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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 5, 2024 5:30am-6:03am IRST

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your headlines on press tv international medical charity doctors without borders says israel is deliberate. and systematically destroying gaza's healthcare system in this genocidal war on the territory. a new report says the us has approved the transfer of thousands of additional bombs to israel despite the regime's ongoing genocide in gaza. and the leader of yemen's ansurollah movement says the us is complicit in israel's gaza genocide and shares this criminal intention to exterminate palestinians.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in term. thank you for joining us. six months into the israel's genocidal war on the gaza strip and the regime's relentless attacks. continue to leave a trail of death and destruction across the territory. dozens of civilians have lost their lives after israel's airraids and artillery fire targeted their homes and gatherings of displaced people. air strikes in baitan in north gaza have killed aparad medic and left three others injured. in central gaza, israel's bombings in the city of deira balak killed two people additionally, two civilians were killed and several others injured an air strike on the nuseirat camp. in the south, israel's
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artillery targeted the vicinity of nasa and al-amal hospitals, injuring number of civilians. four palestinians including two infants, were killed in attack a house west of rafa. the palestinian health ministry says the regime's forces killed 62 people and injured 91 others in matter of 24 hours. the death toll from the israeli genocide now tops 33,00 with over 75,600 injured. the united states has approved the transfer of thousands of additional bombs to israel as the regime presses ahead with this genocidal war in gaza. a new report citing a biden administration official says the package which was approved this week includes over 2000 unguided and 1000 small diameter bombs. according to the report, the munitions will come from previously authorized supplies and are not slated for delivery before. for 2025.
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last month, the us state department authorized the transfer of billions of dollars in bombs and fighter jets to israel. report say washington has quietly made more than 100 weapon sales to tel aviv since the regime's onslot on gaza began early last october. the armed supplies fly in the face of the us call for a cease fire in gaza and emid increasing international outcry over israel's heinous crimes across the territory. the head of the charity organization doctors without borders has slammed the israel regime for the quote deliberate attack aid workers. christopher lokier was referring to an israeli strike on monday that killed seven international aid workers associated with a us-based charity world central kitchen in the gaza strip. let see listen. humanitarian in in workers are protected, iffs, no buts. we do
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not accept the narrative of regrettable incidents. we do not accept it because what of has happened to world central kitchen and msf's convoys and shelters is part of the same pattern of deliberate attacks on humanitarians, health workers, journalists, un personnel, schools and homes. this is not just about implementing effective deconflection mechanism. our movements and locations are shared, coordinated and identified already. this is about impunity, total. disregard for the laws of war, and now it must become about accountability. it not only shows the failure of deconfliction measures. it shows the futility of these of measures in a war fought with no rules. that these attacks on humanitarian workers are allowed to happen is a political choice. israel faces no political cost, instead, its allies enable this brutality with impunity and provide even more weapons that may. and
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kill civilians indiscriminately, international medical charity doctors without borders has accused israel of deliberately and systematically destroying gaza's health. system a senior msf official said deadly attacks on medical and humanitarian staff include either israel's deliberate intend to destroy the territory's health sector or is reckless incompetence. meanwile amber alian added that gaza's hospitals are grappling with levels of carnage a daily basis that no healthcare system in the world can cope with. she said the vast majority of injuries in gaza are explosive injuries caused by the regime's bombardments of homes. she emphasized that no amount of field hospitals can replace the healthcare system that existed in gaza before the israeli unslaught.
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major international aid groups of called for immediate cease fire in gaza. they say countries that are arming israel are also obliged under international. to protect people from the regime's quote atrocity crimes. the eight groups including oxfam and save the children also slammed the israeli regime for restricting aid delivery into gaza, saying it is now almost impossible to work in the besieg territory, meanwile the president of the medical charity, doctors without borders blasted the west for arming israel. isabel defny says the us, britain and france are complicit in what is going on in gaza, which amounts to... genocide, she said, israel is waging war on an entire population which is trapped, deprived of food and massively bombed. she added that gaza is progressively being made unfit for human life and has passed the threshold of absolute horror. author and journalist robert fantini
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believes that israel does not want to cease fire in the gaza's rep. let's take a listen. israel government doesn't want to see fire agreement of any kind, because that would prevent them from slaughtering the rest of the population of gaza and being able to annex gaza strip, which is what they want to do, they will continue to to to annihilate the people there, to destroy the infrastructure, all under the myth of protecting themselves from what they refer to as an existential threat, it is palestine, not israel that is facing an existential threat, but that's exactly why the... government will not uh will not move towards a ceasefire because they want to uh end palestine and major step in doing that is annexing gaza and in order to do that they have to destroy the people of gaza or drive them out into egypt into refugee camps as was
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done uh 75 years ago and many of those people have been unable most of those people have been unable to return despite the uh international guarantee that that they can, but israel is not has never been a a reasonable partner for in so-called negotiations, which are ridiculous, and it's not a reasonable partner now in looking for a ceasfire, because a ceasfire is not its goal. israel knows that whatever it wants to do, the united states will back it financially and diplomatically and militarily. this is a policy of the united states that has been ongoing for decades that makes no sense. the united states is coming down again on the wrong side of history and will be associated with genocide for decades and decades to come. yemen's answerullah leader says the united states is complicit in israel's genocide in gaza by providing the regime with weapons, experts and intelligence. speaking
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a televised speech on the eve of the international quts day, abdul malik said us's uninterrupted arms shipments to israel have exposed this its. democracy on gaza, head that washington shares the regime's criminal intention to kill off palestinians. houti said israel has received the largest american military aid since world war ii. he also slammed certain arab states for the failure to support palestinians and their cooperation with israel. without naming such states, he said some of them are even complicit in israeli crimes by providing aid and goods to the regime. alhuthi also called on yemenis to pour into the... streets in their millions to mark this year's goods day on friday, he emphasized that yemen stands on supporting the palestinian people will never change. a senior mass representative in lebanon has slamed the israeli atrocities in the gaza
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strip calling on palestinians escalate the acts of resistance against the regime, a proof of the unity and cohesion of. against the enemy and against the settlers, the blatant crime committed by the zionist enemy against the al-shif medical compound and the medical teams and the unarmed civilians and ill and those were with them and the displaced in the hospital and in the surroundings of the hospital, over a period of two weeks will continue to witness the brutality and savagery of this enemy which we have tried for more than seven. osama hamdin said in a press conference that all plans of the enemy against gaza will be destroyed in
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the face of the palestinian resistance. he also mentioned the israely attack on charity workers in gaza saying that the strike shows the depth of israel's brutality as the regime keeps violating all international norms and laws. the senior mass official condemned the continued us support for israel saying that washington is responsible for tel aviv's crimes against palestinians. on the notion. of talks for a possible ceasefire, he stress that any deal must lead to an end to the onslaught on gaza and the withdrawal of israeli forces from the territory. speaking on the eve of the international quds day, hamdan call for worldwide rallies in solidarity with the palestinian people. haver!
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is electrical energy or electricity, honestly, if fossil fuels are used properly, i think most polluted cities would become pollution free. welcome back, the leader of iran's islamic revolution has held prayers of the body of the seven iranian military advisers killed in israel's monday attack on iran's embassy in syria. ito lakhamani prayed
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over the bodies after meeting with the families of the marties. the bodies arrived in tehan from the syrian capital earlier on thursday. the official funeral ceremony will be held on friday, which coincides with international quds day. the israely attack killed two senior iranian military commanders and five accompaning officers who were on an advisory mission to syria. every year, people supporting the cause of palestine mark international goods day worldwide on the last friday of the holy month of ramadan. the day was designated by the founding father of the islamic republic of iran, the late imam khumaini in 1979 in solidarity with the palestinian people. this year dication will be honored on the coming friday. let's see what some of south african residents had to say about the pro palestan event. i was actually thinking um, after 76 years, some
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palestinians might say, after 100 years, thinking about international could stay, international day of the oppressed, i thought why we still commemorating this day a friday a holy month, why do why did we need a day for pressed people, and now... now with this awakening, what would this sort of encourage for us to do? for us as africans, we have come from a history of apart and a fighting apart even up until this day, and it is, and the international could stay will will truly show the inequalities that are happening, not only just in south africa that are continuing since the door of democracy, but also um how to fight for liberation and freedom for the palestinian people. "it again shows the the quiet brilliance of of imam khumaini that yes
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uh on the over and on the explicit he looked a particular way and yes we know how he was demonized in mainstream media for looking a particular way um but the wisdom um and the way in which he approached people and i'm not going to say muslims it's certainly it shows one how it transcends a particular space and a particular time where the focus was on the revolution the day of" 'cut is also the day where they oppressed actually separate themselves from all that is oppressive and for us to have been able really to face our governments and the powers that be'. to remind them of the oppression and also to make the oppressed away of the condition and today now 45 years later we see actually the results of this of what's happening currently in gaza you know and how this there's a global awakening our corresponders in belfast
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renish has asked some people there about the international goods day and it's important to the palestinian cause, let's see, listen, iranian government choosing such a symbolic day as the last friday in ramadan as alkuts day as a day of celebrating solidarity with the palestinians really shows that solidarity with palestine is their number one foreign policy priority and has been since the revolution, so i think that palestinians especially in these days in midst of war, starvation and genocide uh will... treasure this act of solidarity more than in any year before, and i believe fully that the israeli ambassador should be expelled from ireland. i believe that everyone, everyone has a right to protest and and should be on the streets calling for this genocide, this mass murder, not only to be stopped, but we should be calling for netanyahu to be in the hig and
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and and the international war crimes committee should be taken him for the... crimes against humanity that he has created in gaza, as i said, it's one thing to murder innocent people with bombs and with bullets, but to use hunger, starvation and and and famin as a way of murdering and weapon out innocent men, women and children is aborrent and is the worst crime in humanity in in a long, long time. it is definitely genicide caused by the scientists, definitely and... didn't happen on the 7th of october, this has been going on for years, israel, the palestinians have been living an open prison for years and years, and i think it's ridiculous that the west isn't seeing what's happening, well they are seeing it, but they're doing nothing about it, and that's was so frustrating for the people to watch all these children, men, women, we boys, not
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getting murdered, i think it's it's absolutely disgraceful that that the west acts like it does, "the west funds this, funds this terrorism, i call it terrorism, that's exactly what it is, it's it's been terrorism for the last 75 years in palestines, was we are stunning here in west belfast in ireland, we are all palestinians and our thousands and our millions, we all need to be palestinians so that from the river to the sea that palestine will be free. on the eve of the international woods day, iran once again calls for a referendum in the occupied palestinian territories to resolve the century old issue of the region. in a statement published online, iran's foreign minister said tehran believes that the palestinian question should be resolved through a referendum amongst all original inhabitants of palestine that includes christians, muslims and jews. hussein amir
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abdullah yon said lasting peace in the region can only be achieved by addressing the root causes of the problem. he noted that al-a flood operation was in response to israel's 75 years of occupation and continuous crimes against palestinians. iran stop diplomats edge the international community and muslim states to take practical steps to end israeli crimes. he also blamed the us for the continuation of the war on gaza and the obstruction of efforts to end it. anti-nato sentiment in italy keeps growing as the military organization has marked his 75th anniversary. many in italy fear that nato's aggressive posture could escalate the ukraine conflict into a full-scale war in europe. is more. thursday marked 75 years since nato's
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founding. italy has been a nato member since 1949, the year the north atlantic treaty was signed. practically, since it became a republic after world war ii, on thursday, a protest was held in rome in the surroundings the highly strategic nato interforce summit operational command. protesters said nato is no longer needed since the ussr was dissolved, adding that the us led military organization has profoundly changed its nature over the years. nato's 1999 adoption of new strategic concept changed. everything, the new concept also included the safeguard of political and economic interests and the possibility to act in conflict management and crisis response operations, including those beyond alliance territory, that's when... nato was turned into an offensive organization, a world policeman. since the end of world war ii, italy has become the home of more than 120 nato and american
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bases, some are well-known, while others are secretly positioned across italian territory. italy is the european country with most us and nato military bases its soil, followed by germany and great britain, the largest portion of italian territory that is under nato. military servitude is on the island of sardinia where for decades locals have staged protests against the nefarious effects of military exercises both on territory and on the health of people and animals. on our island we have recorded a skyrocketing rise in the number of congenital defects in cottles, malformations in animals, but what worries us the most in sardinia is the correlation between nato military exercise.
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foreign minister antonio tayani reiterated that rome is not going to send its troops to ukraine hinting at the possibility of resuming relations with russia in the future. max chively press tv, rome. pakistan's authorities have detained dozens of individuals in the aftermath of a protest were demonstrators chanting anti-israel slogans set fire to a kfc restaurant in pakistan's administered kashmir region. our correspondent nasa khasm reports from islamabad. tempers are running high in pakistan over israel's onslot in gaza. in
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dramatic incident a kfc restaurant in pakistan administrated kashmir was set ablazed during an anti-us israel protest. following the incident, police detained over 50 individuals who were accused of attacking the restaurant in the mirpur district. "we do not support the burning of kfc, but we want to bicot it as it is in support of genocide. we stand with boyot and we do boycott, we do not want them, we just want them not to fund israel and help them in their genocide. the arson comes as us israeli genocide in gaza shows no signs of abating. the regimes attacks on all areas of the besieg territory, including hospitals, schools and aid convoys continue. we are ' already seeing the impact on the economy, on the financial decline of mcdonald's and baycott, it's huge, even in some countries, in arab countries, those
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outlets are being closed because nobody is buying it. the on going genocide in gaza has fueled anger and frustration among people worldwide. prompting calls for byycots against entities believe to support israel financially or politically. what is something that we are um... "you know what, this is what we feel from our heart, from inside that we don't want to support their economy, we don't want to support the companies that are supporting these riley soldiers, so for that we need to boycott, i know this is not a permanent solution, but we have to boycott. authorities are now faced with the challenge of managing the fallout from the incident and preventing further escalation of tensions. as temples run high in pakistan due to the call for bicotting pro us and pro israeli brands that..." targeted destruction of a kfc restaurant represents the symbolic reaction the people both locally and globally against us israeli genocide in gaza, nasik azmi,
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press tv, isamabad. they have those with the top stories on press tv. thank you for being with us, take care and bye-bye.
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3000 years have passed since king david and his son solomon built a place for worshipping god. that worshipping site is now called al-a mask. it's no surprise that this mask is respected by all muslims, christians and jews. the history of each of these religions
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is intertwined with the history of. and this mask, the israelite prophets all arose in this region. after setting for in algod, jesus immediately entered this worshipping site, from which he began his prophetic mission. muslims regard al-aqsa as one of the four major masks, which they adopted as their first qibla or worshipping direction in the early years of islam. the name of this mask is intwined with the miracle of mirraj and night when prophet muhammad miraculously traveled from mecca to alqsamask and then ascended to the heavens and spoke with god's angels and aksamask was destroyed, rebuilt and renovated several times in different historical periods. in 1099 and after seasing algods, the crusaders built a church inside an aksamask, however six years later,
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salahuddin ayyubi. recaptured it, he renovated the mehrab of the mask. al-aqsa has gone through many bitter and sweet experiences, the bitterest of which was the day when the zionist occupiers took full control of al-aqsa after a six-day war.
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64, every swiss woman of childbearing potential would give birth to almost three children. c'è il messaggio per intanto attuale è questo e quindi questo è venuto dopo che lei ha detto praticamente, in un
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secondo tempo sono anche da... arrivati problemi finanziari e quindi quando tu hai dei problemi finanziari comincia a pensare a tutt'altro che magari mettere su una famiglia. out over a large area. 37.9% are single people, 24.7% are couples without children, and only 27.3% are couples with children. just shy of the six months that the us is really genocidal war on the palestinians in
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the gaza strip, the israel regime has shown its true colors yet again by targeting a us-based aid truck. does this incident show regardless of the origin of aid, israel targets them to prevent aid from getting to palestinians? in this addition of the spotlight we will look... at other targets from the press to hospitals, also a look at the developments in the occupied west bank where deaths and the number of palestinian entertainments in particular continue to rise. first let me introduce our guests. patrick hennicson, geopolitical analyst joins us from los angeles. also joining us shard case, international coordinator at the sami doon palestinian prisoner solidarity network from vancouver. welcome to you both uh patrick hanning, let me first start with you in this incident with the us-based aid truck uh where seven gaza aid workers, it included uk, us and australian citizens. uh, we saw lot of uh reaction from this overwhelmingly.