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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 18, 2024 8:30pm-9:03pm IRST

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headlines inpress tv. officials expressed grave concern about and slammed the iof attack on gaza's al shafa hospital, which has claimed dozens of palestinian lives. the eu tamp official complains of fament being used as a weapon of war by israel to kill the people in gaza. and fresh from his election when russia's president putin warns of a world war 3 in case of western. military
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deployment to ukraine, hello and welcome live from tehran to press tv's world news and hashimy, thanks so much for being with us first story and unfortunately as usual now it takes us back to gaza where the israeli regime has again hit the al-jafah medical complex in gaza, killing and wounding number of palestinians. the gaza health ministry says at least 31,726 palestinians have been killed since october the 7th. our correspondent brings us more the israeli occubation force. conducted a blades
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offensive against the ashifa medical complex over the last night where hundreds of the israeli tanks and the israeli forces moved uh in a swift attack against the compound uh amid the heavy gunfire and the continuous bombardments at least 40 consecutive israeli air strikes hit the compound the buildings the yards and even the surrounding areas of the ashifa compound knowing that thousands of the palestinian civilians are taking shilter in the hospital, in addition to the paramedics and the medical staff and the palestinian injuries who actually uh uh are located there receiving the needed medical care uh the israeli accubition attack actually left douzens of the pericine and civilians killed and injuries in addition to the big fire that blazed in the surgery department in one building uh in a building inside the compound when it comes to the central area of gaza strip the situation is
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still catastrophic as well as the israeli incubation forces maintain the their strikes and incursions against the central area, particularly anosarati fuji camp, whereas over the last night the israeli world planes destroyed another residental building claiming the lives of nine palestinian civilians, most of them were children and women, these air strikes are continued and even over the last the last couple of hours the israel artillery maintained its shelling towards the eastern part of daril. city and when it comes to khanuni city, almawasi area, which is claimed by the israel incubation forces as save area, it was under a repetitive israeli attack. the israeli regime's recent attack on al shah hospital in gaza has drawn widespread condemnation. officials and organizations have expressed extreme concern about the impact on the sick of and wounded as well as hospital staff. palestinian resistance movement. has called
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the attack a new crime committed by the criminal zanist occupation army that will not make netanyahu and its nazi army have a positive image of victory. in another reaction outgoing palestinian prime minister mohammed shataria has blamed the international community for their failure in condemning israel and ignoring crimes against humanity being committed in gaza. now the head of who tedras gabriesus also labeled the attack. as deeply concerning, warning that the fighting has endangered health workers, patients and civilians. alsoifa, the largest hospital in gaza, came under at least 40 attacks on sunday, killing or wounding dozens of more palestinians. now, the eu foreign policy chief says israel's genocide in gaza has turned the territory into the world's. is
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open air graveyard, the situation in gaza, gaza was before the war the greatest open air. prison today is the greatest open air graveyard, a graveyard for tens of thousand of people and also a graveyard for many of the most important principles of humanitarian law. b was speaking ahead of an eu foreign ministerial meeting in brussels, he reiterated that israel is using famon as a weapon of war by not allowing aid trucks into gaza. borel set the issues. not a lack of sufficient supplies for gaza, as rather israel deliberately preventing them from entering the besaid strip. according to the world food program, 70% of the remaining people in northern gaza are at catastrophic levels of hunger. we need sufficient amounts
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of food to get into. northern gaza and to be able to be distributed to the people who are in need over there. mind you, there are 30000 people in that location right now, of which 70%, meaning 21000 people are in catastrophic level of hunger. the remaining 30%, they are emergency levels of hunger. a un-backed food security assessment report also indicates that around half of the population of gaza is experiencing catastrophic hunger due to the israeli onslot, addressing the alarming new reports about hunger in gaza, the un secretary general called for immediate
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humanitarian sease fire. the latest. report on food insecurity in gaza is an appalling indictment of conditions on the ground for civilians. the world's leading experts on food insecurity clearly document that famin in the northern part of gaza is imminent. more than half of all palestinians in gaza, 1.1 million people have completely exhausted their food. supplies and are facing catastrophic hunger, according to the report. palestinians in gaza are enduring orifying levels of hunger and suffering. this is the highest number of people facing catastrophic
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anger ever recorded by the integrated food security classification system anywhere, anytime. this is an entire. man-made disaster, and the report makes clear that it can be halted. today's report is exhibit a for the need for immediate humanitarian sease fire. i call on the israeli authorities to ensure complete and unfetted access for humanitarian goods throughout gaza and for the international community to fully support our humanitarian efforts. we must act now to prevent the unthinkable, the unacceptable and the unjustifiable. iran has dismissed as legally b baseless, the findings of the united nations fact finding mission on the
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2022 riots in the country, speaking a meeting the un human rights council in geneva, the head of iran's high council for human rights, said that the so-called fact finding mission. has a glaring lack of independence and impartiality. kazem khabadi said the mission was a result of lobbying by some western countries, and the relevant report was drafted under pressure of the same countries. kari babadi also slamed the united nations for politicizing human rights. the un fact finding mission was established two months after violent protests erupted in iran over the death of young iranian woman. it's recently released report accuses. the islamic republic of human rights violations and its handling of foreign briating. iran is marking the 73rd anniversary of the nationalization of its oil industry. that was a turning point
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in the political and economic history of the iranian nation to save national treasure from foreigners. father amasumi brings us the details. on march 20th. in 1951, members of the iranian parliament passed the bill introduced by the country's democratically elected prime minister muhammad musaddiq to nationalize iran's oil industry, the ground. breaking initiative put an end to britain's four- decade dominion over iran's oil industry. the britain-owned anglo-iranian oil company enjoyed a monopolistic control over the industry and paid only meger portion of the revenues to the iranian government. nationalization was call for independence. if you go back then the iranians, the entire public realized that this move was not about economy, it was about independence. and... the the musaddiq movement was very popular within, the entire world realized that it was
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about uh gaining independence from a colonial power that controlled the economy and from, mean based on the economy, control the political spectum within iran. when the then government of musaddiq put the nationalizing of iran's oil its agenda in april 1951, acts of sabotage and conspiracy against the country were enhanced, the american british. coup in august 1953 against musadd's government was part of the plot, basically the british were plundering iranian natural resources and oil was at the top of the list. iranians began to protest and there was a growing social movement in the country to nationalize iranian oil. when that ultimately happened, the british impos sanctions on the country, similar to what happened after the revolution in iran. and after the victory of the islamic revolution, iran achieved significant milestones in the petroleum
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industry. these include the discovery of numerous oil and gas fields, an expansion in extractable oil and condensate reserves, a rise in oil production and extractable gas and the discovery of new oil and gas fields. iran was the first country in the west asia to reclaim its oil industry. the iranian nation's move proved to be of great importance in giving rise to the anti-colonialist. tendencies all over the region and set a trend for other countries. fatih massumi, press tv, tehran. and now it's time for this hour's news review. the russian president has issued a stern warning to the west over sending military troops in support of ukraine. vladimir putin says a direct confrontation between russia and nato will push the world
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to the brink of a full-scale world war ii. i think that anything is possible in the modern world, but i've already said this and it is clear everyone that this conflict between russia and nato will be just one step away from a full-scale world war iii. i don't think anybody is interested in this. nato military are present there in ukraine. there's nothing good. in this, firstly for them because they get killed in large numbers. putin made the remarks in the presses shortly after securing another six-year term in office in the biggest landslide victory in post soviet russian history. now the warning came in response to earlier statement by french president emmanuel macron who highlighted the necessity of western ground operations in ukraine at some point. commenting on the prospects of peace talks with kyev, put said moscow remains open to negotiations, but won't be lured into truth that would allow ukraine to
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rearm, he added that russian armed the forces holy advantage on the battlefield as they have made advances in ukraine. well, like to welcome my guest to this news review, jan oberg, peace researcher and founder from transnational out of sweden, and christoph. author and politician out of berlin. thank you both for being with us. well, let me start it off with jen. i mean jen, your thoughts on do you really think, i mean we heard what uh uh the french, well what macron had said, do you really think that europe would actually consider putting troops on the ground in ukraine? well, there was a report in new york times, i think a week or so ago which said the cia has been in ukraine the last 10 years and the germans happen to
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reveal the british were there to help with using british artillery, so uh, yes, it doesn't mean thousands of troops in uniform ready to to battle russian forces, but the question i asked myself at this moment, which is the most dangerous in europe since 1945, is how on earth did we get here? nato was, according or is, according to its own uh perception of itself, defensive alliance and has promised us since 1949 to make peace in europe and now it's a major actor thanks to the expansion of nato which is in contravention to all the promises given given to michael gobad, now we are there that the 11th party to this expansion, ukraine, and the 30 years nato has been around in ukraine
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and the kuditan 2014 orchestrated by the us is bringing us to a something like you know... not the same, but you know what i mean, if i say the cuban missile crisis, we must remember that russia will be neighbor to or part of if things go madly wrong in europe, whereas the united states is far away from that. right, well christoph, you heard what jean, he asked the the question, how do we get here, um, but if we look at the history and what happened, i mean after the uh fall basically of the soviet union and the nato just became... more and more aggressive, what was the reason for even keeping nato at that point in time, because we know that nato was created or allegedly is a counterbalance to the soviet block, so the soviet block, it falls, it's finished, so why did nato continue? well, it points back to the
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founding of nato uh, when the first secretary general of nato, british, said um lord hastings that the nato is there to keep russia out of europe and to keep america in europe, meaning in the rule over europe, and to keep germany down. this is officially now on the nato website page, and of course nato then has said, "this is old, that's not actual, but problem is the actions of nato are exactly..." on this ground. germany is an occupied country by more than 50 thousand foreign troops, 40 to 5000 of them are americans and our german government is not a sovereign government. so this is what nato is doing. we are maintaining soldiers in ukraine by the hundreds. president putin has said, we hear english and french spoken on the
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battlefield in ukraine. we know that our... officers sometimes go into ukraine, we know that some people are fighting there, and in fact they are in active service in the german army, and we have found evidence about that early on in 2022, in donbus, a german laptop was found with official seal of a german procurement of material to the german army, so this is the situation which we have here. president putin's warning comes after this fantastic victory uh in the election and it was put with a special purpose to make sure that united russia is going to defend itself and that is his duty to do that to organize that that russia is as strong as possible to defend against further nato orchestrated
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attacks in ukraine. that is the the very very dangerous situation. we had polish people fighting. by more than 2000, at least that's a russian count, and it is very justified to hear that, we had even shootouts between polish soldiers and ukrainian soldiers, asking crazy things from their polish friends and they refused to do that, so that was all reported, that's history already, and we know that at certain points in the war, the russians have carried out air strikes against training sessions by leading officers uh from nato countries and we understand that also german officers were hit at that time and killed. we have official background that the german army was looking for trainers, even an active duty in the german army to train ukrainian soldiers, drive the tank, the anti-aircraft tank matter, and this kind of
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stuff is going on right now, and that means according to the scientific service, the german parliament that german is an official war participant in ukraine against russian troops, so this is has been written last year upon the question of the biggest opposition party there, afd, so this is official, germany thinks we are war participants already, and that is very dangerous situation and putin has a right to put that on the table and question it again. well, back to you, i mean with this mentality, do you really? think as you said already there are troops from various countries uh of nato on the ground there, do you think that nato, they really feel they have other choice and that they can't can defeat russia in this? there seems to be such assumption that it came out already rather early by the mr.
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austin, the secretary of defense of the us, saying that the purpose of being in ukraine was to weaken russia, and my sense is it was a himalayan blunder to try to get ukraine into na "there were tons of other models possible for ukraine, and there was never before the invasion by russia, there was never anything like majority of ukrainians who wanted nato membership. i've gone through all the gallop polls in ukraine made with the help of american sociologists as kief university. it's not the people's will, was not the people's will of ukraine to to join nato, and then when you find out it's a blunder." "you can't say, oops, we made a mistake, we should have listened to all the people, experts who argue that this should not be ukraine in nato, such as kizinger,
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such as james matlock, such as the present cia chief who was 20 years or so ago, ambassador, us ambassador in moscow, said that ukraine would be the reddest of red lines, nato has had enough. warnings, enough competent people telling them, you may do montenegro or croatia, which still is violation of the promises, but don't try to do you crime, and so instead of backing down and trying to find a negotiate a solution, and we know there were negotiations, and and boris johnson was sent to stop them, rather short time after the invasion or the military, special military operation, whatever you like to call it, and then you speak. it up and now the western countries have basically decleeted their own weapons and ammunition stores. i used to jokingly said if putin really wanted to invade nato
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it's high time he does it because it's so weak. denmark has given away basically all its air forces and now finally you have countries that because they were threatened into it have joined nato uh i mean the the the alliance that is basically responsible because of its offensiveness and its own new... nuclear weapons is responsible for what, the conflict, i always make the distinction between the underlying conflict and the violence, i don't subscribe to the war and the invasion of ukraine, but the reason for it, the explanation of it is nato's expansion, so the only thing nato needs to do is to declare tonight that we will not seek nato membership for ukraine, we will help everybody, including ourselves to find a peaceful solution for that, that it's a... it's so simple, but nobody wants it. this is what they call a chicken, chicken race at the moment, and this is damn dangerous. well, christopher, your taken, looking on the russian side, i mean,
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basically, it's a matter of uh, russia's own survival, um, and it does not seem that vladimir putin will back down or can back down, so and he has warn of possible world war 3 if nato does. not back down, your thoughts on this, your overall assessment. president putin of russia is very much justified to rethreaten nato with nuclear war. the reason is very simple: nato's combined conventional force is so much stronger than russia, that russia in the end may face in case of a war, a situation where the only way... to preserve some kind of russian independence will be triggering nuclear war by using nuke arms first, that is
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very, very dangerous situation, and nato is crazy to push it so far that this happens and we can only understand that if we understand the deeply criminal mind within nato, aggressive as it is, they deep financial crisis. which washington faces, they are bankrupt, bankrupt, bankrupt, and the only way to save that is to control the vast natural resources of big russia, so this is why they want to bring russia down, they are not anti russian, they are not anti- anything, they are not anti iran, they just want to control the natural resources because they are bankrupt, bankrupt, bankrupt, that is the real situation, and that is putin's fight that he's wants to preserve sovereignty and freedom of his people in the face of this money driven western aggressiveness. all right, and on that note, i think both of you
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uh for being with me, jan oberg, uh, peace researcher and founder transnational live out of sweden and christopher horstell author and politician out of berlin, and thank you viewers so much for staying with us a news review, and thank you so much for staying with us right here at press tv. crisis, devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy, cause of being starved to death.
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landmines and explosive remnance of war are the terrifying legacy. min m14 تمام
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hello, i'm sean murray, and this is the conversation where we take an alternative look at political events and current affairs through annaries lens. in this show we hope to pick, probe, investigate and uncover the stories that you want to hear. we go... mainstream won't go. this week we talk to one of ireland's finest comedians, a man that has recently taken twitter by storm, now also author. his recent book details the horrific consequences of addiction and the redamptive process of recovery. never shall.