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tv   [untitled]  RT  September 9, 2010 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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thinking about. getting back to basics right well of course the entire economy is geared toward moving in the complete opposite direction so it's going to take a herculean task to overcome the forces of centralization and now globalization alright well my chance of thanks so much for being on the kaiser report big mix already that's going to do it for this edition of the cars the report of max kaiser and stacy herbert i want to thank my guest like jackson if you want to send me an e-mail please do so at kaiser report at r t t v dot ru until next time this is max kaiser saying bio.
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as militants are changing tactics off to another bomb was defused a power in another southern region close by. boosting democratic development and strengthening international security today global policy
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for kicks off in the russian city of the arse with influential thinkers politicians and well leaders all taking part. the pilots who became heroes new details of the amazing escape for a plane crash landed in a remote forest leaving all eighty one people on board shaken but on. u.s. delays announcing plans to remove its military presence from the japanese island. say the marine base is damaging the environment pushing up the crime rate. and the u.k. special envoy to afghanistan steps down speculation is that he was forced out of his criticism of the military campaign that.
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you're watching r t will straight to some breaking news now at least five people have been killed and dozens were injured as a powerful car bomb attack in the central market in the southern russian city of. reports say the explosion was so powerful that it damaged nearby buildings and far far to a working the scene at the moment and the head of the republic of north a setter has also arrived there to assess the damage. well meanwhile in the nearby republican doug a stand up powerful bomb has been defused at a hydroelectric plant it follows an awesome attack at a facility that's being blamed on militants the bomb was placed under a sixty ton oil tank and would have caused devastation if it had gone off a special robot was used to diffuse the remote control device he saw searching for a worker disappeared as a fire broke out at the station on tuesday a security analyst on xander sort of on off says it's
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a sign that militants are changing their tactics they have done a two of first shill the inability of the authorities at present to provide security mainly in the region of north caucuses and the second you know that's either a structure is one of the of key elements to modernization of the country which was announced by old presidents and this is a major threat to many people living nearby those hydroelectric power stations so fist of all the aim is to destabilize the atmosphere to be still fear within the citizens in the advice it is threatened by possible and then induce a gesture fees the measure of security have to be intensified not just in reports to the presidents to premier because you know that these attacks happened shortly after the triumphant revolt old mr boyd nick of how the federal security service to presidents all the successes of the operations in the caucasus so i think this was
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part of the reaction to that's triumphant reports and of course not just the federal authorities but the local authorities have to be more vigilant of the situation they have that happens we'll keep you updated with the latest details of that blast in north as we get it during the day but now we can across to the russian city of the us larval and our continuing coverage of the global policy forum the bill in safety. thank you kerry and for the next two days we'll be bringing you full coverage of global policy forum which is being held here statesmen and strategists investors and innovators some of the world's best minds all gathered here and they'll be grappling with issues such as boosting global security and improving the democracy
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their representatives from twenty million countries and it's being supported by russian president dmitri medvedev of course would also have all the latest news developments from russia around the world. the city of here slava is about two hundred fifty kilometers north east of moscow on this on the list of unesco heritage sites this weekend the city marks its thousand day around diversity and we'll be following the celebrations here on r t you could say that the city is an example of how far globalization has come and now this global forum has come here to talk more about the forum one of the top of banks in russia's political we're joined by katrina. katrina the scale of this event is really quite something isn't it can you in total for us some of the the main aims and issues that will provide the focus for the forum here. bill as you and sophia both know this is quite a new platform especially in the international community this is only the second
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year that the world policy forum is being held here in the russian city of yugoslavia but already many of the guests that we've managed to speak to the participants are being quite optimistic about its potential and what it could possibly bring to the international community the discussions that are on schedule this year the discussions that and of course that the debates that were held last year all very significant to the twenty first century the growing up democracies the strengthening of economies and russia as many here believe it could play a key role in that. russia. as a hugely important influence in europe and in the world it has a right to be held and it has important things to see. it is however too often misunderstood suspected and ignorant play written off that is a mystique so this global policy forum is
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a chance for russia and one of its most important and historic cities to showcase its positive role in the world and be unafraid to to feasts constructive praise and even criticism. now to talk a little bit more about the role as mentioned of course by the former nato secretary general i'm now joined live by dr adrian pabst who was a lecturer of politics at the university of kent and also a frequent contributor to such well known international newspapers such as the guardian and out of moscow news thank you so much for being here mr fleischer no just to cover some of the thing is that the nato secretary general has mentioned about russia's role in the international community in the twenty first century about developing some of the things that were mentioned in today's schedule what is your opinion on what i think it's not
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a very important point which there were two new stage of international it's no longer about east and west of north and south and now so many common challenges economic environmental also political and it's very clear about countries like russia with a long cultural intellectual tradition have a lot to offer in terms of trying to understand the problems and trying to find common solutions and he mentioned challenges and of course one of the perhaps most threatening challenges to the international community today is the threat of terrorism unfortunately there's just recently been yet another explosion in the troubled russia's caucasus region in the capital of there is probably of north sets you know what do you think is russia's and the international community's position on that what could be done to minimize and stamp allies that volatile region well of course many local friends. always with terrorist attacks but they're also trans local tribes regional factors such as. network sort of rights and i think clearly what needs to be done is much more cross border corporation information exchange on
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networks and trying to fight this ideology that really fuels this ongoing conflict and one way to do that is to take religion very seriously and to think how actually we can integrate religious minorities but also make clear about extremism in the name of religion can never be tolerated not by religious believes them. well by people who might not share their faith in this form is of course a very new platform it's only the second year do you see any prospects for in the future as a permanent platform for the international community i certainly see a lot of potential because i think the case of pavel's makes very clear that international economic and financial debate can be extremely influential battle started off as a small initiative and has grown into a global fixture and i think it has the same potential if the focus is on the i think it's important that we move away from just the criticizing each other or lecturing each other or simply talking at cross purposes and really try and find the common mode and i think debate exchange critical questions and constructive
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contributions is what's needed and i think the format is just wrong in that direction and i look very much forward to seeing how about what unfolds in the next two days we'll be looking along with the bill selfie that's dr adrian pabst talking about the need to not only talk but listen. now is our correspondent i do not as out of a global security is going to be one of the major topics during the forum ahead of the event i spoke to robert skidelsky who is a british economic historian now he says the e.u. should consider russia's proposal for a new european security treaty. russia should be a much more effective part of the european security system and not be outside. because the european actually european military is very very weak the very to military power in europe the french and the british the rest haven't they do anything really but this small and there's no unity.
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sort of agreement to create something larger and russia has a has a has has good military forces and they're becoming increasingly modernized and specialized to the kind of work. that military forces have to do today which isn't a huge war but to the top of the counterinsurgency operations peacekeeping operations and so on so russia could be a great asset for european security system and president medvedev has suggested a new security concept that would include russia and we should we should take him up on that and really see what we can do with it because after all russia is part of europe it shouldn't be outside it. and you can watch that interview in fifteen minutes from now. we'll have
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more live coverage from the global policy forum here in the city of in the next hour so do stay with us for that here. when the news is off. when something really crucial what you want to get down to brass tacks with special coverage. this time the latest news from the global policy forum live broadcasts special guests discussions on the view in the modern state in providing security and stability of the present day world. question. an update now on our top story at least six people have been killed and around fifty injured in a powerful car bomb attack in a central market of the sudden russian city of. reports say the explosion was so
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powerful that it damaged nearby buildings there are concerns another blast could follow with the site is being evacuated police have cordoned off nearby streets and the head of the republic of north of setia is there to assess the damage. let's look at some other news now prosecutors are investigating the crash landing of a crippled russian airliner in the northwest of the country all eighty one people on board had a miraculous escape after electrical systems on the plane failed what it was in flight and it ran into trees tom bottom reports from one of moscow's airports. the pilots and engineer have just returned heads of new cover airport in moscow they'll now go and talk to some psychologists for some deep breathes and counseling for any stress they may have undergone and what was a very tense monday they've also been helping investigators at the site trying to work out what happened and that's what investigators will be doing in the next week
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to ten days trying to get to the root of this search engine that tickle failure they currently say in a preliminary statement that they think that three out of four the plane's electrical generators failed but for the full story on this remarkable crash landing will go to my report. new reckless that's what experts and passengers a calling the crash landing of this plane in the russian taiga without anyone injured most even the most willingly ever in history and ended up in the woods imagistic crews arrived to find two week everything was organized very fast asleep it was not for the professionalism of the crew we would not be standing here. the tupolev one five four was flying at ten thousand meters on its way to moscow from russia's far east when there was a massive electrical failure the plane lost all automatic navigation and communication its fuel supply and wing flaps were crippled meaning i had to land
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quickly and at higher than normal speeds even the lights in the cabin and cockpit went out by sight alone the pilots found an abandoned their strip in the depths of the forest and managed to land on the third attempt but the look of course it's not being used for what it was intended because it's a helicopter airdrome the ground was too hard and without any runway markings but you have to be a monster to land the plane like this what is most important is the insurance and ability and professionalism of the whole crew if the whole crew listens to their pilot and he really acts with responsibility for the whole plane this is the main thing this means it's. professional crew the proof is that no one was injured on board the plane the runway was too small for the plane and it overshot plowing through two hundred metres of trees before stopping but despite the danger all eighty one people on board were evacuated to safety investigators now pondering what caused such a massive electrical failure providing that to police what fifty four is not quite
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the brand you have to craft and i'm sure that that craft was manufactured probably at least twenty years ago where you would more. i believe there is a chance that they could we plant was just more of our raw satellite which owns the plane says it wasn't aware of any issues with it so when a professional investigation committee is working out the site to find out what really happened before the flight the plane was functioning normally it on the ground planned technical maintenance and preflight checks after seventy two passengers every two people and married couple refused to continue their journey by plane they went by train there was no real panic when the plane landed there was slight nervousness because there were emergency slides and everyone was anxious to leave the plane as soon as possible but the stewards did everything well and the evacuation was done in a normal manner and. the pilots are helping investigators to examine the scene before following the passengers back to the capital in
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a few days but whatever the technical courses there already calls for them to receive medals for bravery and skill with the passengers now back in moscow everyone's awaiting the return of the two pilots and when they do come back it will be to a hero's welcome the airline that owns the aircraft al russell airlines says that even if the plane is found to be functioning normally after they will never fly again so although the plane story has come to an end the story of these hero pilots is really just beginning. at least six people have been killed and dozens injured by a powerful car bomb in the central market in the southern russian city of that he could have cause while correspondent. joins us live on the line now oksana what more can you bring us on this a bomb has been planted in a car parked at the entrance gate of the central market ironic of god this market actually is one of the beaded places in the cd and it's always packed with people
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that will go how mean a trip there is dead at least six people were killed and several dozen injured are also reports that the number of injured that reached fifty the enemy is now blocked by police and the but we do not rule out of ability of another explosion really i mean there are reports that the bomb containing canfield up being clear welding had not the figure came at the scene also eyewitnesses say that. super powerful that it smashed out windows into houses nearby well this is also a fire and we'll keep you updated on the situation. ok across products of i thank you very much indeed for now. the u.s. navy has delayed the release of its plans to move more than eight and a half thousand marines from their military base in the japanese island of okinawa and today is likely upset locals who are highly critical of the u.s. presence there and have repeatedly requested they be moved on and say the base is
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damaging the environment and pushing the crime rate up sean thomas went to a cannot investigate. since the end of world war two the united states has had a military presence in japan which some people living in okinawa are finding a nuisance i don't hate people but sometimes we have a. because of the. song. doesn't for. america. around eighteen percent of okinawa's main island is occupied by u.s. military forces here a week we can hear the noise of their airplanes which. have been maybe some crimes not only with this base but with their bases but.
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as we know it's also. they also helped me and people from. bases or depend on the basis leading some to believe that in order to provide a more stable future there needs to be less reliance on the bases we must. look on the direction and the more. we need to be independent. stations do need to market represents okinawa in japan's house of representatives and is looking to bring about change. it has been sixty years since world war two seventy percent of u.s. bases in japan are now. know that there are security measures and programs in place in asian countries we want the u.s. to reduce their bases games aside from noise pollution and space concerns one of the arguments against u.s. military bases on okinawa is crime according to the treaty american citizens
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attached to the base can't be tried under japanese law now most of the crimes about ninety percent involve drinking and dry. having or are traffic related but there are a few high profile crimes which include rape and murder which have put a strain on japanese us relations see them with us and he crimes do happen the japanese security cannot deal with them directly they must go through the u.s. military base command then you have to simply trust them and it becomes very difficult for the u.s. military declined an interview with r.t. but did give us this statement whereas a small group of people in okinawa vocalized that they are not happy with the bases many people there and on mainland japan fully support u.s. forces in okinawa and to japan the realize the vital role the play in the defense of japan and for regional stability and security but getting the u.s. out isn't as easy as a vote by the people japan's surrender at the end of the war limits the country to
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having only a security defense force as part of the treaty the united states officially acts as japan's military in case a conflict should arise that affects the country but now there is a small but vocal movement suggesting that it is time to review old policies that just aren't needed anymore. this situation in egypt has calmed there are no conflicts here any conflicts that exist or in western iraq and not here the people in okinawa think that the strategic value of these bases has diminished for the u.s. . but with china growing stronger as a geo political force in the region and the instability of north korea still a concern it is likely that the united states won't be leaving okinawa any time soon john thomas r.t. okinawa japan. and just remind you of the next two days we'll be bringing you live coverage from the global policy forum in the russian city of there we'll be talking to experts politicians every hour of course we'll bring you all the other news
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updates from russia and across the world every moment the very latest on the business desk stay with us. for the full story we've got it for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. hello time to get the latest from the world of business politicians at least in some
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countries have given up the pretense of economic recovery president obama this week called for another round of public spending to prevent a slide into depression but the debate is to find a balanced with others and europe determined to cut spending and bring down deficits so neither would vote for paul's. the rocha bum wants to keep another one hundred eighty billion dollars into the u.s. economy after a data suggesting the economy from house prices to jobs is shrinking again given his mood is at debating whether more spending will end a decade of contraction in the land of the rising sun russians to face a choice for the next few years we see free spending. we see a combination of private increase spending which we believe. i believe to be private capital will return to russia over the next twelve months in a meaningful manner secondly we do see increased spending from the government as well combination of the two should be the base for we believe to be five to six
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percent growth over the medium term the government plans to borrow more money this year but also spend their means of this to build zeeshan fund domestic borrowing is already accounts for over sixty million dollars and russia will be ready to issue your bonds in november according to the finance ministry motional same store digital will be boring a lot in any case a deficit of three point six percent is anticipated next year we also focus the twenty twelve deficit will be three point one hand two point nine to twenty thirteen the current situation has forced us to borrow and we will be spending from the reserve fund next year. the reserve funds have shrunk to a third of their former size when that runs out it will blow hole in the russian budget unless the government can pump up its moorings or one by. when his legs burbank presidential elections less than two years away on
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a list see politicians we spending cuts off limits you need to do a business or two you must. look at the stock markets now let's start with asia where the markets are up all the time in three days as wars europe's financial health spending bill stripped high and investor sentiment improved as the young chief a fresh fifteen year high against the dollar wednesday softened slightly. moving on to europe stocks are down in trade lloyds bank shares are rallying too and help was sent off to barclays capital boosted its rating from underweight. and most of the r.t.s. in the minds would stop this hour with all the major blue chips split off to the show as a russian call maker after us are rallying more than six percent. russia's credit rating outlook has been upgraded to positive from stable by fitch ratings the reasons for the boost accelerating growth a stabilizing banking industry and a flexible exchange rate policy from the central bank if each said it may further
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raise russia's credit rating if the government reduces the country's vulnerability to swings an oil prices. fell plunging interest rates three fold rise in boring on the syndicated lows market by russian companies corporate loans have jumped to twenty billion dollars for just under seven billion dollars from the year before for example took an unsecured loan this year at about one percent about interbank rights last year a similar secured loan by the same company had an interest rate four times higher. the russian call markets could return to pre-crisis levels of three years' time that's according to a new research from after stop russia would then be on the road with all the call markets like germany's many market watchers warned growth won't be quick enough to stop projects russian sales will be less than two million vehicles this year.
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russia's the con.


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