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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  December 22, 2023 6:30am-7:01am IRST

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your headlines on press tv, the world. health organization says there are no more functional hospitals in north gaza as death toll from israel's genocide now tops 20,000. the rights advocacy organization says israel's enslaughtom gaza is the most dangerous situation for journalists with most journalists killed in a single year in one location and the islamic resistance in iraq says it has targeted major port in the occupied palestinian territories in response to the israel genocide in gaza:
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in tehan, thank you for joining us, now nothing is more synonymous with. terrorism than targeting civilians, women and children in particular. this is what israel has been doing in the gaza strip since the regime launched this war on of genocide on the palestinian territory on october the 7th. more than 20,000 civilians including more than 800 children and over 6,00 women have been killed in the regime's attacks so far. the latest deadly strikes hits residential areas across the gaza strip, including the seven cities of rafa and hanyunis. nearly 30% people were announced
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dead following a thursday bombing of the jabalia refugee camp in northern gaza. palestinian officials say many more people are now under the rubble. hospitals are also amongst israel's main targets where the atrocious crimes of the regime are particularly noticeable. we work in this place daily, there is nothing more difficult. working here every day, we receive the... shock of seeing the martyrs before their own parents, we encountered dismembered bodies, of torn limbs and remains, we encountered the sides resulting from the air strikes, the smell of bombardment, the smell of gunpowder, the smell of blood. we endured the initial and most horrific sites before they are endured by the parents of the martter, when we encounter a tiny child without a head, little children without feet, without hands, in small children reduced to dismembered body parts, then we feel very sad, it is a shock.
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it takes us hours to recover the psychological balance to recover from the effects of this shock. israel's relentless strikes have knocked gaza's medical facilities out of service. the territories health ministry says the health system in the north of gaza has been quote, liquidated. the world health organization has also announced that there are no longer any functional hospitals. in the northern part of the palestinian territory, now alahi is a shell of hospital, until two days ago it was the only hospital where injured people could get surgery in northern gaza and that was overwhelmed the patient needing emergency care, there are no operating theaters anymore due to the lack of fuel, power, medical supplies and health workers, including surgeons and specialist, it completely
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stopped functioning and and is only operating as hospice currently with no or very little care, there are actually no functional hospitals left in the north,li was the last one but is now minimal functioning and still treating patient but not admitting new ones along with al shipa, alada and alsahaba hospital, who will keep striving to supply health facilities in a in gaza, but without fuel, staff and other essential needs, medicines, it won't make, yeah, medicines won't make a difference, and all patients will die slowly and painfully. patients were crying out in pain, but they were also trying out for us to to give them water, um, it's it's pretty unbearable to see somebody with on multiple limbs, external fixators on multiple limbs who are just asking for a drink of water. various un agencies have
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painted the harrowing picture of hunger in the besege gaza shriff as israel continues his brutal aggression against the palestinian. territory, the un hunger monitoring system says guards and households are facing the highest level of food insecurity and hunger that it has ever recorded globally. the integrated food security phase classification added in its report that the most likely scenario in gaza is that by february the 7th its entire population would be at crisis or worst levels of hunger. the report said there is risk of famin in gaza if the current situation continues. the world few program waid in on the report saying it is indicative of the devastating situation in gaza, so essentially
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this report sort of confirms our worst fears in terms of the really truly devastating situation. which gaza is experiencing right now, um, pretty much all 2.2 million people are hungry, meaning that they are in crisis or worse food security situation, about 577, meaning more than half million people are already already in. catastrophic levels of hunger, meaning they're essentially starving. the world health organization also raised the alarm about the humanitarian situation in the gaza strip. the who said hunger is ravaging
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gaza and this is expected to increase illness across the territory. it's added that disease and hunger will lead to more deaths in gaza. "the military wing of the palestinian resistance movement hamas has released new footage showing three israeli captives held in gaza and killed in the regime's air strikes. the algason brigades postsman said the captives were killed despite efforts to preserve their lives. abu ubaida said israel must stop his onslaw to get his captives alive. he said israel needs to accepted conditions put forward by the resistance. abu ubay added that israel's objective to eliminate. hamas in gaza was doomed to fail. the regime's military has killed hamas heltives on several occasions. it has confirmed the killing of at least three captives in gaza during the ground offensive since early october. the israeli military has said troops mistook the captives as threats and shot them dead. israel's onslot on gaza
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has taken a heavy toll on journalists that cover the regime's bloody aggression against the... besieg territory, now a us-based rights advocacy organization says the israeli regime or aggression on gaza is the most dangerous situation for journalists. the committee to protect journalists says the first 10 weeks of the regime's genocide were the deadliest recorded ever for journalists with the most journalists killed in a single year in one location. it also expressed concern over what it described as an apparent pattern of targeting journalists by the israeli regime. the cpj, says this issue along with intense bombardment of gaza has prevented foreign journalists from independently accessing the situation in gaza. nearly 70 reporters and media workers have been killed since israel's onslot on gaza started on october the 7th, 61 of them palestinians. the regime has been also
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deliberately killing journalist families who serve as source for investigators looking into how those journalists died. social media giants have been systematically silencing pro palestine voices during israel's ongoing onslot on gaza. the bias approach has been criticized by human rights groups that say the censorship is fairthering the erasure of palestinin suffering. we were joined earlier by author and activist lucas gage who has faced such restrictions. so i've been posting several things. that have been pushing the limits of free speech, i've been pissing off the israelis, i've been talking about things that uh, can offend some people, allowing this free speech to occur, and designs had had enough of me, so they started to mass report my accounts, calling me anti-semite, nazi, white supremacist, jew hater, y, the
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same old speel, they actually they actually have picture of a bunch of us, the people that i work with, they exed me out because eventually got banned today, and there are things that i said that you know could have some people, but i got banned for rant that i made about jewish supremacist, zionism, this kind of thing, and they took my rant out of context saying that i want to kill jewish people, when in the next sentence. as i explain, all you need to do is shame these zionists and jewish supremacists, call them out and show them what they're doing, laughing at children, uh, making fun of people here, wanting more death and destruction. i mean, if you look at x, all these zionist accounts are calling to level gaza, there are no innocents in gaza. james woods, actor said, kill them all, they're not making any differentiation between civilians or not, so they're people like us in my side saying, we got to free gaza, we got to help the palestinians. "and so i pushed the limits back to these people and they decided to terminate me, and so it just goes to show
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that even x is being affected by this, we thought it was facebook, meta, instagram, but even x is being pressured by zionist lobbies and power, and we know that elon musk went to israel, and he's got, he's got a dog tag on him, he's like, bring the hostages back, the whole nine yards of propaganda that he's fallen for hookline and sinker, and we're seeing that reflection now, so i was very big account, very big thorn into design." entity and they didn't like me much, so they all flagged everything possible. the islamic resistance in iraq says it has attacked the ports of rashrash in the occupied territories in support of the palestinian people in gaza. the iraqi resistance says is struck its target in the port city which is known in israel as ilat with appropriate weapons. it added that the operation was carried out in response to israel's massacre of palestinian. ians including women and children in gaza. the islamic resistance in iraq has already
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carried out number of attacks on the occupied port city. it has also targeted major american military bases in syria and iraq during the past months in response to the us support for israel's genocide in gaza. new clashes have taken place between hezbollah and israel along lebanon's southern border. hezbollah has launched a drone strike. on an israeli military position in the occupied shebar farms. the regime's military positions in the margaliet area have also been targeted with rockets. our beirot correspondent joined us earlier with more details. so we have definitely seen that the israelis are taking steps that are not acceptable by the resistance and so therefore we see that hisballah is stepping up their operations. today of course we had several operations, um, there were at least seven operations, two them were conducted in the middle of the night in response to the targeting and the
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killing of a civilian today, also we had the martterdom of a civilian woman in the town of marras, we have her husband is severely injured, the resistance specifically retaliated for this, naming the woman in in person, they directly said that this is in retaliation when they targeted, the karat mona uh camp, but you also have something new, which is the fact that said that they will be reciprocal when it comes to how they target things, so if the israelis target a civilian house, they will try to also destroy the settlements, we've seen that in multili, also today and the fact that they also targeted a markava tank, we also saw that hazballah used drones today again to target gatherings of soldiers in towns - which are considered the occupied lebanese town of
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salha. iran's permanent ambassador to the united nations has warned against any provocative actions by israel saying such moves could seriously impact peace and security in west asia. amir said iravan was addressing a un security council meeting on the situation in syria. he condemned israel's frequent attacks against the arab country. iravani said the regime is engaged in terror. and aggression within syrian borders and internationally target civilians and critical infrastructure. iran's un envoy is the security council to condemn israel's strikes on syria. iran call on the security council to condemn destabilizing activities of the israel regime and it's sevier violation of sivian sovereignty and territorial. integrity, which pose a threat to peace and stability in the region. irani said, it's
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syria's inherent right on the international law to take all necessary measures in response to israel's terrorist attacks and acts of aggression. iran's envoy also lashed out at the us and the uk for accusing the islamic republic of destabilizing west asia. irani stressed that ivan has consistently demonstrated his commitment to promoting... peace and security in the region, he also condemned the united states on lawful military presence in syria. "the security situation in areas controlled by illegal foreign forces and under occupation is matter of serious concern. the primary source of insecurity is unlawful presence and continued occupation of us military forces, creating an environment conductive to the growth of the
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terrorist activities within syria and the broader region. the united states is fully responsible. for his decade long aggressions along with other crimes and unlawful measures in our region. the iranian diplomat also touched upon israel's brutal war in the gaza strip and denounced the regime's atrocities. iravani harshly criticized the us for vetoing all un security council resolutions that called for immediate cease fire in gaza. "obstructing the security council from fulfilling its charter-based duties to establish seis fire and to stop the israeli war machine against the people of gaz for more than two months has called in doubt the us real concerns about the spill over of the tension and peace and security in the region.
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jim kavana is a new york based political analyst, he joined us earlier with his take on the reasons behind" and the us vetoing all un security council resolutions calling for immediate seasfire in gaza. let's take a listen, the united states will not vote for a resolution that israel doesn't like, and israel is not going to like any resolution that limits its control of humanitarian aid or anything else that's coming into gaza in a way that it doesn't want. and since israel's objective. is to create a situation in which palestinians in gaza are absolute living and actually dying in the rubble with no food or medicine uh they they and and force the other countries to try and to have to take either take them out or fight israel, this is going to be very difficult to get the united states to vote for security council resolution which
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would even in theory allow other countries to enforce it. it has to be enforce. israel doesn't care what the united what the un security council says uh, but the united states wants to protect israel from a situation where other countries would would use security council resolution as the right to enforce it to say this is something that we now can enforce that that's what would have to happen, whatever the security council says, someone's going to have to enforce it, and uh, the united states doesn't want to be a position which kind of allows that to be even theoretically possible. iran's foreign minister hussin amir abduh visited qatar for two days where he had talks with his qatari counterpart as well as the leader of the palestinian resistance movement in hamas. press tv's farson ashhuri on reports from doha. iranian foreign minister hussen ahmed
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abdullahyan traveled to qatar in his fourth visit since israel's enslot on gaza. again over 70 days ago, he met with his cater counterpart, muhammad bin abdurrahman jasim althani, discussing bilateral ties as well as recent developments in the region. we talked about the palestinian issue, we also discussed bilateral relations between iran and qatar, including political and economic ties. during his visit, amir abdullah hian also met with the leader of palestine's hamas resistance movement, ismail hania. to discuss a possible cease fire in gaza as the israeli regime continues his genocidal campaign in the besieg streep. hamas officials, who are the main party in this story on behalf of the palestinian nation, believe that reaching any agreement with israel is not a real thing in the shadow of the continuation of the killing of women and children, and if the us and
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israel are serious about an agreement, they can start dialogue after establishing a ceasefire. for his part, hannah said that despite all the relentless pressure from israel, the resistance has remained steadfast underground and has managed to inflect heavy losses on the occupying regime. the military aggression of the zionist regime against the people of gaza is unprecedented, and we are witnessing a massive amount of attacks from air, sea and land against the residence of gaza. the zionist regime and its allies thought. they could destroy the resistance and that the resistance would be forced to raise the white flag, but after 75 days of mass killings and war crimes by designist regime, the resistance is still. firm and steady underground and has inflicted heavy losses on designist regime. the iranian foreign minister has stated that his visit came following recent developments that show
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the whole region is seeking a stable cease fire in gaza. experts believe that any end to israel's genocidal war which has failed to achieve any of its goals in gaza only serves the interests of the palestinian resistance factions. reaching a truth however won't help. the israeli regime to repair its tarnish image after it lost the international support over the atrocities it committed in the besseage strap. f on press tv doha. the last night of fall is referred to shapi yalda or yalda night in iran. every year on this night iranians celebrate with their family and friends. however, this year the occasion is overshadowed by the israeli genocide in gaza. ahmed tells us more. iconic green and red decorations and ornaments, colors that represent nature, growth, love and joy, yalda
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themed clothing and accessories, and shops offering last minute buyer special offers. pomegranates and watermelons featured in almost every item you come across, be it on the streets or browsing through online shops. yalda is here. the last night of autumn and the longest night of the year, according to persian tradition, a time to celebrate the victory of light over darkness. traditionally, iranians get together on this night, usually at their grandparents or other elders of the family. they spend the night eating pomegramate and watermelons and also nuts referred to as yalldo nuts. they also read and interprete half poems for fun and wish each other well.
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war in gaza, the yaldonite celebration this year is not as colorful for iranians as it ought to be, and this is even reflected in urban paintings. just like many christians across the world who are gearing up for a subdued christmas, marked with signs of solidarity with palestinians. nation, and to the ocupation and a happy new year.
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we are shopping for yalda, but at the same time we can't help thinking how we should be helping our muslim brothers and sisters in gaza. the shops are not as crowded as they usually are this time of the year as many iranian families. have chosen to cut back on their yaldo night spending to donate to gaza instead. iranians have always supported the people of palestine and now with the ongoing war in gaza, this has even affected happy occasions such as yaldo night. gisumi shahmadi, press tv, tehran. those with the top stories on press tv. thank you for being with us, i'll be back with a recap of the news in around four minutes time. take care for now.
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news and brief for this hour, the world health organization says there are no more functional hospitals in northern gaza as israel continues its brutal aggression on the palestinian territory. the death toll from the regime's genocidal war that begun on october 7th has now exceeded to 20 thousand. the rights advocacy organization says israel's onslaught on gaza is the most dangerous situation for journalists with most reporters killed in a single year in one location. the committee to protect journalists says the regime systematically targets journalists and their families to prevent them from covering the situation in gaza. iran's permanent ambassador.