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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  December 12, 2023 7:30am-7:59am IRST

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first to be headlines this hour is devastating onslot on gaza and its 67th day as the regime continues to pound beside territory with internationally banned weapons. european union's for policy chief called. the situation in gaza, apocalyptic, saying the destruction of buildings is worse than world war ii, germany. those the headline again warns about the regional spillover of israel on gaza. prime minister can only survive by waiting war is committing genocide.
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thanks for joining us. israel's gen war on the gaza strip continues unabated, more people fall victim to the regime's onslot on the besieg palestinian territory. the israeli army has pummeled various areas across the gaza strip. more than 3 dozen people were killed after strikes at the almaghazi and the nasarat refugee camps. in the jabalya refugee camp, 23 bodies were recovered from the bble. of the regime's attacks near a clinic in gaz city also claim 15 lives. the city of... albala central gaza also witnessed another bloody day in the wake of an israely strike, during the afternoon we were at home feeling secure until we heard the sound of extremely violent bombing, the windows shuttered and the doors got displaced, hurry we checked on family and relatives, upon arriving scene we witnessed an appalling mass. children and
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women are targeted, what happening is unreasonable, this conflict with humanity is not accepted by any religion, morality, politics or the laws of war that do not allow such actions. medical facilities have not been spared from israely attacks either, health officials in gaza say that israel continues to target hospitals and medical personnel, they say the regime is still using international ban against civilians in gaza. israel's genocide in gaza was launched on october 7. since then, more than 18,200 people have been killed, most of them women and 5000 oters haveen injured. press correspond in the gaza. joined us earlier with the latest details on the situation in the wart territory. the is cubation continues terror strikes and residental areas in gaza
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strip, particularly in the central area of gaza strip, over the last hour the israeli warcrafts destroyed a residental building and anosar refugee camp in the middle of gaza, claiming lives of three palestinian civilian, they were here to the marters hospital city in the same and from part of gaza strip, the news coming from there saying that the israeli incubation forces on the ground are circumventing these moment. hospital uh and preventings existed inside the hospital from living the hospital shooting and at everyone moving side the it's the same scenario that toks in the ashif hospital, it's worth mentioning that there are more than three thousand displaced palestinians king shilter inside the hospital. the palestinian resistance moved hamas has launched new retaliatory attacks against israely forces inside of gaza as well as settlements in the occupied lands. "the military wing of plass
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has targeted crowns of israely troops in the northern and eastern con units with mortor shells. the israely media quoted military officials confirming the death of five soldiers in the area. brigades has also of targeted a group of israel special forces stationed in a building in northern gaza's blah. meanwile hamas fighters have published videos of an operation in gaza killing or injuring all the israeli soldiers in armed vehicles. western jibali has also been the scene of heavy clashes. also, outside the beseest territories the..." brigades targeted near izhak settlement on the gaza border. a barrage of rockets in aviv also. israel has confirmed the death of over 100 of his troops since launching a ground invasion in gaza. hamas says the actual number is much higher. dozen security council envoys have visited egypt's border with gaza strip and made a spiring humanitarian crisis in the palestinian territory caused by the israeli onslaught. the envoys called for an end to the genocide in gaza, the un representatives
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of china and russia were among those taking part in the informal monday trip organized by the united arab emit in egypt. the us for vedoing skitty council resolution call for immediate cease fire in gaza, they also turned the spotlight on the plite of the palestinian suffering under israel's relentless mobil. this is really a tragedy and it has been too long, we have suffered too much, so for the security council definitely to maintain peace and security is our primary responsibility, and we have tried the... hard and of course we we need to do more, it's one time to see it, when you see your own, visit the hospital, when you see how the humanitarian assistance is being is being basically basically prohibited despite
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despite the catastrophic situation, die situation of the palestine people in the in the strip permanent. to the was also among the delegates, said the envoys were told gazons were dying for malnutrition, a collapsing medical system and lack of water and food. the officials were also briefed by the un palestinian refugee agency on gaza conditions. you know that few days ago i have sent a letter to the president of the general assembly and i have won about the risk that the unra might not be able to continue to operate. because of the civil order breakdown, we hear for the first time that hunger is prevailing in gaza, more and more people haven't eaten for one day, two days, three days, the last time i went was two weeks ago, when i visited the vocational
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training is hosting more than 3500 people, i could see already first and the level of despair, the level of session, people. absolutely everything, the scale of devastation reaked on germany by allied bombing in second world war has gone down in history, well now the eu foreign policy chief says that the destruction caused by the israel onslot on gaza is even worse than the demolition of german cities and town, destruction of buildings in gaza which is more less or even greater. that the destruction suffered by the german city during the second world war, just in order to have an idea of the humanitarian situation, the united nations has been denouncing on the last days. bural was speaking a news conference after an eu foreign ministers
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meeting in brussels. he said situation of civilians in gaza is catastrophic and apocalyptic, but also that israel's onslot has resulted in incredible number of civilian casualties. the eu senior official noted that the human. suffering in gaza constitutes an unprecedented challenge to the international community. he also slammed setterments and expansion of his setterments in occupied west, but we are also armed by the violence at the west bank by extreme settles and we are also alarmed by the fact that the israely government has approved the construction of another 1,700 housing units in jerusalem. to expand the settlements, which is we consider illegal on the international law. we condemn this decision, or else that the eu will work on imposing sanctions against extremistlers in the west bank. he added that block will
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make a proposal to member state in that regard. violence by israel settlers against palestinians and occupied west bank has increased since israel launched his genocidal war on gaza more than two months ago. the one for minister has warned that the region could explode any moment if the us israelity genocide continues in the gaza strip. in a phone call with this chinese counterpart. yan said the war has already spread in the region, the americans do not fully grasp the threat of further escalation. he said the survival of israely prime minister benjamin netanyahu depends on the continuation and genocide. wang ye for his part expressed hope that the future meeting of the un general assembly will lead to sease.
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israel genocide. the walkout came in response to call by the palestinian actions for an international strike demanding seasfire in the basieg territory. public agencies, banks, shops and schools were all shut down to observe the action. shops across jordan were also closed to press the government for action to stop israel's king campaign. the street of the occupied west bank are empty. transportation is disrupted while institutions, banks, schools, ministries, businesses, and shops are closed as parts of a global strike that was declared in protest of israel's ongoing genocide on the goz. palestinian activists and grass organizations have called for the global strike to demand
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immediate fire as israel continues its aggression on gaza. the call for the strike here has been decided by the national and islamic forces, also called for the palestinians from all walks of life to rally on this day for the sake of their own people being slaughtered by israel in gaza. the whole world is on strike today. this strike is unprecedented in history. this stresses that all the globe is with the power. this comprehensive strike that has paralyzed all aspects of life in the occupied territories means the failure of the official level and the security cancel and the international arena to put an end to the israeli occupation and its aggression. we believe that it is important to show that there is solidarity with the palestinian people and that the the world, young people mainly and the citizens the world if you like, if we can say so, are against this war or against this aggression? the palestinian people and against this genocide. the protests come only few days
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after the united states veeted the us security council resolution that's called media to humanitarian sease fire in the gas trip. protesters here say the strike is also a message to the us administration that stands against the aspirations of the palestinians. they believe the us is not only preventing an end to this war, but also backing the occupying regime to go on with its genocidal war. it's also message to the american administration that has used the veto while 13 countries reject this aggression. this veto by american administration gives a green light to israel to go on and escalate his massacre of our people in gaza. for 66 days, the israeli military continued its onslot on the blockaded gaza, killing some 18 thousand palestinians and woanding nearly 50,000, the majority of whom, women and children. ending these genocideship and declaring a permanent seasfire. today's urgent calls not only of the palestinians here in the occupied territories, but also the free people all
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over the globe, monandial for press tv, occupied z. not for the first time, capitol hill has become the venue for protest against the american israely genocide in gaza. as you heard there, the protesters were calling for immediate and permanent ceasefire. they scattered what appeared to be blood stained dollar bills on the floor of the senate office building, demanding an nts financial and military support for israel. the demonstration however was brief as capital police quickly intervend to break it up. at least 50 protesters were arrested. since israel launched its onslot on gaza, there have been several demonstrations in other buildings on the capital complex and close to the white house in washington as well. as in other major us cities, the us provided $4 billion in military assistance to israel annually. the white house has also
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asked for additional $14 billion for israel from congress. well, correspon has asked the people's opinion about washington's leading role in israel's slaughtering of palestinians in gaza. let's take a listen. crimes of war based on international law, the violation of human rights. and human charters and all crimes that result from war have been committed by this jewish entity which is occupied palestine. supporting this criminal acts is considered as complicity on the part the united states. after these acts that we see from this entity which is in control of the us decision making, we fear for international law. the us video is also crime and in violation of the most basic human rights and international resolutions. american government wants to keep the money going right, so for them more is just another day in the business. "the only way people can fix this in the us is just stop paying taxes, i know it sounds simple, but it's like they
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have to do another similar what happened the american revolution right, just stop paying taxes and that's where you'll see uh the government for what they really are um and i think that where um the rest of the world has fewer less problems because it's always the i'm not like the guy who goes say i'm not gonna accuse all big corpoles and be like that person but i'm going to say that there are specific" you arms dealers and whatever, they want to profit of this, it's profit to them, for us, it's a humanitarian issue, actually the west general consider israel as part of it and the most significant. american base which protects its interests, therefore they will not accept that israel be defeated or disintegrated, therefore they believe that the weakness of israel and its inability to achieve any military victory would hurt its image, and that's why they want to allow it to continue the war to regain its morale and image and pursue its hegemonic practices in the region and beyond, but i believe things
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are gradually changing, there's an international strike for palestine, the youth think differently, the countries of resistance and... of those who do not succumbed to the us science need to be more united to give the world new image since this barbaric capitalist system destroyed international organizations and all values and put us in a state of chaos on killing people they're focused on backing and funding countries that are doing the killing as well so i believe that we have to uh they have to learn from from history the mistakes of his history mistakes of generals and emperors and use that into their own advantage. they going to support human rights, but they have nothing to do with humanity, they don't even see the massacers that are being committed, they are absent-minded, this is their nature and they can only act as a colonial and imperialist power, they will never have
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feelings toward what is happening in palestine, they claim they are democratic, but only on their own terms, they put this cancer. israelism in the heart of the arab world to destroy the arab world and take advantage of it. numbers of latin american ambassadors in have called for an end of the israeli onslot against palestines. reports. in latin america, the palestinian cause is seen as more than just politics, it is seen as a deeply important humanitarian issue. across the region, people have showed up in great numbers in is held in solidarity with palestinians being subjected to israel's genocidal war on gaza, some of the latin american administrations have also moved ahead of verbal condemnations and took more decisive actions. for instance, chile's government recalled its ambassador, bolivia, argentina and mexico sever times with the regime and the handuran government urgently summoned its ambassador for consultations.
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the resulting support for palestine from latin american nations that have had lots of great anti-oppression fears with resistance. values like simon boulevard, jose marti, fidel castro and chee gavera, is not surprising. in this regard, i talked to three latin american ambassadors to iran during their visit the latin america cartoon and caricature exhibition at the tehon museum of contemporary arts. venezuela's ambassador to iran censured the us unwavering support for israel, blaming washington's backing for tel aviv as the main culpate for prolongation of israeli onslot. playing undeniable role in the developments of gaza, has supported the regime's aggression against palestinians and added fuel to the fire. these go, it was the us that pehold a un security council resolutioning for sease fire in gaza. the us is supporting the israeli genocide of palestinians and is contributing to the continuation of this masser. the bolivian ambassador also pointed to the us move to
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veto a un security council resolution that would have called for immediate fire in gaza. unfortunately. were observing that some international organizations are useless, for instance, a single vote can overturn the decision of the whole world in the un security council, this fell system has led to the prolongation of the israel aggression. perez ramos also called on the international community to put an end to the israely massacre of civilians. the bolivian government as well as many other nations across the globe as time and again condemn the israel genocide of palestinians in gaza, the international community must take more decis of action. to stop the regimes on slot of palestinians. while having an estimated 60,000 palestinian refugeees, including their descendants in his country, the brazilian ambassador to iran refused to directly condemn the us backed israeli genocide of palestinians. he only said, it's a pity that the us has blocked efforts to uphold a seasfire in gaza. and we hope united states,
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well review its position and we hope israel also review its position. after they see the catastrophe they are doing in palestine, so i think even hard lines countries, you have to be sensitive to tragedy, but what is going on in, while the israeli narrative continues falling apart, the truth has been uncovered for latin americans like other people across the globe, that is, palestinians are the ones subjected to decades of... occupation and ethnic cleansing israel has for years sough to foster a close relationship with latin american countries, however the regimes ongoing on slaught in palestinians has led to seismic shift. that is, an exponential surge in anti-israely sentiment among latin american nations. press tv, tehwan. and that
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is for this additional world news. thanks so much for being with us, i'll be back at the top the hour with a review of the top stories. it's bye-bye for now. in this week's show we'll be looking at the relentless and unflinching determination of the palestinian people to throw off the shackles of zionist oppression and you mentioned that um i was victim of neckber in 1948, the point about that nap as as and the same point today is the violence is the violence that accompanies isinism and so that violence meant that um moving on from breaking bones just simply shoot the people dead, if you recall in that period we had the peace process, south african peace process, we had mandela release from prison, it looked
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like this was part of a general tendency in the world to move towardsving, of course that was a mistake.
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now entering its uh fourth day, we're looking at some uh
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i have, i have, you're right, but i have seen lots of children with my eyes being pulled from the rubble, come us once you to see exactly, the pictures, also people, your government has killed, you accept that right, you've killed. children or do you do not? no, i do not, i do not, i do not. first of all, you don't know how those people died, those children. first of all, we don't want to see a single child killed. okay, here's the question, say i agree with you, i agree with you, we shouldn't blindly believe anything hamas says, but why should we believe what your government says either? your military spokes on monday pointed to an arabic document in the basement of a gaza hospital and claimed it was guardian list on which every terrorist writes his name, but that was false, it was just calendar with the days a week on it, your colleague in the prime minister's office offir gentleman posted behind. seen footage from a lebanese short film and claimed it was palestinians in faking their own injuries. that tweet is still up a week later. that is endless disinformation from your government. is it not? i disagree. look at south africa for
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second. vipment during apartthide was spent average of $100 million a year a worldwide propaganda campaign convince the world that what they were doing was not a human right violation and not oppression. and when we look at israel, they spent 7 million on youtube ad alone to convince people support their pression of the palestinian people. since october 7th. we have. pack the zionist lobby to the us government, spending tens of millions of dollars giving to politicians to convince them of their zionist ideas, and then we have israel in 2018 putting together a $37 million budget on propaganda videos. i'll say it again, propaganda is expensive. a part of the reason apart ended was because it became too expensive to maintain, it was costing them too much money, it wasn't worth it anymore, and the same must happen to israel. israel can't sway us as easily with a propaganda video, so every time you see video spreading the truth about palestine and you like it or comment or favor it or post it or share it, you are costing israel more money, so make sure to do all those things where you
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see those type of videos. anyways, thank you for watching, free palestine.
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israel presses ahead with its genocidal war on the gaza strip for civilians in the palestinian territory, officials in god say that israel is still using internationally banned weapons, the has killed more than 18,200 palestinians since october 7. russia's ambassador has described the. situation in gaza is catastrophic and the spiraling humanitarian crisis in the palestinian territory caused by israel's brutal onslot made the comment as he visited egypt's border with the god strip along with other un security council envoys the one
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