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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 1, 2024 6:30pm-7:02pm IRST

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the headlines are on and hamas called for an international investigation of crimes committed in gaza's al-shifah hospital that was under the iof attack for two weeks. israeli forces kill a palestinin man over a stabbing attack. that left settlers seriously injured in the southern part of the occupied territories, and the islamic resistance in iraq says that it has staged a fresh attack of on israeli targets and the port city of elliat.
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hello and welcome, you're watching world news on press tv, coming to you live from our headquarters in tehron, thank you for joining us, my name is gisum shahmadi and these are top stories, this hour. it is almost six months since israel launched its genocidal war on gaza, the regime's war planes and artillery keep pounding the bessieg strip, causing more deaths and destruction in 24 hours, four civilians inc. looting journalists were killed and 16 other people injured after israeli war planes struck the vicinity of alexam marters hospital in the center of gaza city of deralbala. several areas of gaza city were also shelled and bombed leaving two people dead and 10 people injured. meanwhile four palestinians including two children died due to starvation in kamal adwana hospital in the northern strip. the number of deaths related. to femen
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and malnutrition has gone up to 34, including 31 children. over 32,800 palestinians have lost their lives and some 75,00 injured in the israeli war on gaza that began early october. gaza's health ministry says israeli forces have a re. breaded from al-chifan hospital after weeks of siege on the medical complex, the ministry says dozens of bodies were found at the medical complex after the israeli pullout. the facility has been completely out of service since the regime burned it down. the gaza government says that more than 400 people have been killed in the area since israel began its attacks on the health facility on march 18th. hamas says heinous crimes committed by israel and...
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this hospital reveal the true nature of the fascist regime. the resistance group uh also holds the us government responsible for the israeli atrocities. meanwhile, iran's foreign ministry spokesman says media reports on the scale of destruction at al-shifah hospital and the torture and killing of palestinians are appalling. nasar khanani called for an of international investigation of the incident. now uh, before we go to our news news review, we have some breaking news coming in, as you can see on the screen, there has been an attack a building next to the iranian embassy in damascus and iran's ambassador is unharmed in that missile attack which took place, we'll be bringing you more details later on, we have our correspondent on site to give us the latest, and to our news review program during which we discussed the latest developments at alch. medical complex, let's
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take a listen. our correspondent joining us from daral to give us the latest on the genocide that's occurring, and also mcnapier will break it down for us, he's the co-founder of the scottish palestine solidarity campaign who joined us from edinburgh. okay, welcome to you both, good morning to you, tell us what you have for us uh. of course we know of the massacer that has taken place that that is now unfolded uh with all the diff uh i guess bodies that have been retrieved the dead bodies. tell us about that if you can also. this is uh the most important news that we have today which is about the withdrawal and the retreat of the israel incubation forces from the ashifa medical complex and the surrounding areas of the ashifa medical complex massive and unbelievable destruction and folded after the israeli tank. uh withdrew from those areas,
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we are talking about roughly two consecutive weeks of the brutal aggression that touched and reached everything there according to the uh uh eyewitnesses and according to the people there and the medical staff and the civil defense crews that the entire buildings inside the ashifa medical complex were completely or bartially destroyed uh in addition to uh those buildings that were set on fire by the israeli occupation forces uh the entire complex were reduced to a mass grave that included hundreds of the palestina dead bodies according to the medical staff and the civil defense crews that at least a 300 palestinian dead bodies uh were found ubicutus in those areas inside the buildings uh inside the complex and outside the complex they found a plethora of the basinat dead
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bodies uh handcaffed and blindfolded they were executed in cold blood by the israeli incubation forces uh those dead bodies actually uh include uh the children, the elderlies and the women, the the the whole people part particularly who were stranded and who were beseged inside the ashifa medical complex, they were tortured, they were uh found stripped down by the israeli incubation forces, as i've mentioned, they were uh blindfolded and hadcoffed and they were uh executioned by the israeli incubation forces, needless to mention that even the surrounding areas of the shif medical complex uh the... entire squares, the horizontal squares, there were completely destroyed by the israeli gubition forces. kind of a lost for words here, because when i heard what our correspondent there said, uh, it is uh quite shocking, and uh, we continue to get shocked by this genocide that's unfolding. i mean,
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this is happening in real time, he mentioned how there were 300 bodies that were recovered, there were uh many that were blindfolded, amongst them were women and children, and these are people that uh were trying to uh take refuge. inside the hospital um, so this is just really, it obviously defines the word genocide that's taking place. what are your thoughts on what you just heard from a correspondent in terms of what has happened at the al shifa hospital? well, my thoughts are very similar to yours, that the horror is building upon horror and deeper horror every day, and one finds it difficult to find words and your reporter who does fantastic job. has to be congratulated for finding the words to describe and bring to us the so we are interrupting our regular programming to give you the latest updates regarding the breaking news that we have just announced our correspondent ibrahim wahti is
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joining us live from damascus. we do know that building next to iran's embassy in the syrian capital has come under attack. so ibrahim, tell us more details what? exactly do you know? yes, around an hour ago at 5 pm we heard nine loud explosions in the sky of damascus. first first reaction was it's definitely an israeli aggression, the attack resulted in the severe damage to buildings, as you can see i'm going to turn the... now so you can see the damage to the the private and public property, the target was, you can see right right now is building next to the iranian embassy which is the consulate, the iranian consulate, it was targeted and as you
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can see it's completely destroyed the syran air defenses tried to intercept the attack, i think six or seven missiles were down, to at least reach the iranian cansulat and destroy it. this is a blatant violation of every international law of every human norms, this is a crime, because this is civilian place, civilian area, residential area, it's full of civilians, as you can see, all these people are civilians, the the properties were damaged, their... their lives were at risk, by the way, i live nearby, so this is why i came here as i was here, i was here first, i saw the uh, the the result of the attack before this crowd got here, um, initial information indicates that there are marters,
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we still don't know how many marters, but there's definitely marters, i'm getting closer now so we can get uh clearer picture, better footage hopefully uh also information indicate that the iranian ambassador is safe and his family are safe, so any speculations about, aggression and also no one else would there do this but the zionist entity the same as as you know also yesterday there has been attack on jam facility the research the scientific research facility and at night, the also the the attack resulted in several
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murders and wounded, fires erupted there and kept kept burning all night until i think 5 pm, 5 am at the morning, when finally uh the fire fighting team managed to control it, as you can see now uh civil defense teams and fire farting teams are all here trying to... search for survivors, we've seen some civilians around here, they're all mad, they're all angry, uh, they want a revenge, they want a retaliation, because this is a crime against humanity, this is terrorism, this is savage terrorism, it's unacceptable to target this civilian, this first of all, it's a diplomatic building, no one would accept that any country, even a war that would... get is a diplomatic building, so
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this is a crime against international law, this is a crime against humanity, so everyone here now is mad, everyone is angry, they want the retaliation, they want the international community to put an end to this, to stop this, because israel is obviously knows no, limits, i'm trying to get closer as much as i can so you can see the damage, it's kind of chotic here, uh, i've heard some, it's not confirmed information, but there are some marters like six marters so far, still not confirmed information, um, we're gonna still uh, we're gonna wait for uh... this official statement, but most importantly the uh the
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the the ambassador and his family are saved. according to israeli media, they said that a car was targeted in front of the building. as you can see, this is a lie, because a car can never do all this destruction, it can never resulted all this destruction. this is the whole building has collapsed. this is this also remind us the latest. on when they targeted the building in in neighborhood close by by the way only around less than kilometer from here when five iranian advisor were martered the same way the building was collapsed the same way exactly the same way so ibrahim uh you just mention that there have been some initial reports that six people have been killed in this attack, have they been identified, do you know who they
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might be? so far no, because as i told you, it's still not confirmed, i'm trying to confirm it now, from authorities, as you can see, as you know, the authorities wouldn't give you anything until they're really sure about it, because they would give a statement. "there's a lot of people there, can you tell us who these people are and why are they at the scene right now? are these ordinary people or - most of people as you can see uh security uh because they came here to secure place uh as normal uh civil defense team and fire fighting teams also and as you can see behind the line there are civilians okay?" okay, and you did mention that the attack bears the hallmarks of israeli attacks
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and we've seen similar attacks uh by the ziniscent entity. could you please elaborate more on that? what are the similarities that you see in this attack and other attacks carried out by israelis? the similarities, okay, first uh, this aggression uh... daylight uh is obviously assassination attempt, now whether they succeeded or not uh we still don't know, but the same way uh the latest attacks like... when they assassinated the late mur musawi, like when they assassinated the the five iranian advisers, also there has been some attempts, but there were failure attempts, as you can see the main building like they have as we can as we also know also israel, israel has and...
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inaccurate really a precision missile that can hit this target uh this accurate, the the building was completely collapsed, we as i said we heard nine explosions, six or seven them were down, the missiles were enough to take down the whole building, this is same type of the the previous assassinations attempt, we're just praying that the assassination has failed and as for the marter. also praying for the souls and for the the families, but as you can see there will definitely be marters. i'm going to as i said i'm gonna check if there's a confirmation for marters or names, identities. that's it for for the moment. so ibrahim, you did mention that this is very
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similar to israeli attacks and of course this is violation of international law to. hit a building a diplomatic mission or somewhere near a diplomatic mission uh, but um, i believe that this is something that israel usually does. mean, we've heard lot of reports of israel carrying out a missile attacks on damascus and other parts of syria, is that not true? yes, this is true, this isn't the first attack. of course, israel has launched dozens, hundreds of attacks. uh since at least since the beginning of the crisis in 2000 uh between 2013 till now there there has been there have been hundreds of attacks uh now what makes this extremely savage extremely terrorist extremely uh or unusual unprecedent because it's the first time they target a diplomatic mission usually
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yes they target civilian areas they target residential buildings they target uh uh civilians everywhere, they don't care, yes, but as a diplomatic message, this is uh, if i can say this, this is not only violation of the syrian sovereinity, but this is a clear attack, obvious attack on the iranian republic, on the islamic republic of iran, this, this is where israel crossed all the lines, because no one honestly no one would have expected this, we can expect that sometimes they assassinate people, they would assassinate or sometimes they would target advisors, maybe military, maybe sometimes individual, but this one is a clear attack on
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the iran, on the the islamic republic of iran s think it's a clear message also from the zionist regime, it's saying that it doesn't matter, we will go all the way, we want to expand the war, if you remember two days also, few days ago, iran, sorry, few days ago israel also attacked alipo, iran condemned the attack and said that this is this would lead to expanding the world, because this and and the israel must answer to this attacks. now is, i think it's kind of a israeli, the israelis are saying, we don't care, we will continue, we want to expand the war, the israelies are provoking a war, they want a regional war, a wscale war, this is, because this is the only way for netanyahu to survive, this is the only way, not only, and
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his regime, it's the only way for them to survive, so they would expand the war, if not to survive politically, at least to extend his his period, that there's other way, they are depending also that on other on our side the the leadership of the excess of the resistance like the leadership of iran, the leadership of syria or even iraq are wise, these leadership, the leaders of these countries wouldn't go to war unless it's necessary. ready to go to war, because a smart leader would win the war without going to the battle, um, without having to fight the battle, we have to move, sorry, okay, so uh ibrahim, if you could please tell us, are there usually any warnings before these attacks by israelis on other civilian areas or anything? are these places that one could
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uh speculate that they might be attacked or? never, israel would never alarm anyone before attacking. israel would just assassinate. this is the cowardly sneaking way that israel is al always doing. suddenly out of nowhere, sometimes in the middle of the night, at dawn, like you say, like you're seeing now in daylight, they would attack anywhere, anytime, anyone, with no, we're talking about someone who doesn't know anything about any morality, anything about humanity, gaza stands in front of us for the barbarism, for for for the terrorism of this region. so no, they wouldn't alarm anyone, they wouldn't warn anyone. uh, so if you could please tell us more details, do you have anyone new on
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site right now? any officials are there? do you have sorry the internet connection? would you please repeat? are there any officials there you can talk to? some officials, yes, some officials came, but they refused to give any statement. uh we tried to talk with the security also they didn't give any statement, any word because they're not allowed, they don't have permission, i'm trying to get better look, no one is giving us any statement, but yes some officials came, the governor of damascus came to see the see what happened, i believe also the the head of damascus believed the head of damas police department also came , also it's accepted that the minister of interior affair would come press tv press tv so the the minister
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minister of interior affairs is expected to come also to check uh we still haven't seen him yet some security officials also came but the the didn't uh give their identity uh so this is getting high attention uh everyone now is waiting for the retaliation for this because uh as i said no one expected this this was shocking literally shocking for everyone as for me i live nearby as i said uh i've seen attacks around me a lot of them uh we've talked to civilians uh by the way to only two days ago we've been talking about the israeli attacks and the aggressions and how they are targeting hizbullah sometimes sometimes the iranian advisers army failing
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lately so we've been discussing this and someone mentioned the iranian embassy and everyone said no way because no one would "this would rub to war, this would, this would be, this would cross all the lines, so as you can see they didn't target the embassy directly, because this is the embassy, it's still intact, but the iranian councilate building, and they said, according to their, not, there's no official statement by the israeli regime of course, but their media has been reporting that there's an air attack that targeted or..." strike targeted uh someone important uh in in his vehicle in front of the iranian embassy, it's like uh
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claiming responsibility but indirectly and saying no we didn't mean this, but obviously as you can see no one would target a car and cause all this destruction to building uh firefighting teams are now uh dealing with fire inside the as you can see the smoke. inside the uh the iranian councilate at the moment uh the the civil civil defense teams are still searching for survivors also as well do you think by the looks of things that there might be any survivors there okay this is the they are trying to rise the iranian fl again because it was fallen dur attack, this is also a sign, we don't fall, we never fall, even if we..." had some some down sometimes
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what we get up again uh sorry i can't hear your question so ibrahim you just showed us uh pictures uh and we saw that the entire business building has collapse so um do you think there is any possibility that there might be any survivors there and do we know how many people were in the building in the first place before the missile attack? so many people yet and but from the look of it, it needs a miracle for anyone to survive this, still the building as you can see like from where i am, i don't if it's obvious or if it's clear for you on the camera the foot thing is damaged but the whole building
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collapse. over the first building, so there's a chance that someone may survive this, there's a chance, it's it's a weak chance, but maybe, this is why there's a high possibility for a big number of marters unfortunately, to leave you there, please try to collect as much information as you can, we'll be in touch with our correspondent ibrahim, is on site in... damascus uh giving us the latest updates regarding this uh attack a building next to the iranian embassy in the syrian capital, damascus. uh, we'll be bringing you more details on that, but we have with us, said muhsin abbas, political analyst who is joining us right now from uh london. mr. abbas, well uh, this attack, as our correspondent just mentioned, bears all
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the hallmarks of an israeli attack and this is not uncommon uh syria has been seeing such attacks definitely not this scale and uh definitely not attacking a diplomatic mission but it definitely bears the hallmarks of that we've also had israeli media reporting on that which is an indirect way maybe if you will of israel uh accepting responsibility for this attack what is your speculation? "well, there's only one nation which has the that the kind of exceptionalism to go ahead and violate the sovereignty of another nation uh, that's israel, along with its partner of course in the background, which is the united states of america, this is been a habitual action or series of actions which the israelis regard as their absolute right, which is basically to bomb syria at will,
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violate lebanese airspacing." indeed uh violate anybody else's uh sovereignty or their sort of uh international uh rights according to uh the law uh of the world and they actually really do genuinely feel that they've got no obligation to to answer to anybody over this and it's really the fault the anglo-zionist imperialist uh powers which have given license uh to israel and have allowed it to make this habit um of bombing uh certainly syria and beyond, and i think that the the dangerous precedent that was set allowing uh israel to do this over many years of course embolden them to do the genocide in in gaza that we see today, this this exact kind of behavior which the international community, the so-called international bodies around the world which are supposed to create checks and balances against this sort of thing happening uh because they've been allowing the israelis to get away with murder
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literally uh now we've got situation where uh youra nationalist uh fascist uh genocidal types are completely in control in israel and how do you tame this beast? the the especially when the un veto is applied by their sponsors and their backers, the americans and their allies, and of course the only answer to this really can be first of all, i think the responsibility of russia and the likes of china, again superpers in their own rights, um, i think that these nations need to step up and they have a... a bigger obligation in syria particularly where of course syria uh has been engaged of war in a war which israel and america has sponsored the terrorism that has gone on in syria, the isis, takfiri, hts, axis of terror has inflicted millions of deaths in syria beyond these, but of course the targeting of this building is particularly relevant to the
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islamic republic of iran which remains uh the most stoic supporter of syria, the most stoic supporter of the oppressed in that region and the most stoic stoic uh, if you like uh antithesis to israeli. and and zionist violence, indeed us imperialist violence. so mr. appos, this attack a diplomatic mission according to international law, what does this indicate? it indicates that israel is desperate. i think what's going on in gaza, the genocide they've committed there, their failure implement the abraham accords and to get all the arabs to acknowledge their existence, their failures in... fields across uh west asia where asymmetric warfare has basically pushed them back, the axis of resistance has managed to destroy most of the plans which the anglo-zionist and israeli empire had so...