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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  December 12, 2023 6:30pm-6:59pm IRST

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least three palestinians are killed and strikes on the southern s arafa which has been packed with tens of thousands of displaced people. the head of the un agency for palestine refugees the humanitarian situation in the c strip as hell on earth, the b wing of hamas has once again launched retail missiles on.
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you're watching press to the world news, i'm your host b. welcome. israel's relentless bombardment of the gaza strip keeps taken a heavy tool on the civilian population in the beseest palestinian territory. at least 20 people were killed in air rates in the southern city of brother. there are still. people under the rubble, the civil defense are helping us, but we don't have enough equipment to help us get the people out from under the rubble. we call on the arab world, the arab people and world to put pressure the strikes on gaza, among those killed in the city is impacked with tens thousands of displaced civilians. israel strikes have found locations across gaza, including the southern parts that declared as safe zones and the north the region trips have. hospital
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after laying siege for a couple of days, several staff members were all killed. the genocide in gaza began october 7th. so far, more than 18,400 have been killed, mostly women and children, over 50 thousand palestinians have also been wonder. the head of the agency for palestine refugees has expressed concerns over the deepening tragedy in gaza, likeikening the besages trip earth. and the social media post palestinians and gaz are pleading for safety and an end to the ongoing situation. he had a com following his visit to egypt's border with the gaza strip. un agencies and groups fear the palestinian territory will soon be overwhelmed by starvation and disease. several aid agencies have warned about a continued rate on the camal hospital in gaza. doctors without borders says the situation in the hospital is catastrophic, doctors and health practitioners across are operating in conditions. compaable to world war 1, which
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took place over a century ago, now from montreal joined by suzana khalil, founder of the canaan association, good to have you with this, susanna, so you heard the account of the international bodies, the one agencies and others and how they're describing the situation in gaza, but more than war, it's also now hunger ' contaminated water and preventable dis that are claiming the those lives. yes, thanks for having me and the horror, the the barbarism, the savagery against the native palestining people by the colonial regime of israel, especially today and gaza, is terrifying, is decadent and morally inhuman and and the driving force
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behind all this in human fascism is first and foremost the nation and and the europe is not the only the colonial of israel, it is important to know that this killing are not new, the only new thing that there is better weaponry and that's the world and the new issue here and that's the world is seeing it, the only new thing is that the the great mass of the world is... already witnessing this barbarism committed by the eurocentric colonial colonial regime of of israel and and sorry and this is this is happen even much before, but the world is already seeing what the arab and persian have been saying for decade and then they were accused of being atismight you know and this is against. all
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humanistic spirit, it is a scene against life, against human existence, it is an obsenity and this cruelty and bestiality of powerful. sich logic, proper to fascism, proper to israeli eurocentric colonial racism, and the eurocentric colonial regime of israel nit the extermination of the native arabside palestinian people, and after that to continue colonizing more territory of the arab persian world, i wanted to recall sionist speak of the deny to your fate, and more, other speak of all the... that of ancient kind, this is the plan. many say that this is impossible, but they they they also said that it it was impossible in 1946 for example to to create the jewish state in palestine, and they succeeded, and also, but
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not only did they succeed, but that entity called israel is a super state, supra, is powerful. and it is the most powerful state in world through the international fascist movement, the sionism, sionism is is the engine of imperialism. israel colonial regime is not only imposed through ethnic cleansing. i would like to talk about this point because for me is very important, the colonial regime is not only imposed for the ethnic cleansen against the native population, but also through the falsification of history that we europeans europeans converted to the jewish religion masculin as a hebrew, this disguising of the jewish people, this is fraud, this is the falsification of our history, this is a way to hide, this classic colonialism, and in reality it is known that
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ethnically they are european, hassers, slab, scandinavian, germanic, caucasian, they are antisemitens. sionist, no, no, this is really the the a big historic fraud also beside all this genocide, the whole arab persian world and culture is danger, and the colonial, that colonial entity possess today about about or maybe more than 400 atomic bombs and the the colonial regime of israel consider and feels the arab and persian world as... it is an feeling and sentiment not only of an elite but of almost all the colonial society feel that this and the values are thought in their school text books also the extermination of the palestinian people is als in israeli
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colonial schooling on the pretext of security by or or also by a divine right they have that as a divine right and and and now this fascist nazi and draconian regime because um let me uh say yes we have a minute yeah one minute well it's we we are they are doing the job that they were doing from the beginning from 1948 the the extermination of palestinian native that's all that's in this israel, this is the this this entity called israel is the continuation of your colonialism and i think honestly deeply that this colonialism has to be abolished because we have to to leave the our time, our our time is of modernity and how come we are in
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the 21st century and we are still talking about colonialism, okay appreciate that founder of the canon association in israel, thanks lot now moving on the military wings the palestiny resistant moment hamas has again trig with missiles and retaliation for the ongoing deadly onslot by israel and gaza. no word impossible damage or casualties and all came under attack. some brigates says for number of times stay such attack since beginning of the genocide means heavy fighting on the way between resistance fighters and israely forces in eastern city. resistance fighters say that more than dozen iof soldiers have. killed, several israeli military vehicles have also been targeted. israel military says that 106 soldiers have been killed since that began the ground operation six weeks ago, also 20 more forces were killed by their own colleagues. palestinan resistance groups s the regime is hiding the real number of its fatalities. a
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senior hamas official says that there will be no new pris exchange deal with israel till the aggression against gaza stops. the representative of hamas movement and lebanon osama hamda made the announcement reports that tel aviv is ready to negotiate for an exchange of captives. it has missed those reports and said that israely media is trying to mis public opinion in face of domestic disc way for israel to release is to meet the conditions laid out by the resistance group, according to sources, hamas still holds 137 operation, now raid on the oc west bank and its refugee camp killing four palestinians there and injuring. شباب ما تتجمعوش يا شباب
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تاخذها السيجاره. the rating forces back by armored vehicles and bulldozers stormed the city and snipers on the rooftops of several buildings. they blew up house in the city and arrested of palestinians. israel troops also prevented ambulances from reaching the injured near al radi hospital. in the west bank they detained more than 40 palestinans after raiding cities of nabulala. since the onset of the gaza genocide is already forces and settlers have killed nearly 280 patians and detained hundreds more. in the west bank,
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the military confirmed an operation in the red sea against the norwegian flight tanker destined for israelيه الكيان الاسرائيلي وقد تم استهدافها بصاروخ بري مناسب. officially explained that the vessel was traged after its crew refused to respond to warnings. general said that the army has successfully stopped several ships from reaching israely ports recently. he stressed that the army all ships selling toward israel regardless of their nationality. the spokesman retated the any army's pledge that it would continue blocking the movements of israeli ships in the red and arabians until the regime stops its aggression against palestinians. since october 7 conduct a series of missile strikes deep inside territories and respond to israel's deadly
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onslot on gaza. political commentatory earlier joined with more the strike on the flag fuel tanker by the military. this show exactly that yemen actually targeting ships that are availated with asig state of israel and israel they said they will give the wall few days uh till they if they gna act that israel will act and we see that israel mean they are actually suffering and getting a huge damage from the recent in gaza, i don't think they will be able to the red sea and if they do so in military ship it will come definitely under target and i'm sure that in the coming days we will see that yemanies will announce that they will extend attack at one point maybe against ships that belong to country who are actually supplying israel uh with arms and with nature and with all type of web that are used against gazza, that's why you have now the upper hand is the yemani
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army and those attack against ships that destined to israel will stop as israel will allow the needed food and medicine and fuel to go into gaza but attack against israel themsel it will stop until israel will stop its aggression in total against gazah news uh resistant women says hit in israely military target in the northern parts of the occupied territories as well as that struck and damaged the target with appropriate weapons, the attacks now response to israely crimes against palestinians in gaza, there are also reports of sirens going off and israeli setlements in the north parts of the occupied territories. meanwile israel has shelled aitaron village in southern na the area along lebanese southern border is frequently witnessed exchange of fire betela and israel since the 8th of october, that's a day. after palestinian forces launched operation alexa flot against israel, the dozens of british
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mothers of ralied in london to express solidarity with palestinian mothers and children in gaza. get it outside the british prime minister's office chanting slogans against these ready onslot. while waiting palestinian flights that end of the seas fire in gaza and an end to the israeli occupation palestinian land. that's not the first time that people in the british capital hold rallies against the regime's crimes in gaza. since october 7, numerous demonstrations have been saged worldwide, including in the uk, in support palestins. the chilean capital was also seen of protest, people denounced the us for voting a un security resolution a seasfire in gaza. we have held several demonstrations throughout these days that genocide has been going on and i believe that
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this is one of the important ones to protest the video that the us made opposing a cease fire. i believe this cannot. 75th anniversary of human rights day by holding an international conference on peace and human rights, the un resident coordinator in iran also att at that event provide an opportunity to discuss an rights in light of the recent gaza. our correspondent has the details. marking human right by shedding light on the atrocities committed by the israeli regime in gaza and how the international community has feel uphold what it considers to be a great humanity's achievement. the foundation of dialogue and
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solidarity of unified nations fodason held its annual international conference on the future of peace and human rights and westasia as could be expected, focusing on the numerous instances of violations of international law and the geneva convention in particular as israeli attacks continue in gaza. quite naturally, conference that puts the spite on the issue of human rights cannot be indifferent the developments in gaza. as we tend to discuss human rights in west asia, we obviously have to examine how the universal declaration of human rights affects the lives of human beings in practicars. what are the consequences when it's not observed? so in a way we try to the voice. issues that can lead to wars in the west region make it inevitable for us to discuss the issue of human rights violations during
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wars in this region, as explained by the participants, the geneva convention is therefore considered the most challenging to... as the inability of the un to stop israely atrocities and standing up for the people of gaza has now come to light, just because actors violate international law, it doesn't kind of undermine the validity of international law, it just means that we need work on better enforcement, better accountability mechanisms that we do always better in term implementation, unfortunately it seems that the 75 years that the... declaration of human rights now is in existence, i think we have made progress in some parts, but we have also incurred backs, and all i can hope is that we draw our lessons out of this horrible situation, and that you wisdom will prevail and sustainable solution for peace will prevail, established in 2017, the foundation of dialogue and
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solidarity of unified nations attempts to take positive steps in applying the... of human rights, particularly in a region where it is mostly overlooked. hopes that by shading light on the shortcomings that exist and bring a change for the better. the participants of the international conference on the future of peace asia believe that so far the international community has not demonstrated the will power to properly implement the geneva convention and what's happening in gaza is a clear example of that? number of ambassadors to iran have called for an end to the israely onslot against the palestinians in gaza. in latin america, the palestinian cause is seen as more than just politics, it is seen as a deeply important humanitarian issue. across the region, people have showed up in great numbers in rallies held in solidarity with palestinians being
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subjected to israel's genocidal war on gaza. some of the latin american administrations have also moved ahead. all condenations and took more decisive action, for instance, chile's government recalled its ambassador, bolivia, argentina and mexico, suffered ties with the regime and the hunduran government urgently summoned its ambassador for consultations, the resounding support for palestine from latin americaan nations that have had lots great anti-oppression figures with resistance values like simon boulevard, jose marti, fidel castro and chee gavera is not surprising. in this regard, i talked to three latin american ambassadors to iran, during their visit to the latin america cartoon and caricature exhibition at the tehron museum of contemporary arts. venezuela's ambassador to iran censured the us unwavering support for israel blaming washington's back.
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council resolution that would have called for immediate cease fire in gaza. unfortunately we're observing that some international organizations are useless. for instance, a single vote can over the decision of the whole world in the un security council. this failed system has led to the languation of the israel. perez ramos also called on the international community to put an end to the israeli massacre of civilians. the bolivian government as well as many other nations across the globe has time and again condemned. the genocide of palestinians in gaza, the international community must take more decisive actions to stop the regimes on slot of palestinians. while having an estimated 60,000 palestinian refugees
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including their descendants in his country, the brazilian ambassador to iran refused to directly condemn the us back israely genocide of palestinian. he only said the us has blocked efforts to hold a seasfire in gaza, and we hope united states well reveal its position and hope israel also review its position after they see the catastrophe they are doing in palestine, so i think even hard lied countries you have to be sensitive to the tragedy, but what is going on in palestine, while the israely narrative continues falling apart, the truth has been uncovered for latin americans like other people across the globe that... palestinians are the ones subjected to decade of oppression, occupation and ethnic cleansing. israel has for years sought foster a close relationship with latin american countries,
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however, the regime's ongoing on islam palestinians has led to seismic shift, that is an exponential surge in anti-israely sentiment among latin american nations. press tv, tehran. okay, that's right for now. thank you for watching. crisis devastating wars, terrorism, they crackdown. diplomacy: us israely genocide in gaza. make sure to join the show through
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facebook, twitter, only on press tv.
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is over, we can already hear the hospital, there was a hit about 50 m from here, this is the still function. hospital in gaza, it's at 200% capacity, yes is hospital, the health system is overwhelmed, this hospital simply cannot take more children with the wounds of war, there are children everywhere, these children are sleeping, there was a bomb literally 50 m from here, i cannotate how capacity has been reduced of hospitals in last seven weeks, we cannot see more children with the wounds of war, with the burns with the strapn litering their body with the broken bones in action, by those with influence is allowing the killing of children. this is a war on children.
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israel regime continues its all out bombardment campaign of the gaza's trip. the told nowing 18,400 scores palestinians were killed in the latest attacks in different parts of gaza, including rafa. the military wing of hamas movement has once again launched a missile attack on tel aviv and response to israel's onslight against gaza. the israely regime has not disclosed the
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details of this truck. and a possible damage recalties.
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