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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 15, 2024 7:30pm-8:03pm IRST

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of the headlines, israeli prime minister has approved plans to invade the city of rafa in the gaza strip, rejecting new ceasefire proposal by hamas. yemen says it's expanding its operations against israeli linked vessels and support of the people of palestine and also in our headlines russians head to the polling stations across the country in a three-day presidential election.
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hello and welcome everybody, it's 7:30 p.m. here in the iranian capital tethron, you're watching press tv's world news. our top story for this half hour, israel's prime ministers rejected new ceasefire proposal by the hamas resistance movement that included the release of the regime's captives in exchange for the release of palestinian abducties. benyamin netanyahu's office issued the statement following a war. cabinet meeting in tel aviv, however, the statement said delegation would leave for qatar to discuss israel's position a potential agreement. it also said netanyahu had approved plans for a military operation in rafa, the southern gaza city, where more than million people are sheltering. earlier hamas said under its proposal, the occupying israeli forces should leave gaza. hamas said its proposal also included the return of displaced palestinians to their homes and providing them with aid. the exchange of palestinian. abducties with israeli captives
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held in gaza was included as well. well, the israeli military has conducted new attacks on different locations across gaza, our correspondent in the central city of dar albala, earlier joined us to give us more of details. in the meantime, the israeli accubition artillery maintained its shelling towards the eastern part of uh several areas of gaza's. strip particularly here in deril balah city and almograga neighborhood and even an nusir refugee camp heavy uh artillery shilling reach those areas uh and that shilling actually was maintained over the night and even in jabal refugee camp and in kanyunis city the israeli artillery also maintained and continued their attacks and air strikes in the meantime the central the central areas of khan city and jabal refugee.
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camp also were hit uh relentlessly by those israeli continuous air strikes, several horizontal buildings destroyed over those cruel attacks. australia says it will resume funding to the un agency for palestinian refugees on rua after consideration by the national security committee this week australia is unpausing our cont we have worked with partners and obviously you've seen the european union and canada also unp their funding. we have worked with the united nations, we have worked withra and we have taken advice from agencies and from australian government lawyers and all of those has informed the consideration of the nsc to die. the australian foreign minister
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also stressed that honoa and its operations are critical to providing assistance to the starving palestinians in gaza. earlier this week, sweden and canada also announced the resumption of their funding to the un agency. they were among the 16 countries that paused the uh aid after israel accused some honoral staffers of involvement in damas's october 7th operation honoral however has described. allegations as unsubstantiated, saying that israel had extracted confessions from its personnel under torture. a senior eu official also said israel had not provided any evidence to support its claims. onraw has been a lifeline for millions of palestinian since 1949, just months after the creation of israel in occupied palestine. well, now we've been uh holding an exclusive interview with the deputy leader. for the palestinian
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islamic jihad movement and it he details the latest cease fire plan proposed by the resistance in gaza, but cast doubt on israeli willingness to reach a political settlement. new proposal was submitted which divides the agreement, meaning that the first phase would begin, which includes the prisoner swap, and we agreed to add other elements. which would allow for the return or guarantee the return of the displaced to their homes in
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the north of the gaza strip and gaza city. the second phase which includes the swap of the soldiers. which must include guarantees for an end of the war, an end to the aggression and an end to the ceastfire, and the third phase would include pledges to begin the reconstruction of gaza. we believe that the israeli government. because it includes number of members of the far right will not respond and it has maneuvered, there is maneuvering on the part of a netanyahu government, but hindi however said that such
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israeli maneuvering will not lead anywhere because of palestinians. steadfastness, he said the resistance is carrying out operations in areas which israel claims to have captured including in the north of the strip and in kanyunes to the south, the resistance official also highlighted us complicity in the israeli genocide in gaza. in this aggression, there is american agreement with israel.
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so the goals are to eliminate the resistance and these are american israeli joint strategic goals. so the goals are the same, but there is a disagreement regarding the priorities, the americans talk for example about sparing civilians, but the civilians are being killed with american weapons and bombs. and some of these weapons reach israel, even behind the back of the congress, hindi described as an act of hypocrisy, us's
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delivery of limited aid to gaza through air drops and temporary sea ports while delivering weapons to israel, he said the us is attempting to misleed the international conscience. and by time for israel, and he also pointed to israeli threats to invade the refugee packed city of rafa describing them as meaningless given the large extent of israeli losses and casualties elsewhere in gaza, which he stress the regime is concealing. ground fighting rages on across the gaza strip with palestinian resistance fighters repelling attacks by israeli forces, the military wing of... the hamas resistance movement, the elkhasam brigade says it has killed four israeli soldiers in central gaza. the group says the regime's troops were targeted while moving explosive devices to building in alahra municipality. in a separate operation, there al-qasam fighters carried out rocket attacks against five
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israeli mercava tanks. the alts brigades also launched mortar shells a gathering of the regime soldiers, israel says it has lost 250 of its troops since regime's ground invasion of gaza, which started in late october, palestinian groups, however say the actual number of the regimes casualties as much higher and israel is hiding it to avoid public anger. خانم پروین اعتصامی اولین شاعری بودند که به
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جنبه های گوناگون انسانی در شعر توجه کردن. زبان مردم خودش هست. رنج های جامعه خودش رو می بینه. همین رنگ ها هم بعدها برای او تنگناها و محدودیت و دشواری هایی رو فراهم می آورد. what is most important is the depth of paris and her. vision for the empowerment of women, welcome back, the emmy army says it is carried out fresh attack on us and israeli vessels in the indian ocean as it expands the scope of its pro- palestinian and retaliatory operations. another victory for the oppressed palestinian people and in retaliation for the american british aggression against our
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country. the naval units of the yemeni armed forces carried out an operation targeting the israeli ship pacific 01 in the red sea with number of suitable naval missiles. meanwhile, our forces carried out an operation targeting an american destroyer in the red sea with number of drones and successfully achieved its objectives. in implementing the directives of our leader sayid abdul malik. in another victory for the oppressed palestinian people who are being subjected to aggression and siege in the gaza strip, and in response to the calls of the yemeni people and all the free people of the nation, the yemeni armed forces began to expand the scope their operations against israeli ships, those linked to israel or those heading to the ports of occupied palestine to include the indian ocean to the cape of good hope. accordingly, the yemen armed forces won all ships heading to or coming from the ports of occupied palestine not to pass through the
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cape of good hope, otherwise they will be legitimate target for our armed forces. the yemeny armed forces within the framework of implementing these directives carried out three operations against three israeli and american ships in the indian ocean using number of suitable naval missiles and drones and all three operations successfully achieved their objectives. the yemeny armed forces will persist. with their military operations, enforcing a blockade on israeli navigation in the red and arabian seas as well as the indian ocean, until sease fire is achieved and the siege on gaza is lifted. earlier we spoke to hosen albuiti actives and political commentator, joined us from sanoa, he told us that to yemen, is expanding its operations after israel linked ships changed their roots in high seas. he mentioned that yemy will expand their attack because uh we
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have noticed that because after the yemani blocked the red sea and the arabian gulf in the face of israeli affiliated ship they actually are now using to go around the cape of good hope in south south africa that's why in the speech of abdul malik yesterday has insisted that yemany will expand their operation and i just want to mention that in the last 12 hours. yemani army, according to uh united kingdom maritime trade operation, two vessels has come under attack in the red sea just in the last 12 hours and as well according to uh united states central command, the two ballistic missiles were fired into the gulf of aiden, they didn't say what was the dark the target, but we have seen two days ago that us central command has announced uh that one anti-hip ballistic missiles was fired against towards us destroyer called labon and they said that it
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did not hit that chip and this is actually a change of the of the tune of the united states because they always say that we have shut down either the drones or the ballistic missiles but this actually latest statement it shows that yemani antiship ballistic missiles actually was not or they couldn't shoot it down by the anti air missiles on those us destroyer. hello and welcome, you're watching press tv's news review where we look to print to some of the top stories of the day. in this segment the program, people across russia are heading to the post to choose new president, for the next six years, the vote is taking place across the country's 11 time zones, more than 112 million people are eligible to cast ballots from friday until sunday, and coming
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president vladimir putin is running for fifth term, he has three rivals, they're from the... people party, the liberal democratic party and the communist party. prior to the election, putin called on russians to vote, saying that people are the only source of power in his country. he said russia is going through a difficult period and needs to stay united and confident to uh overcome it. the vote is also taking place in the four regions at russia annexed from ukraine in 2022, namely donietsk, luhansk, zaporija and xerson. joining us on this edition of the news review, we have uh press tv's very own johnny miller joining us from moscow, also we have journalist activist and political analyst mr. john boz joining us from belgrade. let's start off with um press tv's uh johnny miller in moscow, johnny uh walk us through uh what's uh taking place during the
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uh three days uh as russians go to the polls and about the significance of this election as well. well the first day of polling is practically at an end, local reports say 20% of russian people have already voted, i spoke to one woman today who told me she's never voted before, but she's going to vote this time, she didn't tell me who she's going to vote for, it's quite an impolight question to ask here in russia, i've tried my best to, most people won't answer it as well, it's rather impolight to to answer it either, but one man told me there's only one man to vote for and that's who i'm voting for, by what else he told me? i suspect that he was voting for vladimir putin. uh, vladimir putin will win the election, i won't even say almost certainly, he certainly will win the election. the main reason being is that he's very popular uh, the economy despite the fact that russia is fighting major conflict, a war, special military operation, call it what you will, uh, against ukraine, some say the whole of the collective west. russian economy
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has stayed very strong, and indeed is growing, politically, it's very stable, and vladimir putin remains very... popular, so that's the main reason he will win the election, um, and i think many people have criticized in russia or question why they're holding an election now, they are fighting, major conflict, but i think it's also part of just the kind of stability that the russian government want to project, that the country is running along smoothly, if you here in moscow or elsewhere in russia, daily life does continue is normal, it feels like there's a war at the edge of the empire so to speak, but life continues, and that's very much. what this election is proving was uh certain attempts to destabilize russia, particularly from ukraine, drones and attacks in the belgrad region, other events around russia tr to stabilize russia in this election, but certainly it does feel very stable in the election is going uh going going ahead uh as planned and uh the russian government does seem strong and confident
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going forward. let's bring in john bosnic on the discussion, mr. bosnic uh please share with us your view. and perspective of the russian presidential election and what's it stake here? well, i'm coming from the perspective of somebody outside the russian federation looking in, the general position of everybody, whether they like president putin or not is, is that president putin is the most important russian leader since the car alexander who defeated napoleon, the russian state has been under pressure. sanctions, military pressure, war its borders, war inside the federation previously, all of these crises have been averted or controlled by president putin, and in fact what he has done is he's created a state which is agriculturally independent, which is politically independent, which is energy independent and energy exporting, which is financially independent, which is
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militarily self-sufficient and self-standing, and in fact in 20% five years, he has taken russia from being the poor man of europe to being the rich man of the world. the issue of the economy was something that our correspondent johnny miller just brought up, mr. bozic, i want you to break that down for us as well as we know uh in spite of the dire predictions of many critics uh russia has actually been successful in evading western sanctions and its economy has outperformed those. uh expectations, how is that going to play in to the uh uh um to the voters minds and the elections uh at this point in time right now? you know, i've had the... privilege and the good fortune of being personally involved in some of these transformations, i was the advisor to the japanese prime minister's office at the time that we negotiated on behalf of japan for the
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building of the espo pipeline, the eastern siberia to pacific ocean pipeline, and that pipeline has become the economic life, life blood of russia, and from the revenues from that pipeline, russia has been able to build its links internationally and financed the redevelopment of agriculture. russia was an agricultural importer and now is an exporter. russia is now one of the world's leading oil petroleum product exporters. russia is producing domestic retail goods and russia has built an alliance of steel, literally pipeline of energy and retail products interchange with china at the perfect time, because china is under sanctions from the united states and it has turned its eyes towards russia. as a commercial and retail market, there couldn't be better nexus and better uh synergy of all possible benefits, and that has been tied directly to the
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presidency of vladimir putin, and there's no doubt that the russian voters and the russian media and the russian political class all know this, even his opponents, i'm sure grudgingly accept these facts. and uh, johnny, one last question for you, as well, of course, you did mention that life is going on as normal, but nevertheless uh, there is this war, this conflict, whatever you want to call it, it's going on, do voters have the issue of an end game uh to this war with ukraine on their minds as well, oh look, there is sadness in russian society at the moment, lot of people are being killed, russian solders are being killed, and most russians see ukrainians as their brothers and also they see themselves or did, do as part of europe and as part of the world, there is an underlying sadness that there is effectively a conflict uh between ukraine obviously and between the west, so you
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certainly feel that, and there's also lot of attempts uh to destabilize russia at the moment, terrorist activity, right now there's been no missiles, drones, attacks in the belgrad region, so russia is very much a country uh in conflict. in war, if you whatever you want to call that, and you do feel that, and you have west certain west nato countries have openly expressed that they are trying to overthrow the russian government, so you do feel that, and so there is sadness there, but also clearly determination from the majority, vast majority of the population to stay together and to to carry on through wherever this goes. i think almost all russians want this war in. to end as soon as possible uh, but the reality is it doesn't just rely on russia, it relies on ukraine, it relies on nato, but there seems to be almost a
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resignation that they will just have to go on for as long as it takes, so that's very much the backdrop for these elections, but as i say and as your other guest says, russian economy is doing very well and uh outside the conflict, russian society continues as normal. all right, thanks lot, press tvs, johnny miller joining us from. from the russian capital moscow and thanks to journalists, activists and political analyst mr. john boznic joining us from belgrade. with that it brings us to an end here on this edition of the news review, but stick around, there's plenty more to come here on press tv. crisis devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby. crackdown, diplomacy.
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palestinian people facing genocide. bismillahirrahman. الذين اذا اصابتهم مصيبه قالوا قالوا انا لله
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وانا اليه. it's a special time for britain's 3 million muslims. the fasting hours are long up to 20 hours a day, but the physical and spiritual rewards are worth it. ramadan has been a fantastic time uh in sense in the sense that it's about spiritually connecting with the law of the heavens and the earth and detoxing your bodies. ramadan is the month of prayer in the quran when muslims do their best to cultivate willpower, discipline and
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self-restraint. but ramadan isn't just about self-sacrifice, it's about sharing food with your family and friends, it's about increasing solidarity with fellow muslims, and it's about showcasing the beauty of islam to the non-muslim majority living in the uk. being involved in a community helps me to understand the muslim community even more and to be able to share that with my community back in the states.
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as hundreds of people have marked.
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the voice of the voiceless press tv.
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