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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 2, 2024 10:30pm-11:03pm IRST

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اوعى اوعى وجهك اوعى ظهرك.
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i am daniel jadwe, a citizen of chile, originally from palestine, born like so many other palestinians around the world in the diaspora, chile has one of the largest communities outside the... world, it is said
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that we are close to 300 thous, but we are millions, spread across the face of the earth, far from our homeland, but committed to the identity, history and struggle of our people, of our land, which is and will forever be palestine. welcome to this new edition of a window to palestine. more than half of gaza's population. is at risk of dying from hunger today, the un has warned, but we know that this did not start on october the 7th. let's watch this following video to delve deeper into this dramatic topic.
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we need more help, as has already been said, we are seeing that we may be on the brink of famine in this region. they need supply, they need medical supplies, but the first thing they ask for is food and water. they don't have the most basic things.
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everyone knows that the use of hunger as a weapon of war is a crime against humanity, however israel has been using this strategy of to fulfill one of the fundamental objectives of this genocide, which is to force the mandatory displace. let's see, let's let's go deeper, let's analyze the situation with the following video from our correspondent in gaza, hijazi in gaza, according to a report released by unicef, there are 335,00 children under 5 years of age who live in the gaza strip, they are at high risk of severe malnutrition and death as famine increases.
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in recent weeks, at least 10 th00s of them suffer from levels of malnutrition that are threatening their lives and it is defined as severe wasting that is a weight well below normal. one of the main causes of this wide-spread health problem is the small quantity and poor distribution of humanitarian aid that enters the area. there is little humanitarian aid and without food. there is a man who prepares food for us from time to time and gives each person a spoonful of food. we only ask that they provide us with at least one meal a day. whatever, lentils, beans, brought beings. we don't order meat, we didn't order lamb. we only has to be able to feed our... children, there are days when we don't eat anything because we depend on the charity of some people, we are starving. on december 22nd, the un security council approved a resolution for the immediate delivery of more humanitarian aid to the gaza strip and urgent measures to
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create the conditions for sustainable secession of hostilities. however, until now we haven't noticed any increase in the average number of humanitarian aid trucks entering the strip. it is about 100. trucks a day which does not cover even 10% of gaza's needs. the aid is not enough since we are talking about the town of 2.3 million people, before about 500 trucks entered daily. these days between 20 and 30 trucks are entering, how are they going to supply all these people? everything is insufficient and cannot supply this population. the aid that enters gaza is collected by unra, the united nations agency for palestinian refugees, so that it is responsible for. distributing the aid among the evacuees, however, this aid, which is insufficient is not distributed equally, and the majority is distributed only to people who are in the schools or refugee camps of this organization. likewise, more than 60% of the evacuees are in places outside the on-rock control perimeter and do
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not receive this help. we have only received one piece of humanitarian aid in the 20 days we've been here, and it only... consist of can food and stale bread. when we go to ask for help, they tell us that we should receive it from the mosk. we even have to buy water with our money. we can't find food. we eat a can of beans all day. my children ask me eat chicken or meat, but i can't buy it. we can't even buy lentils. help comes in every day, but where does this aid go if we do not receive it? we have not received help for more than 15 days. just nothing. moscazans are no longer seeking humanitarian aid, but rather an end to the war so they can return to their homes and live in dignity. they assure that they are tired of having to be under israeli occupation and affirm that they are willing to resist until they achieve their freedom and put an end to the crimes
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committed by this hated regime against the palestinian population. my message is that i hope the war is over and people can return to their homes. we don't want help. "we want each person to return home and be reunited with their family. there are many families that are separated and are losing many of their members, so we don't think mainly about. okay, now we're interrupting this now to go right to the united nations security council live and see what's happening there. iranian personnel and six syrian citizens. i reiterate the secretary general's condemnation. the attack, let me be very clear, the inviolability of diplomatic and consular premises and personnel must be respected in all cases, in accordance with international law, the sovereignty and
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territorial integrity of member states must be respected in accordance with international law, the rules based international order is essential for international peace and security, this council is mandated to maintain, madam president, special envoy gare peterson has kept this council apprised of the unrelenting violence on the ground in syria, which features six foreign armies operating its territory, impacting the lives of civilians and moving a peaceful resolution the conflict further out of reach, among them increasingly little attacks on iran linked. targets in syria have been attributed to israel, especially since the current conflict with hamas in gaza began on 7th of october. open sources have reportedly at least dozen such attacks since the beginning of this year. while israel has rarely claimed
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responsibility for any of these incidents, its officials have repeatedly acknowledged its military operations in syria. and have suggested that more such operations will occur in the future. we appeal to the council today, as we do every month, to continue to actively engage all concerned parties to prevent further escalation and the worsening of tensions that undermine regional peace and security. madam president, allow me to reiterate the secretary general's call on all concerned to exercise atmost restrain and avoid further escalation. i also underline his consistent calls on all parties. to respect all their obligations under international law, including international
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humanitarian law, as applicable and to avoid attacks that could harm civilian and damage civilian infrastructure. any miscalculation could lead to broader conflict in anolared the volatile region with devastating consequences for civilians who are already seeing unprecedented suffering in syria. lebanon, the palestinian, occupied palestinian territory and the broader middle east. thank you, madam president. i thank mr. kiari for his briefing. i now give the floor to those council members who wish to make statements. i give the floor to the representative of the russian federation. on the latest in a series of israeli attacks targeting the territory of the syrian arab
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republic. we believe it is strange that a representative of the secretariat is using terms such as a rules-based international order which our western partners love to use so much instead of referring to the un charter and international law. we thanks the maltise presidency for promptly convening today's emergency meeting of the security council under the agenda item threats to international peace and security. we requested it to discuss the incessant missile and bomb attacks by the israeli defense forces, targeting various sites in syria against the backdrop of the unprecedented scale of casualties brought about by the military operation of west jerusalem in the gaza strip, which continues despite the demand of un. security council resolution 27-28 for immediate ceasefire. we are
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extremely concerned by such blatant restregard by the israeli authorities with the connivance of the united states for legally binding decision of the council. a prime example is israel's attack a humanitarian convoy leading a warehouse in central gaza coordinated by the ngo world central kitchen. several aid workers were killed. in that air strike, the fact that the actions of the israeli military caused the deaths of innocent civilians was recognized even by the prime minister of israel. we trust that we will discuss this matter separately at another time. today we are here to consider another aspect of israel's reckless actions. madam president, yesterday on april 1st, the israeli air forces struck the consulate of the islamic republic of iran in damascus. as a result. the attack, the building was leveled to the ground, the office of the ambassador of the islamic
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republic of aron to syria was also damaged, report indicate that there are that there is a significant number of dead and wounded among his staff. we condemn this attack in the strongest terms. we consider any attacks on diplomatic and consular premises, the inviolability of which is guaranteed by the relevant vienna conventions of 1961. and 1963 to be categorically unacceptable, we would like to draw particular attention to the fact that this is not the first attack carried out by israel in a densely populated area of the capital, damascus, which has generated high risks of mass casualties among civilians, since the beginning of the escalation of the palestinian israeli confrontation on october 7, the number of israeli attacks on syrian civilian infrastructure and syria's has multiplied, thus, on the night of march 29th,
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israeli aircraft launched strikes on various facilities in the vicinity of aleppo, that attack caused dozens of casualties with many more injured. earlier on march 28th, two civilians were injured an israeli air strike in damascus province, on march 17 and 19, israeli shelling was directed at the northeastern and southern suburbs of damascus from the occupied syrian golan. in the past few months alone israeli aircraft have attacked the international airport. in damascus and aleppo several times, these airports serve as the main gateway for the entry of united nations humanitarian aid into syria. they also struck the areas of derazor and abu kemal where the syrian military continues its persistent struggle against the remaining militants of terrorist groups to whom our american colleagues, despite their loud statements, are in fact providing
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patronage and protection, but we will leave this topic for another security. council meeting dedicated to the situation in syria. madam president, the russian federation decisively condemns the ongoing raids on the sovereign territory of syria and views them as a flagrant violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of that state. we are of the view that such aggressive actions by israel are designed to further fuel the conflict. they are up, they're absolutely unacceptable and must stop. we urge west jerusalem to... abandoned the practice of provocative acts of force on the territory of syria and other neighboring countries, which is frought with extremely dangerous risks and consequences for the entire region, a region that is already destabilized as the result of the six-month escalation of violence around gaza. we call on the international community to unequivocally condemn israel's reckless
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actions which violates the sovereignty of the syrian arab republic and the inviolable. of diplomatic property, we consider it necessary for all responsible members of the international community to provide an objective legal assessment of israel's aggression in the middle east, which ignores not only the provisions of the un charter and relevant resolutions of the security council and the general assembly, but also the fundamental principles of the viena conventions on diplomatic and consular relations. colleagues, i am counting on the solidarity of the members of the council regarding the fact that attacks on diplomatic. institutions are unacceptable, after all, if we do not reaffirm this position of solidarity, next time the diplomatic mission of any state could be targeted by an air raid. we trust that each of you today will give fair assessment to israel's actions against the iranian iranian diplomatic mission. i thank you. i thank the
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representative of the russian federation and pass the floor to the representative of china. madam president, at the outset, i would like to congratulate marta for assuming the presidency of the council of this month. the chinese delegation will fully cooperate with you and your colleagues, also command japan for all your efforts serving as the presidency of the council last month. madam president, yesterday, the iranian diplomatic prevences in damas syria were hit by an airstrike causing the death of seven iranian personnel and severe damage to the premises. this is a great violation of the un chatter and international law and a breach of the sovereignty of both syria and iran. this attack is of an extremely vicious nature. china strongly condemns this attack. 25 years
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ago, china's embassy in yugoslavia was bombed by a us that nato air strike, resulting in personnel casualties and damage to the embassy, we feel the grief and pain of the iranian government and people, and express our deepest sympathy and condolences to the iranian government and people. in accordance with the vienna convention on diplomatic relations and the universally recognized basic norms governing international relations, the safety and security. of diplomatic missions is inviolable, to allow impunity for such reckless acts that lack any baseline will send seriously wrong signal and would encourage even more risky acts. we take note of the solem protests and condamnations against israel raised by iran, syria and other arab countries. we hope that israel
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will respond to them. madam president, since the gaza conflict broke out in october last year, we have witnessed attacks and homes, attacks on schools, attacks on hospitals, attacks on humanitarian facilities, attacks on un agencies and today attacks on diplomatic premises, the red line of international law and the basic norms of international relations has been breached time and again and the moral bottom line of human conscience has been crushed time again, time and again, such a situation, such a tragedy must stop immediately. last week, the council adopted resolution 27/28, calling for immediate fire in gaza, we strongly call on the international community to work together to ensure that this resolution is implemented
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so that the muslim community will not have to celebrate the month of ramadan in the midst of gunfire. at present, the ground situation in gaza is deteriorating with rising spill over risks and the situation in the middle east has become ever more... precarious, israel's frequent crossborder strikes against targets in syria and lebanon are serious violation of the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the countries concerned and have aggravated tensions throughout the region. such provocative actions might trigger greater turmoil and jeopardize the security of the entire region. such actions must stop immediately. china calls on all parties, countries with important influence on israel to play a constructive role and to make concrete efforts to bring about an immediately assisfy in gaza and ease tensions and restore peace
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and stability in the middle east at early date. thank you president. of china and pass the floor to the representative of france. madame la presidente, madame president, i would like to congratulate you on. acceeding to the presidency of the security council and i'd like to thank the delegation of japan for their actions throughout the month of march. i'd also like to thank mr. yari for his briefing: strikes yesterday in damascus have taken place in a context of growing heightened tension in syria and in the region since the hamas terrorist attack on the 7th of october, iran and its regional partners per have born a heavy responsibility for this escalation, the civilian population remain on the frontline, the frontline victims and security of states of the region is directly threatened by this escalation. our collective responsibility is therefore to do everything
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possible ease tensions. all actors in the region must show restraint. for its part, france will continue to work to prevent a regional spillover. in coordination with our partners, we are working towards deescalation in the security council and elsewhere. ever necessary, that is the case in lebanon, where we have warned against any threat of escalation, the parties must urgently work implement resolution 1701 to the fullest. in our discussions with parties, we have called for cessation of hostilities, unifill has a crucial role to play in this context, and we commend its activities in these difficult circumstances, given the very disturbing situation in the red sea and in the gulf of aiden, france. its commitment to the freedom of navigation, we firmly condemn destabilizing actions carried out by the hootis, these actions must stop. france will
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continue to shoulder its responsibility to ensure security in the in the red sea. finally, in syria, france calls for the implementation of resolution 2254, unanimously adopted by this council, and we regret the refusal of the damascus regime supported by its russian and iranian allies to commit to a credible and inclusive political. says the syrians continue to pay the price. madam president, france is working to avoid escalation in the region in syria, in lebanon and in yemen, as well as to provide a political and humanitarian response to the crisis in gaza. thank you. i thank the representative of france and pass the floor to the representative of algeria. thank you, madam. president, i extend my congratulations to malta assuming the presidency of the
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security council for the month of april, and i want to assure you of algeria's full support. i would also like to congratulate japan for the successful presidency during the month. of march, i thank mr. khalid khari for its presentation. first, i want to tell our heartfield condolescence to the people and government of iran, following the deadly air strike by the israel. aviation on their diplomatic premises in damascus yesterday. this attack is a clear violation. of
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international law, particularly the availability of diplomatic and counselor premises, as outlined by in the vienna convention on diplomatic relation and vienna convention on consular relations, such a grave grave breach of international obligation by the israeli occupying. power cannot be justified or tolerated, we must rise a strong voice against the dangerous application of this provocation, which could lead to escalating tensions and wider regional consequences. the timing of this attacks in the face of international.
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national pressure for sease fire in gaza through un security council 27, 28, indicate a deliberate disregard for the call for sessation of hostilities coming from the world international communities. the aim of such an act. deliberate act is obvious, responding to international pressures by escalating the conflict, which prolonged the killing of palestinian for internal political calculation. it is evident that this angerous
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dangerous act is of nature to draw the entire region into conflict, reflecting a belief of impunity by the israeli occupying power, which consider itself above international law, in to a cracklist and checked forces, this double standard where the israel power disregard, the very laws expecting order to uphold, undermines the very foundation of our our international order. this behavior falls short of what we expect from a responsible member of our organization. we have
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previously emphasized, the need to stop, to stop the occupying authorities and violation of its international law. mr. madam president, the un security council must respond firmly and decisively to this challenge to fundamental principles of state. sovereignty, diplomatic sanctity and respect for territorial and integrity. the integrity of our international order hangs on the balance, and there must be repercussion for such flagrant disregard of the law, to reinforce our collective commitment. to
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upholding it, the choice is stark, either uphold the principle of the un charter and on international law or risk plunging into chaos and insecurity on the regional spillover, the time for resolute action is upon us. i thank you, i thank the representative of algeria and pass the floor to the representative of slovenia, thank you very much, madam president, i also want to thank you, congratulate you assuming the presidency to you and to malta, and i want to uh thank japan for leading us through the month of march. um, i think assistant secretary general for his briefing. i would like to
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express our deepest. deepest concern over the new developments in the middle east, including the recent attack on diplomatic premises of the islamic republic of iran in damascus on april 1st, resulting in several casualties. we condemn the attacked, attacks on diplomatic premises are unacceptable and unjustifiable. i'd like to make three points in that regard: first, slovenia is profoundly concerned over the escalation and spielover effects across the region. curent devastating situation in gaza has already had a strong impact on the situation along the blue line and in the red sea. we continue to see other extremely concerning incidents in the region. including the one in damascus yesterday. we strongly believe that tensions need to be reduced and the situation needs to be deescalated. we appeal on all parties to show restraint. we call for the compliance with the security council resolution 27-28. a
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cease fire in gaza with ease tensions across the region. secondly, all un member states have an obligation to respect and act in accordance with the principles of the un. matter and especially it article 2 on settling international disputes by peaceful means and on refraining from use of force. there is no room for arbitrary interpretations. the same standards apply to all member states of the united nations. so we call on all to show restraint in the use of proxies which could further fuel or provoke regional tensions. we are concerned over the escalation, escalatory rhetoric by different countries and actors and we caution. that any miscalculation could lead to unimaginable consequences. thirdly, we call on all parties to respect international law. we remind that all military activities should be carried out in accordance with international law, including internationally.