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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  December 19, 2023 4:30am-5:00am IRST

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israel's indiscriminate strikes claim more civilian lives across the gaza strip as a regime continues battering hospitals and healthcare facilities. welcome everyone to press tv uh world news, sorry about that our uh... got hung there for
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second and uh that much for our headlines, but we'll start the bullton with the gaza strip where israel's brutal onslaut is now in its 74th day. regime continues to massacre more people, including children in beseeged palestinian territory with death tholl now from its genocidal campaign, reaching nearly 19,500, israely strikes against city of rafa killed 11 civilians including three children and nine people lost their lives after the nusera. indier al-balab refugee camps were bombed in central gaza. israeli armies also intensified attacks against two other refugee camps in northern gaza. hospitals are also still prime targets of the regime. medical sources say israel's attack hospital in gaza city. they say that most of hospital staffs they have been arrested. hospital is also now out of service. meanwhile, the representative of the world health organization occupied palestinian territories the kamal add one
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hospital in northern gaza is no longer functioning either. com one what we understand is is not functional anymore and and and we that the health the staff well they want to continue like a primary healthcare center which of course is very sand. come on hospitals a scene of harrowing events over the weekend, people were buried alive thereafter, israely forces bulldose tents that were housing displaced palestinians in its courtyard, that was according to doctors and eyewitnesses, meanwile coordinator of the who's emergency medical teams also highlighted the darf situation of hospitals and gauza such as al shifa hospital. uh, the current situation at
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al shifa hospital, and we're in the emergency department, which is completely packed with patients, as you can see, there are only five ambulances working in northern gaza right now, uh, and patients are self-presenting on donkey carts on stretchers being walked down of the road, um, it's incredibly crowded, there are very few staff, hundreds of patients awaiting surgery, uh, it's just an unbelievable situation, this is hospital in need of resuscitation, uh, they indicated that there are only five or six doctors, five or six nurses and about 70 volunteers from the community here who are taking care of hundreds of people, they're not able to do surgery, they're not able to provide intensive care, they're delivering babies in the emergency room, uh, they don't have fuel, they don't have staff, they don't have supply. who will stand with shifa and with the whole health system here in gaza, but what we saw today was among the worst we've ever seen of of hospital with patients on the floor. patients being carted in on trolleys,
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um, blood everywhere, the few medical staff, suuturing, children on the floor, people wailing out in pain, uh, not enough staff to support them, it's really an unbelievable situation, something really needs to be done, we've taken some action today, there is an enormous amount still to do, we have to support shipa and we have to support the health system here in gaza, islamic jihad says is... encouraging israel to continue what it described as barbaric and nazi crimes in gaza, islam jihad said comments like those by the us defense secretary that israel is waging a self-defense war in gaza confirmed washington's management of the regime's military. the resistance movement says such remarks are shameless blessing to the regime. during a visit to tel aviv, us defense secretary loyd austin also described yes support for israel as unshakable. he pledged more military aid. the regime as it continues
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its genocide in gaza. washington has been facing domestic and international outcry and is grown increasingly isolated over its unconditional military. financial and diplomatic support for israel, co-founder of scottish palestine solidarity campaign mcnapier says that washington tried hard to isolate the people of gaza from any support, but failed. america has worked very hard. blincan was touring the region during the genocide in gaza in order to isolate the people of gaza and palestine from any support across the region, but yet we see that support coming in. i mean, israel has to be defeated in many, many different ways and probably several times before the threat can be lifted off the people of the region, and and this military response from yemen is
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very, very dramatic. i think in washington they're thinking, what on earth can we do? can we expand the war to the entire region, but if they do that, there's seven million zionist jews in. and 300 million arabs across the region who understand what's going on in palestine and the overwhelming majority in solidarity with the palestinians, so i think the options of america, and i could be proven wrong, but i think america's limited, they've got two aircraft carriers to defend israel, are they going to send another couple of aircraft carriers off the coast of of yemen? i don't think so, i think that in this situation america and israel are coming up. against the limitations of their power, they've come up against it before, of course, in lebanon and elsewhere, but they're coming up again against the limitations of their ability to terrorize the entire region. a
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senior hamas official says israel is targeting infrastructure in gaza to make it uninhabitable for palestinians and push them off their territory. the hamas rep and lebanon osamaham stress the palestinians. will not surrender and that israel will not succeed in this plan, he also denounced israel's colonization saying occupation and constant wars against palestinian people are reasons for what's going on in gaza. hamdon referred to us secretary of defense visiting israely officials in tel aviv and washington sharing its experiences of killing women and children with the regime. the senior hamas official added us partnership with israel will have repercussions and yeah played a video showing amast fighters targeting israely troops stressing, sands of gaza will swallow the invaders. the military wing of the palestinian resistance movement hamas has responded to israel's discovery of one of their tunnels on sunday. the al-qasan
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brigades told israeli forces they're too late. in a video, resistance says the tunnels discovered by israel yesterday were the ones used in operation ilax of flood back on october 7th. on monday the israeli army broadcast videos of a resistance tunnel near the occupied territories calling it the biggest one ever uncovered in gaza. tunnel unveiled is only a small part though the network of underground passages in gaza and it's completely isolated and hardly measures 1500 m in length. aaromala corresponding. earlier and told us more about israel's recent raids in the occupied west bank, israeli forces have raided several areas in the occupied westbank and mainly in areas
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around ramal where the israeli military said that a palestinian was in his vehicle, he opened fire at an israeli vehicle and wounded a setler then he succeeded to to withdrew from that area near the illegal settlement of northern ramalah and then the israel have raided the areas around the illegal settlement of ateret closure has been imposed where the israeli forces have closed all the entrances leading to the cities of ramallah and it seems that the israeli forces are searching and looking for this palestinian uh who carried out the shooting and he escaped of course uh the israels have stormed several shops and homes inside the beerzate and jifna
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areas as well as abukosh town in order to uh take the recording from surveillance cameras. uh and of course as as i mentioned in search for this palestinian. palestinians and occupied west bank say they will not leave their land despite deadly israely race. and it comes after israel destroys the home of a palestinan held in regime prisons de prison detaine's father says regime is trying to force them out the west bank. these are the targets of the israel regime and sarjan refugee camp. the regime has bombed and destroyed houses of civilians while claiming it has targeted the resistance forces. this is a strategy that the regime has been using in gaza. israel kills. palestinians and destroys their homes. right now we are standing on the rubble of house that belong
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to thom, one of the palestinian detaines in israeli jails. the regime has bomb this house and raised the two history structure. adjusting buildings have also been destroyed. this is one of the thousands of houses in gene refugee camp that have been demolished during the regime 60-hour operation. in this offensive israeli forces also partially destroyed several other buildings. arrested hundreds of people and raided hundreds more houses and caused damage. now we will tie to the father of palestinian det. tell us what happened? what happened was, thank god i was not at home, there was no one in the house, i was out of the camp, but when i returned i was shocked to see that they had blown up my house without any reason. they blow up the house, however we will not abandon our home. this is our land, this is palestine and this
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area belongs to the camp. i'm not going to abandon the camp. i have grown up here and i'm not leaving it. where are they forcing us to go? we will not leave the camp. now it's permanent ambassador to the united nations says the united states is responsible for all the atrocities committed by israel in gaza. amir said iravani says us has not just consented to, but actually ordered the crimes. he explained regime cannot perpetrate its brutalities in the palestinian territory without washington's all out political, financial and military support. iran slammed us for vetoing security council resolutions that called for an immediate cease fire in gaza. the iranian un envoy said us has prevented the security council from fulfilling his. charter obligations to halt quote israely war machine against gauns and
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iran's foreign minister expresses confidence the palestinian people and resistance will ultimately prevail in the battle against israel despite the regime's atrocities hussein amry abdullah han made the comments in the phone call pakistan's uh caretaker foreign minister jalil abbas gilani iranian top diplomat added israeli genocide in gaza. once again shows regime does not abide by any humanitarian or international principles. gilani also expressed deep concerns about deteriorating humanitarian situation in gaza and call for an urgency fire in the lifting the israel blockade on the coastal enclave there. two foreign ministers also called for a stronger security cooperation between the respective countries to stop acts of terrorism like recent deadly attack a police station in iran southeast. city of rask on the border with pakistan. heavy rain in gaza
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exacbated the suffering of palestinians who have been displaced because of israel's genocidal war on gaza. our correspondent moti abu mus has your details. another phase of the current catastrophe that the displaced palestinians who are taking shelter in the yards of the alaqsa marters hospital in the red balas city. are going through is cobing with the heavy rain that has hit the gaza strip. it just took less than 10 minutes for the tents which are made of scraps of plastic or fabric to be flooded completely with water and for the land to be turned into swams, obstructing the movement of people. the ring water has at least have meter deep and overwhelmed the people inside the tents, soaking all existing cloths and covers. i'll be it little. this is my tent. it is. made of plastic and has an area of four square meters. my family consists of 13 members. we
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all sleep inside this tent. after it rained, the tent was engulfed by half meter of rain water that soaked her clothes and blankets. this we huck each other to warm the children. we will remain steadfast no matter what happened. it was just matter of few seconds for the people here to realize that they are trapped between the hardship having access. the basic humanitarian needs and the demolishus rainy weather, civil defense crews, who are totally overwhelmed with attempts to recover bodies from the rouble of houses destroyed by israel strikes rushed to help the people, despite the lack of needed equipment. as you can see, the people here are living in tents, which were totally flooded with rain water, because these tents are not designed or prepared to endure this heavy rain. despite a lack of the needed equipment, we managed to help the people using some primitive means. however, these tents need to be rehabilitated in order to
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provide protection against the harsh winter. it's worth mentioning that at least 4,000 palestinian civilians, muslim women and... children have been taking shelter at the al-aqsa marters hospital since the israeli forces launched a ground offensive in the northern bart of the gaza strip and in gaza city. as we have just seen, this is another dark side of this continuous suffering for the displaced palestinians here in the al-amarta's hospital. it is unfolding with the continuous heavy rain. as you can see that the people here are living inside tents which are not designed or estab'. to protect them from this kind of unprecedented situation, this is a continuation of the distress that the palestinian people here are experiencing, press tv, middle area of gaza strip, lebanon's hez resistance movement continues retiratory measures against israel
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over regime's war on gaza as well as aggression against the arab country, the latest reprisal attack as well launched. of missiles a settlement in israel occupied territories, group said attack was in response to israel targeting a funeral of one of its fighters in a lebanese village on monday. hasuela warned any harm to civilians will be reciprocated area along the southern lebanese borders frequently witness exchanges of fire between hizbillah and israel that came after october 8th, that was the day after palestinan resistance factions launch operation alaxa flood against israel. global energy producer british petroleum says it's suspended all oil tanker transit through the red sea over what it calls deteriorating security situation. the taiwan's container transportation company ever green line also halted shipments to and from occupied lands and response to recent attacks in the red
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sea. this after yemani military attacked israel balance ships there and latest of such attacks themeny armed forces performed. military operation against two ships related to the israeli regime, yemen's army spokesperson said operation targeted swan atlantic oil tanker and msc clear containership follen crews refusal to follow yemini army's orders. sana says strikes are in response to israel's genocidal war on palestinians in gaza. yemen stress it will continue the attacks until televise stops its ethnic cleansing and gazaland allows food and medicine and to the blockaded and while there's been no let up in his real atrocities in gaza, people throughout the world have been equally unwavering in their support for palestinians in the besieged enclave. let's uh bring you up to date on some of the latest pro-palestinian rallies. french protesters
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call for total and permanent cease fire. they'd carry banners calling for the right of life for people of gaza. and expressed support for struggle of palestinians for freedom across the channel in the southeastern uk city of brighton, people also march in support of palestinians rally was a culmination of 20 local groups all calling for sease far, meanwile the canadian capital ottawa protesters wayed palestinian flags enchanted free palestine a zara department store, that's because of an ad campaign by the fashion brand featuring statues. captain white, activist said images resemble photos of corpses and white shrouds in gaza, zara, which drew the add earlier this week, in a letter to the swedish prime minister and iranian female prisoner has thanked swedish government for prosecuting and imprisoning an iranian national following accusations by the
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mujah terrorist organization. been convicted of various charges, including spreading propaganda against the islamic establishment, she was awarded the 20-23 nobel peace prize and what taran's called a political and spikeful move. a terrorist group files a lawsuit in a european country against an iranian civilian. the country arrests the man and keeps him in total isolation on baseless allegations. this is the story of hamid nuri who was illegally imprisoned by the swedish government into. 2019 because of a lawsuit that the terrorist organization had filed against him, they accused him of involvement in the execution of the members of the group in iran in the 1980s, accusation that has not even been proved. hamid nuri is called the
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most isolated prisoner in the history of sweden, as he has not even been able to meet with his family. in the meantime, nagas muhammadi, an iranian woman who has been in and out of prison for committing various crimes against the iranian nation and the country's islamic. establishment has sent a letter to the swedish government while in prison. she has thanked sweden for putting nuri and trial. sweden is role model for freedom, democracy and powerful civil society. your country hosted one of the biggest symbols of justice for iran in these years. muhammadi who was awarded the nobel prize last week has been criticized by nouri's son as she has supported a terrorist group. group. nargas muhammadi is a prisoner in avin. she has written letter to the swedish prime minister. her husband also met with the king of sweden. she's trying to
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bolster my father's trial, but she knows well that she's actually helping us with her stupidity, and she's making it clear which is notorious, the evaven prison or sweden. a stupid enemy is good for these times. these developments coincide with the trial of mek members and tehran for killing more than 17,000 iranian civilians. the proceedings are aimed at bringing the criminals and those who have supported them to justice. press tv, tehran. that's it for your latest here on press tv, everyone. thanks for joining us and goodbye for now. and i've come here to occupied palestine to
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investigate what the so-called deal of the century means for the palestinian people and the future of palestine. this deal is not a deal for beast. base or base plan, it is our plan, you are the oppressed and they are the oppressors and they they want the oppressed to give more to the oppressor, they want the oppressed to be oppressed more, what would you do? you will just leave your houses for money, leave your land, leave your life, your memories, your history for your money.
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the sun shown to announce the beginning of new day. it was the 13th day of the war on the gaza's reap. look at the missile. what did we do to deserve being hit by this? the army bombed the children on the beach. and destroyed our houses, they killed children, men, women, and old men. i have other place to go, so now my children and i are homeless.
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it is the israeli's habit from ages, they say the children fire rockets.
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telemani now entering its uh uh fourth day, we're looking at some uh
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israel continues this genocidal war on gaza that began october 7th, medical sources say region's forcessive attacked at the hospital in gaza city, that's say uh most of the hospital staff happen. arrested, the hospital is now out of service, says managing israel's military and encouraging regime to continue what movement called the barbaric and nazi crimes in gaza, earlier during visit tel aviv us defense secretary.