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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 19, 2024 9:30pm-10:03pm IRST

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the headlines, the un warns that israel could be using starvation as a weapon and its aggression against gaza, saying blocking aid to the strip may amount to a war crime. yemen's army says it has once again. targeted a us ship in the red sea and fired missiles at israeli positions in response to the genocidal war on gaza, and iranians along with millions of people in several other countries are preparing to welcome the arrival of noruz or the persian new year. of
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hello and welcome, you're watching world news on press tv, coming to you live from our headquarters in tehran. thank you for joining us, my name is gisum shahmadi and these are top stories this hour. the united nations has warned that israel could be using starvation as a weapon in its genocidal war against gaza by blocking the desperately needed aid into the war battered strip. "the extent of israel's continued restrictions on the entry of aid into gaza together with the manner in which it continues to conduct hostilities may amount to the use of starvation as a method of war, which is a war crime. the clock is ticking, everyone, especially those with influence, must insist that israel acts to facilitate the unimpeded entry and distribution of..." needed humanitarian
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assistance to end starvation and avert all risk of famine. the un rights chief also decide the rampant hunger and looming femin in gaza. he further lemented the war's inaction in the face of what he described as a man-made catastrophe despite the un's repeated alerts in the past months. the warning comes a day after a un- back report said malnutrition and food... security have probably exceeded femine levels in gaza's north and hunger linked death, rates that were likely to do so soon. the gaza strip is reeling from endless israeli bombardment with its people remaining in a state of despair and agony. the regime has carried out fresh attacks across the territory, including in rufa governet, which has at least... 14 where
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14 people, palestinians have lost their lives. there's no safe area, they're saying that this is safe area, but there are no safe areas, they're hitting in every direction, they don't care about people, they're hitting everywhere. a number of others were also injured in the air strikes on rafa in central gaza, israel's artillery shelled the vicinity of both the nusiat and buraj refugee camp, several neighborhoods in gaza city were bombed as well. israel unleashed its genocide in gaza early october, over 31,800 palestinians have been killed, so far, most of them women and children. the war rages on in while gazans are observing. holy month of
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ramadan emits severe food shortages and other devastating impacts of israeli bombardment and siege. the palestinian resistance movement hamas says israel's recent attack on al-shifah hospital was a cover up for this military failures in the gaza strip. hamas said the israeli army has only been killing civilians during the past six months and has not achieved any of its declared military objectives, the group said the victory imagined by israel is a mirage and a distant dream thanks to the steadfastness of the palestinian people. on monday, israel attacked gaza's largest medical complex claiming that hamas members were using the hospital as a command center. dozens of in palestinians were killed or wounded and many more abducted during this latest attack. according to gaza's health ministry, about 30,00 people are trapped in inside the
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complex and qatar warns that any israeli attack on gaza and the southern city of rafa would result in atrocities much worse than the crimes already carried out in the beast strip during the past six months. we have cautioned and we will still caution that any attack on on rafah will make the humanitarian situation considerably worse and will result in atrocities that have not been seen before in this terrible uh crisis with the number of unbelievable atrocities that have taken place. "the cutery foreign ministry spokes person whose country mediates between hamas and israel said attack on rafa could derail the negotiation process. al-ansari said doha is cautiously optimistic about the cease fire talks that have now resumed, adding that it
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is too early to talk about any kind of results. last week hamos resistance movement proposed a six-week truce which israel rejected. qatar said a counter. proposal from israel could soon be presented to hamas, historian and journalist bresh de junkers says israel has absolutely no interest in any true deal even if it is temporary. i think it's has been pretty obvious already uh that the designers entity has no uh interest in in in peace or in cease fire. i don't think we can really expect much directly uh from these stocks unless there is significant pressure somehow put either domestic or or abroad on
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the netanyahu regime in in order to achieve at least at the very very least a temporary cease fire and humanitarian corridor um and the humanitarian. intruss of course accompanied with this to allow the people in in kha to at the very least have you know food and and and and drinkable water for the their basic possibility of survival aside from the violence itself. um, this is something that i think we have seen very often in conflicts waged by imperialist powers, we've seen it as well in in the war against yemen, that the the main killer very often is are not the bullets and the bombs per say, but is the blockade and the total isolation of the country and the the starvation and the epidemic diseases very often as well that result from this and and design essentity knows this very well, this is not this is not accidental and there is a reason why netan yahu has openly and repeatedly refused to uh to go into a
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ceasfire to to actually accept a ceasfire. now we have with us muti abusabe joining. us live to tell us more about that, do you believe that israel in any way will be stopping at least temporarily in the bombardment of gaza, their attacks against the f attack actually. and the ambulances actually moved moments ago from the hospital to that area, hopefully it would not be another massacer committed over the last moment, in the meantime and over the last couple of hours that were there also targeted
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a civilian car and at least five various civilians including a police officer who was a charge of distributing and safe guarding the humanitarian aid. people in the central area of gaza strip, while when it comes to gaza city, the occupation forces are still hitting more areas of aggression against ash square is still persistent with more strikes and more attacks, according to multiple i witnesses that forces killed at least 50 civilians shif compound in addition to kidnapping at least 180 other palestinians and these attacks are still continued. a big fire place a warehouse belongs to the underua agency and that camp over the chronic shelling of the area while the israeli air strikes while the israeli air strikes were continued and maintained uh targeting more recidental buildings and areas particularly
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athoura street located in the center area of gaza city when it comes to hanyunis city as you know that more palestinian dead bodies actually were extracted. from hammed neighborhood after the israeli excubation forces withdrew from that area uh uh in addition to that the israeli artillery maintain shelling the eastern parts of the city uh so we are talking about continuous air strikes and attacks, these air strikes are uh still intensified and concentrated inside gaza city, however on the ground, the humanitarian conditions are still accessibating and they are aggravating with the time, the israeli incubation forces are still uh persistent on uh uh raising the deathtal of the palestinian civilians, the palestinian uh the palestinian people are being killed they and night by the israeli continuous air strikes while the deathtul of the palestinian uh civilians who have been. killed since the beginning of this onsl on gaza actually is about to uh to top 32000
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palestinian civilians. these numbers are rising and sewing incrementally with these uh consistent and persistent israeli air strikes and the israeli shilling and the israeli gunfire towards the palestinian people. in the meantime as as i've mentioned that the israel incubation forces are still insisting on using the salvation as a weapon of war. and when it comes. rafa has, according to the statements released by the war criminal benjamin netanyahu, apparently the iof, the israel incubation forces are still insisting on carrying out their ground offensive against rafa, knowing that it accepts at least 100 uh, one 1.5 million palestinian civilians crimed there uh amid catastrophic humanitarian conditions, however the israeli occupation forces are still moving forward in their uh operation and they are saying that "they are coordinating with the us administration, which is considered by the palestinian people as a vital partner of this
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genocide taking place in gaza's trip, they are coordinating with this us administration in uh conducting this operation, so it is apparently a gaza strip is going to witness more brutality of the israelicubition forces, over to you, thank you very much, i was our correspondent on the grounds there, abu masab giving us the..." this updates from the situation in gaza and israel and the israeli military has carried out fresh raids across the occupied west bank as the regime presses ahead with its offensive against palestinians and the latest such attacks, israeli forces raided the town of yamon west of the city of jane as well as a palestinian refugee camp east of the city of nobelles. the regime forces abducted several people after storming palestinian home. clash is also erupted between israeli troops and resistance forces which targeted soldiers and bulldozers with
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explosive devices. meanwhile, a palestinin man was fatally shot by israeli forces during attack by settlers in the southwest of the city of nablus. the israeli military has intensified its violent raids across the west bank since october 7th the day when the regime launched its genocidal war on gaza. hundreds of palestinians... have been killed and thousands abducted during the israeli incursions into the occupied towns and cities ever since. a shooting operation has occurred in the settlement block in the occupied west bank. the israeli regime's army says two security personnel have been wounded in that attack. our correspondent mona kendall joined us earlier with the details. that's right, the israeli military said that a palestinian
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arrived near the or at the goshation junction, it's south bethlehem, it's also the entrance to the palestinian city of al khalil south, the occupied west bank, and then he opened fire from very close range at the israeli forces there and he shot and one. two israeli security officers, as you have said, it's as the israeli military revealed, one of them is in serious condition, the other was has been shot and wounded and he's suffering from morate to light once, the israeli military said that israeli forces opened fire at the palestinian shooter and neutralized them, then later the israel said that this palest man second to his injuries so he was shot and killed, the israel is are saying now
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we are receiving actually new statements, the israeli military is saying that this palestinian man is from the northern the occupied west bank specifically from genine so the palestinan who carried out the shooting as the israels are claiming is a palestinian who came from genee nord the occupied west bank we have to until revealing the identity of course of this palestinian man, because these are statements coming from the israeli military. information about palestine abounds on social networks, many times without context. they do not allow us to go deeper and understand all the dimensions of a catastrophe that is
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dragging on for centuries. daniel hodway, chilean mayor of palestinian origin, opens a window to palestine to understand in depth the present cause of the palestinian people, exploring its history and future prospects. do not miss a window to palestine. now tensions remain high along lebanon's southern border as hezbollah resistance fighters are engaged in clashes with israeli forces. in a recent development, the lebanese resistance group says it has carried out fresh operations against israeli targets
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north of the occupied territories. we were earlier joined by our correspondent tim bay with maram salih for more details. hezballah's operations against israeli military targets continue on evated uh and we've noticed that today it was quite noticeable that hezbulah was focusing more a military personnel uh today specifically and the last of which was in the uh baracks of berkatrisha where they said they targeted a group of soldiers, they also targeted a group of soldiers and an entire israely. unit actually in the barracks of branit or in the vicinity actually of the barracks of branit since has basically targeted almost all of the israeli post all along the border uh and so therefore now they are looking more for the movement of soldiers in the vicinity of those baracks uh we had the the barks of khayat which is one of the biggest baracks we
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noticed that hazballah had two different operations in that area specifically they said in one one of their statements that they used guided missiles to target a military logistic vehicle, they also mentioned and they seem to confirm that there were israeli soldiers inside the vehicle and surrounding that vehicle and those guided missiles seem to have struck their targets quite precisely, which uh left scores of israeli soldiers either killed or wounded, that was also confirmed uh by hizballah statements, hizballah also um targeted infantry. in the area of uh the of as well, in addition to another group of soldiers that was targeted near the area of madiki. yemen's army says it has targeted an american ship in the red sea and fired missiles at israeli positions as it keeps up retaliatory operations against the
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us and israel. the naval forces of the yemani armed forces care. out the targeting operation against the american ship mado in the red sea with number of suitable naval missiles. the missile forces also launched a number of winged missiles at israeli targets in the omal rashrash area in southern occupied palestine, the thanks to allah have successfully hit their targets. yahya, sorry, the spokesman for yemen's armed forces vowed yemen will continue operations until the genocidal onslot. on gaza stops. the yemani armed forces have repeatedly attacked israeli link ships and waters around the country an attempt to get the regime to stop the genocide of gazans. recently, they have also targeted american and british ships in retaliation for the two countries aggression against yemen. the us and its allies have accused yemen of attacking global commercial
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shipping. the un security council on monday issued a statement. yemeny attacks on commercial vessels in the red sea. yemen's foreign ministry reacted to that saying that the unsc move reflects the body submission to america's interests and its support for the israeli genocide in gaza. it also blasted the council for its inaction towards the daily massacre of palestinians and iranians are preparing to welcome the arrival of noruz or the persian. new year, this year people are celebrating the event around the country as the occasion coincides with the holy month of ramadan. celebrating norus in iran dates back to thousands of years and comes along with many customs to enter the new year with totally fresh spirit. families visit each other and sit around, have seen table praying for a good year to come, about 300 million
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people worldwide celebrate nororus with traditions and rituals that vary each country. in 2009, the united nations proclaim noruz, an international event at the initiative of several countries that share. this event, this year, muslims in these countries are also celebrating ramadan, which gives holy vibe to the new year's celebration, and afghans are simultaneously marking to joyous cultural and religious events, they are celebrating norus, a traditional festival that marks the beginning the new year as we just told you, and at the same time they're observing the holy month of ramadan as well, now this happy coincidence represents a time of unity, reflection and joy for afghans. afghan people are making preparations to ring in the solar new year,
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of course, samanak, they have seen table, fish, and dry fruits are the necessities of marking the occasion. this year, naurus coincides with the holy month of ramadan, so most gatherings are likely to be held during. we usually begin the new year by visiting relatives and the elderly, people exchange sweets and gifts wishing each other a happy new year, sank is an important part of the festivity beside our sweet meals. we also visit parks and hometowns with friends embrace the revival of nature and greet the elderly. now rose also brings the spirit of renewal and optimism as the blooming season, arrives. afghans traditionally buy or plant trees and flowers to bring new life into their homes and communities. this practice
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serves as a symbol of hope, growth and resilience. on the occasion of nourus, the arrival of a spring and the renewal of the year, we are launching a tree planting campaign. we're trying to decorate the city with adorable colors and fresh vibes. i also urge. i congratulate all on the revival of the new year, i hope the coming year brings peace and happiness to our people and will be year filled with job opportunities and blessings. despite the challenges faced by afghanistan, its people find suless, joy and the profound meaning in their cherish traditions and culture. for them n's... is more than just festival, it's a way of life that demonstrates their heritage and resilience. on the occasion of navrus, afgan people celebrate the arrival of spring and
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they hope for better days ahead, wishing everyone a happy and prosperous new year. rahmatullah baghban, press tv, kabul. and in south korea, the third summit for democracy has begun. us secretary of state and south korean president spoke of efforts to ensure democracy for future generations nearby, however pro- palestine protesters slam the us and israel for the ongoing genocide in gaza. frank smith, reports from saul. south korea this week hosts the third us initiative of the summit for democracy. us secretary of state anthony blincan suggested america could lead the world towards democratic ideals lacking elsewhere. vitalizing democracy will also requires to shape a technological future that's inclusive, that's rights respecting, directed at driving progress in people's
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lives. as authoritarian and repressive regimes deploy technologies to undermine democracy and human rights, we need to ensure that technology sustains and supports democratic values and norms. caraled away from the venue, activists were joined by a south korean. law maker to question washington's and soul's credibility, particularly in light of us support of israel's ongoing genocide of palestinians in gaza. since yunsuk came into power, our democracy index has fallen by 19 points and we're turning into a very backward country in terms of democracy. the united states, the enabler of the massacre, israel, the perpetrator of the massacre, and south korea, are causing the endless decline of democracy. activists say the us and south korea have the blood of tens of thousands of innocents on their hands through the provision of weapons to israel and failure to pressure tel aviv to
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end its genocide. it's not the time. for the south korean government or the us government who are complicit in israel's genocide to discuss democracy. instead, the korean government should urge the us and israel to immediately stop the genocide, lift the blockade of the gaza strip and end israel's colonial military occupation of palestine. while rift has appeared in us support of israel, concern is mounting that the israeli military will increase attacks on the already besaged rafa where palestinians await humanitarian aid. mid reports of starvation, like here around the world can be found supporters of a free palestine protesting against israel's genocide in gaza week after week, and here at this summit titled democracy for future generations, a glaring question clouds proceedings, what will happen to the next generation of palestinians? frank smith, press tv, soul. and that brings us to
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the end of this edition of world news on press tv. thank you for watching, stay tuned. i'll be right back with the spotlight in just few minutes. stay tuned. cost. devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy, israel's war of starvation against palestinians.
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iran has come a long way to gain independence in the defense industry since the 1979 islamic revolution. it's warships, speed boats. missiles and drones, among many items in its arsenal, have caught many countries in the world by surprise, but as military experts and top brass say, this is only a tiny fraction of iran's capabilities that have been unveiled thus far. watch for the
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details in this document. entry, we're ready to marsh, let's start slowly, but strongly and solidarity with the palestine and israel is one of the worst things that has happened, or zianism is one of the worst things that has happened to the jewish people. the my experience, it really, really wasn't until the 80s that was able to open my heart enough to see truly what israel and cionism had done and was doing and continued to do. did not grow up as an anti-zionist, which is what i am today, i grew up. as a zionist in a very
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zionist family that identified judaism with zionism, pakistan.
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