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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  December 10, 2023 12:30pm-12:58pm IRST

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first to be headlines to this hour israel's prime minister hals washington's med on security council resolution to stop the us israel genocide againstinians yemen's army. confrontation the us and israel, saying all israel-bound ships are legitimate targets, unless the need of food and medicines are allowed at gaza. and people across the world rage against the ongoing israel against palestinians.
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welcome to our studios in the capital tron. this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. israel is pressing ahead with this general war the gaza as people on the palestinian territory fall victim to the regime's onslot. the spokesperson for gaza's health ministry says hundreds are being killed each day and thousands wounded. according to numerous reports, the regime has once again used internationally banned white phosphorus bomb. on different regions of dozens of people were also killed, municipally warplanes, bombed residential buildings and two refugee camps. health officials say that many hospitals have stopped functioning and the remaining ones are exp to with an overwhelming number of injured people, from more than two months of strikes has now topped 17,700. the dalgaslam brigade keeps fighting andvading israeli forces in gaza and launching retaliatory attacks against targets inside the occupied territories. group fire missed at the...
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launching a ground invasion says it is lost over 100 soldiers since gaza. however, say that israel is concealing the real number of casualties. the israely prime minister has applauded the veto of un security resolutioning for a ce fire in gaza. i greatly appreciate the correct stance that the us has taken in the un security council. the other countries need to understand that on the one hand it is impossible to support the elimination of hama while on the other hand calling for a halt the war which will preventuation of hamas. will press ahead with
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this to quote eliminate hamas and to achieve the regime's other goals that it has so far failed to achieve despite over two months of bloodched in gaza. these re made the comments after the us blocked the un security council resolution calling for immediate in gaza. washington is to believe to be directly behind israely war crimes against gazans as it overty supports the teliv regime and provides it weapons to be used in the strikes against the civilians. two months into the unslaughter gaza and the massacre has passed all extremes, nearly 18,00 palestinians, most of women and children have been killed, tens of thousands have been wounded, there's no safe zone left in gaza and it realness is really attacks from the air, ground and sea, schools, hospitals, residential buildings are regularly bound, the infrastructuring god strip, the world's biggest open prison, which is already under the israely siege over the
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past 16 years has collapsed, according to the united nations, nearly half of gaza's 2.3 million population face starvation and it's growing risk of epidemic ahead of the cold of snap. rallies are held around the globe condemnation of israely genocideing casa. protesters demand immediate end to the brutal aggression, still israel stunch allies says it does not support a cease fire. we do not support calls for immediate. the united states the un security council resolution backed by many countries calling for immediate cease fire in gaza. this was not the first time the united states vedos a un resolution against israel. washington has already rejected more than 40 un resolutions and the israely atrocities. however, the latest us video once fire in gaza has a spark controversies ammit the genocide by the israeli military against palestinians. the director of doctors without border has leshed out the us saying washington. stands alone in
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voting against humanity, palestinian envoy to the sad day in history of the security council. today was sad day in the history of the security. council for those who were unable to see things as they should have seen it, and they saw it differently, we will not give up, we will continue our efforts, we will continue knocking on the door, the security council until it works up and shoulder its responsibility by stopping this criminal war against the palestinian people, particularly children among us who are the best among us, observers believe the us unequivocal support. for israel has inbolden the regime allowing it to commit genocide against palestinians in gaza. israel is the largest recipient of us foreign military support. the regime receives $3.8 billion dollars in military aid from the us annually with washington seeking to allocate additional $14 billion emergency for tel
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aviv. the us video and the inaction of international community regarding the israeli genocide in gaza can be seen as yet another indication of the fact that people of palestine have no alternative but arm resistance. account to the israeli aggression and stand up for their rights. the army says all ships dest for israel are legitimate targets the need of food and medicine are allowed into the gaza strip. the statement the spokesman for the yemini armed forcessari warned all ships and shipping companies against dealing with israeli ports. he said the decision was made due to the regime's continued horrific discurse, genocidal war and siege against palinians in gaza. the decision is the latest in the series of retaliatory operations the yemini army again. israel, since october 7, they have seized several israeli linked vessels and waters around yemen. sud nember is a professor of political science university who joins us from. welcome to the program. so here you have it, you have the yemani army backed by
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the people of yemen. who have stepped up. they've stepped up the genocidal war. they've stepped up the fact that 17,600 or 700 palestinians have been massacred and they are making move. to uh maybe prevent israel or at least uh that you know the palestinians not alone, that the they are doing what they can, if we saw more move like first we think of that, if we saw more movements like that from other countries, perhaps we can get somewhere prevent the massacer from continuing by the yemenese war against the israeli regime, the first one it was by sending the rockets and the drones, the second one was by seasing israeli visels in in the red sea, and now the third step was to prevent any regardless of its nationality, which is going to b in israel or to get out of israel, this is
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absolutely you know escalation which we do appreciate and we extend our thanks to the yemini leadership and also people who are standing with us and yes concerning your second part, the question where that would be you know how how helpful that will be if others also started this kind of actions against israel, yes it is, it is part of the boycott, it is part of showing you know israel that they are not alone the region and the region is not happy, we are talking about today about yemen, we are talking about iraqi forces, we are talking also about, we are talking generally about which is now showing more and more you against especially after the decision which was taken by the security council resolution which was blocked by the americans, so now it is about time you to say to say no, and our no is not in the united
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nations on the ground by the escalation of the yes and maybe of hazballah and you are you know providing and and supporting the war against. palestinians, then this will might be extended to become a regional war, and this is serious step and serious threaten to the israelis and we hope to see more and more these kind of actions in order to stop this crazy genocide against palestinians in gaza. well, if you want to take a look at the different uh angles that this story has uh the move by the uh by the yemen army. um, it's also something that concerns the us, but at this point the us has not retaliated, why do you think that? well apparently the united states they do know that if they are engaged with the yemen it will be another swamp for them and they don't want that definitely this this time and at the same time they are not you know gambling with the regional war to
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become even more bigger and bigger in in the region and definitely it's not in their interest especially that they have all these bases in the gulf states. which is also under germany reach of of control so they can target these american bases in in the region as much as the irakies. are doing now and it will be even more effective, more powerful by the yemanis, so definitely the americans are really reluctant and are thinking about it that they don't want to be engaged and to enlarge the scale of this war, nor they wanted that also from a reason to show that the whole region is against israel, so definitely are not, they don't want escape the situation, and uh what about the statements that are come from uh the... israeli military officials in terms of this us israel carnage and genocidal war on the
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gaza where they've said that this is going to take, i think it was in the context of hannunis that would take another four weeks, give or take, i mean if this continues four weeks from now the way that we're seeing it unfold this uh us israel genocide war, do you think that what are we going to see, are we going to see any retaliation, the resistance groups, maybe at an elevated level, definitely if there is... resistance do need such a help, i think the resistance axle in general are to do so, but what they are threating, it's threats and we know that israel are full of lies, they are lying the most at the their own audience, their own people by the number of the casualities that are going to that they that they are already seen in in the battlefield where the resistance is still strong and every day there are you know ' casualities on the israeli side, whether it's by killing of the soldiers or by targeting the tanks and the
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carriers and is are really now started to feel because the number of coffens returning back to israel now started to get really unprecedented for israel and sooner or later they realize that they know that way, but they are seeking any kind of victory or to achieve any kind of victory somehow and now they areing. people from claiming that they are hamas people that they are arrested and they claim that they destroyed over 60% of the power of hamas which is not true, we know that they are lying and in the ground some soldiers they were reporting back to some of the reporters talking about that we are facing hell, we are facing hell in in gaza and we should we shouldn't be here and we should get out, so i don't think that these are threats, now the americans and the israeli they give them an extension, the americans about the end of this year and israel said that we need that at least you know one month, so yeah we are talking about
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this coming 30 days, it will be held, the only thing that they do is to kill more and more of palestinan people, civilians, women and children, other than really targeting hamas, hamas is still powerful and in the case, in case in case they feel that they need more help, definitely they would signal to the rest of the resistance act. in the region and we do remember all of us, including israel, the speech of hasanlah regarding the help of the palestinian resistance in gaza if they needed so. thank you very much for that, professor of political science at brazet university, many thanks, welcome. we have been held across the world with palestinians in the occupied west bank and the gaza strip. thousands joined pro- palestine march in london demanding an end to the genocide in gaza. demonstrators
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called on the uk government to stop supporting the gidal campaign against palestinians. similar protest were held in austria's vienna, italy's milan, and denmarks rh, with protesters voicing their support palestinians and calling for a permanent ceart in gaza. also, hundreds of protesters in the marati city of dubai marched in solidarity with gaza outside of the climate conference venue. meanwile, coalition of majorficitions in palestine has. a global strike on monday in solidarity with the palestinian people. as israeli bombs continue to shatter lives and limbs in gaza, calls for them to stop, continue to grow louder. more than 100 thousand britains in london have joined protesters in other european capitals to repeat the same demands. cees fire obviously, um, but obviously i want a political solution, that means everyone in the region live with dignity. "genocide has to stop, it's a genocidal war um supported by a british government which sees no reality
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and no humanity. reality and humanity that these demonstrators are here to highlight, and as always they are mixed crowd, muslims, christians, people of no faith and jewish people, which is amy who are saying not in our name. i reject this whole idea that israel is the only safe space for jews, because there is nothing safe about having..." country that is illegally occupying another group of people who are already living there, in addition to calling for end to the bloodshit, the protesters here say they are outraged by double standards by the government. complicit silence in the massive atrocities that israel is committing against the palestinians, so it's refusal to listen to calls permanent cease fire. the rally comes on the heels of a un security council vote a humanitarian pass which the us vetoed and the uk abstained from. the fact that our government is one of only two that
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fails to vote for that is utterly utterly shameful. the message of the british government at the moment to the palestinian people is not. enough of you have died, what is the point of these protests, if the leaders aren't listening, one might ask, but there are signs that public pressure is working, we seeing a shift in the position of european governments like france, now why are shifting? it's not suddenly emmanuel macron has woken up and found a conscience, he's been put under pressure uh by recognizing popular opinion in his country, we are already seeing cracks in the us position, yes uh they vetoed yesterday, but the... pressure and they're having to now say to israel, you need to stop killing so many civilians, so we have to keep up the pressure and we have to do the same in the uk, whether or not governments are listening to their people without a permanent ceasefire, mass palestine solidarity demonstrations such as this one will become a common sight in western capitals, israely occupation forces upstormed
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the city of tubas and northern west bank triggering intense. with resistance spiders in and around the city, reports that israely forces bombed at least two homes inside city causing unspecified casualties. occupation forces also arrested at least eight palestinian uts at rating number of homes. response resistance fighters targeted occupation vehicles with explosive devices south of the city. israely violence has intensified in the territory beginning of... slot on gaza. the palestinian authorities says attack by israel forces and settlers in the west bank have killed at least 280 palestinians since october 7. the corresponding for more details on latest israele rates in the occupied west make. this time the israel read the the bus and they
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bombed two houses in the naqar neighborhood into a number. palestinians had been killed. it's not clear why the israeli forces had bombed those two houses, but usually israeli troops bomb and explode or destroy palestinian owned houses, those houses palestinians who could be marters or prisoners who carried out anti israel operations and killed israeli soldiers. so the israels continue to use collective punishment against the family. members of palestinians whether marters or prisoners who carried out anti-israeli operations elsewhere the occupied west bank, the israel troops had read the refugee camp of colandia, in less than half an hour from now, the israeli troops are still storming the refugee camp, no south ramala and north al qudsson the
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sufferings of palestinians. the gods a strap: was in ukraine when families just like these were forced to fee and the world open his heart to them, do not understand now why the world has closed its eyes, comes says the number of gazas in turn displaced people continues to increase as israel orders hon residents to evacuate city center. israel has expanded its ground assault into the southern half of the gaza sep by pushing into hans where the regime had previously said was save. israel has not spared anyone and anywhere in the beast territory, while it's attacks on life-saving infrastructure is intensified. the president of pennsylvania university has tended to resignation, it follows an uproar after she failed as harassment or bullying, congresswoman labeled calls for the genocide of jews. elizabeth
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miguill told congress last tuesday, the context, and being targeted at an individual as an individual would determine if such. would be harassment, they later she claim that the universities policies did not consider speech alone punishable as harassment. the president of harvard university, massachusetts institute of technology, also under fire after making similar testimonies of the hearing. the representative let the hearing frequently describe brought acts of support for palestinian rights including calls for uprising against israel, as calls for the gide of jews. this is a mid-rising anti-israely sentiments around the world or the regime's deadly aslot on the gazab. peacekeeping position in the country south, local sources say that an israeli tank targeted the un interim forces in lebanon, but a watch tower was... damaged, peacekeeping mission said verifying the source of the fire, this will has rejected allegations that as well as gunfire hit a un troll last month. unif was set up in 1978 to
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monitor withdraw of israel forces after they invade lebanon. we come to an end for this world news. thanks for being with us, i'll be back at the top of the hour with a review of the top stories spoken for now. will be a target to driry occupation, the israely occupation does not want journalist to succeed in covering these violations. the hospital was targeted with white phosphorus
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bombs, resulted in huge fires. we were afraid we would end up front along inside the room. یک منطقه کمربندیست که تقریباً عمق آن ۱۰ تا ۱۵ کیلومتر است و این منطقه هم اکنون زیر سلطه سرحدداد یا دست نشانده اسرائیل است. في عام 1973 دخلت قوه اسرائيليه كبيره الى الحي الجنوبي ودمرت 14 بيت السعوديين هم اللي هجمونا على بيت. حاولونا من كل الجهات ما استطاعوا الوصول للبيت هلا في بالله كان في عمليات كروفار قدم هؤلاء الشباب بقياده الدكتور مصطفى
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شمران نحن نحومون بالامل ما يحدث اليوم ليس نهايه التاريخ. les bombardements de cible des civils des infrastructures. i'm deeply concerned about the clear violations of international humanitarian law that we are witnessing in gaza. let me be clear, no party to anort conflict is about
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international humanitarian law.
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دل اللول يا الولد يا ابني دل اللول يوم عدوك عليك.
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benjamin netanyahu also said will press ahead with his handslot eliminate hamas and secure the regime's other goals that it has so far failed to achieve. nearly 17,700 people have been killed in israeli attacks on gaza since october 7. palestinians have been responding with rocket fire from the beseest territory on tel avivkalon as well as other towns near gaza.
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