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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 18, 2024 1:30am-2:03am IRST

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your headlines on press tv: nearly 100 palestinians are killed in the latest round of visualy strikes on gaza as the overall death toll from the aggression is approaching. 2000, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu vows to launch a ground invasion of rafah in a gesture of defiance against calls to stop the genocide in gaza. the netherlands, the uk and several other european countries witness fresh protest against the ongoing us-israeli war on the gaza strip.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in tehran, thank you for joining us. the latest round of israely strikes on gaza has killed nearly 100 palestinians, the overall death toll from aggression is now approaching 32,000. our correspondent joined us earlier for more details on the latest developments. here's what he had to say. let's begin uh with the latest statement of the spokesperson of gaza's uh civil defense system. as he stated that at least 400 palestinian civilians uh have been killed uh from the... and civilians
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who were waiting for the humanitarian relief to reach gaza after many palestinian injuries uh actually second to the ones they sustained over those attacks, i mean near the eastern and the western parts of gaza city, particularly in uh uh or around the al kuwait and annabul round about as you know that the israel incubation forces committed several massacers against the palestinian civilians while they were waiting for those humanitarian aid heading to gaza. city uh and this number is highly expected to rise as many injuries are still suffering from the critical injuries they sustained over those attacks. in the meantime the israeli war planes continued uh decimating and attacking gaza strip. several areas of the gaza strip were hit by the relentless israel air strikes over the last couple of hours here in the central area of gaza strip uh the israeli war blanes attacked. attacked multiple
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residential buildings in anosarati fuji camp and and in almograga neighborhood located in the northern part of anosarati fuji camp more zanter buildings were destroyed over those attacks and in the meantime even in gaza city the israeli war blanes also renewed their air strikes against ashya neighborhood multiplental buildings were also destroyed over those attacks and when it comes to khanuni city the israeli occubation forces maintained destroying and blowing up uh more residental squares particularly in the eastern part of khanuni city al-karara neighborhood, more residental squares were blasted using the explosive devices by the israeli accubation forces in that area, in the meantime the artillery shilling was renewed also against the eastern part of khanist city. a senior leader of the palestinian resistance move in hamas says the group is waiting for a response to a cease fire proposal from israel and the us, the regime's main accomplice. in the gaza
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genocide. osama hamdan said the initiative put forward by hamas is a realistic one with clear details. he said it provides for a swap of captives in gaza and palestinian uptities and the withdrawal of israeli forces from gaza. hamdan said the palestinan movement had during negotiations called for an end to the war, the return of refugees, the dispatch of aid to gaza and the start of the reconstruction of the strip. hamdan touched upon the divisions within the... regime on the war and added that tel aviv has achieved none of its declared objectives despite the atrocities committed in gaza. he said hamas has told intermediaries that acts of aggression against gaza must stop. well as the us is really genocidal war grinds on. there has been a new proposal put forward by hamas raising prospects for sease. now hamas
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has proposed new 40-day truce in gaza and an exchange for several dozen israeli hostages for palestinian prisoners. for the first stage, this is what is proposed for the... change, as you can see, the total number of israeli captives would be 42, this includes five female regime forces and 37 others, women, children, the elderly and the el, it would not include male regime forces. now here is where the ratio is different than the previous proposal. for the five female regime forces, the ratio would be one to 30 to 50 palestinian prisoners. for the 37 others, the ratio would be one ordinary israeli captive to 20 to 30 palestinian. prisoners. there's a possible snack here, and it comes from the israeli regime. it's opposing the release of palestinian prisoners who have killed israelis, especially israeli regime forces. something that was part of the hamas demand, and that is something that may be a snag. another hamas condition is the return of all
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palestinians to northern gaza, including 19-year-old ameles who were restricted from returning in the previous proposal from the israeli regime. now hamas has required for. the israel regime forces to withdraw from cities and populated areas, that includes al-rashed and salahdin streets, in order to allow for the return of the displaced palestinians. aid is as important for hermas officials and they have required the 500 trucks to be allowed into the gaza strip daily, in the first stage also. now comes the second stage, the release of the remaining israeli captives. there are 130 captives including 32 presumed dead, subtracting the 42 released before leaves 88, which includes male regime forces, ratio is one to 30 to 50. hamas requires at this point for the full withdrawal of the remaining israeli regime forces from the gaza strip, one of the major
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sticking points. hamasa's other key demands include things like reconstruction, the crossings being reopened and ending the siege all together. us, qatar and egypt. are the garantours of the agreements, hopes are, if this is executed and there are no violations, it will ultimately end in a permanent ceasefire. the israeli regime has systematically targeted information technology experts, programmers and computer technicians as part of his genocidal war on the gaza strip. according to euro med human rights monitor, the israeli military has killed hundreds of people with intellects and exp. teas in the blockated territory, especially those proficient in information technology, as well as other elites such as doctors and academics. the rights watch dog has compiled a list of technology specialists, namely those with expertise in programming and artificial intelligence who were killed in the regime's incessent
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onslaught. the group says it is documents showing that the israeli military launched direct and devastating attacks on headquarters of it companies as well. now the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu says the regime will proceed with a planned ground offensive in gaza's southern rafath city. he criticized israel's allies for what he called having a short memory. netanyahu's remarks come despite growing international concern about the war on gaza and the domestic criticism of his handling of the war. on sunday, jordan and germany warned that an israeli ground attack on rafat will worsen humanitarian. conditions in the southern gaza strip. the un world health organization chief also edged israel not to launch the assault. meanwhile, the former israeli military commander has said that israel has already lost this war against hamas. yiak brick said what is happening in
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gaza's rip and lebanon will blow up in our faces sooner or later. meanwile people in different countries across the globe. continue to voice solidarity with the palestinians in gaza, in the netherlands capital, hundreds of pro-palestin demonstrators gathered outside the national holocaust museum for the second time since last week. the demonstration came. as delegation from the israeli regime was visiting the national holocaust museum. the protest has held pictures of the children killed in israeli bombings on gaza. they called for immediate end to the ongoing genocidal war in the besieg strip. in another european capital, london, people display their support for the palestinians during rally against racism.
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they called for an end to the israeli occupation of palestine. also in italy, hundreds of protesters gathered in milan in support of the palestinians. the demonstrators held reading, stop the genocide in gaza and stop arming israel. the german city of berlin was also the scene of a massive rally. we are here to demonstrate uh for palestine and i think it's not only about palestine here, it's also about showing our anger towards uh the german media and the german politicians because they have lot of power and they decided to take a side and even they use something. time some wars for human crisis or something like this, i can't believe it, i don't, i have the feeling that
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it's just empty wars. the protesters demanded immediate cease fire in gaza, they carried blood stained small mock body bags in reference to the large number of children killed in gaza. in bahrain, which has normalized tires with israel, the protest has hailed the palestinian resistance fighters and decried the united states for the israel blood... setting in gaza, also in china, in chile, in south america, a massive valley was held in the capital santiago with protesters denouncing israel for the killing of over 16,00 children in gaza. the appointment of new palestinian prime minister and planned formation of new palestinian government have sparked internal disputes and division. a senior palestinian official has told press tv. that some factions have called for national consensus and a unified palestinian leadership before the formation of a
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government. mona khandial has more. the appointment of new palestinian a prime minister at the current circumstances could deepen divisions as the israeli war on gaza rages. this is what some palestinian factions revealed after president mahmoud abbas appointed muhammad mustafa a long trusted advisor on economic. economic affairs as prime minister and tasked him with forming new government, both hamasan resistance movements, the popular front for the liberation of palestine and the palestinian national initiative said that without national consensus it's a reinforcement of a policy of exclusion and the deepening of division. we met dr mustafal bargoti, secretary general of the national initiative. he told us that the most important thing is now a unified leadership. we're not against. the new government, we're against the way the government is being formed, we want national
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consensus government, a government which is acceptable and accepted by all palestinian political groups through national dialogue between the different groups and that that is natural, because and and for us the main goal first before forming a government is how we structure a unified palestinian national leadership. muhammad mustafa replaces muhammad sheyi who resigned less than three weeks ago, sighting the need for real change. experts, however, say there had been mounting pressure on abbas to reform the palestinian authority and initiate the establishment of a political framework capable of governing a future palestinian state to take charge of all palestinian territories after the israeli genocidal war on gaza ends. first of all, that there was a pressure on. an authority to make some changes and that's why uh they complied immediately and appointing muhammad
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mustafa to as the new prime minister. this is on the one hand, on the other hand, which is most importantly as well, what the palestinian wanted, the palestinian don't want another government to be the same. the problem here is with israel, are they and the international community, are they able to really make the change and let this government? to work or not, the new prime minister now would work to form a technocratic government of experts. abbas has also asked mustafa to create plans to reunite the administration of the west bank and gaza strip, reform the government and address internal corruption. a real political change, not a change in words only, is what the people here desire. moreover, the upcoming government faces numerous challenges, namely rebuilding the gaza strip, torpedoing israeli plans to... show the coastal enclave and managing palestinian's lives. for press tv.
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occupied dramallah. it's a good way to see how poor people uh in poor countries or even in our own countries live. "fasting basically heightens your awareness of your surroundings and everything, and it brings back the reasons for doing dua, for reading quran, when the sun sets, uh, it's a fantastic feeling of
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achievement. welcome back in russia preliminary results of the presidential election show incumbent vladimir putin is on course for another six-year term in office. according to russia's central election commission putin has garnered nearly 88% of the votes with around one quarter of the ballots counted. nearly none of the three other candidates has reached even 5%. vote counting. began minutes after pol's close on sunday across the country as well as in four ukrainian regions annexed by russia in 2022. for the first time the election took place for three days starting from friday. election officials say the nationwide turnout was over 74%. this is the eighth presidential election in russia and the fifth term for putin if he
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is declared winner. president joe biden and former president donald trump continue to move forward or towards a rematch in november after clenching their party's presidential nominations. both nominees have been exchanging jabs as campaigning intensifies. to discuss that further, we were joined by our guests in our news review program. let's see what they have to say. you're watching press tv world. news time now for the news review, stay tuned: the us president joe biden warning that freedom and democracy is under attack, and that after former president donald trump suggested a blood bath in the case of losing the fall election. biden was speaking at the great iron club dinner, which was pack with journalists and politicians, he said trump's lies about a 2020 election, the plot to overturn it and to imprace the
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january 6 attack on the capital have posed the greatest threat to america's democracy. president joe biden's campaign also stated that trump wants another january 6th to happen on saturday republican nominee for us president donald trump said if he does not win the fall election america will never have another election. if i get elected now if i don't get elected it's going to be a blood bath for the whole that's going to be the least of it. it's going to be a blood bath for the country that'll be the least of it. if this left. "if this election isn't one, i'm not sure that you'll ever have another election in this country, does that make sense? i don't think you're going to have another election in this country, if we don't win this election, i don't think you're going to have another election, or certainly not an election that's meaningful, and trump was addressing gathering of gop supporters in ohio, urging the people to vote for him in
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the november presidential election, he lashed out of his democratic rival and incoming president biden saying that he is" destroyed to america's economy, he said americans will not enjoy proper social security, medical and other welfare services with biden in office. campaigning is intensified in recent weeks with trump and biden attacking each other's record and character. okay, now let me invite a couple of academics from the us to get their insight on this, so joining me is daniel shaw, he is academic and commentator out of new york and sied khan is also associate professor with wayne state university, joining us from detroit. daniel, what do you expect uh would happen on the election day in terms of the results? would that capital hill thing be repeated again or something like it? right now every poll indicates that uh there's no confidence in joe biden, about 84% of the populist thinks
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that he is indeed uh senile. um, lot of people don't necessarily trust trump, they just... so disgusted uh with the democrats uh with the corruption, so another slogan that i heard uh from i where said is, i'm in new york city, but having just returned from the midwest, many people are saying, well throw away this clown, but don't throw away the burgers, in other words, throw away trump, but trump's base uh, which is indeed backward, extremely anti-immigrant, extremely uh pro- war in in many cases, um... but they're angry and they know that they can't trust the swamp and they can't trust washington dc, so how do we work with uh uh these workers who are uh disgruntled? "they've suffered through the opioid epidemic, washington has completely forgotten about them and how much of the industry in cleveland and in um flint in detroit, chicago
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has been abandoned, how many working-class families are suffering, and they'll never vote for the democrats, they have zero um faith in the democrats, so here comes uh trump with his rhetoric and trump has really been able to manipulate people into thinking that he's somehow on their side." "he's a billionaire worth $4 billion dollars who could never relate to the common man in in in any way, and just to point out that there are other independent candidates, there's dr. connel west, there's claudia dela cruz, there's jill stein, but the system is rigged, it's not a democracy, it's a dictator of the dictatorship of the rich, and they make sure that none of those third party candidates are actually viable. okay, so we got one minute, let me know what you uh predict would come out of this election in six months time, almost. from now uh, i think it's right now far too uh early to and premature to predict what's going to happen, there's a there's a lot of moving parts here uh there is some uh
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notion that uh democrats uh who are currently disgruntled with biden uh who as as daniel said uh don't have much faith in him may come back uh to him uh because they see trump as an existential threat a gop as an existential threat whereas biden being and the democrat. be more of a strategic thread uh, some of this is going to play out regarding gaza, i think a lot of it is now going to play out regarding tiktok, if uh, if biden signs a bill that then bans tiktok, uh, he's going to lose an entire generation of people as was said before, and that's game over for the democrats, so right now it's really going to be vote by negativity, uh, who does somebody want to see less in uh in office, and again, there's just simply too much talk time between now and the... member for things to happen where we're not able to predict that. okay, fair enough. all right, thank you so much for the insight. daniel shaw in new york, said khan in detroit. thank you for
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watching this episode of the news review. welcome back and for the third year in a row afghanistan has been declared the least happy country in the world. that's a... into the un's world happiness report. reports from kabul. the people of afghanistan are facing immense hardship and sorrow with the country finding itself at the bottom of the world happiness report rankings. the report which evaluates nations based on various factors such as freedom, health and income has named afghanistan as the unhappiest. we are all
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since then, i have not had any income, my young daughters are missing their school and this situation is so tough, how can we be happy? the afghan people have suffered decades of intervention and war and they have not been happy, but experts say under the rule of the taliban, their circumstances have worsent, the afghan people have suffered decades of intervention and war and they have not been happy, but experts say under the rule of the taliban, their circumstances have worsened. witness the rise of mental health
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problems such as anxiety, stress and depression, they have even led to suicide. if you take hope away from people, it will result in depressed and dead nation. hope is everything for human beings. if it is erodit, all progress will be lost. the afghan are resilient, but the absence of basic human necessities and rights can crush even the strongest will. the international community and the ruling taliban share a responsibility to bring some hope and light to the life of the crisis is stricken nation. decades of foreign interventions and war have made afghans the poorest and the saddest people on the planet. this nation has long yearn for peace and happiness, but it remains. to be seen when or whether they find your last dream. press tv and with that we come to the
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end of this bulletin, thank you for being with us, take care and bye-bye, people first learn to domesticate animals, then they kept animals in zoos, then they learned to earn money through displaying the animals in cages, then came the aquariums and the dolphinariums, there doesn't seem to be
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an end. this game of violating animals rights.
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what kind of people do they think we are? is it possible they do not realize that we shall never cease to persevere against them until they have been taught a lesson which they and the world will never. again, now i am become death, we now have a name for the disease, and it is covid-19, a state-wide order for people to stay at home, that's why comes from china, really deeply that if people are sharing more, then the world will be more
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open place where people can understand what's going on. people around them, and that's really what we want to get towards. um, did you appear on the on the um and give a presentation to the launch of, yes, i did.
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hello and welcome to press tv spotlight, i'm marza hashimi, thanks so much for. being with us, well, as the israeli regime's genocide against palestinian continues, more than 31,600 people have been killed. this includes the slaughtering of over 13,000 infants and kids.