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tv   [untitled]    September 9, 2010 11:41am-12:00pm EDT

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so it all and took first place followed by sweden and singapore and russia's credit rating outlook has been upgraded to positive from stable by fitch ratings the reasons for the boost are exhilarating growth of stabilizing banking industry and a flexible exchange rate policy from the central bank which said it may further raise russia's credit rating if the government reduces the country's vulnerability to swings in all places. politicians at least in some countries have given up the pretense of economic recovery president barack obama this week called for another round of public spending to prevent a slide into depression but the debate has finally balanced with others in europe determined to cut spending and bring down deficit's they would hit our ports. they're at the bottom ones to t.p. another one hundred eighty billion dollars into the u.s. economy after a data suggesting the economy from house prices to jobs is shrinking again given
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his mood is a debating whether more spending will end a decade of contraction in the land of the rising sun the russians to face a choice for the next few years we seem pretty sure and if. we see a combination of private increase spending that we believe. i believe to be private capital will return to russia over the next twelve months in a meaningful manner secondly we do see increased spending from the government as well combination of two should be the base we believe to be five to six percent growth over the medium term the government plans to borrow more money this year but also spend their means of this to build zeeshan fund domestic growth is already accounts for over sixty million dollars and russia will be ready to issue your bones in november according to the finance ministry motional same store digital will be boring a lot in any case a deficit of three point six percent is anticipated next year we also focus the
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twenty twelve deficit will be three point one and two point nine to twenty thirteen the current situation has forced us to borrow and we will be spending from the reserve fund next year. the reserve funds have shrunk to a third of their former size when that runs out at a little hole in the russian budget unless the government can pump up its moorings or one buyers for every inch of state companies legs bear. and with presidential elections less than two years away and alyse politicians will respond in cuts off limits you need to do a business or two most. plunging interest rates of what two or three four rise in borrowing on the syndicated loans market by russian companies corporate loans have jumped to twenty billion dollars from just under seven billion dollars a year before for example local took an unsecured loan this year is about one percent above its a bank rate last year a similar but secured loan by the same company had an interest rate four times
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higher than. the russian markets ended in the black on thursday with the r.t.s. finishing up of wine a half percent and the last six just over a percent across telecom was the biggest gainer all of my six up over five percent backing in energy shares were also high with bt beginning three percent on the r.t.s. shares of sperm bank of lukoil finished up two point four percent. gazprom will boost investment by thirteen percent in the final months of two thousand and ten it will take the total sum for the year to about thirty billion dollars the money will go on keep gas transport projects plants and russia's far east along with the north and south stream pipeline projects. now look out the rest of thursday's company news eldorado russia's electronics retailer says it will exceed its profits forecast this year helped by the opening of four more stores the group's vice president of marketing says the company wants to become
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a leader in europe. so my goal over the next three years is to become the best in europe in the next couple of years we're going to rebrand the whole chain we've managed to recover and regain the confidence of both consumers and banks were quite profitable and we've announced a four percent ebit dollar year to date but we still have a lot to do we began the year with one target for profit but it looks like we'll exceed it but least one and a half times. roussel is to nominated chief to the board of north the us extraordinary election is settled for twenty eight votes being repeated after accusations of cheating during an earlier vote the two principal shareholders also in interests have competed for control of the board the list of candidates will be submitted on september twenty first at least at the latest sperm bank could offer a four point six billion dollars loan to rosol this month banks have had one graft
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all reporters in a slot and the other we have giant needs to refinance is debt to me a second on bank graph has also announced that the privatisation of nine point three percent stake in the bank won't happen this year turning to its operations he added that burbank expects its retail loan from polio to grow ten fifteen percent in two thousand and ten. that's all the update but you can always find most always on our website at r.t. dot com plus business.
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so much brighter. moving from funds to christian. means please don't talk t.v. don't come. breaking news here on at least seventeen people hoping killed in a car bombing at a mosque in russia is full of old north caucuses region around one hundred others were injured in the attack in the republic of north assessing security has been tightened all across the region. oh if we will be keeping you up to date with the situation in a lot of tough cost throughout the day but now it's time for the latest news with
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you. good to have your company this is sports the day and i mean you know maybe one piece of our headlines. final for the sole remaining russian woman left at flushing meadows. makes the semifinals of all the years in the last grand slam the very first time. serves on song serbia stone reaming champion spain in the quarter finals of the world basketball championships. clash of the giants take to the last five or to seriously challenge the dominance of the heavyweight division samuel peter appears for example. here is the only real world wander into unchartered territory on friday the last russian woman standing at the u.s. open booking her nor girl appearance in the semifinals flushing meadows now the
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wimbledon finalist earlier this year taking care of business against each one was a straightforward affair for it's already over but. perked up in the second this point typically a long baseline battle the ball goes out eventually twenty six year old is in the seventies a far cry from last season when the rockets. nation. were trying. the most important thing was to try and balance between being aggressive and i think. she now faces carline wozniacki the dane stopping dominic it's a book of straight sets a similar pattern to the last four clash this with was easing into the first set before facing a tough second unforced errors costing spoke of
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a deer in the slow by. making a muscle forty three compared to what is much more conservative total. it's business as usual for roger federer over in the men's side of action the world number two in clinical form against one of the few players to ever be some on the courts rob in so doing the slice through seeing all that see six four six four seven five with both men defying heel force wins york city. federer out of this year's french open but any thoughts of a repeat performance were put to the sword early on twenty nine year old federer to be dominant on serve sealing the wind with a succession of aces its old foe novak djokovic next for him up to the serb brushed . face also in three sets. the third seed how did anything but his own way in the opener only taking it tiebreaker the next two were a different story the man they called joker taking total control seven six six one
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six two how it ended up odds are things will be somewhat closer in the semi's against federer. who is. trying to use the we can use this kick. to give you the first easy. i was trying to think about think. you know. what happened or just kind of doing in the present moment. one day old on the third kontinental hockey league season has already thrown opposite champions are humbled by merger club. or something like this of course the cape charles only ever champions taking on the team depleted of star names but the squad. upset the courtesy of a superb opening third where they finished zero up. and giving
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hope to underdogs everywhere. let's stay with the league age is just a number as far as the els most high profile signing of the year dominic is concerned forty five years of age the czech native and two time hart trophy winner is ready to open a new chapter of his career here in moscow rich poor flea takes up the story. has been pretty much everything there is to. gold medal for the stanley cup and even if you. have to be cheer. for missing privileges trophy cabinet ok children are income people arguing hage completely made you think of. it was a difficult decision i think i felt like. i won big. red wings. won the championship. in the czech republic and i thought something still
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inside me and i also play hockey and to play a cage. it's something new for me and i want to do for myself but i just wanna have fun. when you're out of games and compete for the championship despite being in a major most goaltenders let alone full to be. their skates pushing since he's good and great stuff but you can pay me. cross see what i was in shape. to play like eighty nine games but i don't always. the war devoted cole says it's always his decision i would like to play i don't know what's eighty percent of the games but we'll see it's going to be having been in most cases just under a mum and she is well aware that he has a tough season ahead of him fully admits being a change is still the world's strongest lead since the cage show is growing and cheering from peculiarity especially around europe and its quarter i don't know how . that is a big. player said people saddam know about it more it's really begin russian
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insight into b.b.q. inevitable so we don't walk past it i could watch not only n.h.l. game some bit tricky but also. probably deserves getting with me should we certainly feel at home of this trip to moscow they wanted six players with all the chicks they wanted here as had his head coach bill is one of the main reasons why him he's gone time. been the favorite with this he's going to double agents he could pull do it but bowed to a talented but improving group of players which i'm told me don't see. that brings us on to the canvas where revenge will be very much in samuel peters mind this saturday night's the nigerian taking on i b s w b o b o heavyweight boxing champion in a rematch of their fight from some five years ago that night peter trouble the giant ukrainian more than any other fighter has done and to school is nine types of offenses to date pietersen the thirty four year old to the ground on three
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occasions before that score regained enough composure to win it on points to score younger brother of currently being seat belt holder for tally of a tough twelve run clash last time out against eddie chambers i was in march and his team say they're expecting similar on september the eleventh. really exciting fight first time the second time around i'll say no peters again it was mandatory challenger and so i rode through looking forward to this fight lattimer now it's title defense and he's pretty much established himself as the most dominant heavyweight and most consistent heavyweight out there in the last decade. i think on where they'll be no winning repeat for spain at the world basketball championships the holders knocked out by an opt for it serbian squad constantine to top off the story of the quarterfinals. where you get to their defeat at the hands of the spirits in the last two years eurobasket decider we.
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exult the twentieth of september last season. was much better as. it was a big opportunity just to see how much we grow our game and what we can do without them as players pulled years old and caustic a little on the reigning champions experience trouble from the solid shooting from the minute and going it's a belief in the spirit which railing by the end of the first quarter twenty seven twenty three said he'll lose with a pair of three shots got spin back into the twenty nine twenty eight early in the second quarter but market cash will mirror the three point zero from the corner to the way once again forty nine forty one to serbia top three being produced to ten lasting one of the start of the third quarter to take this seriously to begin my news will hit it high arching fade away over minute steve in this period six months or points to get within eighty six eighty four with two minutes remaining. three
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points all the way out to a charm of fernandes i want a bus to go for under is doing to take the score at eighteen all with just twenty five point eight seconds left and them english the other is issuing the clock out before hitting the killer effort with gemma hosa sealing the point and score at ninety two eighty nine to all their players with the edge the ball would follow them if not no because they were great great great great free throw sure there is they didn't touch it so we played with a while we had to go. nine metres. to the possession it's a great shot. meanwhile even though the feature to continue to make history is the easily slovenia to extend their winning streak to seven games this host doing anything to help the game finishing the course would have twenty seven fourteen unique mean to a jury hears the troops increase the lead to double that in the second home the home side who shared the same influence of the championships for the first time
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following the routine eighty six week three how it took it just as expected next and it still could be a service placed on the phone to complain about the owner team. and to football or aston villa have finally named their new monitor former liverpool and leon head the man taking over the reins in birmingham their sixty three year old frenchman takes over from kevin macdonald who had been in charge of villa park since martin left his post on august ninth houllier who guided the all to leave one titles knows english football well having spent half a dozen years liverpool the length of his contract hasn't been annoyance with phillip but it is no one he'll be in charge of the side for monday's premier league game i wait to see. that wraps up all the sport but if you're hungry for more do log on to our team dot com forward slash sports for more world weather is coming up in just a tick. you
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. know and. this history still keeps its secrets but now it's time to reveal that in the soviet files the cascine case evidence on oxy.


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