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tv   Black And White Fujimori Free  PRESSTV  March 6, 2024 4:02pm-4:31pm IRST

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dina baluarte had the support of the entire mafia that has been built around fojimori, his politics and su política, su hija, es por eso que ahora en diciembre, that is why now in december, dina baluarte returns the favor and sets free the genocidal, the murderer, the corrupt, the coward who rushed off to japan a certain moment. and from there resigned from the position of president. he was detained for the maximum sentence of 25 years, which is the maximum sentence in peru. he was in jail for 16 years, and today, going beyond international agreements and international legislation to which peru is committed, libertad.
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the common identity is found in ideology, politics and in the repression of the people. as for now, dina bali has officially murdered 80 people by the repressive forces since you.
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fujimori was imprisoned and sentenced to 25 years in jail, of course he was set free, as we said, after 16 years. in the last 20 years in peru, there have been 20,00 forced disappearances, mass graves were found, and there have been 5,37 summary executions.
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returns in glory and majesty to rest at the age of 85 in his house like a grandfather who has not done any harm to anyone, but peruvian popular social organizations are raising la voz, un genocida de esas características. geneside of these characteristics, brother in thought and practices, with delhi and argentina, he deserves nothing other than to die in prison, because he had attitude that was not only repressive, but also the murder of peruvians was his joy.
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hoy desde perú estamos con today we're coming to you from peru with an eye durant.
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well, i must say that the fujimori government was elected by popular vote in 1990, in the context of severe structural crisis in peru, like an unprecedented hyperinflation, very bloody internal armed conflict. in the meantime, fuji mora came to power with the promise of not restoring to shock and neoliberal measures. two years later, in 1992, he tries to establish special relations with a... part of the armed forces and business groups and he does this with the advice of vladimiro montesinos and on april 5th, 1992, he closes the congress and declares a state of emergency. it is in this emergency situation that he starts implement
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the neoliberal model in the country. in terms of ideology, we must say that fujimorism does not have a great ideology and does not belong to any great discourse, but a completely. matic government that tried to create a shock. in addition, the vote itself an authoritarian government allowed the implementation of neoliberal measures and the orders from washington. these measures included the privatization and liquidation of state-owned companies, the national airline such as aeropro and minrapro, and all the companies that had been created in the previous decades within the framework of developing country's business structure. in addition, policies were adopted in favor of multinational capitals, large capitals entered the mining sector and various industrial sectors and pension funds. the implementation of this neoliberal structure reduced the state to its minimum size and as we said, and obviously in a context of
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authoritarianism that allows arbitrary actions by the state. ad to these, the widespread corruption that you did not mention, something that... is necessary as the characteristics of a genocidal government. this must be mentioned, specifically in the peru case. fijimori was tried for corruption and mismanagement of public funds. so this is another feature of neoliberalism in peru. there's a kind of mafia that takes advantage of the privatization of large capitals and steals the country's resources. on the other hand, another feature of peruvian neoliberalism is the dissolution of. during this armed conflict, the leader of labor unions were killed. in this situation, the widespread division created a society without organization and without social organizations representing the people and this reality helped neoliberalism continue its actions
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with much more ease. this is a summary of fujimori's imposed economic policy. in 1993, constitution passed the fujimori. elections were held in 2001, but absolutely nothing changed in relation to this economic regime, and moreover, the politics were deepened. after the increase in mineral prices, the elected governments after fujimori deepened this neoliberal policy. perfecto, it is absolutely so. now tell me something, what is the explanation of fuji's freedom del gobierno de la dina buluarte que un gobierno que nadie la eligió? in the first year of government to government that no one elected
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and came to power through a coup, what kind of disagreement and agreement is there that the constitutional court and the government body had even ignored? por encima e inclusive de acuerdos internacionales que existen en esta materia. bueno, el inducto alberto fujimori es algo que... is what his party has been seeking for years. we must note that in 2001, fujimori left, but the problem was that the movement known as popular force was allowed to enter the political scene, the party led by kiko fujimori, when the government is not in their hands, they change the laws through congress, which means that by obtaining a majority in congress, they can have direct representation in the constitutional court, and since the past the constitution. court is responsible for the interest of fujimori mori, and beyond that, they're trying to form a coalition like what
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we saw in 2021, where together with the extreme right parties and the persecution of the big media, they removed the legitimate and elected president and imposed dina bularte as the president. dina bularte was brought to power by the parties that lost the elections and in the face of the popular reaction to maintain her position in power. she adopts the policy of killing. there are complaints about genocide. 80 peruvians have been killed in about 13 months due to demonstrations to defend their vote. her supporter is the congress and the majority forces of the congress belong to fujimorism to that movement. she's a kind of borrower of fujimorism. her government in cabinet are made up of members of the party that lost the election, the far right forjimourism. and she was preparing the ground for this amnesty. deputies foreign minister of dina bolatte,
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who was appointed few months ago is known fujimourist and was in favor of pardoning her. in addition, she is serious critic of the interamerican court, which opposes fujimori's amnesty. what has been done is to validate the amnesty that pedro pablo kozinski, former president of peru, granted to fujimura in 2017. which was found to be impractical and unconstitutional, and even the inter-american court said it was unforsable. what this government is doing, as i said, a fuji murism loan government, was to give credit to this amnesty, and for this the constitutional court, whose members were elected by fujimurism, came into action. therefore, we are witnessing legal or seemingly legal clauses that can give legal appearance to this. amnesty, an amnesty that is illegal and illegitimate in all respects.
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therefore, the political will and political discussion of dina bularte has made this possible, and what we see at the end of the survival agreement, in which dina bolatti is dependent on fujimurism, and fujimorism has kept her in power because it does not want new elections to be held. we are in a disastrous.
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estamos de regreso en negro y blanco con anaí durán e we're back with black and white with anni durant. let's move to the next. considering these conditions of ideological, political, economic and repression unity that you mentioned in 80 years so far, new prisoners and the maximum limitation of public freedoms, in this situation, what happens to these forces and what is their reaction and capacity? unfortunately the political crisis in peru is very deep and
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there is no coherent political opposition forces. dina blalarte does not face opposition in congress, both right-wing and left-wing parties that are in congress, such as free peru and other dissident parties have about four to five seats. they have no opposition because they don't want to leave. the issue is that if dina balate resigns. is removed from office in peru, new elections must be held and both congress and the government must step aside and allow the electoral process to proceed, these congressmen and these political groups don't want that, and unfortunately, that's what deepens the crisis of representation, because what they're doing is self-preservation, and the citizens are vehemently against them. the performance of the congress is faced with 96% dissatisfaction, and similarly, the dissatisfaction with the performance of the executive branch is 92%. we are in a crisis
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of representation and political crisis in which citizens are not. important for these groups and they remain alive in this agreement as long as they can, so where is it left for the citizens? all that remains are the streets, because of this we have seen demonstrations, demonstrations were held separately, and those who came to the streets were rural, noble communities, and those who voted for pedro castillo, for example, the indian community or workers in forest sector, demonstrations related to poverty, and damaged groups were brutally suppressed, not only 80 people were killed, but 1,200 people were injured, 1800 people were tried, and some of those demonstrators are still in prison. the dramatic situation that exists is due to the existence of an illegitimate government, which by clashing with the coup
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plotters has brought about the illegal and illegitimate removal of pedro castillo, and they do not want to allow the will of the people to decide their own fate, so what we're witnessing is the increasing decline of democracy, they are advancing in the congress and in the government, and they are in the national council of justice, and they have made the judiciary opague, they want to do the same with the national electoral council, so it seems that we cannot have an election contest in the short term, that is why the situation in peru is very sad and very bad, we have to... if there are forces from more active classes during this year or the next year that can create synergies and play a role in politics. what do you think about this? because the whole world is changing. on the one hand you see the clear decline of western europe and america and the fall of
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american imperialism is clear, at least on the economic and political level.
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he was put there by the authoritarian and far right coalition. a number of her main political supporters went to mile's inauguration. yes, i think she's part of this destructive phenomenon, but she herself, no. dina bloate is not someone who does not have her own strength. she's been held by a coalition of couple plotters and mafia because i think that in peruvian politics the ability to form allegiances and exchange favors. negotiate and even exchange money to buy government institutions and remain in power is one of the necessities, therefore this coup coalition that owsted castillo is mafia because it bought the institutions of the government and it's this coalition that kept dina bluate in the government and imposed the regime that is aligned with the
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extreme right sections that you mentioned, for example miley in argentina and the issue of ecuador. but she faces very broad limitation, which is the lack of radical legitimacy. there is widespread opposition to her from the citizens as well as the inadequacy of the regime, which has no success to show for it, and the security of the citizens is in a very disastrous situation. i think this is the worst citizen security crisis peru has ever faced, especially in big cities like lima and trugillo, and i mentioned about the economy, the macro. economics that peruvian neoliberals were so proud of is in one of its worst conditions, if not the worst in a decade, so i think that in latin america, the extreme right is taken at
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i think that peru's position in regional geopolitical equations should be strengthened. the american embassy was very active during the time of pedro castillo. i
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hope that in the future it will be clear that american ambassador lisa kenna did a lot of things to set up the removal and coup against castillo. i think that in this emerging multipolar world, peru remains a bastian of american imperialism. in the end, i believe it is important. to note that the international community's indifference to the events in peru has been very high. today i take this opportunity to draw your attention to peru. one year has passed since the beginning of the killings by the dinablate regime. in julia, in ayachuko, in the city of yuliaca, 18 people were shot dead by the police in just one day. in ayakucho, 10 people were killed. and this issue was not condem. by anywhere, neither the organization of american states, nor the international community. we're still in a state of imergency, and our civil rights are still
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being curtailed. on the other hand, there is call of solidarity from nations, and some respectable governments. there are still governments, for example, mexico, which behaved very respectfully, as well as colombia and the countries of alba, to protest and condemn what is happening in peru. we don't live in a normal democracy or anything like that, therefore the outlook is that this situation will intensify if there is no reaction to condemn these conditions and stand in solidarity with the peruvian nation, and i use this opportunity to call for solidarity and draw attention, and i hope that you will be able to closely follow the developments that will take place in peru in the coming months.
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and on the contrary, destroy rights and at and politics that do not benefit the people, the international level, clearly align with american imperialism, and notorious groups at the global level.
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in this week's show we'll be asking why the archbishop of counterbury seems to be in thraw to zionist extremists. the church of england used to be referred to as the british conservative party at prayer, but justin welby's leadership of the church has gone even further. he's positioned it as an adjunct to the genocidal zianist regime. a christian zionism as a movement preceded jewish zionism about at least 50 years. millions and... of pounds over the last 10 or so years have gone to zionist organizations under the guise of doing counter extremism work.
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information about palestine abounds on social networks, many times without context. they do not allow us to go deeper and understand all the... mentions of a catastrophe that is dragging on for centuries. daniel hardway, chilean mayor of palestinian origin, opens a window to palestine. to understand in depth the present cause of the palestinian people, exploring its history and future prospects.
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do not, miss a window to palestine, when i first heard that in this week's episode of iran tech we're going to be going into... to radiator manufacturing facility, i wasn't super excited at first, but now i have to say didn't know uh the surprising amount of nuance that goes into manufacturing these radiators, so join me as i venture deep into this facility in this week's episode.
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first of the headlines, the us is really genocid in gaza continues for the 152nd day with death fol surpassing 30,700, mostly women and children. the hamas resistance movement asserts that any cease fire agreement less effectively prevent all kinds of israely crimes against the palestinian people. and the former us president donald trump scares victories across 13 states and republican primaries on super tuesday, further strengthening his position in the race with the white house.