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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 4, 2024 8:30pm-9:03pm IRST

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briciby headlines this hour, israels ahead with this relentless air strikes and shelling of besieg gaza strip as the death doll from the genocidal war surpasses 33,00. amas resistance movement once again says that any cease fire must end the onslot on the gaza strip and lead to the pull out of israeli forces. and the kremland has warned the of relations between russia and nato have reached the level of direct confrontation.
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more welcome to our studios in the capital tehran. this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. nearly six months into the israeli genocidal war in gaza, the regime keeps pressing ahead with a sounds thought across the beseest strep. some 62 palestinians have been killed and scores more injured in israely air strikes and shelling over the past 24 hours. the regime forces also continued their aerial rates on the city of hanis in southern gaza. they say that the majority of these attacks were focused on the alamal neighborhood. leaving number of people dead. meanwhile, palestinian fighters are putting stiff resistance to israeli troops on the ground in some areas. they have attacked israeli soldiers and vehicles with mortars in the eastern and southern parts of gaza city. according to the gaza health ministry, the death doll from the israely war has not topped 33,000. over 75,600 palestinians have also been wounded, while thousands more remained unaccounted for. a senior hamas
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representative in lebanon has sammed israely atrocities in the gaza strip, calling on palestinians to escalate acts of resistance against the regime, a proof of the unity and cohesion of our people around the option of resistance as a only. legitimate means for liberation and return, and we call for this to continue and to further escalate this resistance against the enemy and against the settlers, the blatant crime committed by the zionist enemy against the al-shif medical compound and the medical teams and the unarmed civilians and ill and those were with them and the displaced in the hospital and in the surroundings of the hospital over. a in
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period of two weeks will continue to witness the brutality and savagery of this enemy which we have tried for more than seven decades ever since themdan said in a press conference that all plans of the enemy against gaza will be destroyed in the face of palestinian resistance. he also mentioned the israely attack on charity workers in gaza saying that the strike shows the depth of israel's brutality as the regime keeps violating all international norms and laws. the senior hamas official condemned the continued support, us support for israel. saying that washington is responsible for tel aviv's crimes against palestinians. on the in notion of talks for a possible ceasefire, he stressed that any deal must lead to an end to the onslot on gaza and the withdrawal of israeli forces from the territory. speaking on the eve of the international goods day. i'm done call for worldwide rallies and solidarity with the palestinians. author and journalist robert frantina believes that israel does not want to cease fire in the gaza strip. let's take a listen. "israely
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government doesn't want to cease fire agreement of any kind, because that would prevent them from slaughtering the rest of the population of gaza and being able to annex gaza strip, which is what they want to do, they will continue to uh to to annihilate the people there, to destroy the infrastructure, all under the myth of protecting themselves from what they refer to as an existential threat, it is palestine, not israel, that is facing an existential threat, but that's exactly why the israeli government will not uh will not move towards a sease fire, because they want to end palestine, and major step in doing that is annexing gaza, and in order to do that, they have to destroy the people of gaza or drive of them out into egypt, into refugee camps, as was done uh 75 years ago, and many of those people have been u which are ridiculous and
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it's not a reasonable partner now in looking for a cease fire, because a cease fire is not its goal. israel knows that whatever it wants to do, the united states will back it financially and diplomatically and militarily. this is a policy of united states that has been ongoing for decades, that makes no sense. the united states is coming down again on the wrong side of history and will be associated with genocide for decades and decades to come. "the spokesman of the alguts brigades, the military wing of the islamic jihad movement, says the resistance is determined to continue the allox of flood operation until final victory. abahamza said the resistance operations on the ground reflect is full rejection of the israeli plan to occupy the gaza's trap. he added that the
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axis of resistance is now repelling the israel regime's attacks in gaza, the west bank and lebanon. in the statement released on thursday, the alcas brigade said it had targeted two israeli contingents in the center city of..." unis, some israeli military equipment and vehicles, including a tank and a drone, were also hid in the same city. the israel military has already confirmed the death of nearly 260 of its troops since the regime's ground invasion of gaza. palestinian groups, however say that the regime is hiding the actual number of his casualties to avoid public anger. the us is really genocidal war has been met with a counter reaction from resistance groups in the west. region, these groups are all backing hamas fighters and palestinians in the gaza strip, but not just in words, they've actually targeted this really regime, stretching the regime even further. let's see how that is impacting the zionist regime.
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ever since the us israel war began against palestinians in the gaza strip. regional resistance groups in west asia. and solidarity with palestinians to prevent the continuation of the israeli regime attacks, even though it's been almost six months of us israeli genocidal attacks, don't forget it has also been almost six months of attacks by the axis of resistance groups. one such group is the islamic resistance of iraq. now the islamic resistance of iraq is umbrella group, it represents roughly 63 resistance groups and they operate out of iraq: now they all share a common goal to drive the us forces out of iraq and syria, which they view as source of instability. now, add to that, israel, their main target recently, in solidarity with palestinians. although the islamic resistance of iraq has targeted u.s. interest in the west asia region, our focus
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here is how it has targeted israely military sites, some of which you see over here. the targets that you see here actually occurred during the span of one week only, which shows a... accelerated pace of targeting military sites in occupied palestine, it includes airbases to military outposts, as evident in some of the sites that have been hit here. also uh towards the end there you will see that alat, the port was also targeted. what is noteworthy is the targeting of hyfa. now when it comes to hyfa, these are the types of targets that have been hit, you're looking at for example the haifa airport, you're looking at the uh chemical factory that has been hit a um, even the port itself has been targeted, this obviously shows the ability for the drones or munitions to travel this long distance to hit these targets, which is roughly 700 km away from iraq, showing the
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danger that opposes israel as it continues its genocidal aggression. well, yemen has also taken on the task of targeting israely linked vessels in the red sea and also which it called operation prosperity garden, of which you can see with their logo, some of the vessels that is comprised over 20 countries, including the uk to counter yemen, yemen's reason to stop the genocidal war, lift the siege, and to allow aid into the besieg trip, it has carried out over 80 attacks, about 85 of them so far on these vessels, the daily skirmishes between israel and southern lebanon related since october 7 uh of operation hizbillah. it is used advanced weapons. types of weapons includes drones, it includes falk dawn one and also the burcan missiles and also katu rockets would have been used to target israely
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military bases. you see over there the this long list, there were too many to actually put on this map, those were the ones that were targeted, and some of the targets included army and air base. fighters over in jordan to help defend palestinians against israeli crimes. it is uh prepared supplies for over 12,00 fighters over in jordan to uh fight against the israeli regime, which includes light weapons, anti-armor, launchers, tactical missiles, ammunition and explosives. israel's top military intelligence official resigns after taking full responsibility for the failure of the regime's intelligence apparatus. encountering a loss of flood operation on october 7. amidsar was head of aman's
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research division. he cited illness as the reason for his early resignation. however, israely authorities have pushed the majority the blame for the failure to intercept the events of october 7, 2023 on intelligence officials. sar had previously expressed his readiness to relinquish his duties once the israely war on gaza was over. at least two other officials have also left their positions vacant to the israely military intelligence system. since the palestinian resistance alost the flood operation. iran's beseed voluntary forces have held naval drills in the southern waters of the country to mark international goods day. more than 300 types of vessels and motorboats have participated in the naval exercise held by the maritime units of besieg in support of the palestinian people in resistance. the drill was held over area from the arvand river in the persian gulf to the sea of oman. the vessels was under the command of the irgc navy, simultaneous drills were also scheduled
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to be held by resistance groups in iraq, syria, yemen and lebanon. international good's day is annual pro-palestinian even held on the last friday of the holy month of ramadan. the day was designated by founder of the islamic republic of iran, imam khamaini in 1979, in solidarity with palestinians. people worldwide would mark this year's lits day on the coming friday. respondent robert inlikesh in calgary canada has asked some citizens about the event and its importance in the muslim world. let's take a listen. i think it's all about uniting the people. um, whether that's within the middle east or within the west. um, society uh, at this time kind of has us all working against each other. uh, and if we can unite and get the people together, we can't make it known that this is humanitarian crisis that we're not okay with. i think it's important that we
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protest because um it just tells the palestinian people that we're here for them and also puts pressure on our governments. um since it's all started we've all been boycotting and signing petitions to try to stop this war and this madness but um protesting really gets our boots on the ground and visualizes how many people actually care about this movement um and it's in the millions all over all over the world we've seen protests that have ranked over 500,000 um and there's no stopping us now really, we're just trying to fight the good fight and hope this all comes to an end very soon. um i think it's important to protest because we need to show palestinians that were there's people all around the world that supports them. i think it's important to show solidarity with the palestinians. they've been fighting the fight for so long and i think now there's a movement that helps um, i think... "people are more allowed to speak their voices now, and it's important to show up to these protests, to stand with
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palestinians and show them that they're seen and heard, and that their feelings surrounding the whole thing are valid, because they've been invalidated for so long, so yeah, we need to come and shout the slogans and release all the frustration that we have based around these issues." in this week's episode of erotech we're going to be checking out mobile game development company that has managed to find a formula and develop a platform that allows them to release games a lot more quickly than usual and remain competitive without sacrificing on quality. we're also going to learn about how the development for mobile game works in general, so if you want to learn about those, make sure to check out this week's episode at these times. and welcome back to the news
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here on press tv. on the eve of international goods day, iran once again calls for a referendum in the occupied palestinian territories to resolve the century old issue the region. in a statement published online minister saidman believes that the palestinian question should be resolved through a referendum among all original inhabitants of palestine. that includes christians, muslims and jews. what lasting peace in the region can only be achieved by addressing the root causes of the problem. he noted that the flood operation was in response to israel's. 75 years of occupation and continuous crimes against palestinians. iran's top diplomat urged the international community and muslim states to take practical steps to end israely crimes. he also blamed the us for the continuation of the war in gaza and the obstruction of efforts to end it. the iraning president says this religion
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will pay heavy price for his criminal act of attacking the consular section of iran's embassy in the syrian capital. ibrahim ray made the remarks. a phone conversation with the iraqi prime minister mamatchiah sudani. he described the terrorist terroristic act of the zionist regime as a clear violation of principles of international law governing diplomatic and consulal relations. while hilling the pro palestine stance of tehran and baghdad, right emphasized the need for all islamic countries to adopt the same approach. sudani for his part denounced israely aggression and said that such criminal act was the result of the constant failures of the occupying regime. in the battle against regional resistance forces. he further expressed gratitude for the unwavering support of iran for efforts to establish peace and stability in iraq. the iranian embassy in damascus held the condolence of ceremony on wednesday for the killing of iranian military advisors in syria while the syrian ministry of defense performed a military ceremony in their honor.
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a correspondent reports from damascus. "the iranian embassy in damascus opened its door on wednesday to receive condolences for the martters of iran's islamic revolution guard score and diplomats who were assassinated in an israeli missile aggression on the counselor section of the embassy. we are dealing with a complex crime of three aspects: first, it constitutes violation of all international laws and norms by attacking the headquarters of a diplomatic mission. second, it is violation of serious sovereignty and territorial integrity. finally, it is set terrorism commit. by the zionist regime through this aggression, senior syrian officials, political figures, hits of diplomatic missions accredited in damascus and representatives of the resistance movements attended the ceremony and expressed their heartful thoughts in condolence book, the criminal aggression will increase our joint determination to continue strengthening the strategic relations between
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our countries, the israely enemy does not respect any international law, we strongly condemn this cowardly zionist crime against the council. section of the iranian embassy on syrian territories, we came to offer our condolences on behalf of the government and the syrian people. they attendies emphasized that this crime will only strengthen their loyalty to the excess of resistance and increase their determination to defeat the enemy. we aslamic resistance in iraq are willing to respond, and we have actually done so few hours after the zionist aggression against the embassy, when our brothers in the iraki resistance led harsh attacks against vital enemy. targets in the occupied palestine, we will continue until we win by the will of god, a significance presence of syrians at wednesday's memorial ceremony shows the importance of these martters and iran's special position in syria as well as the close pond between the government and the people of the two brotherly countries. the syrian ministry of defense also organized solem military ceremony at the central
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military hospital in damascus. the ceremony was held for the first time in syria for non-syrian military personnel as acknowledged. for their sacrifices, this me on behalf of myself and every officer and soldier in the syrian arab army, i offer my condolences to the iranian nation, its people, leadership and army at all ranks, for the martin of these heroes who will remain a bacon for us to continue the path of liberating the occupied territories. after the ceremony, the marters were taken to say the zainab shrine for prayers before being transported to iran for perial. ibrahim wahdi, press tv, damascus. the kremland spokesman says the relations between russia and the nato military alliance has reached the level of court direct confrontation. dimitri paskov said the members of the us-let alliance already in continuous movement towards russia's borders through their involvement in the ukraine conflict. moscow has clearly stated that the war with ukraine aimed to prevent the western alliance from approaching russian borders. the military alliance enlarged to 32 members by accepting
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finland and sweden in the past year. nato has been helping ukraine with advanced weapons training. and intelligence. the military block's members are now discussing plans for more than $100 billion of further military aid for kiev. ukraine has also been seeking to join nato in recent years, which could escalate the tensions between russia and the west to even higher level. iranian officials say the clashes between security forces and terrorists in the southeastern province of seestan and balachastan have concluded. the irgc ground forces said 18 assalants were killed. following the attacks in the cities of rask and chabahar late on wednesday night. 10 iranian security forces also lost their lives. according to the iogc, the terror carried out five simultaneous attacks. against police and military posts in the southeastern province. local officials said the terrorists were affiliated with pakistan-based j. shala terror outfit that had carried out several similar attacks in
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the past. the group claim responsibility for attack in december a police station in rosk that killed at least 11 officers. in january, another attack by the group left the policeman dead. turkey refuted allegations made by the israeli press claiming that it is attempting to reset ties with israel. this comes as the ruling parties already facing criticism over its double standards on the gaza issue as a continuous trade with israel while condemning its attacks on gaza. anchor stance has contributed to araban's loss and local elections on sunday. israeli newspaper marif published an article saying turkey is seeking to. enhance relations with israel. turkish agency for combatting this information denied the claims in a statement. the agency said the claim in the israeli media that senior turkish official sent a
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message saying, "we want to improve relations with israel is not true. turkey said its temporary charged affair of turkish embassy to tel aviv was summoned on the 25th of march and that claims by israeli media that ankara proposed that the two country's ambassadors return mutually is not correct. the thing that forced..." chelik, ak party spokesperson to point out israeli crimes in a statement to assure that his government stands against what israel is doing. the dead human bodies and corpses found around the shifa hospital in gaza once again clearly showed the genocide committed by israel. it is necessary implement the cease fire decision in the gaza's trip. this subject has been considered sensitive for turkey, especially after the ruling party lost the local election. many. suggested one of the reasons was the akp government not fully cutting ties with israel, many voters left notes on electoral papers such as you sold gaza, we will sell
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you as well, and we will not vote for a government that does not cut a trade with israel. i am studying in the uk, but i came back here to cast my vote because i strongly opposed trading with israel and wanted to stop. i actively participate rallies in the uk and personally boycott companies and products that support israel. "i believe that every penny spent on these entities translates into bullets that target palestinians and i am committed to taking action to support their cause. overall, trading with other countries is generally acceptable, however, considering the recent aggression on gaza, israel has demonstrated a disregard for international laws. therefore, i believe that trade should be temporary helted, and all ports closed to convey to israel the gravity of its actions. israel persistent aggression, doesregard for united nations resolutions and human rights and obstructions of aid delivery necessate a strong response. turkey provides essential
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materials to israel such as copper, cement, iron and food. therefore, if turkey were to haltrade, israel might realate in kind. turkish citizens have been taking to the streets since the beginning of the aggression on gaza demanding immediate cease fire in gaza. they have also called on the government to severe all with israel, analys say the public want to send messages to the president through rallies and social media campaigns, however it seems erdogan is turning deaf ear to their calls for action. erdogan who tried to contain his people with the pro-palestinians rallies and the slogans now finds himself not only criticized for double standards, but also grappled with losses in local elections. rahshan saglam, press tv, istanbul. and with that report by russian we come to an end for this edition of world news, thanks for being with us, it's bye-bye for now.
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crisis devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy, unseasing genocide against palestine. مسئله فلسطین به این سیاست. شیطانی و خبیثی که
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آمریکا در مورد فلسطین در نظر گرفته است اسمشم گذاشته است معامله قرن البته بدانند که این معامله قرنی که اونها فکر کردن هرگز به توفیق الهی تحقق نخواهد یافت به کوری چشم دولتمردان آمریکا قضیه فلسطین از یادها نخواهد رفت و شهر مقدس بیت الم مقدس پایتخت فلسطین باقی خواهد موند و به توفیق الهی امت اسلامی و ملت مسلمان فلسطین بر دشمنان خودشون قطعاً پیروز خواهند شد و خواهند دید اون روزی را که ریشه رژیم جعلی صهیونیست از سرزمین فلسطین کنده خواهد شد.
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the israely. aggression against the people of palestine has a long and tumultuous history, marked by genocide, occupation and countless human rights violations.