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tv   Gaza Under Attack 98  PRESSTV  March 31, 2024 12:02am-12:31am IRST

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the court observes that palestinians in gaza are no longer facing only risk of famine, but that famine is settling in. these the words of judges with the international court of justice. this is gaza under attack with me, amina taylor and we're broadcasting from the british capital, london. now let's get caught
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up with some of the fresh developments in the ongoing genocide on gaza. the un's top court, the international court of justice has ordered israel to allow unimpeded access of food aid into gaza, where sections of the population are facing imminent starvation. the icj's order is a significant legal rebute to israel's claims, it's not blocking aid deliveries. thousands of aid vehicles remain stuck a waiting. clearance from tel aviv. there's been no official reaction to claims israeli air strikes on syria's aleppo province have killed dozens. reportedly some of the dead include syrian military personnel and members of lebanese resistance group hezbulah. earlier, hezbulah had carried out retaliatory strikes against israeli settlements and positions in the northern sector of the 1948 israeli occupied territories. gaza's health ministry reports dozens of palestinians killed and over
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hundred injured across the last 24-hour period. this includes at least 15 killed in strike by occupation forces a sports center in gaza city. these new casualty figures mean nearly 33,00 men, women and children have been killed since october last year, with tens of thousands missing and injured. with us for this edition of the program in the studio, sahar jabber, sahar who is based. in lebanon is author and publisher and alongside her and joining us via skype from athens in greece is international correspondent and analyst with the press project lamprini thoma lamprini has reported from the scenes of major conflicts over the past two decades. welcome to you both. now lampini, the death toll is already a stain on our collective consciences and now the icj an order that is supposed to be legally binding. they've told
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israel to quote, take all necessary and effective measures to ensure without delay in full cooperation with the united nations, the unhindered provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian assistance, including food, water, and fuel and medical supplies. now, lamprini, israel has shown scant regard to these orders before, what might be different now? different, not much. maybe the most different of all things is that we're continuing to press and institutions are pressing too now, not only governments and not only the people on the in the streets because we're still in the streets and we have to continue being in the streets. what's happening now is that in the of conscience of the world and not only the global south, israel is a rug state, we are we're seeing a genocide and people know it, it's sixth month for goodness sake, we're in a condition that nobody with a conscience.
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can accept that, and even if a government doesn't like to be against israel, they have to take some measures, they have to make some take some steps. i think that's why we saw the us abstaining in the last un security council vote. we have two actually rog states right now for the whole world, israel and the united states, the non-binding states, let's say, because everybody else knows that in the... international law and the the vote in the in the security council makes international law is what we have to respect first and foremost if you want to be called civilized nations indeed uh sahar it's it's very difficult to keep it all in context but we mentioned the exchange before between um lebanese forces and occupation forces during our intro you live in south lebanon? can you
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explain to us the role that lebanon has played in the gazan crisis at this point? lebanon has played a very dominant role because when we look at what lebanon has already done, it's already been... able to take away most of uh israel's focus, which would have been right now on ghazza to lebanon to the borders to actually see another war that, yes they did expect, however they did not expect to be this full force and this strong. with the war on lebanon right now, we do not that the borders, something that israel has always prided themself between lebanon and israel itself is now in complete destruction, we know that lebanon is winning. not only on axis of taking away the israeli military from that area, but also allowing um the ghaza people to have more leeway, because imagine if it was only a war on ghazza and israel, what would have happened? it would have been a lot more focused on actually making sure
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and ensuring that ghaza will lose, which we are not seeing at the moment, in lebanon at the moment uh they are playing very strategic war on the minds of the people, for instance when i was just there, they would break... the sound barriers to the point of breaking the sound barriers in lebanon in the area in the village in the morning and at night so you're talking 7 am 11 pm so you're having that strategic form of destabilizing the community in lebanon uh making sure that they're always sleeping and living in terror but what we do know is that the lebanes people are in themselves resistance they have already won this war before and they'll continue to wear in this war again the people of lebon are not afraid such as the people um um in the shiba farms or the people in israel who will flee their land, lebanese people will not flee their land, they will stay on their land, so uh we are a dominant so it's a victory already of swords of course, it's just about weighing it out, making the time pass, it's it's already victory, no one in
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lebanon would see it as defeat in any way or actually expect a defeat, we um as they would say we have our our feet in cold water, we're very relaxed to the idea, it's just about getting through um um this difficult stage, but whether or not it's a question of win or loss, it's already a win um for lebanon for the gaza people. all right, we're going to come back to more on this conversation, but let's just include a little bit of ireland in the european union here, because the irish deputy prime minister michael martin and the eu's crisis management commissioner yanes leinarchic have called on israel to facilitate the entry of humanitarian aid into the besieg gaza strip. the united nations says 100% of gaza's population are in severe levels of food insecurity. aid group say complicated inspection procedures at the borders and continued fighting have caused massive slowdowns in the convoys. the officials were speaking at the irish capital
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in dublin. let's have listen. we are trying our best and we have not yet succeeded. we will succeed when the... will be enough humanitarian aid coming into gaza, and that has not been the case, and it's still not the case, in spite of the fact that we have had number of security council resolutions calling for unfettered humanitarian aid to gaza, and we at the european union are trying to do everything we can, there's enough food in the region to feed the entire population of gaza until august, it is criminal, it's absolutely a scandal that children are man. that half the population are facing famin and others in terms of food in security, there is no need for this, there's excessive checking at the borders and you spoke this morning, the foreign minister in jordan, i spoke to egyptian yesterday and i spoke to the
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palestinian prime minister yesterday also, and they're telling me the situation is dire, absolutely. and i would appeal to israel to show humanity in terms of enabling the this the essentials of life to get into gaza for the civilian population. that was michael martin there who's arland's um deputy prime minister lamprini. ireland has interven on south africa's behalf in the icj case. i was at the h covering this one. and we just heard from michael martin there who's also ireland's foreign minister and he says events in gaza represent the blatant violation of international humanitarian law a mass scale, why is it significant that ireland has got involved here? buse we have one country of the european union taking the right position
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and i know when you probably know from your own sources that there's problems in the eu concerning this thing, the the the genocide in gaza, we already have lot. lot of people, lot of governments takeing another stance, it's it's obvious not only from ireland who is in the frontline from the first moment, because they know what this means, they know it's... how to be occupied, they know how to be an condition of apart hide, because it was upparthy in ireland too, but it's also by the the the what the ambassador of france said after in the un, after the the council after the they decide, they decided to demand the stop of the genocide and the allowance of help where he said that it is biting, he is france. is in the security council and he takes a stance against the stance of the us,
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so we have problems in the eu, we have separation between the countries who will follow everything that the us does and the and israel because it's the same, and the countries that decide that they cannot take more, enough is enough, it really is, and we know sahar that countries in the... region either directly or indirectly, they've had to deal with both the political instability and also the humanitarian fallout from this. as someone who resides in the region, can you give us an idea about the sentiments of the people towards especially palestinians and ghazans at this time? i remember when the war started, when um the bombs uh started taking place, the lebanese people are actually asking you know for... brother hizballah for um that war front to actually start, they
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wanted us to interview, you know, they wanted us to go into the war for front and actually a free palestine to the max, not only ghaza, it was actually a dream, it was something that people were celebrating, why? because they knew that this was something that will get them a step closer into what hopefully would be uh a palestinian state, and so the lebanese people's hearts are completely and utterly with the ghazans, with the people of uh of palestine, despite the high personal cost, of course, despite the high personal cost, i i know individuals who have lost family members and despite it all they will say, "i will lose another family member and another until the palestine is free." to us, it's a divine law that palestine has to be a land uh devoted for the freedom, and so we cannot accept it in the way it is right now. we see what israel is failing to understand is that yes, they have the weapons, they have the means, but they do not have the hearts of the people, and especially. estally in what's happening right now in this day and age, whether that meant with the normalization that we've seen in the decades before with
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saudia, with egypt, jordan, right, these normalizations are only showing more and more how the people themselves through the million man march through their rebelliation towards what their government is supporting, we are only saying that the heart is of the people is with palestine and it's like bully who has the means, has the strength, but we do know at the end of the day you know... the one that they always run away, yeah, they always run away, and uh, lamplini brussel's here, it's you talked about that that there is a disconnect um at the very heart here, that countries don't necessarily agree a path forward, and it took them months to come up with the kind of mely mouth, cease fire request that the eu gently asked of israel, what is their position here, and what could... they be doing more of every day that passes with the and the killing continues and
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the problem and the genocide continues is a day that will be a strike against the union the eu, and i think it will be a very important step away from the united states policy and following the united states policy, not because only that the governments need to respect institut. for example, the greek government is full israel next to israel, but they're changing the their stands a little bit, because we have cyprus and we need international law, if international law passes in the back and nobody cares about international law, the jungle law, and it's bad for every country that's not the hegemon, it's not the united states with israel, so there will be even more steps away from union, sayid eu will not be a union so much if this continues to happen, hopefully it
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will not, hopefully it will not, six months a clear disconnect there lamprini, an absolute clear disconnect, but hold your thoughts there, because we have the thoughts now of um londoner, because israel continues its massacre of palestinians in gaza, completely oblivious to a un security council resolution calling for immediate ceasefire, we ask the... medical doctor and a pro-palestinian activist in london, dr. kumel abas duji, why he thinks israel has this impunity and what measures can be taken to reign them in. "what is happening in in gaza is very, very sad situation and one which we feel helpless for at the moment, finally the un resolution showed some leadership by bringing a by bringing a cease fire call, unfortunately israel as always is not complying with this, and i think the reason is because israel feels they are above the law, and this is all
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because of the western support which they have, which we have seen previously, we've also seen israel or..." almost 30 times in the past, break and contraven un resolutions, and i think this is all because of the support they have from the west, unfortunately. for the first time, the uk voted for a cease fire, and i think because of that, i think it's about time that the uk government starts putting pressure on israel to stop the genocide which they are committing and change this whole narrative that they are defending themselves, and i think this this has to be in form of sanctions. and it has to be from pressure from from the uk government. i think this is the first thing a more individual and a personal level, i think we as people who've got good conscious levels, i think it's very important that we continue to protest, we continue to talk about these things by the strategies which we are doing at the moment, by this kind of interviews and so on, and by
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doing protest we continue to put pressure on the government so that they speak out, and also i think is very important that we remember those who have been. support of palestine and not when we decide about when we put our vot in, so i think this is some of the strategies which we could use, the big parties such as the tory and the conservative governments, they have always been in support of israel and they already compromised, and so we will not get any benefit by voting for them, so i think having independent people like like george galloway, having someone like jeremy corbin is definitely the way forward and i think i i personally would definitely be in support of them because i see these are the kind of people who are going to speak out for palestine and be able to hopefully bring you know a change in gaza. it was the constant stream of wounded palestinian children that most stunned the international team of doctors visiting hospitals in central gaza overwhelmed by casualties from israeli bombardment. tania
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hash hasan was part of seven doctor team that has been working at alaksa marters hospital since mid march. set up by the relief group's international rescue committee and medical aid for palestinians. you asked me about the ability of the healthcare system to deal with it. people are tired. we, our team has been doing this for 5 days, we're exhausted. i can't imagine what the gazen team who's been here for 162 days doing this 24/7, 162 days without resources is dealing with. you asked me whether they had the resources to to deal with these cases. is no, it's catastrophic, there are so many injuries, they have overwhelmed the capacity of not just his hospital, but the entire healthcare system that has been targeted and collapsed months ago, and that top of outbreaks of epidemics, malnutrition and deterioration in people's general health, particularly people with
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chronic health diseases, you have a system that just is clear, clearly not coping, let's get... some thoughts on those developments within the moments we have left on this episode of gaza under attack, saha jaba and lamprini thoma are still with me and saha, there's so much to onpick here, but five months on plus from october the 7th, what are some of the key takeaways here? because we've seen the casualty figures rise, we've seen the incompetents of the international community, how do you put that all together for us? i want to say this verse, how many of those that are low in number, small in number, were able to win against those that were big in number in god's grace, what we're saying right now is that israel is actually stuck, they don't really have a plan, they assume that they have a plan, but netanyahu
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is now deemed as the one that is the reason for all of this destruction, he will go down in history as one of the worst. tiranical leaders of all time, his name will be remembered in the worst of ways, we're also seeing is that why are they stuck? because the option that they had before, which was to actually dissolve the palestinian state at trump's trump's government ship. that was a dream now, now they have to go back to two-state solution, they have to go back to what the palestinian want, they have to actually now discuss and see the palestinian people as people in which they can actually converse and and see what they want, because let's be. "the gazans will not leave and they will continue to fight, even if you were to pay the people and all of this area to leave, they will not leave, and they are strong in that area, and what we're also seeing is that even if they were uh to..." enforce and what they're trying to do right now to be siege or to try and get the razans out of that area, they've already won the majority of the people's hearts, everyone already knows what
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israel is against, what israel is up to, and so they will never be able to actually take a full force of uh leadership, let's no israeli citizens that is settler on that land will decide to actually go back and live in their home in safety, there will always be that fair, always be fair, but for an individual. that no, this is their home, this is their land, whether or not they kill them, this is a honor, this is a something that is great for them. lambrini, we're we're hearing about you, that public pressure and so on, but let me just ask you an uncomfortable question here, we've seen israel's isolation on the public platform a global stage, but are they like wounded animal right now where they're at their most deadly because there's frankly nothing left to. they've lost public opinion if they ever had it, and they're going to lose their state as they go, things are getting worse and worse, it may be like a
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wooded animal, but i think it's like dying animal, not like a good only one, i mean that we're seeing, i don't know how much it will take, but we're seeing that netanyahu decided the end of israel, that is what's happening right now, am i allowed to... talk to sahar. yes, please. sahar, first time i was in lebanon, i said that i knew only two words in arabic, sukran and hezbolah. they told me that in lebanon they used those two words together, sukran. now i know another word that goes with sukran, it's the word ansaralah. sukran hesbollah, you're the conscience of the people, of all the people. that's so beautiful, thank you so much, i appreciate that, because what it shows here, sahar is that none of israel's objectives at the start of uh this campaign have come to
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pass, we're now seeing that global resistance and acknowledgement of what countries like your own have put on the frontline here with blood, with bodies, with with everything they have, just final thoughts here on where do you see things as someone who has to go? go back to this region, whose life is there? i choose to live in lebanon, i have a canadian citizenship, i was born in raised in canada, i was not born in lebanon, i come to love lebanon in my when i became adult, and become to love lebanon because it's it's a country that has an identity, has a purpose, has resilience, it has strength. what we're seeing right now is that i live in and and the area in which we are constantly hearing drones, we are constantly bombarded, we are hearing a bomb. literally occurred two minutes from my home, so this is something in which, yes, i'm in london right now, but i'm going back to lebanon and i'm proudly going back whether or not with life, with not life,
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because this is the land in which you want to be free, you are free, for the palestinian people themselves, lebanon will forever be with the palestinian people, with all its men, we've already seen how many men are lost in in this cause, however what's very important is that the ghazans also need to unite and which they are doing right now, "they need to win this war in themselves um with their power, with their strength, because they have the ability, they have um god's strength with them, when you look at the war in lebanon that occurred, lebanon was nothing, they had no war, they had no people, they had no resilience, they were occupied land in israel, to think that palestine can be free, lot of people think that that's a dream, no that's that's reality, that's going to happen, whether or not you're on it, it's very close, it's just about whether you want to be on that ship and actually..." be a part of it, and we know which side of history is going to be the one that's proved correct, thank you, and that's a great place to leave things and that does it for us, saha aja and
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lamprini thoma were our very special guest, our thanks to them and to you for being with us, catch our early episodes by visiting, and until next time, continue to keep palestine in your hearts. this week on expose benjamin netanyahu bounsed. reject any calls to hulk the rafah invasion as he and joe biden intensified their staged public spat over zionist israel's genocide in gaza. now following the
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statement made by former president donald. trump that there would be a blood bath if he is not elected in november, left his politicians and media personalities completely lose it on social media. and lastly, a recent politico ipso survey reveals that 50% of americans think trump is guilty and ought to be tried before the 2024 presidential election. stay tuned for expose. the truth is just the revelation away. this is forest. in today's show, we'll be covering the growing popularity of cudsday and the frantic efforts of zinist extremists to undermine and sabotage it. well, it tells you that they uh intend to intimidate, bully and harass any organization that gets in their way, and they intend to be able to
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occupy those organizations. so as... has been saying, these were organizations which did it off their own but the designers didn't even have to lift finger in some some cases because the organizations took each other to court, they contacted every uh non-brown named person individual um back in 2017 saying you work for an antiisemite, how do you feel about it, but they didn't contact anyone with a brown sounding name, which shows uh where they're coming from really, but yeah it really does take it out of you, but thanks to... friends, thanks to supports, thanks to people like yourselves, we've gone through what you guys have gone through, you know, and that energy helps.
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