatic solutions to the longstanding conflict. the genocide of palestinians gaza is being carried out a daily basis. the us and israel are directly responsible for this mass killing. the streets of haz will be turned into a graveyard for the zionist regime in the new feature. speakers a conference have refer to mass of civilian casualties, infrastructure damage and the overall humanitarian crisis in the region. nobody was watching the
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atrocities which were being committed before this also, state terrorism. i think it is never seen before in the history of world. i would go back to germany and maybe it is worse than that, because this kind of boming was not seen anywhere in the world. the participants at the conference not only reaffirmed their unvaving commitment safegarding the of but also made it clear that they are determined to intensify efforts aimed achieveng a complete hal to israel's aggressive actions gaza tv islamabad thank you for being with us take care and bye
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he will be a target to the occupation. their really occupation does not want the journalist to succeed and cover these violations. the hospital was. targeted with white phosphorus barms that resulted in huge fires. we were afraid we would end up front alongside the patients inside the room.
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here will be your target. to the israeli occupation, israeli occupation does not want the journalist to succeed in these violations. "the hospital was targeted with
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white bospherus problems, there resulted in huge fires. we were afraid we would end up front alongside the patients inside the room. news in brief for this hour, palestine officials say israel has dropped 52,000 tons of explosives on the gaza strip since the regime's genocidal war on the territory started on october the 7th, more than 17,200 palestinians including over 7,0 children have been killed since then. palestine's ambassador has criticized international criminal court for failing to prosecute israeli officials for committing crimes
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against palestinians r. mansur described israel's deadly onslot on the gaza trip as barbaric aggression.
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