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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 20, 2024 11:30pm-12:03am IRST

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your headlines here on press tv: the leader of iron's islamic revolution condemns the west for a silence on ongoing israely onslot against the palestinian people in gaza. 166 days into a us israely genocide in gaza and the death toll of palestinians is nearing 32,00, most of them women and children, and israel army fails to intercept a yemen missile over the port of eolat, which, according to its ceo, has been paralyzed by yemen's red sea operations.
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hello everyone, it's 10 p.m. in the besieg gazel ship, you're watching press tv world news and now leader irans islamic revolution says enemies have long attempted to bring the country's economy to a collapse, but to no avail. تلاش می کنند که اقتصاد کشور رو به زانو در بیارند. دشمن به طور جدی اینو ما در برخورد های خسمانه آمریکا و بقیه همراهان او در طول زمان احساس کردیم مقصودشون فروپاشی اقتصاد ایران است. مقصودشون به زانو.
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outstanding improvements in various domains in the past year, despite efforts by the enemies to instill hopelessness among people. he made remarks on the occasion of the persian new year, the leader elaborated on this year's slogan, which is surge and production through people's participation. he underline growth in production will be possible only with the participation of all people. i further highlighted great capacities that iran enjoys, noting such potential. tapped into properly will ensure
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further economic success. ellsworth his remarks that the leader touched on israel's genocidal war on gaza, calling it the most pressing issue before the world. در مسائل مهم بین المللی امروز مسئله درجه یک مسئله فلسطین و غزه است. در این زمینه هم. the leader added that bloodshed unfolding in gaza exposes the true face of so-called advanced western civilization. he said the west has not only been standing idly by in the face of massacres of palestinians, but it's also been supporting israel financially and militarily. khamenei also praised resistance front saying events happening in west asia have revealed the capacity and power of resistance against zionism. he added that regional resistance
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groups have thorted plots of the israeli regime and its western backers, especially the united states. meanwhile, israel of continues dropping bombs and firing artillery at gaza, further indicating regime specific goal to commit genocide in the besieg territory. here's a video showing critically injured palestinians a hospital following fresh air strikes on the new... out refugee camp in central gaza. now there were new air strikes on the barage refugee camp also in central gaza, over the dozen palestinians lost their lives in the latest israeli bombardment of the two camps, israel military. also once again opened fire
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at gazan aid seekers, killing at least 30, took place when regime forces targeted gathering of popular committees form to secure the transfer of aid. from the kuwait roundabout to gaza city. deaththoll from us israely campaign of genocide since october the 7th has now top 31,900 and over 74,000 have been wounded. volunteer medics have been working around the clock to provide aid to palestinian civilians since the beginning of israel's onslot. they often describe situation in the besieg territory as horrific. genocidal and inhumane, and recently, a british surgeon who spent some time in gazas, shared his distressing observations an interview with journalists and i spent two weeks at alaxa hospital, um, and i think it's fair to say i wasn't
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remotely prepared for what i was, what i saw, i saw um, the most appalling atrocities, and i saw things that i never would have expected. to have seen in any healthcare setting, some days we didn't have any surgical gloves, so we had to wash previous ones, sometimes we had no surgical drapes, many days we had no morphine, on many occasions no antibiotics, so really limited resources, knowing that actually lot of that those resources were probably in depots somewhere or maybe in lories cueing up. outside raffa, but could not be distributed, and and this is what is so urgent about the need for sease fire is the only way that aid that's being delivered to gaza, and we welcome every bit of aid, the only way that aid is going to get to where it's needed is if there is a cease fire. spent some time a
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while ago looking up the definition of genocide and a variety of dictionaries and and what is going on in gaza fulfills every single definition of genus. that i have read. a senior leader of the palestinian resistance movement hamas says slam israely regime for deliberately trying to derail the gaza cease fire talks. osama hamdan says israel will not achieve in negotiations what it is failed to accomplish on the battlefield. in every round of negotiations they escalate their crimes against our people believing. once again that what the occupation did not succeed in getting by the military confrontations and in light of the genocidal crimes, they will not
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take this by negotiations. the movement is striving with all efforts in order to end this war of aggression against - and is therefore following the negotiation track via intensifying its effort, the movement is the brothers in egypt and qatar, and the movement submitted a complete vision according to the principles which we consider to be necessary, necessary for an agreement, which fulfill or these visions fulfill the priorities of our people and resistance ending the aggression and the return of a display. to the places where they had shelter and the withdraw of the occupation forces completely from the gaz strip and also allowing for more aid and assistance to come in and to launch the reconstruction process.
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hdown was addressing a press conference in lebanon. he said that hamas is doing everything possible to reach an agreement that will be favorable to all palestinians. he however said the israeli regime is buying time to continue with its genocidal campaign in gaza. he underlined hamas has shown greater flexibility against the stubberness the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. else were in his speech, hamdan said regime is trying to make gaza unlivable by attacking civilian facilities. he also condemned israely assassination of officials charged with gaza security. he was pointing to the killing of faik al-mabu, head of police. and aid coordinator during the regime's raid on alsiifa hospital on sunday. the israeli military admits a missile fire from yemen hit the vicinity of the iolot port and occupied palestinian territories, and
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this came after the yemini army spokesperson announced operation against the port. the missile forces also launched a number of winged missiles at israeli targets in the omal rashrash area in southern occupied palestig yeah you that he said that a cruise missile was launched from yemen's territorial waters in the red sea toward occupied territories, the regime's iron dome and aero missile defense systems failed to intercept it, there's still no report of casualties or damage, as the military claims the missile fell an unpopulated area. head of the iella port told media ship traffic at the port has been paralyzed since yemen's anti-israel operations in the red sea began back in mid november. he said every month between... 12 and 13 ships entered and departed the port, but number is now down to zero. yes, foreign
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ministry has censured a un security council for issuing a issuing a statement against the country's naval operations in the red sea. the 15 member council discussed the red sea this week despite repeated declaration by the yemeni army that its operations are mainly against israel. or israeli link ships in a show of solidarity with palestinians and against the regime's genocide in gaza. press tv's abdul latif al washali reports. yemen's foreign ministry has reacted strongly to a statement recently issued by the us security council deploring attacks on vessels linked to israel as well as american and british assets in the red sea and demanded the authorities in sana to immediately hold such assaults. the ministry. passed the 15 member council saying yemen's naval actions are only aimed at supporting palestinians, it said the
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unsc move reflects the body submission to america's interests and its support for the israeli genocide in gaza. the security council usually stands by american, british and zionist policies and implements their agenda, but at the same time fails to stop the israeli massacres of the people of palestine. therefore, the republic of yemen considers any states from the security council non-existent. sana continues its efforts to support palestinians in accordance with the will of the people in yemen. the armed forces are also targeting american, british and israeli ships as yemen stands alongside the axis of resistance in the fight against the axis of evil, and we will prevail. god willing. officials highlighted that yemen's operations in the rid and arabian seas are motivated by the diary. humanitarian situation in gaza and enjoy support not only from yemanies, but also from
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the freedom seeking people worldwide. the security council's statement is feudal and is part of american policy, meaning that the council tries to appease the united states and britain at the expense of the blood of innocent palestinians. we support palestinians not only from the humanitarian angle, but there is a brotherly bond between yemenies and the people of palestine. our actions are in retaliation for the ongoing. israi genocide. meanwhile, the army spokesperson announced assault on yet another american vessel mado in the rity using multiple missiles. it also reported attacks on israeli targets and the occupied territories, including the one near ilat port that has also been confirmed by the israeli military. the yemani army launched its anti-israel operations in mid november. it has though repeatedly announced that all other ships are free and save sail through the strategic waterway. however. recently they have also targeted american and british ships and retaliation for the two countries aggression against yemen. people here say
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that during us backed years long war on yemen, the un security council turned a blind eye to the war crimes committed against yemenes. therefore, they argue that the military action is the only way to deter the aggressors as western hijiman countries only understand the language of force, not dialogue. reporting for pres, sana. we arrive in zanjon in our journey, we'll show you the sites and touristic places of this province. katalehor is the name of a great and beautiful cave in khudabandanu mountains with unique and... wonderful icicles with a history of more than 30 million years, stay
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with us for this journey. welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv world news, there is no end insight to israeli atrocities in the occupied west bank either, regime forces and killed three more palestinians in an air strike targeting a car in the city of jenin. according to palestine red crescent, one palestinian was also wounded in this attack. israely militaries confirmed incident, but no further details, israely forces have intensified violent raids throughout the west bank since october the 7th, a day when the regime launches genocidal war on gaza, hundreds of palestinians have been killed and thousands abducted during israeli incursions and to occupy towns and cities ever since. the canadian government
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has decided to stop exporting weapons to israel following. motion that was ratified by the house of commons. we earlier discussed the decision with our guests in our news review program. here it is. we're watching press tv's news review way look deeper into some of the top stories of the day. on this segment of the program, the canadian government has decided to stop exporting weapons to israel following motion that was... ratified by the house of commons, the foreign minister announced that ottawa will no longer allow weapons exports to israel, that came after lawmakers endorsed a wide ranging package that also called for halt to weapon shipments to tel aviv. melanie jony emphasize that although the parliamentary measure is non-binding, canadian government has heated the call to stop arming israel.
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the move is angered to the israeli regime, foreign ministers. that's denounced the canadian decision claiming that quote history will judge. canada's house of commons approved the halton weapon sales to israel on monday following heated debate. the european union states that netanyahu is using deliberate starvation of children in gaza as a weapon of war. human rights groups has spoken out against targeting of journalists, civilians, hospitals, aid workers, and the un has called out for canada for complicity in this because we provide the military. weapons to israel, last night, parliament called for an end to military aid to netanyahu's government, and yet numerous military supply deals are still in the works, so will the minister respect parliament and tell us whether or not deals like the guns from colt and kitchener and armed vehicles from rochelle and brampton will be sent to israel, yes or no? canada had previously paused
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issuing military export permits to israel, i mean the public outcry, but said it was still assessing applications. case-by-case basis, but the issue remained at the heart of controversy, islammakers and rights activists were demanding a complete ban on weapons to israel, a canadian pro palestine advocacy group has called a parliamentary motion, a small step forward for ending the country's complicity in israel's genocidal war on gaza. canada has witnessed several mass anti-israel rallies with demonstrators calling on the government to stop supporting the tel aviv regime. we're joining us on this edition of the news review we have journalist and commentator sando salasat was joining us from the lebanese capital beirot also we have palestinian journalist nadia salimi joining us from uh al khalil palestine welcome to the program to the both of you let's start off uh with miss uh al-assad in the lebanese capital
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beirout please share with us your thoughts on this recent initiative coming from uh canada and are we seeing uh the public pressure uh finally weighing in on uh some of these countries that are supporting israel? i don't think that it's enough because you know that the western governmentts are able to a pressure designist colonial regime to stop this genocidal war crime that is being committed against the palestinian people and this again showed that uh those hypocritical governments are taking part and they are complicit in this in these crimes and atrocities, henous atrocities that are being held against the palestinian people, especially against the children and the women and the journalists in palestine, especially
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in the gaza's trip, so i don't take it as a positive ' as a positive move because at the end of the day this can be also considered that is is movement just to count down the public opinion and the people who have run a lot of rallies to to protest against the these aids that canada is giving for designist occupation at the time that canada claims to be incubator and beacon of human rights and of of protecting civil. miss nadia silynia, i want to get your thoughts as well on this parliamentary motion uh from ottua, the uh canadian foreign minister has uh
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stated that uh the canadian government has heated the call to stop arming israel, unpack that for us please um well honestly i'm very surprised that it's taken this long, i expected more from canada as a former... permanent residence, i'm very disappointed, but i do think that this motion is part of package of more motions, so there was also call for a cease fire that so far has not been implemented obviously, the motions were non-binding, which again is also quite disappointing, so i i agree it is, it is a first step, it is a step in the right direction, but we are nowhere near where we should be, especially considering the magnitude of the atrocities that are being committed. by the israeli occupation uh thanks to sandos alasad journalist and commentator joining us from beirout and thanks to palestinian journalist nadia silly joining us from al khalil. that brings us to
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an end here on this edition of the news review, but stick around there's planning more to come here on press tv. welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv, world news. the russian forum. spokeswoman has criticized a european union plan to use the country's frozen assets to buy arms for ukraine. we have repeatedly commented on this, this is a direct banditism and theft. legally speaking, these actions are a grows and unprecedented violations of fundamental international norms. we said that we will respond, and so it will be. therefore, will repeatedly characterize such fallonious actions of the west. zakhadova added a plan will destroy europe's reputation as a reliable custodian of property rights and
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could lead to legal battles. the eu foreign policy chief joseph burell proposed on tuesday that the block should use 90% of revenues from russian assets to finance weapons for ukraine. the other 10% he said will be used to help increase the capacity of kief's own defense industry. comes as brussels is under pressure from ukraine and the us to go further and sees the entire 200 billion euro worth of russian assets. the proposal will need unanimous consent of eu members to pass as leaders of the block are meeting on thursday and friday. the un coordinator for humanitarian affairs has warned that if no urgent step is taken, then more than 200,000 children could die as a result of malnutrition in sudan. sudan is on
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the course to become the world's possibly worst hunger crisis. already 18 million people again has been said, more than one third of the country's estimated population are facing food insecurity. by the time the lean. season arrives in may, people in some parts of the four could face what we term ipc phase five level acute food insecurity. we call this stage a catastrophe. malnutrition is soaring to alarming levels and is already claiming children's lives. a recent msf report revealed that one child in is dying every two hours in zamzam camp in elfasha north dafour. our humanitarian partners estimate that in the... coming weeks and months, somewhere in the region of around 222,00 children, could die from malnutrition,
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and who estimates that more than 70% of health facilities are not functional, children who are already malnourished are at even greater risk of dying from preventable diseases. speaker. at un security council meeting director of the humanitarian operations in sudan said in action of the international community is allowing for humanitarian travesty in the african country. she said people of sudan are desperate as they are facing one of the worst humanitarian situations in modern history, while the world is failing them. meanwhile, the un food program has warned that a coordinated diplomatic effort is needed desperately to prevent the world's largest hunger crisis, more than 13. as the occasion coincides the
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holy fasting month of ramadan. celebrating nourus in iran dates back to thousands of years and comes along with many customs to enter the new year, families visit one another, they exchange gifts, read poetry, sit around the half-seen table, reading the holy quran in many cases and pray for a good year to come. about 300 million people worldwide celebrate nourus with traditions and rituals that vary by ethnicity and country. in 2009, un designated nourus as an international event at the initiative of several countries that celebrated. this year muslims and these countries are also celebrating ramadan which gives holy vibe to this year's new year celebrations. that's r for your latest here on press tv everyone. thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now.
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i was at the age of 16 very interested by the... world what happened around my me and i traveled when i was 17 years old i traveled even to iran. camera is kind of a protection between me and the rest of the world and it's very very useful. he became very famous because when you see billion of people in the street claiming the name of many. he was a
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symbol, this thumb is very important, actually this is tomp of a man would change history, would change the world and at least the middle east.
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يعني ايران بالنسبه لنا كشيعه وعايشين برا بالخارج يعني تحس اكو فرد اتصال روحي بينك وبين هالبلد هذا يعني لانه شيعه وبيها الامام الرضا سلام الله عليه.
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if you have a souvenir from loved one, you feel pretty good. my grandpa left me a very small box in his cluttered store room. i have no idea how he knew i love traveling.