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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  December 20, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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the headlines the israely military kills more palestinians in gaza and the occupied. bank as the regime comes under more pressure to accept a new temporary cease fire in gaza. the senior hamas official says the palestinian resistance movement seeks an all for all prisoner exchange deal, which the israely regime has refused to accept. and more anti-israel measures over the genocide in gaza, malaysia bands israely owned and linked ships from docking at his ports.
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6:30 pm capital tapman, this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. dozens of palestinians have lost their lives in the latest israeli air strikes in gaza. the victims were killed in air strikes in different parts of gaza, including the albala, as well as jibalia. the death though is now more than 19,700. it was the last functioning medical facility in northern gaza, the internet and phone services have been cut off in gaza as well due to israely attacks. meanwile two israel soldiers have been killed and 29 others wounded in battles with resistance forces over the past day.
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israel has reportedly signaled readiness for new cease fire in gaza as the international pressure mounts on the regime to end this genocidal war on the beseged palestinian territory. according to israely media, tel aviv has informed qatar about his willingness for temporary truths. the regime will also allow the entry of humanitarian aid into gaza in exchange for the release of israely captives. will the hamas chief esmal hania is in egypt for true stocks, her previous agreements mediated by qatar and egypt led to a weekl truth at the end of november. during that period, hamas freeed 86 captives in exchange for the release of 240 palestinian women and children. the regime unleashed this war for the stated goal of releasing its captives and eliminating hamas. none of the goals, however, have been achieved. senior of hamas official saluri has talked to impressively about the gaza war. he says the movement had proposed the release of all palestinian prisoners in exchange for the release of all israeli captives including.
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billion men, but the regime refused that. salad says that the refusal was the main reason behind the collapse of talks to extend a sease fire that was reached last month. one of the goals of operations of october the 7th was to bring the captives with us to gaza strip. there has been a lot of talk going on about the presence of women and kids among the captives. what i want to explain here is that the decision inside al-qassam brigades... and other resistance movements in general, was the arrest of israeli soldiers, so the attack targeted the military division, some of the personnel were killed while some others were arrested. from the first day we said we do not mean to keep the civilians, but we have women and kids in israeli jails and they must be freeed. this is non-negotiable, the exchange deal is something else. from the first day of the conflict we said it clearly that the goal of keeping the israeli military personnel. was
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to free our captives who have been inside israeli jails for tens of years. we said it very clearly, we were ready to hand over all the prisoners and the corpses in exchange for all of our captives and the corpses with the israelis who used to kidnap our marters in the battlefield. therefore, from the beginning we wanted all for all, but the israeli regime did not reply. they were concentrating on the women and kids even when we proposed the release of... some civilian males, not soldiers, they refused the deal, saying we do not want them. the head of hamas political bureau says the palestinian resistance remains firm in its battle against the israeli military, as the regime's genocidal war in gaza continues for 75 days. hiah, in a meeting with the iranian foreign minister hussen in the qatari capital underline that israel keeps targeting gaza from air, land and sea. however, explained
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resistance fighters remain strong and determined on the battlefield and have inflicted heavy losses on israeli forces. he said all the tens of thousands of godsons have been killed or wounded in the israely onslot, they have put up a stiff resistance against the invaders. india also thanked the iranian foreign minister for following up on the gaza developments. the meeting came during the fourth visit by the top iranian diplomat to doha as part of efforts to muster support for palestinians. malaysia has banned israeli own ships and other vessels heading to israel from docking at all domestic ports in reaction to the regime's bloodshed in the gaza strab. prime minister anwar ibrahim in a statement said his government's decision comes in to immediate effect, any vessels on route to israel will also be banned from loading cargo. the statement said that the restrictions are a response to israel's violation of international law through continuous massacers and atrocities against palestinians. anti-israely campaign group, the boycott, divestment, sanctions or bds
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movements had urged coalamper to stop providing israel with shipping services. malaysia is a strong supporter of the palestinian cause and does not have diplomatic ties with israel, and has also refused to bow to western pressure to cut ties with the palestinian resistance movement hamas. in west asia, the yemani army has also conducted operations against israely linked ships in the red sea in recent weeks. this is a firm response to israel's genocide and aggression against palestinians. it has been about two and a half months since israel launched its deadly honest. on the gaza strip and the occupied west bank. muslim countries missed no chance to deplore these really crimes verbally, but there were few, including yemen that firmly stood in solidarity with defenseless palestinians in the gaza strip. after carrying out drone and missile strikes on israeli targets, yemen's
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armed forces have now been targeting israel-bound vessels in waters around their country. the army has time and again stated it would stop its operations if israel stopped. all vessels except israel bound ones can safely sail through the red sea and the swaz canal.
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as usual, israel's main backer, the us has been trying to reverse the impact of the yemani operations by announcing the formation of a maritime coalition under the pretext that it would protect the transit in the red sea, but washington's main goal is to protect israel's interest. however, yemen's ansera has issued strong warning to the us. muhammad al-bakhaiti, a senior anser allah official, says the newly formed coalition will get a painful response if it violates the sovereignty of the arab country. but how significant the yemeni operations in the red sea are? in recent weeks, yemeni naval forces have targeted several vessels sailing through the red sea toward. their primary goal has been to exert economic pressure on tel aviv and they have been rather successful. several major companies have suspended their shipments to and from israel in the wake of yemen's operations in the red sea. this has dealt a heavy blow to israel's economy with
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the latest reports indicating that the port of iot is hardly hit as the result of this disruption. the non arrival of ships to aol means that there is no income for the port while the fixed expenses for its maintenance. and operation remain the same and we have a substantial negative flow. the almost complete hal to the arrival of ships to ilot has led to an 80% fall in the port's profits. this is while reports say that egypt's swees canal has seen no harm to its maritime activities during yemen's operations against israel bound ships. the red sea is a strategic trade route connecting asia to europe through this canal. about 12% of global trait passes through the red sea. including 30% of global container traffic. the disruptions in this area have had a direct impact on global economy. now, cargo ships traveling from asia to europe have sail around the african continent. this has increased the transit time and led to higher freight rates and delays. also, shipping
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insurance costs have jumped by tens of thousands of dollars a day, and oil prices have gone up as well. to sum up, the international community has been unable to stop the... israeli crimes against palestinians through political means. however, it seems yemenis have employed a successful tactic to pressurize israel. the head. "the international committee of the red cross has slamped the global inaction over israel's crimes against palestinians in gaza. we have a situation that happens under our watch. i have started speaking of moral failure, because every day discontinues, will be a day more in where the international community hasn't proven capable of ending such high levels of suffering, and this will have an impact on generations. not only in gaza but beyond gaza, because these images remain, the political level negotiations was
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speaking to the journalists in the swiss city of geneva following a trip to gaza. the icrc president called for sease fire in the palestinian territory to clear the way for the delivery of humanitarian aid and new prisoner swap deal. she stressed that the current level of strikes on gaza make meaningful humanitarian response extremely difficult. has conducted an interview with mushtabar reza khan who represents the iranian parliament at the ippu whereas says in a recent summit of the international parliamentary union, iran and number of other states support for palestine made the union change its position regarding israel's genocidal war in gaza. um, i actually made a group of k. trees together uh we called it um like minded leaders, we made a group about
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like let's say year ago, year and two month ago, and you know 10 countries we got together, we had a meeting and the leader was of this act was iran actually, it was me actually, and you know we have some arab countries in this group, we have we had um some african countries and... "now the president of the ipu is one of those countries that we have, you know, we had a group together. we made that group because we thought you know the european countries and european parliaments are trying to get as much as they would they could, and then if we uh, if we don't make this alliance, we cannot get anything in the ipu, and i think you know the..." one of these one of the results that we got is was the in that we got in the last
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summit about the gaza situation in the ipu we have emergency item and we witnessed that you know in the last like let's say i have attended like six ipu summits i have witnessed that you know um uh they bring uh emergency item proposals and they get let's say more than two third. the votes for their proposals, but in this summit we have witnessed something else, they couldn't even get half of the votes and uh the proposal by the indonesia was you know supporting the uh people of the palestine got more than half of the votes, so yeah something happened in this summit. israel forces in the occupied west bank have shot dead young palestinian man as the regime continues its genocidal campaign across the palestinian. territories, we're not joined by our west bank correspondent monacan deal for more information, mona over to you, it's another crime being committed by
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the israeli military, and in many cases palestinians had been shot and killed at military, it chick points and the excuse was always ready, this time the israely military opened fire a vehicle at the military checkpoint and the junction of the israeli military claimed that this young palestinian b 28 year old arrived with his vehicle at the bat non junction city and he tried to ram israeli soldiers with his vehicle, this is what the israeli military had to claim, they opened fire, they shot him, they prevented palestinian ambulance. is from reaching this young man and they had cordoned of the area
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and preventing from being transferred to any hospital as if it's another assassination at he was shot and then the israel is wanted him to die not shot and being transferred to hospital, not shot and being arrested, not shot and being questioned at least to know whether he wanted to carry... out an anti-israeli operation or to ram israeli soldiers with his vehicle. israeli forces raided better noon and raided the village of said his hometown. the the israeli troops questioned members of his family and they also imposed a closure on the village of said, preventing anyone from entering and leaving this village in order to continue their aggressive practices, they killed a palestinian, they imposed another yet another
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form of collective punishment on the family members, on the relatives, on the residence. of his hometown sair, this means that 30 and two palestinians had been killed by the israeli forces since the israeli military started its war on the ghaza strip. in addition to the though this number of palestinians who had been killed, we are speaking about more palestinians are being detained a daily basis, according to the palestinian prisoner society. today there there are over 4,600... palestinians has been detained by the israel since the 7th of october, with every day we are speaking about 30 to 40 palestinians are being arrested. thank you very much for that, what aan deal from occupied romalo, we appreciate it, with announcements of new weapons for israel, washington continues to ignore worldwide demands for peace in palestine. paul show
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that inside the us, majority of young voters have now turned against the colonialist project of zionism. ramin mazori has more from chicago. the united states continues to double down on their support for israel. in visit to tel aviv, the us secretary of defense promised more munitions, tactical vehicles and air defense systems and said he wasn't there to dictate timelines for peace. the united states will remain israel's closest friend in the world. as i've said repeatedly. our support for israel's security remains unshakable, and it always will. for over two months, israel has blocked deliveries of water, fuel, food, and medicine, leading top ngo human rights watch to say that israel quote, is using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare. indiscriminate air strikes have destroyed 20%
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of gaza's buildings. israel's war crimes have caused their support to... lumit in a country traditionally dominated by pro-zionist sentiment, polls say just 30% of the united states wants to send israel more weapons. another poll revealed that majority of americans aged 18 to 24 have effectively become anti-zionists with 51% agreeing that the long-term answer is for quote israel to be ended and given to hamas and the palestinians. victory. has never seemed so close because this idea of the invincible israel was shattered on october 7th um and now the so-called access of resistance uh is now including people of the world right, it's no longer just the access of resistance in the middle east, it's the people in the diaspora, it's you know people who have a conscience in brazil, in uh india where you
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know trade unions are also demanding to divest and to boycott israel uh the access of resistances expanded to almost the entire world. despite recent talk in the united states mainstream media that israeli atrocities are causing a rift between washington and tel aviv, others believe history's actions speak louder than words. and i think this is where we have to have a class analysis. it's absolutely in the interest of the 1%. in fact, they're desperate because they have relied on israel. for 75 years um as like a forward military force first for the uk and and then now for the last 60 years my whole life for the us, israel's been their unsinkable aircraft carrier. also discussed between the us
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secretary of defense and tel aviv was a transition to so-called next phase of the war against the long brutalized palestinians. press tv, chicago. united nations security council has held another meeting to discuss the gaza war. dressing the meeting, the russian ambassador made a blistering attack on the us for vedoing the council's resolutions that call for immediate cease fire in gaza. despite the efforts made by the absolute majority of security council members, all the drafts submitted were blocked by washington. washington instead of... helping civilians is providing israel massively with all kinds of weapons which are used to kill palestinian civilians currently, and everyone should understand that the stalling of collective un efforts is not a result of some kind of objective institution. issue, but rather, as a result of a stubborn and egotistical ambitions on the part of american leadership. it will not be an exaggeration to say that there is a consensus in the world about the need to have immediate
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humanitarian sease fired in gaza. the russian diplomat added that the us veto of the latest security council resolution blocked the world body's efforts to end the blood bath in gaza. the united arab member's envoy also spoke with the meeting slamming israel's deadly attacks against palestinians in gaza and the west bank. "we are now coming to the end of what was the deadliest year in the occupied palestinian territory. this should be a wake-up call that the current status quo cannot be allowed to continue. meanwhile, less than 100 kilometers away from gaza, people in the west bank are living in a situation of violence and fear that has escalated over the past two months. since 7 october. the number of people killed in the west bank has increased, 278 palestinians including 70 children have lost their lives. this is more than half of the total number
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since the beginning of the year, in a year that was already witnessing unprecedented levels of violence. thank also address the meeting james violence and expansions across occupied west bank. "we are banning those responsible for settler violence from entering the uk, to make sure our country cannot be a home for people who commit these intimidating acts, and we reiterate our call on israel to immediately and completely stop all settlement activities in the occupied palestinian territory. israely forces and settlers have increased their violence attacks against palestinians in the west bank since the regime launched its genocidal war in gaza more than two months ago. the regime is also pressing ahead with the settlement expansion plans, despite growing international calls to abandon such activities. hospitals in the uk are facing
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chaos as junior doctors in england have kicked off yet another three-day strike over a pay dispute what do we want pay what do we want what do we want pay? patients have been warned about major disruptions during the strike action that began on wednesday morning, it comes weeks after talks between the british medical association and the government broke down over pay. this walkout will be followed by a 6-day strike at the start of january, the longest in the history the country's national health service. junior doctors demand a 35% pay rise to correct the brial terms fall in their income since 2008. this is the 26th day of industrial. by junior doctors associated with nhs. such actions have seen more than 1 million appointments and treatments cancelled in the past year. in
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historic move, the colorado supreme court has declared former us president donald trump ineligible for the white house, under the constitution's insurrection clause. the insurrection clause of the 14th amendment bars officials who have been involved in insurrection or rebellion from holding office. trump involvement in the 2021 capital riot as the basis for h decision. court also ordered colorado's secretary of state to exclude trump's name from the presidential primary ballot. trump's attorneys, however, have promised to file an appeal to the us supreme court, which is the final sand the constitutional matters. the cause was brought by a group of colorado voters to believe the former president must be disqualified for inciding his supporters to attack the capital. and that is for all news, do stay with us, recap of the headlines coming up at the top of the hour, let's bye bye for now.
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يسمعون كانوا يشاهدون جاءت عمليه غزو الكويت وفرض حصار دولي جائر على العراقيين دام اكثر من
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12 عاما. we have heard that a half million children have died, you know, is the price worth it? i think this is very hard choice, but the price, we think the price is worth it. our war on terror begins with al-qaeda, but it does not end there.
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nearly 30 palestinians have been killed and the latest israeli air strikes across gaza. one of the attacks had near a jordanian makeshift hospital. medical centers have been the prime target of the regime's air campaign that has killed almost 19,700. indians dead since october the 7th. israel has reportedly informatar about his willingness for new cease fire in gaza as the international pressure mounts on the regime to end his genocidal war on the beseest palestinian territory. meanwile the hamas chief ismahana has arrived in egypt for talks with officials on possible trips.