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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 2, 2024 9:30pm-10:03pm IRST

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the leader of iran's islamic revolution says that the evil israeli regime will be punished for its deadly air rate on the iranian embassy in syria. "dozens of palestinians are killed in fresh israel strikes on the besige gaza strip. the overall death toll of the aggression approaching 33, and the un agency for palestinian refugees, honor says 176 of the staff members have been killed since the beginning of the honest lot on gaza, several of them in the line of duty.
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9:31 pm in tehran, this is press liver world news, with me or host behruz naja, it's good to have you with this. the leader of iran's islamic revolution has vowed that iran will make the occupation regime regret its deadly air strike on the iranian embassy in the syrian capital. ajmani made the comment to the message of condolence a moderum of a group. of irani medator advisors in the monday israel rate on syria. the leader described israel as hated occupation regime vowing that the evil entity will be punished. the leader also saluted the modters, including two senior rgc commanders, major general mohammad zahari and general mohammad hadi haji rahimi. well, as we uh spoke about
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the israely attack hitting the consul section of the embassy in the syrian capital, that was all the modium of brigador general muhammad in six setter iranian military advisors. here's a profile of this lane general. brigadier general muhammad reza zahidi, a senior commander of the islamic revolution guards cores force was killed in an unprecedented israeli attack targeting the five story consulor. building of the iranian embassy in damascus. born in 1960 in the central iranian city of esvahan, zahi joined the irgc in 1980 and fought in various battles during the iran-iraq war. zahidi quickly rose through the ranks and from 1983 to 1986 took command of an important brigade of irgc ground forces that was used to break enemy lines in multiple major operations. later. was promoted to commander of the
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irgc's 14th imam hussein division, a position he held until 1991, several years after the war had ended. in the 2000s, zahidi served in more senior positions, including commanding the irgc's air force and also grand force. during his tenor, as the irgc's grand force commander, he also spent year at the helm of of the thara law headquarters, which is response. for protecting security in the capital, tehran. zahi joined force in 2008. there he led operations in syria and lebanon and played a key role in iran's advisory support for syria's war on terror. from 2016 to 2019, the brigadier general returned to tehran to serve as the irgc's deputy for operations. he rejoined the irgc force in 2019 and served the force until his.
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marterdam: now un secret general antonio gaterish has condemned israel's deadly strike on the iranian embassy in syria. gotari says that according to international law, the inviolability of diplomatic and consular premises and personnel must be respected in all cases. the strike resulted in the death of at least 13 people. several countries, including iraq, pakistan, amancard, uae, saudi arabia, china and russia. have denounced the israeli aggression as unacceptable, the hamas movement and the islamic jihad have also condemned it. israely atrocities continue in the region with the latest strike on the iran embassy in syria, iran has vowed to retaliate and countries around the world, including china, russia and saudi arabia have condemned the attack. now we've taken a closer look at the situation, now explain our program. it was a terrorist
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act that was condemned around the world, israel's targeting of the iranian consulate and capital damascus on president not only for the casualties of senior run and military commanders, but for the violation of international law in more ways than one by the israeli regime. now iran's president has said that this is new terrorist crime, one that it would not go unanswered, considering it violation of international resolutions such as the 1961 vienna convention on diplomatic relations. now one of the modters of this israeli terrorist act is brigadier general martter mohammed riza zahidi. he was a high-ranking irgc official, the leader of the rgc scott's force in syria and lebanon, and in all he served the rgc for 44 years. his main mission, assisting the liberation
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movements across the region comprised of the access of resistance. now what would drive israel to make such decision? now? first, it's losing the u.s. israely genocidal war on the gaza strip, defeated by the resistance fighters on the grounder. now along with the loss of the regime forces, its economy is also being battered. it's standing in the world has diminished to almost none with countries cutting off diplomatic relations with the regime. now, additionally, the israel regime is finding itself fighting on multiple fronts against the access of resistance, from the resistance fight. is in the ground on the gaza strip to hezballah resistance group in southern lebanon and then being the target of islamic resistance in iraq and also yemen all supported by the islamic republic. now the support of the islamic republic does not mean direct
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involvement rather supports of their ideology like advancing the palestinian cause, freeing the region from the american presence and fighting against us. these regime used an f-35 fiterjet made in the usa and use bombs that were made in the usa to assassinate senior irani military commanders and officers. isn't the same thing that it is doing in the gaza strip when it murders palestinians, which poses a question, doesn't this make the us as guilty as the zinist regime in these targeted killings. now moving on, iranians in several cities across the nation, including in capital tehran have held anti-israely anti-us protests after several iranian generals and officers were killed in an israeli attack in syria. the protesters demanded decisive response and revenge for the deadly strike and the iran an embassy in
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damascus. fatima massumi reports. iranians took to the streets of the capital, tehran and gathered iconic palestine. square at midnight after the deadly israeli attack on iran's embassy in syria, they chanted death to the israeli regime and death to america as they waved palestine flags. the protesters expressed their support for palestinian people in gaza as israel's genocidal war continues unabated. when we heard what has happened, we couldn't tolerate it, and we came here for the sake of our marters, our muslim. brothers and sisters, palestinians, syrians are all a part of our own nation, and there is no difference between us. two of our generals were murted, so we have gathered here to show our readiness for retaliation. we are asking the islamic republic of iran to take serious action against these atrocities
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and the disrespect towards our nation and also the innocent palestinians. on monday, iran's ambassador to damascus hussein akbadi confirmed that brigadier. and impunity by the bloody hands of the zionist regime. the regime has been killing innocent people, especially children, for many years. the attack came as almost six months into the gaza hostilities, the regime has failed to achieve its objectives of
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destroying hamas, despite killing tens of thousands of palestinians, mostly women and children. the two slain iranian generals had been comrads of top iranian. anti-terror commander, general qasim soleymani, who was also assassinated in attack in january 3rd, 2020, general sulaimani played a key role in fighting and des the daesh takfiri terrorist group in the region, particularly in iraq and syria. a large number of people have gathered here in palestine square to strongly condemn the recent israeli attack on the iranian consular in the capital of syria damascus. reporting for press tv, now muslims observing. the night of destiny, it marks the night when the holy quran was revealed to prophet muhammad, which is believed to have
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taken place on one of the final nights of the holy fasting month of ramadan. our correspondent farzanashuran is attending one such ceremony in around's shrine city of mashad. so let's go to farzane and see what's going on. farzana tell us, i believe this is the last night of the ceremonies, tell us about the atmosphere there. uh, well, tonight i'm here in the holy shrine of imam razak, peace be upon him, and uh, the eight imam of shia, muslims were hundreds of thousands of people have gathered to hold special vigils and pray for forgiveness and blessing at the night of lail qadr, which is also referred to as the night of destiny, the night of glory, the night of power. uh, which is actually in very uh great significance for uh muslims
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worldwide, and according to the holy quran, praying at this night uh is worth more than a thousand months of prayers and this night latul qadr is as i mentioned is very significant one uh for the uh muslims worldwide and we know that uh iranians have gathered millions of iranians have gathered. in uh different places, in musks and holy places as well as this holy place, the holy shrine of imam raza peace be upon him, where hundreds of thousands of people have gathered to hold special vigils, to pray for forgiveness, pray for blessing as they believe and as actually muslims believe that at this night the god's blessing is abundant and we know that the holy month of ramadan and these... actually nights of lailatul qadr which is actually the dates of the laillatul
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qadr is uncertain and because of that before the date of 2019th and 21 and 23rd day of the islamic calendar of the holy month of ramadan uh muslims gather in holy places to as i mentioned to hold a special vigils and uh pray and we know that this holy month and this holy nights coincides. with the new year in iran and people here have gathered to pray for the blessing of their upcoming year and another important point that i want to mention at this uh report is that uh i talk to people here who uh were participating in this special ceremony uh and as actually one the most important nights for muslims all around the world that palestine has one of the most important issues of the muslim community is not forgotten and people here say that they are praying for palestinian
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people for the liberation of palestine at this very holy night which is actually uh the this is this night tonight is the night before the 23rd day of the holy month in the islamic calendar and this is the last night that muslims uh actually hold this night and this special vigil. okay, i appreciate that live coverage, farzan ashurian in the holy city of mashad. why the atomic bomb? why all the power? you scientists are blamed for the weapons to be used, killing innocent. people to get what.
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welcome back, israel deliberately terrorizing aid workers and disrupting humanitarian operations in gaza, the un agency for palestinian refugees, honowa says that nearly 180 of it. members have been killed and there's already onslot on the watered in territory, several in the line of duty. the un body says, the war on gaza has witnessed the highest number of aid workers that's ever recorded any conflict, emphasizing that humanitarian personnel must be protected at all times. now this as an israri air rate in the central city of darabala has claimed the lives of seven international aid workers
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associated with a us-based charity. the wck team was travelling in a deconflicted zone in two armored cars branded with the wck logo and soft skin vehicle. despite coordinating movements with the idf, the convoy was hit as it was leaving the dairal balah warehouse where the team had unloaded more than 100 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to gaza and the maritime. route: israely premier benjamin netanyahu has admitted the attack was carried out by regime forces, but claimed that rate was unintentional. the head of the world central kitchen hover has called incident a target attack saying that it indeed targeted humanitarian organization showing up in the diary situations where food is used as a weapon of war. the meantime
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international condemnations have been pouring in following the incident with the us, which is regime's astantious ally expressing deep concerns. australia has also slimmed the attack as utterly unacceptable. the uk meanwile has urged israel to provide an explanation. our correspondent joined us earlier from the central gaz seat arabella with an update on the situation in the waves trip the israeli. forces committed at least seven opponing massacers, claiming the lives of 71 palestinian civilians, in addition to injuring roughly 130 others. these numbers actually uh talk the whole number of the palestinian uh civilians who have been killed since the beginning of this onslot on gaza strip to roughly 32,920 palestinian civilians. over the last couple of hours the
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israeli war planes destroyed a original building in the eastern part of their balah city. particularly in abul ajin town which is located in the eastern part of their balah city, but while when it comes to khanuni city, the western part of kanuni city, particularly the vicinity and the surrounding areas of the nasa medical complex witnessed more destruction as more residental buildings were blown up by the israeli occupation forces in that area, while the eastern b of kanunis witnessed also another israeli strikes and attacks against the residental buildings there uh when it's comes to rafah city, the number of the palestina civilians who uh were uh killed over the last attack that took blaze and during the last night amounted to 10 palestinian civilians including five five palestinian its children after they were attacked while they were slaving inside their house, the israel incubation forces destroyed their house over their heads, the islamic resistance in iraq
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has a stage of... attacks on israely positions, in response to the regime's genocide in gaza, the umbrella resistance group says the attacks reaffirm it determination to go on with a striking israely strongholds. muslim salah reports from baghdad. the islamic resistance in iraq has been standing in solidarity with palestinians in gaza by carrying out retaliatory operations in the region. resistance forces in iraq has started. operations by striking number of us military bases in iraq and syria in response to washington's support for israel. the operations have now entered new phase as israeli positions have been directly targeted in various locations such as khalat and elsewhere. we have always been firm in our stance to support the people of palestine,
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the palestinian cause is central to the access of resistance that has supported the people of gaza by strike. israeli positions, the regime's positions, whether it's force in the mediterranean or elsewhere, are targeted using ballistic missiles, drones and all other weapons by our brotherers in gemen, lebanon, and here in iraq. the operations are clear evidence that the axis of resistance works in harmony and has the strategic potential and the means to pressure israel and those states the support the systematic killing of innocent civilians. the intensification. the attacks on israeli positions shows that the massacers being committed by the regime in gaza will not remain unanswered. the second phase of the operations, which directly targeted israelies proves that regional resistance groups are able to inflict serious damage to israel's maritime and air space interests. resistance
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groups in iraq and across the region have approved their ability to respond to the israeli crimes against innocent civilians. they vow that their operations will intensify even more as long as the genocidal war on gaza continues. press tv, baghdad. now this friday marks international goods day designated by the founder of the islamic republic of iran, imam khamaini 1979, on the occasion our corresponding occupied ramala has spoken to number of people to get to know about their ideas regarding this event. on the last friday of the holy months, the people will try to reach al-quds, people come from here and there and try to climb over the separation walls just to go to al-quds and pray at the... the international quds day and their protest rallies in the islamic world came to expose the occupation and that
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al-quds will always be the priority for palestinians and muslims. today the occupation's mask has fallen and the real face of israel has appeared. the issue of palestine has been somehow set aside for years. today, after what happened in gaza, it came back. people's movements have always been influential, especially in the situation of gaza, which we see in people's movements all over the world. friday protests must be held not only in the muslim world, but all over the world, and even here in the west bank, protests must be held, and we the palestinians who are banned from reaching. the last large protest here in romalah was on the 8th of march, such huge protests must be held in support of gaza and for defense of
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the al-quds and for palestine. the quds day is very important to the islamic world and to us as palestinians. we must all be united and stand the real stance in the face of the israeli brutality and the violations against the alaqsa mosk. we have to do our outmost. travel to the al mosk, even if we are banned, we must protest in the centers of the cities, we have to keep calling for ending the genocidal war on gaza, and we have to defend the alaksa mosk with all means possible, and uh, that brings the end of this news cast from tehran, thank you for being with us, i'll be back with the spotlight in almost 10 minutes time.
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bismillahirrahmanirrahim. you lovely crisis, devastating wars,
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terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy, israel, iran ambassy attack. how designs come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation. how do they form their secret army, hagana? did they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how did they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's.
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former prime minister goldomir answers these and more questions in this documentary. for muslims across the world, aid al-fitr, which marks one month of obedience to god, in the holy fasting month of ramadan is a special feast. muslims feel festive and proud for their servitude to god. ramadan is called the month of blessings. out of respect for the holy month, muslims put aside their differences and hostilities, and forge a stronger unity. different cities and villages in iran have their own traditions for ramadan
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which day. back to centuries. get a glimpse of it in this documentary on press tv.
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اوعى اوعى وجهك اوعى ظهرك.
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crisis devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown. diplomacy, israel, iran ambassy attack.
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