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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 25, 2024 6:30pm-7:03pm IRST

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ceasefire for the month of ramadan, leading to a lasting, sustainable cease fire. with this resolution, the security council has clearly spoken out on the urgent and pressing need to stop the fighting. this is critical to alleviate the humanitarian catastrophe in gaza. this resolution must now be immediately and unconditionally implemented by all parties. the fighting needs to stop without fair. the delays, all hostages must be safely released. on this occasion, we also express our appreciation and support for the ongoing negotiations by egypt, qatar and united states. we sincerely hope that these diplomatic efforts can lead to tangible results in the coming days. meanwhile, humanitarian access of the gaza strip is of critical importance to avert the risk of famine. "there is the urgent need to expand
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the flow of humanitarian assistance and in demanding the lifting of all barriers preventing the necessary humanitarian assistance as requested by this resolution. in closing, president, sustainable cease fire must also be accompanied by a political egency to build a durable foundation for peace. multa refms is commitment to a just and comprehensive resolution of the conflict based a two state. solution along the pre-1967 borders addressing the legitimate a aspirations of both sides with jerusalem as a future capital of two states, israel and palestine, living side by side in peace and security in line with the relevant security council resolutions and internationally agreed parameters. thank you. i thank the representative of marta for their statement. i give the floor to the representative of france. mr. president, france welcomes the
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adoption of resolution 27-28. more than five months after the beginning of the crisis in gaza, caused by the terrorist attack waged by hamas, it was high time for the security council to act. it was high time for it to establish a cease fire. it was high time for it to demand the release of hostage. it was high time for it to call for comprehensive humanitarian access and mass aid a time when famine is rife in gaza. the adoption of this resolution demonstrates that the security council can still act when all of its members make the necessary effort to discharge their mandate. i wish in this connection to personally commend the permanent representative. united states for the role
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played, the security council's silence on gaza was becoming deafining. it is high time now for the council to finally contribute to finding solution to this crisis. this crisis is not over, alas and our council will have to remain mobilized and immediately get back to work. it will have to following ramadan, which finishes in two weeks, it will have to establish a permanent. cease fire, it will need to strive to see the recovery and stabilization of gaza, finally and above all the security council will have to get a political process back on track, a political process aiming to bring about the two-state solution, the only solution able to guarantee peace. our council of course cannot replace the parties to the parties, but its role will be pivotal one. france will shoulder its response. abilities and will propose in the
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coming days an initiative within the security council. i thank you. i thank the representative of france for the statement. i give the floor to the representative of switzerland. thank you, mr. president, of switzerland voted in favor of this draft resolution and welcomes its adoption by the security council. this is at last a sign of hope. this vote should mark a return to greater. this is how the secretary general of the united nations, together with all of the humanitarians working, i would like to thank, he underlined this necessity yesterday at the raf crossing. today's vote demonstrates the importance and the weight that elected members can have when the council's blockages disrupt. solidarity and constructiveness,
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mindful of the mandate intrusted to us by the general assembly when it elected us and our own priority, which is to protect civilians. we had a clear common objective, to send the parties to the conflict a clear and unequivocal request for immediate ceasefire leading to a lasting ceasefire, sustainable ceace fire. it was high time that the council agrees on this demand. "an immediate ceasefire is a priority step, but it is only the first step given the catastrophic humanitarian situation in gaza. for almost six months, civilians, starting with children and hundreds of thousands of displaced persons have been pray to daily bombardments
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with the risk of famin and epidemics instead of going to school or work safely. this must stop immediately. the implementation of this resolution must help to provide the civil." population with the humanitarian aid that they need through every possible means of access as well as to provide medical care, restore medical infrastructure, relieve the burden on medical personnel and enable them also to carry out their mission without danger. the resolution also makes a clear demand for the immediate and unconditional release of the hostages, they too, along with their families must be allowed to return home. today's outcome is a clear call to all parties to cease hostilities and finally fully respect their obligations under
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international law, in particular international humanitarian and human rights law. for the resolution we have just adopted to be effectively implemented. immediate cease fire must lead without delay to a lasting, sustainable cease fire. similarly, given the catastrophic humanitarian consequences that a large scale operation raffa would have on the civilian population and humanitarian operations, such an operation must be avoided. mr. president, the secretary general said yesterday at the rafa crossing, it's time to silence the guns. hope is being able to see the light in spite of the darkness. the resolution today, it is now time to regain hope and to work together relentlessly towards a prospect of lasting peace, two-state solution where israelis and palestinians can live side by side in peace, security and dignity. thank you, i thank the
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representative of switzerland for their statement, give the floor to the representative of china. i thank you, mr. president. mr. president, china voted in favor of the truth resolution that has just been put to the vote. we think algeria, mousick, and other elected council members for their efforts. last friday, the security council voted on the other truth resolution proposed by the united states on the situation in gaza, china together with algeria. and russia voted against it. a comparison of the two drafts shows the differences. the current draft is unequivocal and correct in its direction, demanding an
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immediate seasfire, while the previous one has been evasive and ambiguous. the current draft demands and unconditional cease fire, while the previous one has set preconditions for cease fire. the current draft reflects the general expectations of the international community and enjoys the collective support the arab states, while the previous one has been jointly rejected by the arab states. the differences between the two drafts boil down to nothing. whether there should be immediate and unconditional cease fire and whether the collective punishment of the people of gaza should be allowed to continue on this issue, china, like most members of the international community has been very clear from the very
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outset. whether we voted against it last friday or in favor of it today? our vote was based on our consistent position and propositions. after repeated vetos. the council actions, the united states finally decided to stop obstructing the council's demand for immediate scis fire. despite all this, the us still tried to find all kinds of exclusives and made accusations against china. the the eyes of the international community and are open and discerning. the accusitions of the us are untanable, on the contrary. it's because of china and other countries concerned, because of our upholding
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of principles and justice, then the us, we force the us to realize that it cannot continue to obstruct the efforts of the council to move in the right direction and take the uh decisive step, and justice will... prevail in the end, mr. president, nearly six months after the outbreak of the gaza conflict, over 32, innocent civilian, civilians have lost their lives, for the lives that have already perished, the council resolution today comes too late, but for the millions of people in gaza who remain mired in an unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe, this resolution, if fully and effective.
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security council resolutions are binding. we call on the parties concerned to fulfill their obligations under the united nations charter. and to take do action as required by the resolution. we expect the state with significant influence to play a positive role on the party concerned. including by using all necessary and effective means at their disposal to support the implementation of the resolution. to this end, all harm to civilians must sease immediately, and the offensive against gaza must be prevented at once. sease fire during the months of ramadan is only the first step that must serve as basis. leading to a lasting, sustainable cease fire and the early return of the people
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of gaza who are forced to flee their homes. at the same time, the blockade of gaza and the man-made barriers to access of humanitarian supplies must be lifted immediately to ensure that humanitarian supplies andenter gaza in sufficient quantities expeditiously to reach people in need. a safe and timely manner, we appreciate sg guteres and the humanitarian agencies for their efforts. israel must fully cooperate to open uh the cross uh rafa and other land crossings. unra is indispensable and irreplaceable for the people of gaza to receive international humanitarian assistance. we urge all parties to fully restore funding to unra as soon as possible. we categorically reject israel's recent
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vicious campaign of attacks against anra and the united nations system as a whole. we welcome the efforts of egypt, qatar and the united states to the release of the hostages and expect the speedy release of all hostages and detainees and their early return home. mr. president, the security council. based on the adopted resolution today, continue to follow closely the situation in gaza, and get ready for further actions when necessary and ensure the timely and full implementation of its resolutions. china will continue to make unremitting efforts together with all parties to bring early end to the fighting in gaza, alleviate the humanitarian catastrophe and implement the two-state solution. i thank you, mr. president, i thank the representative of china for their statement,
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i give the floor to the representative of ecuador. thank you, mr. president, ecuador condemns the terrorist attacks in moscow, we express our solidarity to the families and the victims and to the russian people. mr. president, the resolution that we have considered gives us an idea. the elected members can prepare text that can be acceptable to all members of the council, it allows the council to speak out in a timely fashion in the face of humanitarian situation which continues to worsen, sequently the text is short and demands a ceasefire for the month of ramadan which will bring relief to the civilian population. at the same time, it demands the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages and deplores the violence against civilians and all victims of acts of terrorism, including the execuble
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acts committed by hamas on in october. the text also takes notes of the efforts that egypt, qatar and the u.s. are making to achieve an agreement between the parties to the conflict, we hope those efforts will bear fruit. ecuador voted in favor of this draft resolution and we are delighted that it has been adopted. we value the flexibility, flexibility shown on this occasion by all members in the face of a situation as urgent as that in gaza. we must now all together ensure that this resolution is completely effectively and immed. implemented. i thank the representative of ecuador for their statement. give the floor to the representative of gayana. thank you, thank you, mr. president. gayana condemns the terrorist attack that occurred in moscow last week and also extend our condolences to the
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government and people of russia. mr. president, colleagues, gayana is pleased that this council has finally. been able to adopt resolution which demands an immediate ceasefire, albeit for the month of ramadan, leading to a lasting and sustainable ceasefire. after more than five months of a war of utter terror and destruction, a cease fire is the difference between life and death for the hundreds of thousands of palestinians and others. this demand comes a significant time as palestinians. observing the holy month of ramadan, sadly, this year's ramadan is different for palestinians, fatally different. the observants began as people weep over the killing of their loved ones, while bombs and bullets continue to fall indiscriminately around them. 17 children began ramadan as orphans owing to this war.
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70,00 families began ramadan without a home all rubble. another 29000 homes severely damaged, instead of being in their homes, the sacred place where they usually pray, breakfast and commune with family and friends during this holy month, three quarters of the population of gaza are internally displaced. ramadan is also a time for families to join for nightly feasts and a time to share food and other blessings with the less fortunate, but for the people in gaza there is man-made starvation and we are. already seeing evidence of a man-made famin, all of this when there is food available, but deliberately withheld, women and children are disproportionately impacted, they represent the majority of those killed, children and pregnant and lactating women are at higher risk of mortality due to lack of adequate nutrition. at the same time, the anguish of
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the families of the hostages held in gaza continues to mount with no clear prospect for the return of their loved. palestinians experience the same anguish waiting for their relatives who are illegally detained in israel to come home. gaya emphasizes demand the demand for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages. we also demand the release of all palestinians held in israeli jails without trial trial. mr. president, colleagues, the realities that the population of gaza has been facing since 7th of october have worsened with. each passing day as the occupying power continues its atrocities, given these realities and the consensus by elected members of this council that we must act, gayana unhesitatingly collaborated with fellow elected members to put forward this draft resolution for immediate ceasefire, the unconditional release of hostages and for expanding
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humanitarian assistance. in this regard we thank the coordinator of the e10, his excellency ambassador. and the delegation of mozambique for the leadership of this process, we also thank our e10 colleagues and our p5 colleagues for finally, collectively doing right by the palestinian people. it is long over du, but it is still the right thing to have done to stop the indignities against the palestinian people. but this is just the beginning, the task before us now is to secure full compliance with this resolution. in this regard, guyana calls for full adherence to these resolutions. finally, mr. president, dear colleagues. the holy month of ramadan will end in a mere 15 days. it is therefore essential that this council and those with influence and the parties immediately redouble efforts to bring about
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the lasting and sustainable cease fire. this resolution call for calls for to secure the release of hostages and to massively scale up humanitarian assistance. this is absolutely necessary to save lives, begin the reconstruction of gaza and to create a free peacefully coexists. i thank you. i thank the state of palestine with which israel representative of gayana for the statement. i give the floor to the representative of sierra leon. mr. president. also expresses deepest condolences to the government and people of the russian federation following the inious terrorist attacks last week. terrorism and acts of terrorism in all forms and manifestation are condemnable and unjustifiable. mr. president, the
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consideration and adoption of resolution 27:28, by the elected 10 members of the council, including saralione, was b out of the need to address the current plight of the palestinians in the gaza street. especially during this holy month of ramadan, at time traditional field with peace. and communities, well, you have been looking at the united nations security council and they have passed resolution 27-2-8, um, calling for immediate ceasefire in gaza for the month of ramadan, and of course it's uh, it's not a sustaining as sease far, they say that they're hoping that they can work towards it, and that there's only two weeks left before the end of the month of ramadan, um, for now, though they are calling for immediate ceastfire and what they call they say the release of uh those who have been taken. um,
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i'm gonna cross back over to london and say it, most and i'm not sure if you were listening to the various representatives and and what they were saying, um, it was interesting seeing the difference, and of course they're all trying to use very diplomatic language, um, but of course china came out very, very strong and... condemning the united states and condemning them for one blocking previous efforts and trying to change efforts and saying that the united states needs to stop obstructing um what needs to be done in this con your thoughts in general um if you heard the various representatives speaking about this resolution? well certainly china was absolutely spot on uh the reality is that america is part and parcel of the actual uh genocide in gaza, american... military supplies, american logistics, american weapons, american money is all part and parcel of uh the absolute disgusting uh and
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catastrophic bloody genocide that we're seeing still unfolding before our very eyes, so the us is guilty, it's it should be in the dock as israel should be, and of course the problem here is with for the un is that first of all the un starts with this language of legitimizing israel uh, it can't... yet get out of the reality that it it was part and parcel of the uh the creation of an illegitimate entity. israel is an immoral illegal entity, it usurped the rights of another people in order to come into so-called existence, it now claims the right to self-defense, even though it's a settler colonial project, and america is the bank roller of this settler colonialism. if america stopped that bank rolling uh tomorrow, israel would collapse with them in a matter of year or... to, i wouldn't even give it more than that, so the first thing is that any future resolution, which we people are talking about resolutions here, they're talking about a longer term resolution to the
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actual bloody genocide right now, which i'm very skeptical of, because if you've got lunatic genocidal uh fascist ultrazionists who basically want to exterminate the palestinians and have said so over and over again and they're in the government, this is coming from government officials, not... israelis, although ordinary israelis 97% of them support this genocide, let's not also forget that, so the reality is that the us, the republic and the genocidal government which is carrying out these policies isn't going to change overnight unless it has deterrant, so what is the deterrant the united nations can can uh provide, can they muster up an army, can they bring a peaceekeeping force, can they bring a military unification of say china, russia and... all these other chaps who are who are who are waxing lyrical about the the great achievement of a two-week seas fire. ramadan is barely a couple of weeks, so to be honest
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with you, i this is lot of hot air as far as i can see even though there are strong statements that have been made against the main culprates, what really needs to happen is trade boycots, diplomatic boycots of israel, the the the prosecution of all uh the the genociders, anybody involved in genocide, including of the americans themselves, that has to be brought to the un's icj if they're really serious, um, people like the world trade organization, which are obviously a un outlet need to also look at how they're going to uh deal economically with this situation. in terms of the boycots, but you know none of this will happen, because all of these agencies ultimately are in the pockets of the united states and empire and the the the trans global uh if you like money maf right said most and it just seems like we're back at square one um it sounds good uh to say there's a ceasefire um but of course as people are saying more and more there can be no peace when there's no justice and of course there's no justice when we see what's
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happening and continue. happening on the ground every day in gaza and listening to the diplomatic core just now, um, there doesn't seem to be very much hope of a permanent situation that will solve this once and forever. thank you so much for being with us right here president said most journalist and political commentator and thank you viewers for staying with us and i'll be back in just over 30 minutes with a full news bulletin. see you then. bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
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the economy of the west bank in israel, as a result of the genocidal war is still suffering from lack of economic activity or low economic activity. many stores uh are still uh closed tourism at record low levels and lack of workers top of everything else is playing the economy whether... "there's a chance for the palestinians to get back on their feet over israel's economy to get jump started is the subject of this edition of economic divide. coming up in this program, palestine's economy, first we're going to take a look at the gdp decrease."