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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 3, 2024 3:30pm-4:03pm IRST

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the headlines this hour, a ceremony is held at the iranian embassy in syria to commemorate the military advisors killed in monday's israeli attack on the... consulor section of the mission, the death from nearly six months of the us silly genocide in gaza now surpasses 32,970, mostly women and children. also, the headlines, the un chief says attacks on aid workers in gaza are unconstionable after an israeli air strike killed seven of them.
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3:30 pm in irans capital tehron, this express to be news. thanks for joining us. the iranian embassy in syria has held a ceremony to pay homemage to the seven military advisors who were killed in monday's israeli attack on the consular section of the of diplomatic mission. we were joined by our correspondents. wahdi from damascus who said that several syrian officials visited the iranian mission to pay tribute to the marters. we are here at the uh embassy, the iranian embassy in damascus where the iranian embassy just uh began to receive condolences for the marters who were assassinated by an of israeli air strike on monday evening, the late yesterday at night the ceremonies of fery. world ceremonies were held in at saydah
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shrine in damascus old city in the heart of the damascus to pay respect to the marters. in today we are seeing senior officials coming to make their respect to the marters and to offer condolescence to the iranian to the islamic republic of iran and its people for them. these irgc senior leaders uh as so far uh we have received religious delegation uh representative of the imam imam ali khaminai office also some palestinian figures palestinian lead faction leaders uh there's the uh the charge uh the charger the fair of the venezuelan embassy uh we have also the uh
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representative now next to me the representative of say office in syria, also we have the representative of the islamic islamic resistance in iraq in syria, sayed ali musa just arrived, we are expecting also some governmental figures from the syrian government, as we know yesterday the head of the government and prime minister hussein arnos came to the embassy, he met with the ambassador, he checked the place, he was heading governmental a senior governmental delegation with the minister of foreign affairs and the minister of economy, the minister of media along with other ministers, they checked the the site, they baid their condolences and offered their full support from syria to the islamic republic. for iran.
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the united nations security council has held emergency meeting on the latest silly attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy in syria. addressing the event, iran's deputy representative to the un called on the world body to vehemently denounce israel's violation of the international regulations. regretably, the absence of accountability and the council's in action has only encouraged and even balden this regime to continue its violation unchecked. it is high time for the security council to shoulder its responsibility and address the real threat to international peace and of security. the security council must promptly promptly fulfill its duty in response to israel's reckless defiance. urgent and enforceable measures must be taken to compell this regime to uphold his obligations. shadi
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said israel is defying security council resolutions and shows disregard for its international obligations. syria's ambassador to the un also called the attack a grave violation of international laws and norms. he said the country. holds israel and the us fully accountable, the official added the israeli regime would not have dared attack other nations diplomatic premises if it was not for washington's blind support. the russian ambassador, whose country had called the meeting, slammed the air strike as a flagrant violation of syria's soverenty. he said that israel seats to further fuel the regional conflicts. china's envoy also condemned israel's attack as a grave violation of the un charter and international law at breach of the sovereignty of both syria and iran. meanwile the leader of iran's islamic revolution has vowed that tehran will make the israel regime regret is deadly air strike on the iranian embassy in damascus. ali khamenei made the remark and message of condolence of the martidum of a group of iranian military advisors in the monday
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attack. the leader described israel as hated occupying regime. he vowed that the evil regime will be punished. also saluted the marters of the attack including two senior. irgc commanders, major general mohammed riza zahidi and general mohammed hadi haj rahimi. iran's president says the terrorist and criminal attack on the iranian embassy in syria is a sign of israel's profound desperation and helplessness. ibrahim rais was speaking with his syrian counterpart bashar al-assad on the phone. ricy added that the passiv and weak position of some arab countries has prevented the islamic world from adopting a united state. against israel and made the regime more bracint in committing crimes. he described his insane actions as the last struggles of this falling regime. he also slammed the us and its western allies for providing financial, weaponry and media support to israel. assad for his part condemned israel's attack as
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violation of international law and a sign of moral degeneration of the regime. he also expressed his condolences to the governments and nation of iran and the families of those killed in the israel back, we're ready to marsh, let's start slowly, but strongly and solidarity with the palestine and libanon. israel is one of the worst things that has happened, or zionism is one of the worst things that has happened to the jewish people. the my experience, it really, really wasn't until the 80s, that was able to open my heart enough to see truly what israel and zionism had done and was doing and continued
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to do. did not grow up as an anti-zionist, which is what i am today, i grew up as a zionist. a very zionist family that identified judaism with zionism. welcome back to the news on press tv. a joint report by the world bank at the un shows that the israely war in gaza has caused damages of around $18.5 billion dollars to gaza's critical infrastructure. the report says the structural damage caused by the israeli carpet bombing of gaza has affected every... the palestinian territories economy. the damages are equivalent to 97% of the combined gdp of the west bank and gaza in 2022. the report covers only the first four months of the israel genocide in gaza and embodies some aspects of the besieg strips humanitarian crisis as well. it is found out that more
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than half of the territory's population is on the brink of famon. at least 32,975 palestinians, mostly women and children have been killed since israel began this war early october. in on news review program, we had discussed the brutal israeli air strike a vehicle that was caring international aid workers from a us-based charity in the gaza strip. the attack that killed seven eight workers has already sparked global condemnations. let's take a listen to what our guests had to say on the israeli brutalities. we're watching press tv's news review where we look deprint to sub of the... top stories of the day: on this segment of the program, the un secretary general is denounced as uncontionable the israeli killing of several international aid workers on duty in the gaza strip. the devastating israeli air strikes that killed world central
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kitchen personnel yesterday, bring the number of aid workers killed in this conflict to 196, including more than 175 men and the expansion of humanitarian aid into gaza, as the security council demanded in its resolution last week. the resolution must be implemented without delay. meanwhile, the un agency for palestinian refugees onrow says the war on gaza. live in damascus is a funeral procession that's taken place, marking the assassinations that took place at iran's counselor services. at this point we're seeing the caskets of uh some of the marters being carried through and uh been
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given the proper uh type of farewell uh that is indeed required for the people that have served not only the islamic republic of iran but to carry through uh the message which is the palestinian cause in the region one of the senior commanders of iran indeed embodied that uh in terms of the fight against the israeli regime and what it was doing for palestinians. "and here we're looking at uh how they are being marked in order uh to give the proper type of reception for their farewell um as to how they were taken out by the uh this uh brutal terrorist attack by the israeli regime. at this point based on the latest count roughly about 13 uh were assassinated and uh couple of them were senior uh military uh officers, i believe that is uh the iran's ambassador to..." syria that you just saw there, and there he is again, um, of which he actually was very
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lucky not to have been uh inside the consular building where the strike took place, but live from damascus, we're watching this funeral procession take place for the marters the israeli attack on the consular service of iran, which happened a couple days ago, the condemnations have poured in, there was a un security council emergency meeting that took place yesterday. um, not surprisingly the us did not condemn this act outright, but you had countries like china, like russia, and other condemnations from some regional countries like the uae on what has taken place, because in some sense this was attack on the islamic republic, the vienna convention obviously supports the fact that the embassy of another country is belongs to that country, and israel took it upon itself. to attack that and uh take out at this point 13, from what we understand, the fatalities
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to have resulted. this cross on over to our correspondent who joins us from damascus to perhaps tell us more about what is going on with this fl procession? okay, what are we looking at here? hi, we are currently at the military hospital 601, attending a military funeral ceremony for the murters of irgc who were assassinated on monday an israeli air strike that was target that targeted the counselor service department and the iranian embassy, as you can see here there's a military presence, wide military presence, the... minister of defense is here uh personally, this is a first of its kind in
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syria uh to commemorate the funeral of the martters of arming away from the noise, this is the second martter here, the first one all the marters now ' to three marters now uh heading to uh the ambulances uh which will after after this go to say to be heading to iran later we were at the embassy where we also met several governmental party members permanent party members who came to be the respect to the iranian people, to the to the islamic republic of iran uh for the marters
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the irgc, we have met with also the representative of anujaba movement, he said that the islamic resistance in iraq will take it personally and response to this attack, they started already uh with this response to the to this treasurous attack, as you can see the ceremony now begun ' uh, we are here currently beding farewell to these marters who gave them their lives while wearing their military uh... uniform uh defending syria against terrorism, supporting the resistance, giving aid to the resistance in gaza, as you can see, as we know, the israeli enemy is defeated in gaza is in crisis and it wants to export its crisis outside, so it wants to
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drop the whole region to a a regional war, and war to avoid its own defeat in gaza, so it carried out this cowardly assassination which resulted in the martterdom of these heroes and also the martterdom of some civilians and syrian civilians and the wounding of many others, this is the ceremony, i can see. okay uh, we're looking again at live images that are coming through from damascus there uh in terms of what is the funeral procession of the marters of the terrorist attack by israel, iran's leader has also come out and uh uh sent out his condoltions on this and that there will be a response to this and will punish as he said this regime and make the evil regime as he
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said regret is crime of assassinating the country's military advisers, two of them were brigadeer general. commander of the irgc's police force and his deputy general muhammad hadi haji rahimi who were murdered in this uh terrorist attack okay abraham what else can we look forward to on this day when this procession is taking place is there anything else that's going to happen after the ceremony uh we are waiting for the minister of defense to give a speech or maybe a comment a statement - not even if he give a speech or not, either way, after the ceremony we are going to say the zainab shrine where there will be another ceremony there to religious ceremony to b farewell to the marters before they finally go to iran to be buried there. all right, thank you very much for that, correspond of the live from
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damascus, i'm sure we'll be seeing him again. moving on for israel troopers. a car ramming attack a military checkpoint in the occupied west bank. the israel military claims the operation was conducted by a palestinin man was later killed by the regime's forces. of course martins and ramalandil joined us earlier with details. well, according to israeli military, after midnight, a palestinian man in his vehicle arrived a checkpoint near the city of. in the lands occupied in 1948 central israel known as central israel, he rammed his vehicle into israeli policemen or officers and wonded at least four of those, one of them was in serious condition, then he left the area after chase, he succeeded to reach a military
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checkpoint known as eliaho near the city of natania also inside the lands that were occupied the 9. 48, there he exited his vehicle and tried to stab israeli uh officers there, as they are saying, and then the israeli soldiers opened fire at him, shot him and killed him, so the israeli military are saying that this man is 26 year old from the city of iri that was occupied in 1948 and he's not from the occupied west bank, the israels warned that palestinians are still living in the in historical palestine let's say or had been carrying out anti-israeli operations in the last few months and number of palestinians there has been killed whether for stabbing israeli soldiers and officers or
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for carrying out ramming attacks and sometimes palestinians had guns to shoot and kill israeli forces, at the end of the day the israeli trips had killed, let's say since the 7th of october palestinians from all the occupied territories, whether the west bank, the occupied alfots or even in the lands occupied in 1948 had killed over 457 palestinians, of course we are saying that the majority of those were shot and killed. here in the occupied west bank during military incurgence at military checkpoints and others were members of the resistance groups in addition to the fact that children and women had also being killed by the israeli forces in cold blood here in the occupied west bank. thinches remain high between lebanance hisbollah resistance
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movements and israel since the regime launched this genocidal war in gaza. both sides have been exchanging fire, but israel has intensified its attacks on lebanese civilians in recent weeks. we were joined earlier by our beirout correspondence mariam saleh to know more about the latest israely strikes on civilian areas in southern lebanon and potential hazbollah's retaliatory attacks. "we know that the israelis have heavily bombarded the natural reserves of the towns of ramyan, the outskirts of shab, well at least 60 phosphorus bombs uh were fired on the natural reserves of ramia, which is considered one of the biggest, one of the largest in the country. we also had some 20 artillery missiles that were targeted also on these two towns in addition. to another 20 missiles that were targeted that were launched from the tanks, from the israeli's tanks on that side. now we know also from
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israeli reports that that could be a sign that there was a hizballah operation in the in that side which is considered the eastern part of the border since there were sirens that were sounding in the eastern side of the the gilil region and those settlements there and usually when you have that type of rage from the israeli army, that usually signifies that hazballah was able to inflict heavy losses upon the israelis and we're not just talking about destruction of maybe settlement or the destruction of the post and devices and hardware, but we're also talking about losses uh within the israeli um military personnel, perhaps soldiers, which is something of course the israelies don't admit to, but it's is clear and evident from their reports that there are usually many uh israeli soldiers that are taken to hospital, addition to the fact that you have lot of officials and even commanders and officers
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from the israeli army that are talking about the heavy price they are paying um on the northern side which is of course the occupied palestinian territory in the galile region so that means although they have not they are not admitting to it officially they are losing soldiers on the ground in that area. international day is annual pro-palestinian event marked on the last friday of the holy month of ramadan. the day was designated by the founder of the islamic republic of iran m 1979 in solidarity with palestinians. people worldwide will mark this year's good stay on the coming friday. our correspondent in belfast has asked some people there about the event and it's importance to the palestinian cause. let's take a listen. i think that the iranian government choosing. a symbolic day as the last friday in ramadan as alcoud's day as a day of celebrating solidarity with the palestinians really shows that solidarity with palestine is their number one foreign
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policy priority and has been since the revolution so i think that palestinians especially in these days in midst of war, starvation and genocide uh will treasure this act of solidarity more than in any year before, and i believe fully that the... really ambassador should be expelled from ireland, i believe that everyone, everyone has a right to protest and and should be on the streets calling for this genocide, this mass murder, not only to be stopped, but we should be calling for netanyahu to be in the hig, and and and the international war crimes committee should be taken him for the crimes against humanity that he has created in gaza, as i said, it's one thing to murder innocent people with bombs. and with bullets, but to use hunger, starvation and and and famin as a way of murdering and wiping out innocent men, women and children is aborent and is the
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worst crime in humanity in in a long, long time. it is definitely genicide caused by the scientists, definitely, and it didn't happen on the 7th of october, this has been going on for years, israel, the palestinians have been living an open. isn't for years and years and i think it's ridiculous that the west isn't seeing what's happening while they are seeing it, but they're doing nothing about it and that's was so frustrating for the people to watch all these children, men women, we boys not getting murder, i think it's it's absolutely disgraceful that that the west acts like it does, that the west funds this fs this terrorism, i call it terrorism buse that's exactly what it is, it's it's been terrorism for the last. 25 years in palestines was we are stunning here in west belfast in ireland, we are all palestinians and our thousands and our millions, we all
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need to... be palestinians so that from the river to the sea that palestine will be free and with that we come to an end for this additional world news, thanks for being with us, it's bye-bye for now.
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evvel allah, dik duracağız, dikleşmeyecek. 31
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mart bizim için bir bitiş değil, aslında bir dönüm noktasıdır.
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milletle inatlaşmaktan, milli iradeye rağmen hareket etmekten, milletin takdirini sorgulamaktan, bugüne kadar olduğu gibi yine uzak duracağız.
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on over not live to uh damascus over in syria uh the minister of defense of the assyria is speaking and uh we are going to take a look atuh what is happening there in terms of uh this day marking the day that uh procession also uh is taking place. at this point we're waiting for that uh to come through for us uh uh the day is marked uh by obviously the result of the strike the assassination that took place the terrorist attack by israel uh where you have uh two senior military officers of vivan to have been assassinated
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and here we have uh the reporters have crowded around um the iranian ambassador to syria that's speaking at this point we're looking at different officials to speak on this occasion. يضرب بعرض.