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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 7, 2024 11:30pm-12:03am IRST

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of your headlines on press tv does more palestinians have fallen victim to the ongoing us israely genocide in gaza raising the death toe from the aggression to nearly 31,000. the resistance move in hamas emphasizes that israel is hiding all efforts by mediators to finalize a ceasefire agreement in the gaza srimp. and yemen's anser leader stresses that the naval operations in the red and the arabian seas will never stop unless a genocide and the siege on gaza comes to an end.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in tevan, thank you for joining us. now more than five months into the israeli genocidal war on the gaza strip and the regime's incessent air strikes and shelling. keep claiming innocent lives in the besieg territory, according to the gaza health ministry, over 80 people were killed and 140 oters injured since wednesday. several palestinians lost their lives after the regime's troopers once again open fire on crowds waiting for aid trucks in the west of gaza city. in the north of gaza, aerial raid a mosk in the jabalya refugee camp also claimed lives. meanwhile, malnutrition and dehydration persist inflicting severe consequences on the... palestinian
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population. gaza's medical sources say the number of people died from malnutrition and dehydration has searched to 20, more than 30,800 garzons, most of them women and children have been killed since israel launched this war early october. israel has largely destroyed vital civilian infrastructure in the gaza strip as the months long war on the beseest territory rages on. now with the collapse of basic urban services fears a growing of the spread of deadly diseases and epidemics amongst the local palestinians. moti abusabe has more from the raballah. as the war on gaza continues andabated. israel is pressing ahead with its systematic move to dehumanize the entire population of the gaza strip and destroy all aspects of life in the besege territory. piles of rubbish and solid waste are now... normal scene in gaza's streets
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after israeli forces targeted all parts of civil life in gaza, including the municipalities where dozens of the crews were killed, wasted storages and all related equipment, including waste collection vehicles were also destroyed in the war and completely paralyzed. israel forces targeted several vehicles used to remove the rubbish, as you can see over there, this left was paralyzed in handling the tremendous amounts of the rubbish left by the displaced people crammed in the central. we demand that all international bodies help by providing us with the needed equipment and vehicles. not only did the deliberate israeli attacks against the municipalities caused this crisis, but israeli prevention of delivery of fuel needed to operate the vehicles and equipment was in the problem. this caused rubbish and wastes to pile up on the streets and in shelters. this is a big problem, we have been suffering from since the beginning of the war on gaza. the rubbish is scattered everywhere in the vicinity. the hospital,
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which causes a lot of diseases for people, particularly the children. infectious diseases are ravaging palestinians in war torn gaza as the health system collapsed by the war, and their conditions and discursity of food and clean water have set of a public health crisis. the gaza health ministry alongside many international organizations has called for into the catastrophe that is rooming in terms of the infectious diseases that began to spread a wide scale of. the displaced palestinians, hundreds of thousands of those people, mostly women and children, were now diagnosed with contagious diseases like hepatitis and intestinal diseases. more than 150 days of this war led to mass displacement of the people who crammed in the evacuation centers without having a real access to the hygiene and cleanness. this caused a lot of infectious diseases, particularly among the children. need this to mention these shortage of the medical
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supplies and assistance and mid the overwhelming number of injuries inflicted by the israeli attacks. months long insistent israeli bombardment have both the fast majority of the health facilities out of service, this as limited sanitation facilities and overcrowding shilters are causing the spread of disease and keeping gazes from recovering. it's another dark side the deep catastrophe that is still afflicts the palestinian people as a result of the ongoing apocalyptic israeli genocide in the gaza strip while the outcies of the palestinian civilians are still unanswered and immuted by the... american veto. press tv, the central area of gaza strip. the hamas resistance movement says israel has thoughted all efforts by mediators to reach sease fire agreement in the gaza strip. a senior hamas official said israel has rejected to end this
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onslaught on the beseest strip, ensure aid entrance and the return of displaced palestinian people. the hamas delegation has left cairo without achieving a breakthrough in negotiations. hamas says the talks are set to resume next week, envoys from the us, qatar and hamas were involved in talks for a ceasefire agreement. the parties are scrambling to reach an agreement before the muslim holy month of ramadan that begins on march the 10th. now there is a real push for a temporary ceasefire or a temporary truth. take place before ramadan when it comes to the us israel genocidal aggression. the us and the israeli regime, while giving the impression that they are after a cease fire are still continuing with the genocidal war full steam ahead, as of punishing the palestinian side to succum to their terms. now, at this point, hamas has received the
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draft proposal of the deal and has agreed to some of the terms. now, taking a look at the first stage in terms of what it would cover. well, based on the ceasefire, which in the first stage... is going to take place, the time frame is 40 days, as you see here, in order for that to happen, both parties need to stop their military operations completely, including israel's aerial reconnaissance operations over the gaza strip, and for it to stop for eight hours a day. then comes the issue of detainees, which has been one of the toughest issues actually to resolve. now there has been an agreement on what types of israeli captives will be released. uh, taking a look at what was agreed upon, you have women, children under the age of 19, the elderly aged 50 years and above, and the sick which will be exchanged, those are the categories. the ratio, now that's something that needed some convincing on the hamas side, which it appears, it has settled for
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one. the exchange would be in terms of the ratio, as you're about to see, 10 to one, okay, and that's pretty important, there are 134. "there's been an agreement for 40 israeli captives to be released, so when you take the look at the number of israels based on the ratio of 10 to1, obviously 10 times more equals 400, the number of palestinian prisoners which will need to be released. now keep in mind that this ratio was 3 to1 in the previous tr. israel has said if more than 40 are released, more days will be added to the cease fire, and that's an important point. now this ratio is important due to the number of palestinian prisoners that..." israel has languishing in their jails. it's good to uh have a reminder on that. israel has about 13,00 palestinian prisoners. how do we get to that total? well, before the aggression, you had 5,00 that were languishing in the jails, and then since october 7th, you have uh, what, 8,00, obviously the grand total there
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being 13,00 palestinian prisoners. so, this someone actually gives the appearance that it's detaining palestinians to give it more bargaining power. not to the issue of israely regime forces withdrawal and the return of palestinians after commencing the first phase, israel is said to reposition his forces away from the densely populated areas in the gaza strip. once something like that happens, again if there's a seasfire temporary one at that, which will be agreed upon, then you have a palestinians which will then have a right to gradually return to what is said to be the northern part of the gaza strap. now "there's a precondition there except met of military service uh which are aged above to the northern gaza strip. now the humanitarian side, there is a big need for eight supplies and the following is what's on the table. uh, the commitment that's being made, and this is a minimal in order to uh provide for the needs of
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palestinians, you're looking at uh 500 trucks a daily uh of humanitarian aid. now the current number is way below the required amounts uh ranging from none." to tens of trucks, there's also commitment to provide tents, 200 thousand of them is what's uh been hashed out and also for caravans, looking at the number to be 60,000 for that. one of the snacks to hit the deal is that israel wants a list of captives to find out who is actually dead or alive, but hamas says it would first need a halt to the aggression, now the hamas political bureau member, basim naim, this is what he has said, it is impossible to know exactly who is still alive and who has been killed, that's very logical, another thing that he has said in terms of the demand that israel has made, these captives are in different areas with different groups, different resistance groups in the gos'. strip, so that's another reason why that list has not been released, and then finally, he
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has said, we have called for a ceasefire okay, in order to be able to collect the data, so these are all very logical stances that hamas has taken on that request and demand by israel. well, the latest is that the united states is preparing a new ceasefire resolution to submit to the un security council, in it, what it has backed is immediate cease fire. of which it would last six week in duration, also the release of all captives, it's all for that obviously, and the support of the ongoing negotiations on the ground, linda thomas greenfield, the us ambassador to the un is circulating this text to then be officially submitted. now the u.s. hypocracy however is in full display when it comes to palestinians that are getting killed, for example from lack of food and medicine, why? well check out this most recent entry which reveals you... hypocrisy when it comes to military assistance. just came out yesterday, us has quietly approved
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more than 100 weapons package for israel, amounting to thousands of munitions since the onslot began. thousands of these bombs, the us has approved somewhat without making any noise about it. next up, the video, as you saw, three of them by the un, and then this, the us request for a ceastfire, was not a permanent one, so uh, we can see that that's something hamas is requiring, but the u.s. is only opting for a uh, not a permanent ceasefire, which puts again us hypocrisy at play. in the midst of the war between the arab and israel, june 8th, 1967, unidentified attackers target a us navy warship in the mediterranean. if i had about it, if i had so what was it? suggest we stop the interview
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here, what do you say? why you want it? the attack on the liberty was part of a covert operation by the cia and musad to destroy the power of arab military forces in the 6-day war against israel. stay with press tv as we take a look at evidence from this operation and listen to i-witness accounts. welcome back. the leader of iran's islamic revolution says the arrogant powers commit oppression, aggression and genocide, wearing a disguise of democracy and human rights. said ali khamenei may. the remarks during a meeting with iran's newly elected members of the country's assembly of experts. ayatollah
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harmoni said the events in gaza are a clear example of oppression by the arrogant powers and iran opposes that. he also condemn the west support for israely atrocities and said it's against any logic and human conscience. hayat harmoni explained that iran has no conflict with governments, countries and nations, but it opposes oppression and aggression. the iranian leader emphasized that his country. will always stand at the forefront of the battle against global arrogance. the leader of yemensarlah movement has said israel will pay a high price in the red and the arabian sees for its genocidal war on gaza. the yemeni army has been targeting israel ships in the strategic waterways. yemenis say the operations still stop uh will stop when the onslot on gaza stops. we have discussed the issue in a news review program, let's take a look, it's time
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now for the news review of this bulletin. the leader of the movement wars israel and its allies are further economic loss as a result of yemen's naval operations in the red sea if the genocide in gaza continues, the more they... increase their mobilization in the red sea and the arabian sea, the more they get involved in the aggression, the more it costs them. economically, there's a cost for this. economically, and on the other hand, how it impacts their economies back home, so they have no choice but to end the crimes of aggression and the sea jungles, we will continue to develop our military capabilities with god's help, and there are important results being achieved astonishing
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advancements which allow for unique operations and shocking operations. be carried out, operations will to shock the enemy. for this reason i say to the israeli enemy and the americans and british to all the enemies that what aways you is more. he stressed that the upcoming operations will be greater in scale and in impact. leader also slamed the us for its complicity in the israeli onslot on gaza. he said that the us delivers aid to the war turn strip an attempt to whitewash his primary role and enabling the genocide of palestinians through an all out. for israel. the yemini leader also centured the recent israeli attacks on starving palestinians scrambling for food. he said that israel's atrocities are aimed at compensating for the regime's failure and achieving its stated goals. the leader of the ancerola also called on the islamic countries to go beyond mere condemnation and to take practical steps to end the aggression on gaza. he added that a concerted boycott campaign by muslim nations could have
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rendered the regime totally bankrupt within months. lawyer joining us from london, also steve bell is an activist from stop the war coalition who joins us from coventry over in the uk. welcome to you both. let me go to you steve bell. steve bell, some of the statements made there by the um, movement leader uh was quite insightful in one regard his comparison to the amount of us food that was air drops, which was about 3800 of those parts. and he compared that to the monumental and gigantic military aid that the us has provided israel and he said that when it comes to the food they're stingy, but when it comes to military aid they go all out. do you think that's a valid comparison? absolutely so. mean, prior to the war, there was 500
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lies per day entering gaza. the airdrops represent a few. lors, so the, it is cosmetic to suggest that the airdrops are somehow alleviating the problems of the palestinian people. it is um completely irrelevant and the only way um that the um actual humanitarian needs of the palestinians can be met is through sesspire and a return at least to pre-war levels of access. you now, when you take a look at what yemen is doing, it's quite incredible uh to the extent that they are, they have gone insolidarity with the palestinians, because really nobody else has done what they have done in the capacity that have executed their operations, putting their whole nation at risk from the us and the uk in uh one sense, but uh standing in solidarity with the palestinians uh to see if
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they can stop this genocide. what are your thoughts on it? one of the reasons what why the yemen? have stood having because they had themselves experienced the same kind of uh weaponizing starvation as a weapon of war. they've had shiploads of food and medicine and and things like that being diverted from yemen into saudi arabia which was using that as a way to uh starve the yemani people and thousands and thousands died as a result of malnutrition and lack of medicine and lots of preventable diseases as direct result of the illegal blockage imposed by on yemen by uh saudi coalition uh enforced by the american and british regimes and so yemen knows what it is to be uh subjected to uh hunger and they are seeing what's happening to their brothers in in palestine and they can't stand by and do nothing and in essence yemen is actually being an honourable nation reclaiming its sovereignty and asserting that
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the international rules of law must be appealed. thank you steve bell activist at stop the work. coalition and thank you kim sharif, yemy activist and lawyer. with that we come to an end for this news review. welcome back to lebanese resistance movement hesbollah and israel have once again engaged in clashes along lebanon's southern border. the israeli forces targeted residential areas in lebanon, killing at least one civilian. in response, hezbol launched attacks targeting israely. for israel's military sites and a group of israeli soldiers. our correspondent mariam saleh joined us earlier from beirot to give us an update on the latest exchange of fire between israel and hezbollah. "especially after the destruction of houses and the killing of a civilian uh man in the town of thaida, declared in a statement that
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they retaliated by launching ketusha rockets uh against the settlement of afdun, and that was not the only retaliation, of course it was another retaliation for destruction of houses in the town of itarun, but this time they targeted groups of soldiers uh in and in that retaliation specifically hazbullah said that they score. direct hits, which means there were scores of israeli soldiers either killed or wounded, as a result of that, hizbullah operations specifically, had also other operations, they launched attack through their artillery against the newly situated or a recent headquarters for a command center in zaura, in addition to the positions and the launching sightes of tanks in mahali golan, and that is also very significant site that they... have targeted as well, they also launched an airstrike maligoland specifically they used aerial attack as they called it or an air strike using two kamikazi drones which they had been
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of course using intensively uh recently has also targeted the radar post uh which has become also one of their main strategies a daily basis they target the lebanese posts in the shabat farms and farsuba hills. italy has refused to confirm an israeli ambassador due to his settler leadership has made growing global condemnation of the occupation of the palestinian territories. the long timeime mayor of a large occupied west bank settlement and settler leader benny cashriel was chosen to be israel's next ambassador to rome in july, but the italian president sergio matarella refused to approve kashrial's approvement, this as israel is on the fire over his. prolonged occupation of palestinian land with an ongoing case at the international court of justice. in addition to that, the regime forces global backlash over his genocidal war on the gaza strip with
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mass protest being held across the globe every week. protest is in the eu and several countries that back israel have also taken the streets demanding immediate action against israel and a lasting seesfire and gaza. meanwhile russia summoned the us ambassador to protest against what it called american interference in kremland's domestic affairs. kremlin has accused washington of funding quote anti-russia groups to spread disinformation on the country's upcoming presidential election to be held on march 15th, 15th to 17th. the russian foreign ministry said in a statement that moscow will suppress any subversive actions or military operations. by the united states that might target the election in russia, it added that retaliatory measures could include expelling the us embassy officials involved in such
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actions. russia and the us have expelled dozens of each other's diplomats in recent years as as relations between the two world powers have decreased to the lowest level in decades. and with that we come to the end of this bulletin. thank you for being with us. take care and bye-bye.
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iran and turkmenistan do not consider themselves just neighbors but relatives: throughout ages, they have bolstered their ties from culture economy and science and technology and emiriad other fields. yet they
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have set the stage for bolder steps in order to faster vibrant trade ecosystem between the two nations and make the region an energy hub. iranian entrepreneurs, officials and business people have held an exhibition in the land of their relatives to pave the path for greater synergy. watch this! documentary to catch a glimpse of the neighborly ties. all muslims share the same rituals during the holy month of ramadan, a common practice that
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can create unity among them.
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i believe that working together we can make history.
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to avert famon, there must be road access to gaza's north, words from the world food program, after apartide israel turns back a convoy trying to get food into gaza. hello everyone and welcome back to.