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tv   Documentary Zoo of Torment 2  PRESSTV  March 24, 2024 8:02pm-8:31pm IRST

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may 20. 8, 2016 was no ordinary day at the
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cincinnati zoo in ohio. something had happened in this old zoudad became the headline of the world's news agencies in less than few minutes. well, what we know is that around 4 p.m. zeo officials say they started hearing people screaming around the gorilla enclosure and they quickly sealed off the area. and this is what they saw when they came on the scene, rene. in fact, this incident was related to a gorilla, a 17-year-old gorilla named herambe who came to cincinnati only 2 years ago. i witnesses told about the unwanted entry of four-year-old a child into harambe's special enclosure. an
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enclosure that didn't seem easy to get out of, tension rose among the visitors as harambe approached the child. few moments later, when he moved the boy to another part of his enclosure, tension and anxiety increased even more. 15 minutes had passed from the moment the child entered harambe's enclosure, when the zoo. two officials made an important decision, firing series of shots to put an end to that chaotic day. ancient petroglies proved that the relationship between humans and animals is as old as human history, a relationship that... include
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hunting, taming and sometimes entertainment. it was the year 2009 when archaologists discovered an amazing area in egypt. the area dates back to 3,500 bc, area full of elephants bones as well as rhinocerus, all kinds of monkeys and phillid, which was apparently. built for keeping animals. this important discovery confirmed that egyptian pharaohs were the first to build something similar to a zoo. of course, the tradition of keeping animals existed in other parts of the world as well, regions like greece, rome,
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babylon, iran, china, india and africa. in addition, european kings were very fond of animals. elephants are notable example: in the wild they walk up to 50 miles a day, yet in zoos, these social and cognitively complex animals are confined in enclosed spaces where they can suffer from arpharitis and joint pain. a study on african elephants showed that the average livespan of african elephants in european zoos is less than 17 years, which is less than half the average life. of african elephants who were killed by poachers in the wild, and when the study looked at african elephants not affected by poaching, their average livespan was 56 years in the wild, or more than three times as long as those kept in european zoos. but the only
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problem of zoos is not keeping animals from their natural living conditions. on the other hand, intentionally or unintentionally, many animals are poisoned in zoos, sometimes by the strange foods of the visitors and sometimes by rotten or inappropriate meals. they may starve for many hours on holidays, they may not receive timely and effective veterinary treatment due to illness. another part of the story is related to private zoos: mysterious places full of special animals that exist in the us, more than any other country. three of the most interesting
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examples of these zoos are in the states of oklahoma, south carolina and florida. three zoos with three. controversial owners, joe exotic, doc antel and carol beskin. joe exotic started his career with juggling and performing animal shows, a strange man who decided to build his own private zoo an empty plot of land in oklahoma in 1999. now the vastness and facilities of his zoo are the talk of the town, a zoo that is considered a place for him to socialize with his favorite animals. the relationship
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between him and his tigers is a strange one, relationship that encourages visitors to pay a significant fee to watch it. at joe's zoo, getting close to the animals is normal thing, touching and caressing them is considered a part of the visit, and he himself participates in it. his armed employees are either busy taking care of the animals or protecting them 24/7. on the other hand, joe also runs an internet program every day. a program that, along with several music albums, has managed to attract the attention of his fans, i go to work, but every day i get someone trying to slam me down back in
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the dirt, i don't care, his products st. is one of the most popular and profitable parts of this zoo, a store focused on tigers and other filities. dock antal has a similar territory as joe in south carolina, territory. with wild animals and seemingly entertaining shows, shows that have made him a rich and famous man in recent years. he is invited to tv shows to show everyone his wild animals. dock antel's fans are also found of
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getting close to his animals and touching them. a dangerous, unique and strange experience. versus joe exotic and doc antle is carol beskin, woman who calls herself an advocate of animal rights and has established complex in the state of florida to keep fellady. baskin's complex is a collection of fillady who for whatever reason are unable to return to nature. animals that have been abused by people like exotic and other private owners. baskin's controversial fight with exotic and ental is also about the same issue. during the past years. baskin has been following exotic step-by-step. his employees,
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like secret agents, monitor the movements of exotic and his group to prevent their shows. sending emails, visiting in person, and persuading people to reject exotic and his group, are considered basken's works. baskin has accused exotic of illegal buying and selling, violence, murder, breeding and making money from animals. accusations that have been brought to official authorities, authorities that are going to approve a controversial law against people like exotic and antal. big cat public safety act would end the ownership of big cats as exotic pets and prohibit exhibitors from allowing the public to have contact with them. of course, in all these years exotic has resorted to counter measures. he and his group have been engaged in physical and psychological war with. basken for years, a fight that has reached the point of making public threats.
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exotic is practicing every day with his new weapons to kill baskin, and basken is trying to shut down exotic zoo by launching a campaign. this controversial dispute has gained other dimensions over the past two years. some say that baskin's goal is not protecting animals, but removing a competitor. it is clear that if exotic and antol zoos are closed, the number of baskens visitors will increase. the result of this strange competition, which has spread further in the absence of law, is two criminal cases so far. in the first case, exotic was sent to prison on the charge of hiring an assassin to kill baskin. in the second. case, basken was charged with the murder of his second husband, a man that according to what exotic
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claimed may have been eaten by basken's tigers. the controversies of private zoos in the us are not limited to cases like joe exotic and carol b. the strangest of these cases was the incident that happened in 2011 in the state of ohio. it was october 18th of that year when a resident of zanesville ohio saw several wild animals around his house. a few minutes later, the police were called, but the number of wild animals was much more than the police thought. one could guess where these animals came from, from the house
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of a strange man named terry thompson, a man who has been famous for his personal zoo for years. in addition to controlling the situation, the police wanted to know exactly what's happened. police officers were able to shoot 48 wild animals by late evening. 18 bengal tigers, 17 lions, six black bears and many other animals. a terrible side was made from the scene of killing these animals, a side that may have seemed unavoidable to protect the people of the neighborhood and to prevent a human disaster. a few hours later, the police were able to find thomson. dismembered buddy in his animal's cage, a buddy that, in addition to deep wounds, was
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hit by a bullet. terry thomson was veteran of the vietnam war, a man with strange attitudes and outlaw and crazy about wild animals. over the years he had a massive collection of all kinds of vehicles. weapons and of course animals, and he had his own zoo. a few months before that incident, thompson was sent to prison on the... charge of possessing illegal weapons, but after his release, everything changed, his deep disagreement with his wife made him think of revenge, a revenge centered on animals, which his wife was also very fond of. the police investigation showed that
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thomson freeed all the animals from their cages first and shot himself later. although thomson's wife returned the surviving animals after illegal battle, but that was not the end of private zoos. there are still many people like thompson and his wife living all over the united states, private zoos that are not known what harm will they inflict upon the animals and people of the neighborhood in the absence of law.
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last fall we brought in new silver back to the cincinnati zoo and today harambe is making his debut in the gorilla uh habitat.
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witness to this claim was a tragic incident that happened to harambe at cincinnati zoo. critics of this incident said that gorillas are smart, that they have a high ability to understand the situation and to think that harambe could live somewhere else other than cincenati zoo in a natural environment away from humans. it could not be exploited for generating income and it could still be alive. for centuries, a large part of human food and clothing has been provided by animals, but human's behavior towards these creatures is in no way compatible with their valuable services. they are physically and mentally tortured to be excuse for saving
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humans lives and their entertainment. incidents that constantly occur in zoos and call laboratories. in fact, there is an obvious contradiction in the treatment of some humans towards animals. an obvious example of this contradiction lies in the pet industry. capturing, killing and torturing some animals while the pet market. is getting bigger with weirder dimensions day by day. there are a lot of people today say that zoos should shut down. what do you think? i think those arguments of zoos being part of the problem and using animals and having massive welfare issues and not educating the public and not doing conservation was was true.
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years ago, the french philosopher, reney descarte commented on animals. he described animals in cages as emotionless machines. he emphasized that compassion for animals is irrational. no one needs to think about their food and comfort. he used to say that we should treat them. as we please, we should force animals to work, we should kill animals, hunt them and sacrifice them for medical experiments. it should be said that, despite the fact that four centuries have
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passed since this card made these comments, our current situation is not much different from that of the cards. a look at zeus shows that we are crueler than the time of the card, the cause of animals suffering and the main reason for their extinction. screenwriter, translator, theater director, university professor, television and cinema actor and member of iran's academy of persian language and literature. born in sanandaj,
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ph.d. in performing arts. his main preoccupation is cultural and artistic theater, through which he shows the... chose of his time in the form of art, stay with us to take a look at the life of the iranian artist. this is home, first was a car, then the house, then i hit the street, now it was... 15 years ago, we are in los angeles, they are building and modernizing everywhere, the rent is always increasing, the city doesn't know
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what to do with all the homeless people, this is our main spot for the last 19 years, that's most likely to die on the streets if we don't get her off the streets to the next year, for everyone i house, there's probably at least 12 or 20 in similar situation, so that can make my work. very discouraging, housing first is just the first step that they need emotional support, they need support to seek treatment, they need support to manage life,
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we must not become part of south africa's problem. we must remain part of their solution. we must not aim to impose ourselves our solutions. our favorites in south africa.
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damn it, we have favorites in south africa, the favorites in south africa are the people who are being repressed by that ugly white regime, we have favorites. i also want to say a word about the situation in israel, the more we learned about the attack, the more horrifying it becomes, more than 1ous, 1,000 innocent lives lost including at least 27 americans, these guys make, they make al-qaeda look pure, they're pure. the pure evil, i said from the beginning, the united states make no mistake about it, stands with israel, united states stand.
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القصه يعني لكل عراقي في ايام صدام حسين الى قصه كامله يمكن يعملون منها مجلدات.
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day 170 of the us israeli genocide in gaza where the death sold tops a 32,200. the un chief reiterates calls for a cease fire in gaza and says the territory needs a flood of aid, and russia observes a day of national morning for the victims of the friday terror attack near moscow.