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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  February 3, 2024 10:30am-11:01am IRST

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of yes, military analysis air strikes against targets in iraq in syria, baghdad denounces air strikes as a violation of iraqi soft. the us israel genocidal campaign in gaza enters its 120th day with the death those surpassing 27,100, most of them women and children. the emny army reaffirms it support for gaza by launching missiles at military installations in israely port city of ielat.
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hello everyone, it's 9 am in the besige gauza strip, you're watching press tv, world news, us says it's carried out air strikes on 85 targets inside of iraq in syria, this after washington pledge respond to deadly drone strike its troops in jordan. us central command claims targets include rocket, missile and drone depots, the us president says strikes will continue at time and place of washington's choosing. however, joe biden says the us does not see conflict in west asia, iraq's condemned us strikes as a violation of its sovereignty, it's also warned of the disastrous consequences for the country and beyond. washington's confirmed the deaths of three of its forces in the drone strike that hit its military base last weekend. an iraki resistance group has claimed. responsibility and it marks the
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first time us military personnel have died in attack since start of the israely onsot on gaza on october 7. our baghdad correspondent muslim salim joined us earlier to give us more details on us air strikes and reactions from iraqi authorities. the nature of the attack was on multiple locations. as we say of and it's a it's it's a move that was met by denounce from especially number of officials, the spokesman for the commander and chief of the army forces denounced the attack calling it very dangerous escalation by by the us and there will be severe consequences, adverse consequences on the country, especially in a time where the iraqi government is trying hard to save the... security of iraq,
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especially with these this let's say specific area in western iraq, we all know that it witnessed lot of operations, and it has say sleeping cells of terrorist groups who might take chance of such unfortunate events to carry out attacks, it will makes it even more dangerous that the the ministry of defense of the united states announced that this is only the beginning of the operation and these attacks were only a... beginning of let's say a process or series of attacks on locations that will be let's say detected later and in times that they will choose. we breaking news uh in the bottom of your screen there you can see according to the syrian army us strikes conducted in areas where armed forces were fighting daesh terrorists. this has been a frequent proc proclamation of the syrian uh
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government time and again it says the uh the west has uh carried out air strikes including its ally in the regime in tel aviv against targets on syrian soil that have often protected or been in the interest of terrorist groups operating in the country and now again we have another uh statement by the syrian army that us attacks show washington's support for the deuish terrorist group. intense israely attacks on gaza have continued now for nearly four months. in latest spate of attacks, at least 100 people were killed throughout the besieged palestinian territory. there were fresh air and artillery strikes around khan unis, that's gaza's main southern city, which is recently become the focal point of israeli strikes. medical facilities at han unis have also been affected. alamal and alasir hospitals have been under israeli siege for over a week, and now the united nations is warning of serious shortage of oxygen at those two facilities. african union city of... is the next target for the israel's
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ground attacks and that's according to the regime's military. rapa is located in southern gaza and host hundreds of thousands of displaced palestinians, un agents. have been warning about the deteriorating situation in rafa. so i want emphasize our deep concern about the escalation of hostilities in kanunis, which has resulted in increase in the number of internally displaced people seeking refuge in raffa. in recent days, thousands of palestinians have continued to flee to the south, which is already hosting over half the gaza's population of some 2.3. million people, most are living in makeshift structures, tents or out in the open. rafa is a pressure cooker of despair, and we fear for what comes next. the
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spokesman for the un humanitarian office also war about disease outbreaks in gaza, adding there is simply not no food, clean, drinking, water or protection. the world health organization says people in gaza. are enduring unimaginable circumstances, they are exhausted, hungry and traumatized, and unicef says at least 17,00 children in the besieg enclave are accompanied or separated from their families, says a palestinian children's mental health has been severely impacted and almost all are in need of support. over 27,100 people have been killed in gaza since october 7th, some 12,500 of them have been children. joing us now for an update from daral in the besieg gaza strip is pressed tv's moti abusabit hello moti hope you're safe uh what could you tell us 120
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consecutive days passed on this continuous israeli onslot on gaza while the palestinian people are still being killed by the israeli occupation forces uh over the last night daily war planes carried out several air strikes targeting the palestinian residential buildings and the palestinian houses and the central area where a palestinan represent a building in the surrounding areas of a lux marters hospital as we speak right now or we were where we are standing right now uh that house actually was leveled to the ground by the israeli air by the israeli air strikes uh leaving dozens of the palestinian casualitys including women and children. and rafa city as well, the israeli warrior blinds destroyed and bounded uh multiple resident houses and buildings uh claiming the lives of at least 15 palestinian civilians, including women and children uh in the eastern barts of rafah
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city uh, it's worth mentioning that over the last 48 hours the israel incubation forces skilled up their attacks or rafah city particularly the eastern parts of the city knowing that the city is completely overwhelmed with at least 1.3 million palestinian civilians who fled their residental houses and uh the their residental neighborhoods and squares across all areas of gaza strip which means that any strike, any any israeli air strike hit the uh the city means leaving douzans of the palestinian kagileries including women and children uh and in the same in the same time we can say that the... israeli attacks also have been maintained by the israeli artillery and the the israeli air strikes in in gaza city and in the northern bars of gaza city uh those parts and those areas of gaza strip uh have
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been witnessing fears resistance uh uh over the continuous israeli attacks and the continuous israeli air strikes, in the meantime massive destruction andfolded after the... incubation forces retreated from several parts of gaza strip, particularly the eastern parts of khanyuni city and the northern bart of uh gaza strip and gaza city, the people are talking about unprecedented and comprehensive destruction and havock left behind the israeli ocubation forces that left nothing without attacking it without destroying it, it's a systematic destruction bursed by the... israeli incubation forces in order to deepen the suffering of the palestinian people, khan unity, the israel incubation forces on the ground is still circumventing alamal hospital and naser medical complex preventing the palestinian medical stuff from doing their job and from
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evacuating the balestinian injuries uh and in addition to that we are talking about thousands of the palestinian evacues and the displaced palestinian civilians who uh take shield. inside the hospitals in addition to the medical staff and the medicine and patients who who still have no access to the basic humanitarian needs, food, water and... and even even sanitation particularly in these unprecedented harsh conditions regarding the weather conditions, so we are talking about complicated situation, we are talking about escalation practiced by the israel incubation forces, while the palestinian people in terms of the humanitarian conditions are still striving and struggling in order to have any kind of any protection or even to have anything eat or to feed their children, the current situation. is still catastrophic at all levels for the palestinian people even in terms as i have said and terms of the uh
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destruction uh left behind the israel incubation forces in the ground and right now average family that's been displaced multiple times possibly from central northern gaza and they have no money left what are they doing how are they feeding their children what are they doing for medicine what are they doing for for shelter and for clean water, yes, it's the same story of suffering, they are living every day, uh, the only thing they have to do every day is just to stand in long lines uh, before the centers or the places where those tiny amounts of the food or the uh needs delivered by the uh yunorwa or by the... charitable societies in the gaza strop, we are talking about dwendling amounts
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of those basic needs and those, i mean the gaza strip is running out of of those basic needs uh that we are talking about long lines uh particularly when it comes to getting the i mean the food or the water or anything else because they have no choices amid this kind of severe shortage of the basic humanity. needs, the situation is so catastrophic and even though those who still have some kind of any money, they don't have anything to buy, mean that the markets are dwendling, that the markets are running out of those basic humanitarian needs, because nothing as you know is allowed to enter uh except few number or few amounts of the the relief and few numbers of the truck. of uh of those basic humanitarian needs, so the situation is still deteriorating and exacerbating with the time
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uh as the israel incubation forces still uh cement uh their grib on several parts of gazab prevent uh the flow of those humanitarian needs and the convoys of the basic humanitarian needs. thank you, stay safe, talk to you soon. the press tv correspondent joining us from the beside gauza strip. a senior hamas official says a new truth planed and the onsad on gaza is unacceptable and does not include a permanent cease far. osama hamdan said resistance movement will not accept the proposal for successive pauses and fighting. hamdan also says the hamas seeks the release of thousands of prisoners held in the regime's jails including those serving life terms. multi-stage proposals been drafted by officials from qatar, egypt, the us and israel to help the regimes. lot on gaza, it also aims enable exchange of israeli and palestinian prisoners. meanwile palestinian
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resistance movements are continuing to push back against israeli forces in gaza, as fighting on the ground intensifies. the military wing of hamas says it's killed at least 15 israeli soldiers in gaza city. the alasan brigades also said the fighters targeted three israeli murkava tanks with all seen miss. groups fighters also hit in armored israeli personnel carrier and khan unis. now this as the military wing of islamic jihad also says it targeted intruding israeli forces who gathered in a building in khan unis. brigades say the 10 soldiers there were either killed or injured. israel's confirmed deaths of over 220 of its soldiers since sard's ground invasion into gaza. however, the palestinian resistance groups say actual number of fatalities. among the israeli forces is much higher and that the regime's covering up its true losses out of
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fear of more israeli public backlash. attentions continue along the southern lebanese border where israel's launched fresh artillery shells, hezbolah resistance movement, meanwile says it's targeted in israely military posts and occupied sheba farms. press tv's matty am so that has her details. first they said that they targeted the post, then only less than an hour later they said that they targeted deployment of soldiers that were near that barack specifically in the... shabal farms, they also targeted a house as they said or building in the settlement of aviveem and they said clearly in their statement that this comes in retaliation to the continuous israeli shelling against the villages and the towns in the bordering towns and the specifically the civilian houses and homes
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that are destroyed and also the fact that the israelies targeted a supermarket in the town of jabane. and they mention that in their statements saying that they will not tolerate when the israelis of course destroy a civilian house or civilian infrastructure, any sort of building that is civilian, then they would also target a building in on the israeli side which is considered by the israeli civilian, of course for now all that area whether it is aviving or what lanam or the k all those areas are have become closed military zones, so at least 50 bombs landed on the town of itarun, in addition to the targeting of natural reserve in the in the mountain of blood, which is near the town of ramya and zibin. in the heat of world war ii,
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iran came under the booths of soviet and british forces, pushed the country to the brink of collapse. diplomatic efforts changed the course, but at the same time paved the way for the rise of muhammad reza shah, who ruled the country with iron fist in the following decades. and welcome back everyone in washington press tv world news. the yeemen army says is carried out yet another operation against military targets in the israely port city of ialot. army spokesperson yahya sorry says a yemanny forces truck ilot with missiles. army says operations are in solidarity with palestinians. the yemen has vowed to continue its military operations until the israeli
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regime stops its war on gaza and in the siege the palestinian terror. yemeny forces have targeted over two dozen israely run or israeli bound vessels in the red sea in recent weeks. amid the western aggression against yemen, thousands of people gathered in the capital tsuna and other cities to urge the yemeni army to expand its naval operations against american, british and israeli linked vessels in the red sea and gulf of aden. they also belished to continue support. aggression is that you need to stop killing women, children and defenceless people in gaza. god has blessed us with islam and we will not abandon our brothers in palestine. the westerners will see what we will do under the leadership of mr. abdul
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malik al-huthi who does what he says our house are broken over what's happening in gaza. including crimes, starvation and the siege impos on the people of gaza, they want those who survived the bombing to starve to death. protesters also slammed the european union's bit to send military forces to the red sea aiming to protect israeli maritime navigation. the demonstrator said this move will escalate the conflict since the yemani army will have the right to add european vessels to its list of targets. the european union is america's plaything. they are indeed many countries, but they follow america's orders to serve american interests. we call the prosperity alliance the suicide alliance, because they commit suicide when they fight us, and we will not change our position no matter how much they threaten us and no matter how large a force they mobilize to fight us. any european force that comes to
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the red sea will have the same faith as the american and british forces, meaning that they will become legitimate. targets for the yemeni naval operations and will be hit daily by the yemini missile strikes earlier the leader of the ansarullah movement abdulmalik al hothi stated that us attempts to seek help from china mediation to stop yemen's naval operations show the failure of the us and uk in their aggression. he also criticized arab countries for exporting goods to israel calling it an act of betrayal as palestinians starf to death and the beseged gaza. despite the us and uk strikes people here and assist that yemeni naval operations should continue as long as the ginocider war on gazza rages on, they urge their army to target the interest of any party that supports the israeli regime. reporting for press tv. iran's intelligence ministries releases details of major and multi-fascited operation against the israeli regime. ministry says
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it's identified dozens of israeli linked spies and terrorists in 28 countries across asia, europe and africa. in a statement the ministry said spies identified in iran are now either facing legal action or have been put under surveillance. ministry said some of the spies or iranian nationals residing abroad. and will be dealt with a case by case basis. it added profiles of foreign spies active in states that have intelligence sharing arrangements with iran, their names have been provided to those countries and they have taken necessary decisions and steps. ministry said mosad had forced some of the spies to commit acts of treason to test the reliability. iran's intelligence ministry says also gathered other sensitive data about israel, including secret military installations, weapons factories and strategic non-military industries. president abraham says iran will not initiate a war, but will respond firmly to any force that
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wants to bully it. earlier we discussed this with our guests in our news review program. here it is. we're watching press tv's news review where we look deeper into the top. stories of the day, on this segment of the program, iran's president ibrahim risy warns of a strong response to any possible bullying against this country. it has repeatedly been said that we won't start a war, but if a country, an oppressor or anyone wants to bully us, they'll receive a strong response from the islamic republic of iran. right, he said the enemies used to resort to the language of threat against iran and even set a military option was on the table, but now he added the enemies say they're not. seeking a confrontation with the islamic republic. ric said, iran's military might poses no threat to the west asia region, adding that regional countries can rely on the islamic
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republic's military power. in recent days, the us has spoken of a response to attack that killed three of its soldiers in jordan. uh over the weekend, washington has blamed iran back to resistance groups for the attack. iran has denied any involvement saying the groups act independently in the region. joining us on this edition of the news review, we have writer and political columnist said shahi is joining us from the british capital, london and also joining us from saidia morocco, we have editor of veterans today, mr. kevin barrett, gentlemen, welcome to the program, let's start off with mr. shahabi uh, let's jump right in uh, mr. shahabi and give us your thoughts on the recent comments coming from the iranian president, president united said that there will be a strong response to any uh possible bullet against tehran. thank you very much. of course, the situation in the middle east generally is very tense at this moment of time, because of the israeli aggression on
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gaza, the killing, the maming, and of course it's extra territorial attacks on other countries, on syria, on some part of iraq sometimes, so all this has put israel in the lime light of of the crisis and it seems to... me that the israelis believe that they can only survive in atmosphere of war, so as long as there is war they will survive, if there is peace they cannot survive peace situation, so they are threatening to hit and supported by america, but america also, american involvement in the region is destabilizing region, and as long as the... americans extend their armed presence in the region and threaten to hit this and that, there will be no real peace, especially
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america is not loved by most of the people of the region. mr. kevin barrett, the uh iranian president said that the adversaries uh and enemies in his own words uh to the islamic republic, he used to resort to language of threat against iran. uh even say stating on multiple occasions that the military option was on the table, but he also said that now the enemies are saying they're not seeking a confrontation with the islamic republic. do you think that the united states was ever a point where it was complic contemplating uh any form of military action against iran? most notably recently? well, i think the american side is undoubtedly uh contemplating uh some form of escalation. in its relatively low level uh back and forth uh my kind of not really, it's not really a war, but there's definitely been pressure put on the american
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occupation of the region. by a various axis of resistance related groups and in the wake the attack that uh killed the american servicemen and wounded a lot more uh the americans were probably doomed to have escalate to some extent, but then the question became would they try an actual attack within iran's borders uh and how big would it be if they did uh this of course would threaten escalate. into a regional war because obviously iraq would retaliate as president raisi made clear, or uh will they perhaps continue with the sort of tit for tap uh thing that they have going with the the various resistance groups that they're engaged with, the americans are illegally operating uh in iraq, the iraqi parliament has voted to expel the us and the us hasn't left so it is an illegal occupying power in iraq and it's an even more blatantly illegal
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occupying power in syria. "the recent attacks on the americans happened right next to the syrian border in jordan, and that's a jordanian base, which is also one could argue that jordan is also occupied and that the decisions for jordan are made from the gigantic american embassy compound there, so uh the us occupation of the region, which is not popular in the region, especially now that uh this zionist genocide of palestine has gone into high gear has has led to the situation where the local..." uh resistance groups are much more likely to want to target american shipping in the red sea, american occupying forces in iraq and syria. all right, thanks lot, gentleman, writer and political columnist said shabe joining us uh from the british capital, london and editor of veterans today kevin barret joining us from saidia, morocco. with that brings us to an end here on this edition of the news review, but stick around, there's plenty more to come here on press tv. and that's it for
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your latest here on press tv everyone, thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now. you must have heard the phrase complete spinal injury. for centuries, there was no treatment for spinal injuries, and anyone who sustained injury anywhere on the spinal cord
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would lose all functions below the injured area. forever. physicians have been trying to find a solution to this problem since ancient times. the stem cell solution is new one. first the russians and then the chinese conducted tests to that end, but neither was very successful. in 1996, iran became the first country to suggest that chun cells could be used to heal spinal cord injuries. the chun is a cell of the peripheral nervous system that wraps around nerf fiber, jelly roll fashion, forming the miolene sheet. iran started performing such treatments in the 2000s, the first tests were run on lab animals in 2002, and eventually in 2006 iran became the first country to successfully apply this method in repairing spinal cord injuries.
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usa has carried out air strikes on 85 targets inside of iraq and syria after deadly drone strike its troops in jordan. iraq has condemned the us strikes as violation of its sovereignty and also warned of the disastrous consequences for the country and beyond. more than 100 people have been killed in latest israely air strikes on gaza. israely genocidal campaign is nearing its fifth month with the focal point of attacks now being in the south including khan unis and rafa throw deaththoll from non-stop strikes is top 27,100.