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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 3, 2024 6:30pm-7:03pm IRST

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rituals with a strong will power exposed for of of remarkable achievements. this can be the profound impact of fasting on society as a whole. like the cresent moon that waxes and wins, ramadan offers a chance for believers to shut the burdens of the past and embrace new beginning. a time of purification and renewal, a journey of self-discovery and transformation. the holy month also helps believers we share experience of fasting, prayer and reflection that bind hearts together in a tapestry of faith and solidarity. that's all for today, thank you for watching from the whole team. please do join us again to see what else is on. you can also follow us on telegram and x. till next time. take care.
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the headlines this hour, syria holds a funeral ceremony for iran's irgc military of advisors, murdered in israel's monday attack on the iranian embassy in damascus. the death doll from nearly six months of the us israel genocide in gaza, standing at almost 33, mostly women and children. and the on chief says attacks aid workers in gaza are unconshionable, this after an israeli air strike killed seven aid workers, more welcome to our studios in the capital tehran, this is press tv news, thanks for joining. "the syrian government has held the
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ceremony in damascus to pay amage to the seven iranian military advisers killed on monday's israeli attack on the consular section of iran's embassy. we were joined by our correspondent ibrahim batte from damascus who said the marters are commemorated for playing a significant role in fighting terrorism in syria. this is a first of its kind in syria to commemorate. the funeral of the marters, this is the second martter here, the first one, all the marters now, one, two, three, marters now heading to uh the ambulances which will after after this go to say zainab shrin to be heading to iran later we were at the embassy where we also met
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several governmental party members permanent party members who came to pay the respect and give condolence to the iranian people to the to the islamic republic of iran for the marters of the irgc, we have met with also the representative movement, he said that the islamic resistance in iraq will take it personally and respond. to this attack, they started already uh with this response to the to this treaturous attack uh, as you can see the ceremony now begun, we are here currently beding farewell to these marters who gave them their lives while wearing their military uniform, defending syria against terrorism, supporting the resistance, giving aid. to the
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uh resistance in gaza. the iranian ambassador to syria says the recent israeli attack on the consular section of iran's embassy will further strengthen the bond between iran and syria and render the resistance front more determined to achieve victory in gaza. this is unprecedented in the world. that not only targeted iran and syria is also violates international law, especially the 1961 vienna convention has been violated, well these are of the martters of ala that we have called the martters of alaxsa for all those who have been working struggling on the path of jihad, they belong to all of them. and definitely
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these marters uh make us more adamant in order to fight and analate this regime. and definitely the relations. among the countries the resistance front, especially iran and syria will be further augmented, well naturally on the basis of international law that all countries, we have the right, reserve the right to respond within the same context, a meeting on the latest israely attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy in syria, addressing the events, iran's deputy representative to the un called on the world body to vehemently denounce israel's violation of the international regulations. regretably, the absence of
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accountability and the council's in action has only encourage and even embolden this regime to continue its violation unchecked. it is high time for this... security council to shoulder its responsibility and address the real threat to international peace and security. the security council must promptly promptly fulfill its duty in response to israel's reckless defiance, urgent and enforceable measures must be taken to compell this regime to uphold its obligations said that israel is defying security council resolutions and shows disregard for its international obligations. syria's ambassador to the un also called the attack grave violation of international laws and norms. he said the arab country holds israel and the us fully accountable. the syrian official added the israel regime would not have dared attack other nations diplomatic premises, if it was
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not for washington's blind support. the russian ambassador, whose country has called the meeting, or had called the meeting, slamed their strike as a flagrant violation of syria's sovereignty. he said that israel seeks to further fuel the... regional conflicts. china's envoy also condemned israel's attacks as a grave violation of the un charter and international law, and a breach of the sovereignty of both syria and iran. polital commentator mas shajara joined us from london earlier and commented on the israeli attack against the iranian embassy's consult section in syria. he said the aggressive act was absolutely against international law and escalation of insecurity in the region. "i mean it really is outrageous, i mean the fact of the matter is there is no question that this is unlawful, this is provocative, this is actually goes against all aspects of international law, this is escalation of the
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the insecurity in the whole region and indeed beyond, there is really no question on this, i mean i don't think anyone anyone with the slide..." intellect will be able to say anything other than these factual realities, but what is really so shocking is not the fact that there is a silence by the international community, is the fact that the western so-called allies under the leadership of united state are actually encouraging this by arming and supporting and giving total sort of support to all barbaric action over the last few months of this rogue state, this this regime, and that is why he been encouraged to do this, and by doing so we are asleep walking into conflict going much wider
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and indeed becoming a world conflict and engulfing, not just nations in the region, but far beyond, ابو طاهر، اراقي، القصه يعني لكل عراقي في ايام صدام حسين، الى قصه كامله، يمكن يعملون منها مجلدات. an iraki businessman who recounts saddam hussein.
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welcome back to the news here on press tv. a joint report by the world bank and the un shows thisly war on gaza has caused damages of around $18.5 billion to gaza's critical infrastructure. the report says the structural damage caused by the israeli carpet bombing of gaza has affected every sector of the palestinian territory's economy. the damages are equivalent to 97% of the combined gdp of the west bank and gaza in 2022. the report covers only the first four months of the israely genocide in gaza and embodies some aspects of the beseed strips humanitarian crisis as well. it has found out that more than half of the territory's population is on the brink of famon. at least 32,975 palestinians. mostly women and children have been killed since israel began this war early october. in our news tv
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program we have discussed the brutal israeli air strike a vehicle that was carrying international aid workers from a us-based charity in the gaza strep. the attack that killed seven eight workers has already sparked global condemnations. let's take a listen to what our guests had to say on the israeli brutalities. we're watching press tv's news review we look deeper into some of the top stories of the day. on this segment the program, the un secretary general is denounced as uncontionable the israeli killing of several international aid workers on duty in the gaza strip. the devastating israeli air strikes that killed world central kitchen personnel yesterday, bring the number of aid workers killed in this conflict to 196, including more than 175 members of our
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own un staff. this is unconstionable. it demonstrates yet again the urgent need for immediate humanitarian sease fire, the unconditional release of all hostages and the expansion of humanitarian aid into gaza as the security council demanded in its resolution last week. the resolution must be implemented without delay. meanwhile, the un agency for palestinian refugees onrow says, the war on gaza has witnessed the highest number of aid worker deaths ever recorded in any conflict. and israely air strike left seven aid workers associated with the us space charity world central kitchen dead in the gaza strip on monday. the head of the charity called the incident to targetted attack saying the... strike needed, the strike rather indeed targeted humanitarian organizations showing up in dire situations
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when food is being used as a weapon of war, the israeli killing of the world central kitchen aid staff has drawn international reactions, western countries have called on israel to offer an explanation. joining us on this edition of the news review, we have uh academic broadcaster and investigative. researcher david miller joining us from bristol, also we have director of center for muslim affairs, mr. jahangir mohammad who's joining us from manchester. gentlemen, welcome to the program. let's start off uh with david miller. the israelis have reportedly killed around 200 aid workers since this genocidal massacre started. that is no accident is it? well, no, of course, it's not an accident, but uh, that doesn't stop. the zionists and their apologists from pretending that it might have been an accident or it's a terrible mistake or any of
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the various things that have been said by them on social media since then, but it's a very curious set of uh affairs, mean the first thing to say is that look they are deliberately targeting people who are trying to help the palestinians - journalists, health workers, aid workers, anyone who might provide food to the palestinis is a target for the israelis and that's of course part of their genocidal strategy to uh make it impossible to protect palestinian lives. the head of the world central kitchen said that this was indeed a targeted attack which strengthens the discussion that israels uh are purposefully targeting uh humanitarian organizations and aid workers uh break that down for us and what are the israelies achieving by carrying out uh this type of of
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murderous behavior? we can see from what happens in syria and in lebanon, they're able to precisely hit the targets that they want, whereas in gaza uh they claim, well it was accident or we didn't know what we were targeting, so i think the chances of them not knowing what they were targeting are very slim - they knew what they were doing and of course the goal is that uh uh this this is not a new strategy even before uh the the war on gaza ' 'um, for the last 16 years, israel and its supporters worldwide have been trying to get charities that work in gaza closed down, the aim is to starve the palestinians, before it was slow starvation and and genocide, now it's a fast one, and they they
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want to either force the palestinians to leave by starvation, by massacring them'. uh or they want to uh, you know, um, have slow death? all right, thanks lot, gentlemen, academic broadcaster, and investigative researcher david miller joining us from bristol, and thanks to director of center of muslim affairs, mr. jahang muhammad, joining us from manchester, with that, it brings us to an end here on this edition of the news review, but stick around, there's plenty more to come here on press tv, see you later. four israel troopers have been injured in a car raming attack a military checkpoint in the occupied west bank. the israely military claims the operation was conducted by a palestinin man who was later killed by the regime forces. a corresponding romala, monacan deal joined us earlier with the details. well, according to israeli military,
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after midnight a palestinin man in his vehicle arrived at a checkpoint near the city of iri in the lands occupied in 1948 central israel known as central israel, he rammed his vehicle into israeli policemen or officers and wonded at least four of those, one of them was in serious condition, then he left the area after a chase he succeeded to reach a military checkpoint known as eliaho near the city of... tania also inside the lands that were occupied in 1948, there he exited his vehicle and tried to stab israeli officers there, as they are saying, and then the israeli solders opened fire at him, shot him and killed him, so the israeli military are saying that this man is 26 year old from
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the city of atiri that was occupied in 1948. and he's not from the occupied west bank, the israeled that palestinians who are still living in the in historical palestine let's say or had been carrying out anti israeli operations in the last few months and number of palestinians there has been killed whether for stabbing israeli soldiers and officers or for carrying out ramming uh attacks and sometimes palestinians had used guns to shoot and kill israeli forces uh at the end of the day the israeli troops had killed let's say since the 7th of october palestinians from all the occupied territories whether the west bank the uh occupied alfots or even in the lands occupied in 1948 had killed over 457
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palestinians of course we are. saying that the majority of those were shot and killed here in the occupied west bank during military incursions at military chickpoints and others were members of the resistance groups in addition to the fact that children and women had also been killed by the israeli forces in cold blood here in the occupied west bank. tensions remain high between lebanon's as well resistance movements and israel since the regime launches genocidal war in god. both sides have been exchanging fire, but israel has intensified its attacks of lebanese civilians in recent weeks earlier we were joined by our bayvoot correspondent mariam salah to know more more about the latest isuly strikes on civilian areas in southern lebanon and potential's retaliatory attacks. we know that the israelis have heavily bombarded the natural reserves of the
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towns of ramya and the outskirts of aitasha, well at least 60. phosphorus bombs uh were fired uh on the natural reserves of aramia, which is considered one of the biggest, one the largest in the country, we also had some 20 artillery missiles that were targeted also on these two towns and addition to another 20 missiles that were targeted that were launched from the tanks from the israeli's tanks on that side, now we know also from israeli reports that that could... be a sign that there was a hazbillah operation in the in that side, which is considered the eastern part of the border, since there were sirens that were sounding in the east. estern side the of the gilily region and those settlements there, and usually when you have that type of rage from the israeli army, that usually signifies that hisballah was able to
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inflict heavy losses upon the israelis and we're not just talking about destruction of maybe settlement or the destruction of the post and devices and hardware, but we're also talking about losses within the israeli military personnel, soldiers, which is something of course the israelies don't admit to, but it is clear and evident from their report that there are usually many uh israeli soldiers that are taken to hospital, in addition to the fact that you have lot of officials and even commanders and officers from the israeli army that are talking about the heavy price they are paying um on the northern side, which is of course the occupied palestinian territory in the galile region, so that means although they have not they are not admitting to it officially they are losing soldiers on the ground in that area. international day is annual pro-palestinian event marked on the last
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friday of the holy month of ramadan. the day was designated by the founder of the islamic republic of iran imam khameini in 1979 in solidarity with palestinians. people worldwide will mark this year's goods day on the coming friday. our corresponditon belfast renish has asked some people there about the events and its importance to the... palestinian cause. let's take a listen. i think that the iranian government choosing such a symbolic day as the last friday in ramadan as alqu's day as a day of celebrating solidarity with the palestinians really shows that solidarity with palestine is their number one foreign policy priority and has been since the revolution. so i think that palestinians especially in these days in midst of war, starvation and genocide uh will treasure this act of solidarity more. than any year before, and i believe fully that the israeli ambassador should be expelled from ireland. i believe that everyone everyone has a right to protest and and should be on the
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streets calling for this genocide, this mass murder, not only to be stopped, but we should be calling for netanyahu to be in the hig, and and and the international work, war crimes committee should be taken him for the crimes against humanity that he has created. gaza, as i said, it's one thing to murder innocent people with bombs and with bullets, but to use hunger, starvation and and and famin as a way of murdering and wiping out innocent men, women and children is aborrent and as the worst crime in humanity uh, in in a long, long time. it is definitely janis caused by the scientists, definitely, and it didn't happen on the 7th of october. "this has been going on for years, israel, the palestinians have been living an open prison for years and years and i think it's ridiculous that the west isn't seeing what's
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happening, well they are seeing it, but they're doing nothing about it, and that's what's so frustrating for the people to watch all these children, men, women, we boys, not getting murdered, i think it's it's absolutely disgraceful that that the west acts like it does, that the west funds this, funds it." terrorism, i call it terrorism, that's exactly what it is, it's it's been terrorism for the last 75 years in palestine, was we are stun here in west belfast in ireland, we are all palestinians and our thousands and our millions, we all need to be palestinians so that from the river to the sea that palestine will be free, and that does for world news, this bye-bye for now.
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crisis, devastating wars, terrorism, the israely lobby, crackdown, diplomacy. kausa a predicament. when palestinian journalist shirin abu agale was killed by in hisready. sniper on may 11, 2022, the israelis meant to get across a clear message, that they don't want any
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narrative other than their own and decades old occupation of palestinian lands and their aggression. it wasn't the first time israeli sought to put gag on the alternative narrative, and every time it has failed. watch the history of the israeli measures and palestinian counter measures in this documentary.
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اني اعلم ما لا تعلمون، وعلم آدم الاسماء كلها، ثم عرضهم على الملائكه فقال، فقال انبئوني باسماء هؤلاء، ان كنتم صادق.
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welcome, in this episode we address several topics including the blinton zinus attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. we also discuss the negotiations for captive exchange. holding netanyahu responsible for its failure as well as washington's decision to supply arms to the entity. additionally, former military and security officials admit the failure to eliminate the resistance in gaza. i like to go ahead and welcome my