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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 18, 2024 11:30am-12:03pm IRST

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first ofe headlines this hour as israel's genocidal war enters his 164th day, doctors without borders says the situation in gaza is catastrophic and words cannot describe it. tensions on the korean peninsula, the democratic people's republic of korea launches multiple ballistic missiles as the west secretary of state, anthony blincon visits neighboring south korea for talks and russia's president putin warns the west against sending troops to ukraine saying that it could take the world to the brink of world war ii.
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w welcome to our studios here in the capital tahan, this is press tv news, thanks for joining us. the gaza's trip is enduring relentless israeli air strikes and shelling as more palestinians have lost their lives in fresh attacks. has targeted several areas near the southern city of hanjunis, they include hamat town where five dead bodies were recovered from under the rubble. israely warplanes also struck some neighborhoods in gaza city and its vicinity. the regime shelled east of the barage refugee camp and targeted homes in the nosari camp in central gaza as well. that led to the killing of several palestinians. israel on the east this war on gaza early october, over 31,600 palestinians have been killed so far. the war rages on, while gazins are observing the holy
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month of ramadan and it severe food shortages. the un agency for palestinian refugees ana says people on the coastal sliver are on the brink of famon. doctors without borders also says the current situation in gaza is catastrophic and indescribable. israel has launched a fresh operation against gaza's largest hospital (balshifa hospital) which is sheltering tens of thousands of palestinians who have been... placed by the regime's onslot, witnesses in gaza city say tanks surround the hospital site and nearby areas have been bombed. gaza's health ministry says it has received information that shows there are dozens of casualties. the hamas resistance movement has called the storming of alchu hospital a war crime. the israely military has carried out multiple operations in and around medical facilities across the gaza strip since the start of his genocide on october 7. according to the un, 155 health facilities. in the
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gauza strip have been damaged since then. the senior leader of the palestinian resistance muhammad says the group is waiting for a response to cease far proposal from israel and the us, the regime's main accomplice in the gaza genocide. asama hamdan said that the initiative put forward by hamas is a realistic one with clear details. he said that it provides for a swap of captives in gaza and palestinian abductees and the withdraw of israely forces from gaza. hamdan said the palestinian movement had during negotiations called for an end to the war, the return of refugees, the dispatch of aid to gaza and the start of the reconstruction of the strip. hamdan touched upon the divisions within the israeli regime on the war and added that telaviv has achieved none of its declared objectives despite the atrocities committed in gaza. he said that hamas has told intermediaries that acts of aggression against gaza must stop. well as
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the us is really genocidal war grinds on, there has been a new proposal put forward by hamas raising prospects for a cease fire. now hamas has proposed new 40-day truce in gaza and an exchange for several dozen israeli hostages for palestinian prisoners. for the first stage, this is what is proposed for the exchange. as you can see, the total number of israeli captives would be 42. this includes five female. regime forces and 37 others, women, children, the elderly and the el, it would not include male regime forces. now here is where the ratio is different than the previous proposal. for the five female regime forces, the ratio would be one to 30 to 50 palestinian prisoners. for the 37 others, the ratio would be one ordinary israeli captive to 20 to 30 palestinian prisoners. there's a possible snack here, and it comes from the israeli regime. it's opposed. the release of
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palestinian prisoners who have killed israelis, especially israeli regime forces, something that was part of the hamas demand, and that is something that may be a snag. of another hamas condition is... is the return of all palestinians to northern gaza, including 19-year-old ameles who were restricted from returning in the previous proposal from the israeli regime. now hamas has required for the israel regime forces to withdraw from cities and populated areas that includes al-rashed and salahaddeen streets in order to allow for the return of the displaced palestinians. aid is as important for hamas officials and they have required the 500 trucks to be allowed in. to the gaza strip daily in the first stage also. now comes the second stage, the release of the remaining israely captives. there are 130 captives including 32 presumed dead, subtracting the 42 released before leaves 88, which includes male regime forces, ratio is 1
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to 30 to 50. hamas requires at this point for the full withdrawal of the remaining israeli regime forces from the gaza strip, one of the major. sticking points. hamas's other key demands include things like reconstruction, the crossings being reopened and ending the siege all together. us, qatar and egypt are the garantours of the agreements. hopes are, if this is executed, and there are no violations, it will ultimately end in a permanent ceasefire. the irish prime minister lea varatkar has called for a ceasefire in gaza, saying the palestinians need the israely bombs to stop. he said gasons desperately need food, medicine and shelter. he also said irish people are deeply troubled about the catastrophe that's unfolding before their eyes in gaza. the premier also called on the us to secure a truth and to create space for lasting peace. may the comments during a meeting with the us president of the
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white house. european commission president ursula vanderlayan has also raised the alarm over the dire humanitarian situation in the gaza strip, calling for immediate cease fire in the territory. we are all extremely concerned about the war in gaza and the unfolding catastrophic humanitarian situation. gaza is facing famin, and we cannot accept this. it is critical to achieve an agreement a cease fire rapidly now, that freeze the hostages and allows more humanitarian aid. to reach gaza, i commend you for your personal. wonderland also voice concerned about israel's threat for a full-scale ofensive in the southern gaza city of ruffa. she said that it would have devastating impact on the civilian population. she made the comments in a joint
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pressure with the egyptian president abdul in kairab. sisi also opposed any israeli ground operation and raffa that would further deteriorate the humanitarian crisis. he also underlined egypt's opposition to any israeli attempt to forcibly displace palestinians from their homes. this week on expos a, we touch upon the western narrative of the parliamentary elections in the islamic republic of iran as it centered around made up tales about iranians abstaining from voting in protest against the government. in the meantime, most opinion pieces published by well-known mainstream media. rejected the idea that iran is democratic country essentially recycling tired stories and narratives with no fresh perspective. also this week we cover social media reacts to the famin brought on by the ongoing zinus israeli genocide in gaza as well as the air drop sharade of aid and expired food on gaza
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residence. right here on expose, the truth is just the revelation away. welcome back to the news cr press tv. the democratic people's republic of korea has launched multiple short-range ballistic missiles and made growing tensions in the korean peninsula. south korea's joint chief of staff says it detected the launches early on monday. says the missiles flew around 300 kilometers before coming down on the waters east of the korean peninsula. the new development comes as the us secretary of state is in south korea for talks. washington once. up their latest joint war games last week. po. yang considers such bills rehearsals for invasion. in russia near final results of the presidential election show the incumbent vladimir putin is on course for another six-year term in office. according to
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russia's central election commission, putin has garnered over 87% of the vote with over 95% of the ballots counted. none of the three other candidates has reached even 5%. vote counting began mid. after polls closed on sunday across the country as well as in four ukrainian regions annexed by russia in 2022. for the first time the election took place for three days starting from friday. election officials say the nation. white turnout was over 74%. this is the eighth presidential election in russia and the fifth term for putin if he is declared winner. johnny miller is a correspondent who joins us uh from russia's capital. tell us more about this. well johnny, it was obviously a sweep here from what we see, but it also shows uh what russians feel when it comes to the um russian president vladimir putin and i guess in the focus would be uh the decision that he had. made for the special military operation against ukraine? yes, the the the results
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that are coming in a new surprise to anybody, um, mr. putin was expected to win and and win well, it looks like he has. i people i've spoken to, the most common thing that i've heard is, i've asked them who are you voting for, the most common responses, there's only one man uh, and that's who i'm going to be voting for, i presume they meant vladimir putin, there was of course lot of opposition for. um from him, people voting for other candidates that indeed more navalny crowd for western crowds whose against the special military operation, they didn't have candidate eligible, so there was protests in the country, but overwhelmingly uh russia is standing behind the government, and indeed there seems to be a almost quiet resignation in in russia that they have to see this conflict through to the end and they... that the right man or the only man for that job to see it out is is mr. putin. what are people's
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reaction when it comes to the um somewhat overwhelming um negative propaganda against the russian president in terms of the elections and how they try to discredit him overall? well i think that i read the the mainstream press and in the mainstream press they commonly refer to, almost always refer to, even even mainstream journalists that i have. some respect for, they use the words dictator, monster, all these kind of words. when you talk to people in the streets of moscow, those are the words use that are used, so where's this disconnect by from the mainstream press and and the majority of of russian people? i think the mainstream press is very little cultural understanding of the culture and political history of other countries. russia runs its democracy in a different way than other west than western governments, most governments do have do... on the democratic systems in a different way, lot of lack of understanding um about the
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russian system, lot of criticism of course for the russian system, but there's very little understanding for the mainstream press of cultures outside their own borders. thank you very much for that, we appreciated from moscow corresponder, johnny miller, it's good to talk to you, johnny. thank you, good to see you. w has issued a warning to the west over the ukraine war shortly after the early results of russia's presidential election show. that he will remain in power. putin says the presence of western troops in ukraine can put the world on the verge of world war ii. i think that anything is possible in the modern war, but they have already said this and it is clear everyone that this conflict between russia and nato will be just one step away from a full-scale world war 3. i don't think anybody is interested in this. nato military. are present there in ukraine, there's nothing good in this, firstly for them because they get killed in large numbers. putin also
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touched upon peace stocks over ukraine, he expressed russia's readiness for talks a french proposal for sease fire during this summer's olympic games. however, putin said that he will take into account russia's interest on the frontline of the war. the president added that russian armed forces hold initiative on the museum for the second time since last week,
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the demonstration came as delegation from the israeli regime was visiting the national holocaust museum, protesters held pictures of the children killed in israely bombings on gaza, they call for immediate end to the ongoing in italy, hundreds of protesters gathered in milan in support of the palestinians. the demonstrators held signs meeting stop the genocide in gaza and stop arming israel. german city of berlin was also the scene of a massive rally.
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we are here to demonstrate uh for uh palestine and i think it's not only about palestine here, it's also about showing our anger towards uh the german media and the german politicians, because they have lot of power and they decided to take a side, and even they use sometimes some wars for human crisis or something like this, i can't believe it, i don't, i have the feeling that it's just empty wars. protesters demanded immediate ceasefire in. gaza: they carried blood stained small mock body bags in reference to the large number of children who were killed in gaza. bahrain, which has normalized ties with israel, the protesters hailed the palestinian resistance fighters and decried the us with israeli bloodlating in gaza. also, in chile, in south america, a massive rally was held in the capital santiago with protesters denouncing israel
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for the killing of over 16,00 children in gaza. "the appointments of new palestinian prime minister and the planned formation of new palestinian government have sparked internal disputes and divisions. the senior palestinian official has told press tv that some factions have called for national consensus and a unified palestinian leadership before the formation of a government. mona condial reports. the appointment of new palestinian prime minister at the current circumstances could deepen divisions as israeli war on gaza rages, this is what some palestinian factions revealed after president mahmoud abbas appointed muhammad mustafa, a long trusted advisor on economic affairs as prime minister and tasked him with forming new government, both hamasan resistance movements, the popular front for the liberation of palestine and the palestinian national initiative said that
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without national consensus it's a reinforcement of a policy of exclusion and the dp of division, we met dr.uti, secretary general of the national initiative, he told us that the most important thing is now a unified leadership, we're not against the new government, we're against the way the government is being formed, we want national consensus government, a government which is acceptable and accepted by all palestinian political groups, through national dialogue between the different. groups and that that is natural because and and for us the main goal first before forming a government is how we structure a unified palestinian national leadership. mohammed mustafa replaces mohammed stey who resigned less than three weeks ago citing the need for real change. experts however say there had been mounting pressure on abbas to reform the palestinian
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authority and initiate the establishment of a political framework capable of. governing a future palestinian state to take charge of all palestinian territories after the israeli genocidal war on gaza ends. first of all that there was a pressure on palestinian authority to make some changes and that's why they complied immediately and appointing muhammad mustafa to as the new prime minister. this is on the one hand. on the other hand, which is most importantly as well, what the palestinian wanted. the palestinian don't want. another government to be the same, the problem here is with israel, are they and the international community, are they able to really make the change and let this government to work or not? the new prime minister now would work to form a technocratic government of experts. abbas has also asked mustafa to create plans to reunite the administration of the west bank and gaza
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strip, reform the government and address internal corruption. a real political change, not a change in words. only is what the people here desire, moreover, the upcoming government faces numerous challenges, namely rebuilding the gaza step, turpedowing israeli plans to control the coastal enclave and managing palestinians lives. for press tv, occupy dramallah. we cross one over now and uh find out the results in russia's election, the central election commission is making that announcement. so let's take a listen. promised to come to the polling stations during the opinion service that we carried out:
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unprecedented scale, apart from the traditional methods to discredit our and disrupt the election reached an election, we saw new solutions and new tools
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that were engaged to this effect, well let me first mention the dedos attacks that we face in our digital world, the number has increased, there were more than 12 million cyber attacks since we launched the presidential campaign, can you just imagine that 12 million cyber attacks, this means that their number increased 150 times compared to an ordinary election 150 times by factor of 150 times i will agree with the western european officials.
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and uh the main target was the voting portal, and here i would like to tell you the following, apart from the traditional methods they used to discredit our elections, we saw something new, usually, well other countries also know how it happens, how do they criticize - how can we control?
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well you heard it there uh in terms of uh the bulk of what uh this uh uh representative from the central election commission was saying was the the fact that uh there was outside interference a massive scale that was trying to be executed against russia that it was unprecedented though it was a common occurrence in the previous elections for example she said that there were 12 million cyber attacks. uh that it showed how the west was united in standing against russia and she also uh categorized uh uh dangerous attacks and the number being 19,800 and he said some
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these attacks lasted a total of 41. minutes uh she however did indicate that the system did not fail, basically um the results as uh has been reported 87.4% uh for the russian president vladimir putin to uh regain his post and uh the nation nationwide turnout was 74.2%. so that's the uh way that this went down for russia and the russian president vladimir putin to serve another term. that does it for this additional world news. thanks for being with us, it's bye-bye for now. no ruse is the single most important national festival of the iranians inherited from ancient times. a celebration of early spring,
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nourus is all about hope in the worst of time. no ruse or the new day will finally come, no matter how harsh or cold the winter is. it ushers in the loveliest season of the year with joyous festivities.
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writer, screenwriter, translator. theater director, university professor, television and cinema actor and member of iran's academy of persian language and literature. qutbildin sadiqi, born in sanandaj, ph.d. in performing arts. his main preoccupation is cultural and artistic theater, through which he shows the issues of his time in the form of art. stay with us to take a look at the life of the iranian artist.
12:00 pm
insiriya, porma, saludo un video.
12:01 pm
вот когда мы употребляем это слово соратник, дорогие друзья, мне очень приятно, это воин, причём мысля...
12:02 pm
tonight on expose, western broadcast media's narrative of the march 1st parliamentary elections in the islamic republic of iran revolved around made up stories about iranians abstained from voting in protest against their government. meanwhile, the majority of opinion pieces written by prominent western mainstream media refused to accept that iran is democratic state bringing nothing. new to their reporting tone and essentially rehashing old tales and narratives and the famon brote on by the ongoing zinus israel genocide in gaza as well as the air drop shade of aid and expired food on gaza residents was another...