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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 15, 2024 5:30pm-6:03pm IRST

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so over the past few days contacts were made of with certain heads of municipalities, with certain figures, well known figures, this is plan, to create an alternative to manage the situation. of course he failed because the families are resistance jihadi families and he failed in finding any alternative regarding biden's plan it was for the palestinian authority to manage gaza. and
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these are the disagreements, that is the size of this agreements. partners in the government talk about: the return of the settlements in gazah. biden says, "let the palestinian authority come in, but i renewed authority, meaning not affiliated with. so that's the size of the disagreement in dealing with the next day."
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and will not have the bigger impact in dealing with this aggression. mr. alhandy, how do you assess uh the unified response uh of from resistance fronts in lebanon, yemen, and iraq as well, and how effective has it been in impeeding uh the uh israeli regime uh slash uh us allies calculations. and also
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instill this fear of the expansion of the confrontation and also an existential crisis for the israelies as well. of course, the last thing the american administration wants in this region, is for the conflict to expand to become a regional conflict, everyone knows that there is a struggle with the russians and the chinese regarding the pol polarism of the world, and in this struggle the... us has gradually
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withdrawn from the middle east, and it also strive to establish an alliance in the region to fill the vacuum, and preserve its interests and this alliance is led by israel. and it invested in this over a period of around 15 years which includes the abraham accords with arab nations now october 7 has one. again change the situation and this
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confrontation taking place in lebanon and in the red sea if it were to become a war, it will not be able to be contained, and this will impact the american strategy towards the region to a large degree, and all of the efforts and the investment. over a period of one half, one and a half decades will be dashed away, hence the united states, until now its reactions towards what is taking place, what ans allah is doing in the red
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sea, these reactions are calculated. things don't slide and become something which is bigger or broader and it's also putting pressures on politicians in lebanon because it wants to contain this tension in the region and it wants to prevent the situation from becoming a confrontation whose repercussions cannot be contained. so what is taking place in south lebanon, this confrontation, what is taking place in the red sea, is having a big impact on the war
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taking place in gaza, and is taken in consideration as means to put pressure in order to end this aggression. and the same applies to what is taking place in iraq. all right, thanks lot. we're going to end the interview here, that was deputy secretary general of the palestinian islamic jihad movement, mr. muhammad al hindi. sir, thank you for your time. what's time for some world news now here on press tv. palestinian resistance says, it has put forth new proposal for a gaza ceasefire with the aim of ending the israeli war on the besieg territory. hamas says it has presented the proposal to egyptian and qatari mediators. the movement says under its proposal, the occupying israeli forces should leave gaza. hamas says its proposal also includes the
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return of displaced palestinians to their homes and providing them with aid. the exchange of palestining prisoners with israeli captives held in gaz is included as well. reports say the initial exchange. would see the release of israeli women, children, elderly, and the sick, they would be freed in return for the release of 700 to 100 palestinians, the israeli regime has said the new hamas position is based on what it called unrealistic demands. senior hamas official has already said any israeli opposition means that the regime wants to continue the war. the israeli military has conducted new attack. on different locations across gaza, our correspondent in the central city of dar albala earlier joined us to give us the details on that. in the meantime, the israeli ecubation artillery maintained its shelling towards the eastern part of several areas of
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gaza strip, particularly here in balah city and almograga neighborhood and even an nusirati fuji camp, heavy uh artillery shilling reach to. areas and that shilling actually was maintained over the night and even in jabala refugie camp and in kanyunis city the israeli artillery also maintained and continued their attacks and air strikes in the meantime the central the central areas of khanuni city and jabal refugee camp also were hit uh relentlessly by those israeli continuous air strikes several horizontal buildings destroyed over those crew. attacks, condemnations are pouring in over israel's massacre of over 100 palestinians waiting for humanitarian aid in gaza city on thursday. the palestinian mujahidin movement says israel's shelling of aid seekers at the kuwaiti roundabout is a stain of shame for
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anyone complicit in the crime. the resistance movement held the us and other western states and some arab countries responsible for israel's genocide in gaza. another resistance moving. also reacted as well, it criticized the failure of the international community and the un to take action against israel. hamas said the in action has given the regime the green light to commit horrific crimes against palestinians. israel is time and again targeted aid seekers in gaza in the past several weeks, the regime unleashed its war on gaza early october, killing nearly 31,500 people, and the repeated israeli attacks on aids seekers in gaza was the topic of our news review program, it's take a listen to comments by our guests on that issue. and now welcome everyone to press tv's
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news review program where we get in depth in one of the day's top stories. joining us now for the program is habiba jaguuri, a journalist and activist joining us from adelaide and john stepling, author and commentator joining us out of inderoy, norway. hello and i like to welcome you both to the program. i guess habiba. we'll do the gentlemenly thing here and start with you uh uh first, your initial thoughts, who in what conflict provides or denies, pardon me, denies a civilian population, of food, water and medicine, and the little that does get in, it targets them when they are desperately seeking to go after it. thank you so much for having me. well, a regime that has started off being anti-human in politics from the very beginning of its foundation, that from the very beginning of his foundation started off as a lie, started off as excuse to come
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and plunder and steal resources, of course something like this, some atrocious, atrocious, absolutely horrific war crime of using starvation as a weapon of war and then killing people seeking aid, seeking food, of course such a result will come from israel, a terrorist state, israel has been a rogue state from the very beginning of this foundation, it has never... ever given importance to human life. john, welcome to the program. now, john, you know very well, if there's a lory, a big rig, an 18 wheeler somewhere in ukraine, carrying humanitarian aid and it gets targeted, it'll be all over western corporate media news. this is a trucks getting in, one out of every 500 are getting in, and then when they do, you're not just hitting the truck, sometimes you're actually, there's really sometimes are hitting them in route on highways, but the worst part is hitting when people are scattered around them resulting, and you very well know it's been... done systematically and it's not just on one incident, now yeah,
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what your other guests said uh, it is worth underscoring again, and yes of course there's a double standard that's a naked double standard in reporting on on israel and gaza from western media, it's it's shocking actually, but your other guess is right, israel has been a settler colonial, imperial project from even before 1948, they were killing arabs even before that, um, ergun and the stern gang and so forth were terrorizing the region, uh, you can go back and and look up the bombing of the king david hotel and on and on, the list of war crimes from uh committed by israel is is nearly endless. jaguuri joining us from australia and mr. john steping there, joining us out of norway, and viewers that... us to the conclusion of this segment of your press tv's news review program. thank you for tuning in and goodbye
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for now. the holy month of ramadan is observed as a special and holy month for muslims across the globe, but the situation is different for palestinians in gaza where they are living under catastrophic conditions due to the israeli war. let's take a listen to comment. by some of the residents in gaza, we have been on stable, moving from one place to the next, there is no shelter or anything, there's no food, there is water, nothing, not even the most basic living essentials like bread, we're forced to eat white plants when it rain and cook them, that is our situation, we hope from god to relieve this crisis and end this war soon, i don't know, look at my stomach, drunk it has become. i was 80 kilograms and now i'm around 65 kilos. i've
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lost 15 kilos. when you look at people, you see they talk to themselves. they can barely walk because of lack of food. there is no food or anything here at all. of course, despite the fact that we are under se starving and despite the malnutrition that our dear children, patients and elders are suffering from. we are still performing the tarov prayers during the holy. month of ramadan, we ask almighty god for a relief soon to our people in northern gaza who are under siege from all sides. australia says it will resume funding to the un agency for palestinian refugees honoa. after consideration by the national security committee this week, australia is unpausing our contribution to onra. we have worked with partners uh and obviously uh you've seen the
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european union and canada also on pause their funding. uh we have worked. with uh the united nations, we have worked with anra uh and we have taken advice from agencies and from australian government lawyers and all of those has have informed the consideration of the nsc that i reference today. the australian foreign minister also stress that onwar and its operations are critical to providing a assistance to the starving palestinians in gaza, earlier this week, sweden and canada also announced the resumption of their funding to the un agency. they were among the 16 countries that paused the aid after israel accused some honor staffers of involvement in damas's october 7th operation honoral however has described the allegations as unsubstantiated, saying
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that israel had extracted confessions from its personnel under torture. a senior eu official also said israel had not provided any evidence. to support its claims, onrua has been a lifeline for millions of palestinians since 1949, just months after the creation of israel in occupied palestine. ich will noch also meine studium zu ende bringen, ja, dann hoffe ich, dass einen guten jab fin there.
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aus äh konflikte, welcome back another week of pro-palestinian rallies in yemen. huge crowds of demonstrators once again took to the streets across the country to condemn. the us israeli genocide in gaz and urged the yemini army to continue its operations against israel for more details our correspondent abdul latif he joined us earlier from the side of the rally in the capital san despite the sunny and hot weather the people here and also despite their being fasting today it's ramadan but
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the people have chosen uh to gather here they came from across the city to gather in the capitals and also in other cities to expressed their solidarity with the palestinian people, they said they can't just remain passive while witnessing the oppressed people of palestine suffer from killings and being starved to death by at the hands of the israeli regime, they have to do something, they have to demonstrate, they have to keep provoking the yemini army escalate its operations in the rid sea on gulf of aiden, and today we've seen them being happy after hearing the speech of sayed abdul malik al huh yesterday saying that the uh naval operations now will be escalated and now they will target the uh israeliing ships not only the red sea andstra but also in the indian uh ocean and in the uh south africa the people today are very happy they said they will keep telling the enemy army and urging the ameni army to keep escalating its operations. the
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enemy army says it is carried out fresh attacks on us and israely vessels in the indian ocean. as it expands the scope of its pro- palestinian and retaliatory operations, another victory for the oppressed palestinian people and in retaliation for the american british aggression against our country. the naval units of the yemani armed forces carried out an operation targeting the israeli ship pacific one in the red sea, with number of suitable naval missiles. meanwhile, our forces carried out an operation. an american destroyer in the red sea with number of drones and successfully achieved its objectives in implementing the directives for the oppressed palestinian people who are being subjected to aggression and siege in the gaza strip, and in response to the calls the yemeni people, and all the free people of the nation, the yemeni armed forces began to
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expand the scope of their operations against israeli ships, those linked to israel or those heading to the ports of occupied palestine, to include the indian ocean to the cape of good hope. accordingly, the yemen armed forces won all israeli ships heading to or coming. from the ports of occupied palestine not to pass through the cape of good hope, otherwise they will be legitimate target for our armed forces. the yemeni armed forces within the framework of implementing these directives carried out three operations against three israelian american ships in the indian ocean, using a number of suitable naval missiles and drones and all three operations successfully achieved their objectives. the yemani armed forces will persist with their military operations. forcing a blockade on israeli navigation in the red and arabian seas as well as the indian ocean until a cease fire is achieved and the siege on gaza is lifted. early we
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spoke to hossin al-bukhaiji, activis and political commentator who joined us from sano in yemen, he told us that yemen is expanding its operations after israel linked ships changed their roots in high seas. he mentioned that yemani will expand their attack because uh we have noticed that because after the yemani blocked the red sea and the arabian gulf in the face of israeli affiliated ship they actually are now using to go around the cape of good hope in south south africa that's why in the speech of abdul malik yesterday has insisted that yemani will expand their operation and i just want to mention that in the last 12 hour uh yemani army. according to uh united kingdom maritime trade operation uh two vessels has come under attack in the red sea just in the last 12 hours and as well according to uh
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united states central command the two ballistic missiles were fired into the gulf of aiden they didn't say what was the dark the target but we have seen two days ago that us central command has announced uh that one anti-hip ballistic missiles was fired against uh to towards us destroyer called labon and they said that it did not hit that chip and this is actually a change of the of the tune the united states because they always say that we have shut down either the drones or the ballistic missiles but this actually latest statement it shows that yemani antiship ballistic missiles actually was not or they couldn't shoot it down by the anti air missiles on those us destroyer. people across russia are heading to the polls to choose new president for the next six years of votes taking place across the country's 11 time zones, more than 112 million people are
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eligible to cast ballots from friday until sunday. in common president vladimir putin is running for fifth term. he has three rivals, they're from the new people party, the liberal democratic party and the communist party. prior to the election, putin called on russians to vote saying that people are the only source of power in country, he said russia is going through a difficult period and uh needs to say united and confident to overcome it, the vote is also taking place in the four regions uh that russia annexed from ukraine in 2022, namely donietsk, luhansk, zaporija and herson. our correspondent johnny miller earlier joined us from moscow with more details on the ongoing presidential elections in russia. well, as you say, russians, millions of russians going to the poles over the next three days, friday to sunday, frankly, nobody expects anybody else to win except for vladimir putin, he's been
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effectively in power for the last 20 years and almost certainly he will win another six year term, the major reason for that is that he's very popular uh, that's the reality, uh, the economy is stable and growing, politically it's stable, despite of course the major conflict, the war, the special military operation as it's called here. it's going on in ukraine, the main opposition is from the left and the right of him, the communist party usually comes second in these elections and there's certainly opposition um not necessarily about opposition to how the country is generally going, but certainly disagreements with vladimir putin from the from more in the right, more ultra-nationalist. that's a wrap for now, but stick around there's plenty more to come here on press tv. see you soon.
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bismillahirrahmanirrahim ام حسبتtum ان تدخل الجنه وlma yaatikum mathina min qabelkum.
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noruz is the single most important national festival of the iranians inherited from ancient times. a celebration of early spring. nourus is all about hope in the worst of time. no ruse or the new day will finally come. no.
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assalamu alaikum, peace be upon you and welcome to eye on islam, the show where we look at current affairs through an islamic lens each week we evaluate a trending. new story and break it down from an islamic perspective: muslims around the world are engaging in a month of worship and fasting, but they do so in the shadow of the ongoing genocide against the people of palestine. this week's episode, we'll look at what actions muslims and others have been.