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tv   [untitled]    September 12, 2010 10:30am-11:00am EDT

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through it all be back in just a few moments with headlines stay with us. from . the. dramatic example of this from nurses. courage. and
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honor. they managed not only to stay alive. but to keep their faces and souls in inhuman circumstances. and now nine hundred days in busy just learning ran through the eyes of the survivors. more news today violence is once again flared up the film these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada as true for chinese corporations are on the day.
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for the full story we've got for. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. every month we give you the future the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us. on our jeep. with. data from an electrical grid. and you can do what they're doing in california. resources. let's go to smarter. with the shortest in ten minutes in the history of time this is our t.v.
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and now a recap of the stories that shape the week of republic of north. the seventeen victims of terror attack that hit its capital market. and as the u.s. marks nine years since the deadliest terror attack the world has ever seen on the ground zero tragedy has led to zero tolerance towards people in american society. and the pilots who became heroes courage under pressure as they managed to crash land a crippled passenger jet in a remote russian for saving everyone on board. plus top minds gathered to discuss a formula for better peace and democracy the global policy forum in. the russian city which is marking its millennium year. and out the former talked to former indian president. and asked him about the global challenges facing developing countries and the future of his own nation.
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the world policy for me. is not only concerning on global security. and relations with foreign countries and many other aspects relevant to the international community to talk a little bit more about all of the issues brought up here in this. city and also about specifically the relationship between russia and india the chance to talk to the former indian president. thank you so much for being here with us it's a great pleasure talking to you now looking at your country now what do you think our what do you think of the steps that taking right now how do you judge india's position in the international community. you know.
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it's. great. you can relieve. the. progress. in the. nation. for the peace world peace. talk a little bit more about india twenty twenty. wrote a book saying india will become very different nation a much stronger nation by that time tell me a little bit more about it. people.
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said back. we had to get to. it. also. the question of developments and of course that's one of the. hardest hit with poverty and has been quite a problem. to. talk to that is how.
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and the. mission. that. national. happened. how. the. operation and the mission and. and. come to the. peace and prosperity. and. peace.
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but. so the prospect. in the. uk. what about specifically. the problem of poverty.
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as a nation. in . africa. and. that. the prices prices. are. pushing. the people.
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of course it's not only on the bilateral level it's also within the format of the bric brazil russia india and china what is your opinion of this union do you think that they have a strong position as emerging economies. india and china. did . you get. natural resources. that. the. people are prosperous. that. just brought to. it that would benefit
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the people of the region. you mentioned of course regional cooperation and. yours is a country that knows of course a lot unfortunately about regional instability just like russia there are problems . do you think that region has a chance to be peaceful in the near future. to be. would. you. want to be. at peace. to fight. it with. before becoming the president.
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what made you make the choice and turn to the complicated world of politics. the teaching. during. the. week. and. then i got a call. to. action and. i. thought i. should. just. stick. to the people.
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of the politicians but also the people so what do you think people remember you for . the people. i have to feel. happiness. happiness of the family. even. it's one of the hundred. people with students i asked a. few today. have you applied to. that. yet have. been started to mock. the happy. to have. been with the families of newtown
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families. for decades. one of the main goals of your presidency was the twenty twenty project but what other goals looking back do you think were the biggest ones of your times well i. just put. you do i see. it rush to the people at the palace of the pacific it's a beautiful place. i. guess you know. for the. beautiful but. for fact that it's ok with fragments. from. and. the system. i did but i mean the decent living katie and dad pushing can make scotch seven they'll support us.
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living in a country they don't understand that there's more violence the streets of this country than there are in the streets of baghdad. this parisian young man breaks or. does it just. goes to the. crowd gathers them a real business down the street with a. dramatic
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example of the firmness of. courage. and honor. they managed not only to stay alive. but to keep their faces and souls in inhuman circumstances. nine hundred danes in besieged linen ran through the eyes of the survivors. wealthy british style seinfeld's passed out on to. the. markets why not scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy in these kinds of reports on our t.v. they faced it this is not a provocation but
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a warning. before it and we should just step aside he assured us of a quick victory speech they have no idea about the hardships to face. plate one it's the says it all too nice to. free the army the life of a you say to me is the most precious thing in the world. is of self-sacrifice and heroism of the one. but you have to live a. real life stories from. nineteen forty five don't call. a recap of the stories that shaped the week russia's republic of north has more news of the seventeen victims of thursday's terror attack that hit its capital's a busy market. and as the u.s.
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marks nine years since the deadliest terror attack in the world's history we look at how the ground zero tragedy has led to zero tolerance towards islam by some people in american society. plus top minds gathered to discuss a formula for better peace and democracy at the global policy forum and a russian city which is marking its million year. end of the pilots who became heroes courage under pressure as they managed to crash land a crippled passenger jet in a remote russian forest saving everyone on board. it's catch up on all the latest sports news with kate partridge and i'm understanding there's some good news for ferrari but not for mclaren in today's grand prix showing yes britain's lewis hamilton went out on the first lap at monza and on the pitch jenson button to the checkered flag all the latest on formula one and the rest of the sport that's coming up now.
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hello welcome to the sports news on this busy sunday afternoon and here are the headlines taste. the moscow side failed to gain ground on leaders senate after suffering a one zero defeat at look at motif in the capital dhabi. while back on track and under alonzo catapults himself back into the formula one title race with a hard fought win in the italian grand prix. still king of the ring coke floor samuel peter to keep his heavyweight crowns. and that's kickoff for the football and in the russian premier league third place to have missed their chance to cut the gap on leaders in it following a surprise one they'll defeat at city rivals latif marquez my partner headed up twenty five minutes in proving to be the difference in the capital dobby the brazilian striker converting a penalty for only the second goal in russia this game was also marred by a brawl that sought to play
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a sent off twenty minutes from time but there were no more goals and one nil is how it finished remaining ten points off the top of the table three points behind them . who slumped to a shock defeat a clear set of them that georgevitch and probably scoring second half goals to get this from our side to no win however it was not enough for korea to escape the relegation zone in action now deny moscow they has telic from brushing me it's one all with thirty minutes to go and in the late kick off bust off welcome and sheet in the southern russian dhabi. there is an extended their one of the two know with a return home side got off to a perfect start after just three minutes to find anything that could reach that he didn't resign yet and it was to know just before half time the great through ball by danny setting up and cut off however would end the sound like to leave leaders rushing into. national one should off sent off for elbowing kim in the face so that
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remain unbeaten and six points clear at the top i. think we can have kept up the pressure on the leaders in it but i want to bring in some talk i just want you to brace this first. and this was a second again i want to take you go because i have a hard time keeping it the way they keep it then conceded penalties. go over. and over seven martinson is the man you converted because onside now travel simply to tell you why this by just six points at this game is more meanwhile while it's in score twice in spots to want to win over some certain age mcgeady setting up the first. instance responded fifteen minutes later a great buildup in the box and the new trick you're itching to finish about sixty minutes one time while it and it went out since the attack into the top six string
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strength pace the great city. was elsewhere too late goals for milan and made them she was in severe severe went ahead after alex and thanks to the afghanis an obvious and home crowd were set to celebrate a rare win with a final whistle approaching. defender none of them had it in equalized. the celebrations to stop there for a line your three minutes into injury time super sub collins managed to get on the end of an up and over for the winner north three points. meanwhile there's just one game to tell you about in the english premier league with liverpool looking for only their second win this season as they travel to birmingham the rest born in the u. fifteenth place in the table after picking up just four points from three games so far this season while birmingham fairing better that up to eight after chalking up to draw. one which while it champions chelsea were leading the way in england their
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three one win over west ham on saturday gave them their fourth clinton for the two point lead over all thrashed bolton manchester united are third after throwing away a three one lead against everton who scored twice in injury time to grab a point were also wins for full moon and blackpool. formula one now and mark webber is back at the top of the driver's standings after finishing sixth in the italian grand prix which is won by double former champion fernando alonso this panel starting over that was overtaken by reigning champion jenson button at the corner however the ferrari driver put himself back into the lead after the pit stops and edged the briton by two point nine seconds for his third win of the season long that leapfrogging button into third place in the championship and he's twenty one points now behind new leader webber wright of the race lewis hamilton history points clear at the top but went out in the first lap after colliding with ferrari's repay massa the mclaren driver seemed unable to steer right after the incident and he retired while musser would finish third. tennis now and vera
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zvonareva says she's disappointed with her performance in the women's final of the us open the russian losing in straight sets to kim clijsters who's defended her title in style on a rival had beaten the belgian in their two previous meetings but afterwards clijsters admitted she did learn from his defeat is in complete control of the final within an hour she took a six two six one victory to us open title. getting into the match which things were that i didn't do well in those two matches that i had that i lost to and obviously the one that woman was down to me like i said before one of the most disappointing losses that i've dealt with so far in my career so in a way you know i was excited to play her in the final here just to try and get that revenge i always believed in myself you know it's you know of course i'm disappointed in the moment i disappointed because i believe that i wasn't able to play my best survey but. i'm trying to look forward i'm trying to think about.
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trying to think about what i have to do next to do to you know to play better and hopefully hopefully i will have another chance i hope i will go far in another grand slam when i will be more experienced. while there is also disappointment filmic are usually the last in the men's semifinal to top seed rafael nadal a side in straight sets the russian struggling to cope with a top five baseline and quickly found to settle down showed more fighting asserts that he managed to break the spaniard for the first time in a match but the world was just too there is a conspiracy. feel that djokovic. remembered them because for me he's not a member in the final the last round number believe it was something near because i was around with bromance and now i. think i can say i did a very good. anyway. the result of tomorrow of course change
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a lot of the result of that more of a much of a model but. i am very satisfied. that it really. is not fast enough to me and. you surgeon was not ready for us i mean one more week where my card was one step back to my right and by the very thought of it. i think in too long in the world where i have to play its way forward and from mistakes. made because it's. so it's maybe not the final most of us were predicting as roger federer white be better off to falling to third seed just because you know five sets some amazing tennis in this match ephedra took the opening set seven five easing off the stretching one six then the swiss won the set but again djokovic responded to level one much so it went to decide and in that
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djokovic saved two match points at seven five ok so find a. way to do too much as if you remember the rest of your life. not just because you want to give the best players that ever played games these. dedication but as well you know coming back from match points down on the descent from spence is playing playing detainees and weeding in the end the three or. so i am very proud of myself and. there's a lot of emotions involved. or so students also show them in the end but you know it's been a tough it's. always some like to see there's a match like history that two winners for one guy have to win but it won't be written that way unfortunately. it's there it's a tough loss for me but it's only going to fuel me was more motivation to to practice hard and get back to the grandstand farms which i'm bad for the rest of
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the sentence but the feel like i'm playing well and i would have deserved as well to be influenced more if there was going to show up and i wish him the best. now there's a tasty final in prospect of basketball as well championships as favorites usa will take on the host for the title this sunday evening the americans meet with you at eighty nine chevy if you call yourself a finalist. by the forms from the very beginning i think they'll take twenty three so by the break they meet had increased to a comfortable fifteen points after that who may need to keep their advantage and they did just that once again kevin durant's instrument fit and passive sixty eight points. watch the dream team will face a hostile atmosphere in istanbul on sunday nights they have to play turkey for the world crowd off to the highest find a single point when i was celebrating the last four this should be a track of which i can think i may have an advantage. being a regular handicap because. she said different years and everything in
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twenty one days of the preparation. for united states v. because your spends forty five somebody said being from seventy days british that's wrong so we have arrived to do more shape motor shape then i'll bet against the. boxing match and it wasn't the best of fights to watch the show has successfully defended his i.b.s. under a heavy right title stopping samuel pizza in the tenth round the referee causing the back in frank let off the nigerian explode by klitschko a one sided affair that next on the bill could be britain's david haye your schools co-hosting a little time to talk up a potential fight that exists since seventy six in about what you know this fight is coming coming up with the. one making. the remake.


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