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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 24, 2024 8:30pm-9:03pm IRST

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day 170 of the us israeli genocide in gaza where the death sold hobs a 32,200 the un chief reiterates calls for a ceasefire in gaza and says the territory needs a flood of aid, and russia observes a day of national morning for the victims of the friday terror attack near moscow.
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of of in hello and welcome, you're watching world news on press tv, coming to you live from our headquarters in tehran, thank you for joining us, my name is gisum shahmadi and these are top stories this hour, day 170 of the us israeli genocide in gaza, the israeli regime's relentless bombardment and shelling continues to claim innocent lives in the of basieg palestinian territory. in raffa, palestinians have been morning their loved ones killed in israeli air strikes in this southern city. i heard the news around 2:15 in the morning that these people were killed. i went to the house and we helped other people and recovered children. we... whole
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three children from beneath the rubble, and they are in the european hospital now, and my son is with them. these are the crimes of the occupying israeli regime in the muslim fasting month of ramadan. the children who have nothing to do with anything, have nothing to do with any organization on this land, these are innocent people. the gaza health ministry says 84 palestinians lost their lives in israeli strikes in matter of 24 hours. the death toll from the us back genocide in gaza since october the 7th, was now surpassing 32,200, most of them women and children. also, over million displaced in palestine are currently sheltering in the southern city of rafah, which is located on the border with egypt. israel has also vowed to go ahead with the ground invasion of rapa, despite international warnings that it would severely aggravate the already. catastrophic
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situation for palestinians. our correspondent muthi abu musab says israeli forces are stepping up their attacks on the gaza strip leaving behind more civilian casualties. the israeli occupation forces continued and maintain their strikes and attacks against several areas of gaza strip, inflicting more destruction at. death among the people and among the residental areas and buildings across all areas of gaz, let's begin with rafa sir, whereas the israeli occubation war planes carried out several relentless air strikes against the residential buildings, particularly in al brazil, neighborhood located in the eastern part of the city, whereas at least seven palestinan civilians were reportently killed including women and children, while uh dozens are silly trapped under the rubble of those destroyed houses, in the meantime the israeli. military boats
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open the gunf towards the coastal area of their balah city uh when it comes to khanuni city the israel occubation forces also continue their strikes uh many many builts of fire were carried out by the israel incubation forces against the western bars of the city and even the eastern b of the city amid the heavy bombardments of the israeli artillery that reached uh the east and the west and the center of the city uh in the meantime the israeli "especial special forces actually attempted to sneak out towards the surrounding areas of the nas medical complex, however the palestinars uncovered that special force and engaged in feast clashes with with it. moving on, another israeli soldier has been killed in clashes of palestine resistant fighters inside the basis gaza strip. the israeli military said the 21-year-old staff sergeant was killed in central gaza, his death rings to 252 the
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number of israeli soldiers killed in gaza since the regime began its ground invasion on the blockaded territory in november. palestinian resistance groups however say the actual is much higher, they say the regime undercounts its losses for fear of israeli public anger, and un chief antonio guteres has renewed calls for sease fire in gaza saying that the beseged palestinian territory needs a flood of aid. looking at gaza, it almost appears that the forcemen of war, femin, conquest and deaths are... galloping across it, that is why the time for immediate humanitarian sease fire is now, and in ramadan spirit of compassion, i also urge the immediate and unconditional religie of hostages, the suffering must end.
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palestinians in gaza desperately need what has been promised, a flood of aid. gutes was speaking following. with egypt's president and foreign minister in cairo, the un chief said the only effective way to ramp up delivery to gaza is by road. he also called for israel's firm commitment to allow aid to reach all parts of the besses territory. gutes is visiting egypt and jordan as part of annual ramadan solidarity tour to muslim countries. on saturday, he toured the rafa crossing between gaza and egypt. the crossing is the only access point where a trucks can enter gaza, but they are stuck on egypt side the border as israel continues to block aid from entering gaza where people are starving. the lebanese resistance movement hazbollah has been engaged in fighting with the israeli
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regime on lebanon's southern border since the onset of the gaza war early october. hasbullah says it aims to support palestinian resistance. fighters battling israeli forces in gaza. in the latest development, hezbulah has launched several rockets at israeli positions in the occupied golen heights. mariam salh, our correspondent in beirot, joined us earlier to give us more details. uh a general rule that once the israelis go beyond the scope of the the rules of engagement or the limited geographic scope which hezbulah has. from the beginning of the confrontation we noticed that hazballah directly retaliates uh by using uh kuchusha rockets by using longer range rockets or issues that or a bigger number of rockets if you may say on areas that are further away uh from the border uh with lebanon and so we we
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noticed how there were 60 rockets that reach the settlement of yawaff and specifically the baracks in in the golan heights and here in in kila specifically hasball mentioned in their statements that that rocket attack specifically coincided uh with a training session and exercise for the elite forces, the the golani elite forces of the israelis and they also mentioned in the statement that they had just returned from gaza and therefore they were conducting an exercise, so that in itself is a clear message from hazballah to the israelis that hezballah does have the intel they need in order to know the movement of the israelis uh they are able to know which unit came back from gaza, which what exactly they were doing in that area, and so hazbillah also seem to mention that perhaps there could be inflicted, they might have inflicted heavy losses upon that force specifically, but also that tells the
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israelis that in any future confrontation, the israelies had always thought that they are superior when it comes to intelligence and with the fact that they do have the upper hand with their air force and so... on and their many radars and their intelligence units and their drones, but hazballah is also telling the israelis that they can also deal a very heavy blow on the intelligence in that regard as well, so therefore this in itself is very significant not only militarily, but also when it comes to the intelligence uh factor. thousands of italians have held a torch light procession in solidarity with palestine and rome. the italian capital and other cities across the country have been the scene of protests against the israeli atrocities and against palestinians over the past month. max chavilli reports. on saturday anti-war activists, local political parties
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representatives, families and students joined a torchlight precession in support of palestinians staged in labaro, a residential area on the outskirts of rome. the initiative was supported by a string of associations from civil society, including the national association of italian partisans. the italians have been very active in organizing pro-palestine initiatives since tel aviv. launched its genocidal war on gaza, hundreds of rallies and protests in solidarity with the beseeged gazans have been organized across the country over the past months. it's unacceptable that our government is not doing anything to help the palestinians. this is why we are here today. we want to speak out our outrage we that here in the suburbs of rome, more than 30,00 people have been killed, west standing. for history without answer for the ongoing unslot in gaza. the
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italian government has so far been a stunch supporter of the israeli regime. however, prime minister georgia meloni has recently said that rome is opposed to a ground incursion by israeli forces into the gaza strips southern city of rafa. according to some estimates the value of italy's arms sales to israel more than treipled in december 2023. compared with the same month in 2022, this is not worthy that december last year was the peak of israeli bombardments on the gaza strip. government, subservient to the anglo-american axis. i regret to say that italy is just a colony, and as we are a colony, also our media outlets have been colonized. they are totally aligned with the anglo-american axis strategies. we sang our world war ii favorite resistance song, because he units everybody,
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all groups that have joined the rally tonight have put their differences aside, because we all want the massacre of the palestinians in gaza to end, but also because we want peace in the world. earlier this week, the university of turin suspended a collaboration agreement with israeli universities and research institutes after wave of. student protests over israel's brutal onsloat on gaza, max chivily press tv, rome. how designs come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation. how do they form their secret army? how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians?
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how did they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister goldomir answers these and more questions in this documentary. russia is observing national day of morning following the deadliest terror attack in the country in two decades. morners have been laying flowers at the site in moscow where the deadly assault happened. president vladimir putin has called the incident a barbaric terrorist attack. putin said all the perpetrators, organizers and those ordered such a crime will be quote, justly punished. on friday, gundmen moscow's quarca city hall opened fire and torched the building. at least 137 people were killed and
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more than 100 wounded. the moscow governor says a death toll is expected to rise as some of those injured are in critical condition. russia has arrested 11 people in connection with the attack. russian president vladimir putin addressed the nation after the deadly attack in moscow. which killed dozens of civilians, the president denounced the massacre as a bloody and barbaric terrorist attack as he declared march 24, national day of morning, at least 11 suspects, including four perpetrators who directly participated in the shooting spree have been arrested. the four direct perpetrators were detained in bransk region. according to the intelligence service, the terrorists planned to cross the russian ukrainian border, the russian president vowed to punish all involved.
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security service says the moscow attackers had contacts in ukraine supporting them. during interrogation, detained terrorist said he was promised 5,000 troubles to carry out the terrorist attack, he claimed he watched. a certain preacher on telegram and allegedly his assistant contacted the man. the perpetrators are ignorant illiterate people who will commit any crime for money. the question is different: where is the planning center? not a single international organization can act in the international arena, especially in a state like russia where there are strong power structures
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performers can be found anywhere through the agents. we went through this experience in chechnia, this once again. convinces us that international terrorist structures are the work of the cia and western intelligence services. the attack which came amit ukraine's war with russia was the deadlest in the country since the bisland school siege in 2004. after friday's attack putin had discussion with his belarussian counterpart aleksander lukashenko. both leaders confirmed their readiness to walk together in the fight against terrorism. in his address, president putin said moscow attackers were preparing to... fleed towards ukraine where a window had been prepared for them with the help of ukraine. now it remains to be seen how russia is going to react to the massacre which came a very volatile region and demit its war against ukraine. marina kartonova, press tv, moscow. journalists and activist fra huws tells us how the timing of the moscow terror
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attack offers valuable clues as to who was behind it. i've seen the uh interview stoke interrogation of one of the four uh members uh believed or alleged to have been involved in the attack near the ukraine border where he said he was basically uh pararaphrasing this he was groomed online he was given this offer of the half million rubles he didn't know who made the offer uh he didn't know who supplied the weapons uh he he he seemed to be uh totally in the dark of who was behind this operation other than offering him money, then if you look that uh, well we we know when they try to skip from moscow, but no one knows when they arrived, how they arrived, that they cross the border illegally, which i assume, are they an active terrorist sail that has been sitting in moscow waiting to be given the green light to attack that specific
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venue, and then when you see that russia uh veddled the ame in uh resolution stroke seesfire, stroke uh food for hostages in the un, several hours later we have this attack in moscow, so the very fact that the americans w of attack, then said it was isis uh seem to have all this uh pre-knowledge of what was happening uh and and have come out and said ukraine has had has nothing to do with this, i feel the american fingerprints are all over this and it's quite obvious that either them in conjunction with m6, the cia or have been involved in this from the very start, sirens have sounded across kiev as russia launches fresh air strikes on the ukrainian capital. the strikes have prompted
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residents to seek shelter in subway stations, the... ukrainian army said its defense systems destroyed 18 russian missiles and 25 drones. officials said the attack caused only minor damage. russia also launched strikes on ukraine's western region of laviv. polish armed forces also said that one of the russia's cruise missiles briefly violated the country's airspace. russia has been pounding ukraine for days. it says the strikes are in retaliation for ukrainian drone and artillery attacks its border areas, including the bul region, russian president vladimir putin has suggested the country may create buffer zone in kiev controlled territories to stop the attacks. and the 31st edition of the international exhibition of the holy quran has kicked off in tehran. the event is held annually during ramadan, showcasing a variety
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of products dedicated to the promotion of the holy book. fatima massumi reports. the international quran exhibition is the most significant exhibition of its kind in the muslim world. it will run from march 20th to april 2nd at tehran's mosala, held during the holy month of ramadan, the fair features, paintings depicting verses and teachings of the holy quran as well as calligraphy and illumination artworks. this year's event has a particular focus on the situation in the gaza strip and palestine. concepts to them through various attractive tools and games and other artistic means another important issue that we particularly pay the special attention to was the issue of
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palestine and gaza resistance movement, which is the top issue of the islamic world. the fair features 45 coronic institutions and 24 governmental bodies. the coronic meeting of the exhibition will focus on the issue of palestine and situation of the gaza strip in the... presence of scholars from 25 countries, five ministers from islamic states as well as representatives from iraq, lebanon, turkey, poland, russia, saudi arabia, tunesia, libya, algeria and qatar are invited to take part in the event, these days we are witnessing israeli genocide in gaza and it's heartbreaking for everyone to see the innocent people of palestine under such conditions. the issue of the unity of people is very evident in the international section the exhibition. one of the important messages the international section of the fair is to
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speak loud and clear about the defenseless and innocent people of the gaza streep and the resistance movement. the tehran international quran exhibition is annually organized by iran's ministry of culture and islamic guidance. as always, the exhibition will host several koranic competition. researchers and university professors have also been invited to talk about the holy quran and his teachings. the international holy quran exhibition opened on march 20th with the aim of promoting the holy quran and its concepts. this year, the focus of the fair will be on the gaza strip and palestinian resistance movements as well as pertinent issues like the alak sad operation and zinism. fatih massumi, press tv, tehran. and the school year in afghanistan has commenced, yet over 1 million girls have been borred from uh going to school by the taliban beyond the sixth grade. afghanistan is
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currently the only country with this kind of restriction on female education. reporting from kabul, rahmatullah b1. in kable afghanistan, the school bell rings and students make their way to classes, but picuously absent is half of the student population, the taliban's top officials attended a ceremony on the reopening of schools and delivered speeches that omitted any mention of girls education or their future, even female journalists were banned from reporting this story. it's a great honor that the new education year is kicking off in afghanistan, from today all students are returning to their classes after a winter break. last year 1.2 million new students enrolled in schools and this year the number will increase. we as muslims are obliged to learn islamic teachings and lessons first, and modern education is also necessary in the
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second place. despite the taliban's valuation of education, their ban on female students has now impacted some 1.4 million afghan girls. according to unicef, 5 million were out of school before the taliban takeover due to lack of facilities and other reasons. coronavirus pandemic and next the taliban's ban. the more we are distanced from education, the more we are devastated. we're going backward and our energy and time are being wasted. we're alive but not living. we
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want our human and islamic right to education. the taliban have repeatedly promised young female students would be readmitted once several issues were resolved. nevertheless, the ongoing ban poses a significant barrier to the request for recognition as afghanistan's legitimate government. afghan citizens remain optimistic about the pr. aspects of education for their daughters, yet there is a growing concern that opportunities are diminishing, they call upon both the taliban leadership and the international community to collaborate in ensuring equitable educational access for all in afghanistan. rahmatullah baghban, press tv, kabul. that brings us to the end of this edition of world news on press tv. thank you for watching, stay tuned. i'll be back in half an hour with some more updates.
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crisis, devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy: genocide in gaza. iran and turkmenistan do not consider themselves just neighbors, but relatives. throughout ages, they have bolstered their
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ties. from culture economy and science and technology and a myried other fields. yet they have set the stage for bolder steps in order to faster vibrant trade ecosystem between the two nations and make the region an energy hub. iranian entrepreneurs, officials and business people have held an ex ambition in the land of their relatives to pave the path for greater synergy. watch this documentary to catch a glimpse of the neighborly ties. the second soub international media festival.
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in the fields of television, radio, new media, and a special section for palestine. the deadline for sending your work is april 8th, 2024. for more information, visit "what kind of people do they think we are? is it possible they do not realize that we shall never cease to persevere against them until they have been taught a lesson which they and the world will never forget. now i am become death. we now have a name for the disease and it is..."
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it's covid-19, a state-wide order for people to stay at home, that's what comes from china really deeply that if people are sharing more then the world will be more open place where people can understand what's going on with the people around them, and that's really what we want to get towards. did you appear on the on the um and give a presentation to the launch of leave. eu? yes, i did.
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his royal highness sh'.
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one riječi koje od njih očekujete a na svima nama je rijeke pravde živjeli.
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welcome to israel watch. on this episode we will monitor the doha negotiations move to conclude captive's exchange deal while their opposing ideas in the regime regarding this issue. we will also go over netanyahu's criticism of the west position after the german chancellor's visit to tel aviv and the refusal of the tribes in gaza to the united nations request to distribute aid. we'll also touch upon the internal zinus disputes. regarding these topics, i welcome professor hadi kubaesi, director of the aliad research and development center. my warm welcome dear professor.