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tv   Ten Minutes US ISRAEL ONSLAUGHT  PRESSTV  December 15, 2023 11:18pm-11:30pm IRST

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since the beginning of israel's onslot on gaza, western countries and the us in particular have voiced their unequivocal support for israel and what they call tel aviv's right of self-defense, while ignoring the legitimate rights of the palestinian people. the us president joe biden visited israel shortly after these. the military
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started the massive war on gaza. byton unequivocally justified the israeli regime's genocide in the coastal gaza strip, saying washington would provide the israeli regime with everything it needed to quote, defend itself. israel has the right and i would add responsibility to respond to the slaughter of their people, and we will ensure israel has what it needs to defend itself against these terrorists, that's a guarantee. and... believe when it comes to israel, biden echoes the policies crafted not in washington, but in tel aviv. you listen to president biden, and it it sounds like he's reading from an israeli teleprompter. line after line after line or lines that you hear from netanyahu or you hear from his ministers, or you hear from israeli propaganda line after line after line in the things that the president says, from the beginning of this war until today, crafted in in telaviv. crafted in jerusalem.
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the us president has also promised to ask congress for an unprecedented military aid package for israel to assist its ongoing war on gaza. for decades, we've ensured israel's qualitative military edge, and later this week, i'm going to ask united states congress for unprecedented support package for israel's defense. the byton administration has asked for additional $14 billion for israel from. this request is focused on providing air and missile defense support and replenishing us military stock piles given to israel. currently, israel receives $3.8 billion military aid from the us annually under memorandum signed in 2019. that accounted for about 16% of israel's total military budget in 2022. the united states has always made it clear that nothing can stop it from supporting itch. we will support
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them uh in any way that we can, and certainly intelligence is a part of that, and i won't uh get into the specifics of what that means, isr, other types of collection, we've worked with the israelis uh, over many, many years, and those sharing uh mechanisms are there, those channels are there to to share information, and we will look to continue to do that. the us has strong historical and economic ties to israel. the us, which has supported the formation of israel since world war ii, is israel's top trading partner with annual bilateral trade of nearly $50 billion dollars in goods and services. as matter of fact, experts believe the creation of israel was the direct result of imperial powers support including britain and united states policies. without the external support that.
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dianism received from the british, none of what we have seen in the past century and more would have happened as it did. um, british and later american and other external support were absolutely essential to the success of the zin project from the very beginning. shortly after the beginning of the nakba, or the catastrophe, in which zius forces expelled hundreds of thousands of palestinians and established israel. the united states started transferring huge cash of weapons to israel. according to data recently published by the stockholm international peace research institute, the united states provided israel with more than 70,000 weapons between 1950 and 2022. the weapons included aircraft, ground vehicles, missiles and bombs, most of which were used against the defenseless people of palestine. israel is the largest recipient of u.s. foreign military financing, with most of that aid coming in the form of weapons grants. the
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us has provided israel with at least 16 types of weapons in 2023, including missiles and aircraft. it is widely believe that us support has embolddened israel in its atrocities against the palestinian. people, just recently, even a us state department official also resigned over the transfer of arms to israel, amid growing descent over president biden's unequivocal support for the regime. i have think we have to look at the situation on the ground and say, is that what is actually happening? is israel more secure as a result of our assistance, or has our military assistance enabled israel to move ahead with the expansion of settlements in the west bank, to continue the siege of gaza, and to take steps that ultimately... undermine its own security. in fact, the us made weapons are being used extensively in the current israeli operations in gaza. apart from ground penetrating munitions, us has also given israel several other types of bombs and artillery shells. the united states
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has given so-called bunkerbuster bombs and an array of other munitions to israel for its war on gaza. a wall street journal report citing unnamed us officials said washington has transferred 100 blu-109 bombs to israel that are meant to penetrate heartened structures before exploding. the us has also sent special forces to the occupied territories to assist israeli military, according to american officials. the commandos are in gaza to help the israeli military in finding captives held by palestinian fighters. while there is overwhelming bipartisan support for israel among the american politicians. some critics are now.
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for these issues, i do not believe we should be appropriating over $10 billions for the right-wing extremist netanyahu government to continue its current military approach. what the netanyahu government is doing is immoral, it is in violation of international law, and the united states should not be complicit. in those actions, but the question to ask is why the american officials, including democrats and republicans, are so committed to supporting israel, ignoring the needs of their own people. the simple answer is, it's because they're under the thumb of the israel lobby, and israel has penetrated our
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government system very effectively through the lobby, and this is what you get out of the other end. as far as these people are concerned, you have. "there is a first amendment and you have freedom of speech in the united states, unless you're saying something about israel, and this is this is appalling, this is disgusting, but the fact is they get away with it because they have such influence, i would even go further control over many congressmen, they they are major donors to congressmen, and this has an impact, they have major major influence over what." is the media, and this has major impact on politicians running for office. however, it seems that the younger american generation no longer buys the propaganda spread by mainstream media, desperately trying to justify us support for israel. surveys show a growing number of american
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youths has an unfavorable view of israel over its recent genocide in gaza. black intellectuals, native american intellectuals. "hispanic intellectuals are all much more critical of israel, especially the younger ones than are their elders or than are republicans as a general as a general rule, and this is not just true of young black students or young latino students or or young arab or muslim students, it's also true many young jewish students, you look at college campuses and jewish voice for peace um is a is a central component of the drives for" investment of these universities assets from companies that support the israeli occupation and a palestinian rights generally, so this is a there's a generational divide. if once the unconditional support of the israeli regime was something for us politicians to take pride in. it seems that it's going to
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cost them politically in the near future as more and more people in the united states are getting to know more about the realities of the occupied territories. we charge you in geneside, we charge you in genocide.
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news and brief for this hour israel has carried out fresh strikes on the gaza strip killing dozen. in the seven cities of hanjunes and raffa. the total death toll is now nearing 1900 since the war began 70 days ago. most of those killed are women and children. dead of the un agency for palestinian refugees says no place has been spared from israel's constant bombings. felippe latarini says the locations include medical and un facilities that should be protected under the law of war. he said. guardians are terrified, desperate and hungry.