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tv   [untitled]    September 10, 2010 6:30am-7:00am EDT

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pression of islam is what i had seen on t.v. and in the united states they say a culture of islamophobia just doesn't make sense it's a rights of proper religion that's what this country was founded on just had somebody asked me the other day is also are you against america now and it's like ok. i'm a u.s. veteran as well i served in the u.s. navy and so i do believe in this country no matter what unfolds around her billing says she's proud to be a muslim if no one in the world wants to talk to me and my friend i saw. a happiness that might not make sense to those around her a little over three assure you there are tea annandale virginia. and that report runs up our coverage for this half hour of news but don't forget we bring you live coverage from the here the global policy forum in the russian city government level throughout the day every hour we'll be talking to the people trying to come up with the answers to the big questions being posed and of course
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we're also have all the other news updates from russia and around the world we're going to take a short break here on our team and we'll be back with you know. the dramatic and some firmness of. three. they managed not only to stay alive. but to keep their faces and souls in human
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circumstances. nine hundred danes in busy. through the eyes of the survive which. took every month we give you the future we hope you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world to join our technology update on our g. hello and welcome back to. full coverage of the global policy forum being held
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today all have more on the summit of course top of the hour first let's get you updated on today's top stories it's a day of mourning in russia's republic of north after a car bomb tore through a crowded market in its capital killing seventeen injuring more than one hundred. on the eve of the anniversary of nine eleven r t investigates why so many americans are converting to islam despite the extreme reaction by some people against it. and time for action in his speech to the forum russia's president dmitry medvedev called on the u.s. to step up efforts to form a new world security structure. the modernization of russia must continue no matter who runs the country or even what political system is used to govern it president medvedev. is
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a determination to root out corruption and to promote a more diverse economy she's been speaking to our. exclusive interview coming up right now. a year ago president reagan published his vision for the future of russia to fill us in on what progress has been made i'm not we're joined by his press secretary not that it's a makeover that ali thank you very much for joining me. but is there in his article a go russia published last year the president named corruption as one of the biggest problems slowing down the country's development according to some figures it's volume which is around half of the u.v. g.d.p. what's changed since then that is that no one. did a year ago in his article go to russia president medvedev gave a detailed and unflattering account of the situation russia is currently in it was not unflattering in the meaning of critical of the previous period and previous
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achievements no on the contrary they were giving credit but it was stated that the model of development russia had chosen and pursued until now is no longer viable the president named a number of reasons that stand in the way of the country's development corruption was named as a major reason for delay in development it is true that now competition is possible until we have a well built and up to date judicial system until we combat corruption and have fair unbiased courts and all honest and unbiased law enforcement personnel in without all this it will be hard for russia to secure a good place on the global scene also both in this article and his other speeches the president said that the task of combating corruption is quite challenging regrettably legal nihilism is typical not only of some layers of our society in the first place of that law enforcement agencies which have a greatest problems with corruption and at the group pratik machines it is generally typical of the whole society and most of the people every one of us has
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ideas that are far from an ideal about how various issues must be settled the brightest example we always mansion is the dealings with traffic police officials and are quite a few examples like this. therefore naturally the task to overcome corruption is set for more than one two or even four years it requires much more time because it requires not only some changes in legislation introducing more rigid rules for state officials businesses and courts but first info most it requires a change in the public opinion of these things obviously it will take time nevertheless many steps have been made over this year to start implementing the ideas outlined in the president's article i remind you that since last year the state officials are required to publish their tax return reports both for themselves and for their family members. in addition to that the anti-corruption council had by the president as active a number of amendments to the entitled option legislation have been adopted i'd
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like to recap we're not expecting immediate results it would be strange to expect them right now it is obvious that it is a long term scheme which will continue and which will remain a priority on the president's agenda but. russia is one of the biggest oil producers in the world but there has led to an economic dependency is there anything else that can take the place of patrol dollars. the president said that the country's dependence on oil and gas industry and oil prices has become devastating for our economy of course such a large country with such a large population and such a large number of open social issues should not build its economy and its economic expectations purely on the global oil and gas prices it would be a strange and unhealthy dependence that is why the president brought up the subject of modernization and the necessity to switch to new innovative economic development patterns in order to have other major so it is for our budget the nearly all well
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and gas we have made good progress over this year first of all large projects such as skulk of i have been launched last year it was just an idea while today. it's a fouth scope legal project with clearly defined tax preferences and with a clearly defined team it's overseas partners are adding in number it has been joined by such global companies as cisco and nokia and we could be saying that this project must become to some extent the engine of the bruises and show how the economy can be built and how money can be made in other ways rather than by oil and gas moreover and number of decisions have been made to support small and medium sized businesses and aspect of innovative technologies and we hope that this measures will yield results and the taxes turned in by the small and medium sized businesses will no longer be earned on the processing or resounding of goods but on innovative projects. go to the war she spoke with thursday's blast in which you've got to attack some more schools metro in more chin various incidents in the south
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of russia have made this year very uneasy many people lost their words what's being done to point their. the president believes that modernization is impossible without solving that problem despite the fact that we had a number of serious terrorist attacks this year in which unfortunately many people were killed our law enforcement agencies have been quite effective for instance they managed to arrest several people who are behind the most serious terrorist attacks incidentally i'd like to point out that this is an improvement because in the past security forces rarely were able to capture terrorists alive so now a number of terrorists have been arrested and interrogated the terrorists will all be nice the blasts in the moscow metro have all been killed. so this work is going on all the time perhaps it's not that old this at times but it is definitely a priority simmo tanny asli this story this work to improve the social economic
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situation in the north caucuses as you know alexander who are born in was appointed the president's authorized representative in the region and at the same time has the rank of the deputy prime minister his main job is to attract investors to the north caucasus and to create jobs there we hope that these measures will ease social tensions that terrorists often take advantage of. it's unreal because there's a world for that region across russia destroyed the whole country this summer you know any regions by surprised who is to blame rescuers see they're not responsible for preventing forest fires of forestry officers claim we do have the money to deal with all that is enough being done to prevent such disasters in the future. with this situation with wildfires this year was very serious and unfortunately it did not only destroyed buildings but killed many people too which of course is the worst outcome of these fires showed that local authorities in many places were not
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ready to protect people issue warnings they also show that there is a serious shortage of equipment necessary to fight the. fires we will drop necessary conclusions from this the president prime minister and government working on this there is a mutual understanding that the measures that were taken were not enough and there needs to be a more systematic approach to this work the president recently had in meeting where this issues were discussed changes could be made to forestry legislation so that our forests would be better protected from fires we need to define responsibilities of local and federal authorities because unfortunately in many cases the main reasons for tragedies were negligence or failure to follow fire safety regulations there were no fences and necessary buoys in the forest which led to the rapid spread of fire also this natural disaster showed that we need to get better equipment in many places they still use fire trucks from the 1930's they're totally
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outdated and all respects of course we need to have the latest equipment so that this never happens again so it evolves on logic that it judging by their comments a lot of people who read the president's vision expressed skepticism about reforms to the country's political system how can you make people believe change is possible want guarantees can you give that a bit as last year was a little. nickel the president talked about it in his article modernization in russia has usually taken place for some harsh measures just think about the reforms of peter the great or stalin's modernization it was in no way democratic it was done through totally tarion means many people felt victims of this modernization so it is a big question whether or not the end justifies the means that is why and he's article the president talked about how difficult the path of modernization was if we want
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to do it now in the developed democratic society of course as he rise in his article mordant society requires a mordant political structure it could be different. in every country that it is clear that the room you chill values mutual it through which is very you of human life freedom of opinion freedom of speech freedom of religion private property of course all those things that are up howden russia have to be protected and implemented as part of the political system that we are building. the president has proposed a number of amendments to legislation this in management allow the opposition to participate in the life of the country they have been cases where civil society appealed to the president directly and received a response that vast example is the situation around the him to forest it got the president's attention after the opposition as well as united russia asked him to start the process of clearing the woods and study the situation in more depth of
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the president has mentioned the issue several times it is important for authorities to stay in constant dialogue with civil society with its representatives expressing certain opinions so that there is always consensus on all issues. i see of people all the changes mentioned in the article can't happen overnight does president need to be of a plan to run for second term to see through all the reforms he envisions of what is a obviously a plan i don't think that's the right way to look at it the point is not just the second term the point is that like you said it will take more time to implement the plans declared by the president than just in here or to. today a large part of the russian people and the government support the gender of modernization proposed by the president it includes many long term projects that can be implemented in a year or two so this work will go on no matter who becomes the next president this
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is gender is not just some program that has been put together haphazardly it deals with serious urgent problems that have to be addressed regardless of who is president. and i tell you thank you very much for joining this was the press secretary of the president of russia not a little luck or. question is that so much time in which of course his wife on a couple of years and he gets angry all pervasive right wing media particularly television and radio are enormously influential in the us for some. who live in a country that don't understand that there's more violence in the streets of this country than there are in the streets in afghanistan or baghdad.
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one night in the spring. breaks or. does it just. goes to the. crowd gathers momentum. down the street the. sergeant of the israeli defense forces. during his service scorched the street fight. to fly in from the colonel of the chilean armed forces participated in keeping down a military revolt. the sergeant of the u.s. army. tried to become an american by getting pardon me and. franks and reasons
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differ but one thing brings them together once they disobey. if. you lose. if you. come from friends to pressure. starts on t.v. . it's a day of mourning in brussels republic of north after a car bomb tore through a crowded market in its capital killing seventeen injuring more than a hundred. on the eve of the anniversary of nine eleven all to
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investigate why so many americans are converting to islam despite the extreme reaction by some people against space. and time for action in his speech to the forum russia's president dmitri medvedev called on the u.s. to step up efforts to form a new world security structure. this is more news ahead from russia and the around the world coming your way from here in europe's level shortly but before that let's see what's happening in the world of sport we'll have you back to moscow and you know neal. to have you with us for this edition of sports today i mean you know. some of the stories we're covering this hour. russian rising mikail usually achieves his best
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ever result of a grand slam making the semifinals of the u.s. open. net loss it's curtains for the world basketball championships with team usa advancing to the semifinals in turkey. capital clash the first moscow darby of the kontinental hockey league season see sparks go to tell him. he's been a top fifty player for the best part of a decade and earned some six million dollars in prize money but what really drives me reaching a grand slam final a prospect that's never been closer for the moscow fight usually is into the semifinals. is the best ever singles placing a major tennis tournament a tough five set win over stanislaus for the way he did it in new york after breaking the swiss player serve in the second game of the fifth twenty eight there will never. be able to resist the swirling winds to serve often encountered but it
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was the russian you finish the stronger six seven six three six six three six three the final score i. know if you use me is to make it into the decider and he'll have truly shocked the world us at rafael nadal in the last for the world number one taking care of fellow spaniard fernando verdasco in straight sets. forgotten about quickly as an adult seven five six three six four of the top seeds moving ever closer to the only grand slam crawl into a two day. one title already decided this year is the mixed doubles top seeds. well brian living up to their billing with a straightforward six four six when the seated chef jules defeated and ate some who were she it's a second grand slam for the american per for their french open triumph last year. thirty two years ago the united states first lost in olympic basketball much the
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soviet union shocking the world cup day but there was to be no repeat performance from russia against their all foes out the world championships this week constantine to top off reports. one final for russia was regarded as a good result beforehand for a team lacking the biggest stars so david blood side had nothing to lose in this one and in fact to be over the u.s. would have been considered a sensation the russians produced hand to start from the playing confidently in the fans and trading three point shots nothing really separating the two teams at the end of the first quarter twenty five all the games stayed just as tight in the second american reducing the difference to just a single point here russia then went thirty five thirty up but that was the biggest gap they would muster the u.s. taking control scoring the next twelve points including a floating bowling from kevin durant the third quarter saw the americans move up yet another year lots chargers simply couldn't keep up to speed we tried very hard
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to. force them out of there we're going to force them out of their style of play there are memories that we were successful but for the most part in all fairness in all honesty despite. just by keeping it the game was in the control of the american team chauncey billups and more so who is what we're going to be at this stage combining for fifteen points then americans double digit lead increased there with west groups break way down in the last quarter they could flee with an eighteen point lead and it was clear that the game was in the bag long before the final boss of eighty nine seventy nine how it would finish drew on the key play on the course going thirty three points for mike your shift this team cool place to three any of her place in the final point on a better job which is making the easy pass i think you know. sometimes we try to make what we call a play maybe a pass or a four quarter past we just make it
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a right play. so you know we still got them always going that area but i think we've got better since you know some credit must go to the russian team who fought on. george who spent about an energy. moving to football where portugal are on the hunt for a new manager following the sucking of carlos queiroz the move coming a week after the fifty seven year old was handed a six month suspension for disrupting an anti doping test that plus portugal's recent her performances at the world cup twenty twelve qualifying lead to be the. archer who rushed out a full two years remaining on his contract with his lawyer see by. the former real madrid manager united assistant coach of being at the helm. joining. ac milan of officially unveiled new signings are being but i'm a bitch the brazilian cost the italian giants around eighteen million euros while
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the swede joins on a free from barcelona for a year both players are evening to resurrect their careers after us and revenue ensured a measure of time at his former club manchester city after falling out with manager roberto mancini while former inter striker ever have a choice frozen ice of barcelona follow. the twenty eight year old saying he expects to add to his trophy cabinet at the san siro i meet the arrival of being you and me you get to play is that likes to play football i mean. people that knows football do not that we can play football. that we give something back. to the people but not by. playing only we want to give them proof. meanwhile the french football federation has an elder its decision to suspend or former captain patrice evra from the national team for five matches ever had appeared before the appeals
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commission to ask its members to overturn the suspension he received for his rule in the french players training strike at the world cup the french federation then confirmed in a statement with elaborating the decision means. then one chest united defender will miss two euro twenty twelve qualifiers from talking ice hockey are where the opening bragging rights in moscow this season have gone the way of spartak the red and white sing off city rival cisco in their calls that the hockey league campaign kick off the game was also marked by a high profile debut that's a limp dick champion domenic the team or spivak took up a seat for this one. he may be forty five but demeaned harshit is still hungry for titles germany is now in holland for the garden called plain old school and what a chance it was for god's sake to get the staging area to run instead of it's this is old machine special the sports fans play could hear the money while i made the sign off again because. it's
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a great feeling if you see the fan said to supporters here and i think smog is the best sleepless friends in russia right have then it seems like the story of the legendary goalie head going to war to do early in the game to stall the trial and it's creating all sorts of all these for gosh all over the chair was inspired for. the help he steam needs to get into the game inspired joke with the girls wait for the second period they gave fielder made it to move for the red bride's but then it will stand for the dominate as you can see his first goal of the campaign and that was quite a goal in east bush and winds around biggie brilliancy to me get to run it was a fresh cold that says but it didn't lead for long aleksandr so well before stores where dexter go through should soon after three rounds but after two the year olds and in the third the game went in the same way as the red in boyd still needing tell you both to be game beyond ten minutes from time ceiling if intends to debut
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for domi gotcha and or their behavior says god we were talking about this game for her in the summer and most simple. when i think sixty minutes and holy crap and we controlled the game. five one was going to school the state comedically and. gold will be. up in the season. ten other teams also opening their campaigns on the night to thaw european champions. started off season three well beating up to mobilise the last team to win the now defunct russian championships. their first contest to be decided in overtime this year so it's. a big final third.
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also on the road it's. tom brady probably the greatest american football quarterback of his generation has walked away all hurt from a two car collision near his home in boston the new england patriots tell us man was approaching an intersection on a green lights when i crashed into his already. done and promptly took part in his teens morning meeting the patriots open their n.f.l. season at home on sunday against the cincinnati bengals brady is expected to play. rugby union chiefs in new zealand have promised last weekend's earthquake in christchurch won't affect next year's world cup the finals get underway exactly a year from now and the seven point one magnitude quake caused widespread damage in the south island city and also left a number of residents injured but ticket holders for the twenty eleven tournaments tough to change from sea world cup chiefs sitting seven games planned for christ
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church will go ahead as planned the fear is however of further problems with aftershocks in the region new zealand hosted the first world cup in one thousand nine hundred seven along with a stream. and that is all your sport for another do stay with us for the world weather. hungry for the full story we've got it from the biggest issues get the human voice face to face with the news makers.


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