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tv   [untitled]    September 13, 2010 2:30am-3:00am EDT

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every month we give you the future we help you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join us acknowledge the update on our g. o subgame has been to their hangal speech. where the first russian fleet was going. on r.t. goes to the area which holds top position in oil and gas resources. where the biggest russian salmon cammy are processing factories located. and where unique species of foreign pharma can be found. come to some clean region. should close up on our teeth.
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first. in india oh geez available in the move go hard joint be. the gateway her to the ground imperial troy told west coast coromandel you can to let her tell her to sit don't need to go and . read this and the colonel was so told to retreat. you know you're watching all. the main stories we're covering today military ads
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are becoming second nature to americans with many saying that if you come into them they promote lethal fighting machines and showcase the from the us military defense budget cost americans their tax money to live over six hundred billion dollars a year. eliminating the signs of aging a medical breakthrough that could solve the problem of recalls and even cure some diseases may be just around the corner a russian doctor downed an antioxidant that stops the gradual deterioration of health comes with. sexual minorities in georgia say welcome in their own home that is the government on the orthodox church of encouraging hatred against them by labeling this central preference sitting in the disease. but at the global policy forum in the russian city of the os level hundreds of delegates met to thrash out how the world with
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adapt to ever shifting to months. was among the key themes and that's one which former south african presidents top news well sister channel on your home the foreman either at the gathering. mr president thank you very much for joining. us for the ideas of this forum one of the key in this form of the modern state to build a modern state. of theirs we can talk about some universal general proceeds or model. to how to build a modern state i am not sure about that but i think that the issues that have been put on the agenda legit to make the issues to discuss for instance within the
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context of that modern state. what what does what does democrats to me because i think that. any modern state would be democratic so the question then arises from that is is what is meant by democrats is that and this. model that a standard formula by it's a legitimate question to return to raise and i think given the forum which then brings together many experiences from men and from many countries i think it gives a possibility to address that question that questions are raised about the role of the state with regard to innovation technological development and so on obviously an important question because modern technology play such a very important role in the construction and development of societies it's legit to me to pose the question can you have a modern state which does not have a role with regard to that kind of technology and. if you must have
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a road. what kind of role should it play. what how much of this. is a matter of individual initiative. of scientists and engineers sitting in a private corner somewhere. you do need an intervention of the state does this go can this be done on its own i'm saying the legitimate questions and it's important to come together to. collect various experiences as it is to raise a question about security. in the modern state i think one of the questions as been raised here was you've got this very watering process of the privatization of war. you see these large numbers of private military contractors in iraq and afghanistan. who fall out. of the international law governing.
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so the question arises legitimately shouldn't there be more than state. yet is a new development with regard to the conduct of war. surely this must be government to allow its situation where you've called this large numbers of people. who are free. some kind of private enterprise if. they wish the kind of message that a force. without. possibility of the modern state to govern now which i think can be questions are legitimate and i think it's a good thing that you could get many people from different countries with their forward different experience. to say well what what what's the answer to all those questions talk about for example. experience south africa.
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institutions of democracy in south africa. do you believe there's. some relations between. experience of democracy africa and other countries in africa the function of which can be useful for other countries. for example. well i'm quite sure that there would be i mean. i think it's important they are some things which are. and which i think would be accepted as standard the norm about democracy. votes and you know all that kind of thing. independent judiciary freedom of the presence on those things they would create by by every point but i think what becomes critical. is to construct democratic systems which respects but peculiarities of national conditions i mean if you take our case take the case to which of the fed here you have
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a suicide to the press coming out of a terrible system of racism and you had to create this nonracial society and you've got a society that is very diverse terms of languages culture as a consequence of which we take a decision. that there shall be nine. eleven. official languages is to mind the state that this. would take a decision that there should be provided the constitution should provide for the establishment of a body. which would make sure that there's a proper representation of these different. religious linguistic groups to make an impact on the system of governance it may be that didn't i say don't you don't need them it's a case like that but in south africa and said lee sees things like that if you're dealing with a question for instance about sudan one of the big challenges of course he studied
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the historic challenge in sudan has been how to deal with that kind of diversity. to my nature and develop that kind of diversity such that it does not lead to conflict. that didn't did you build one country. bearing in mind respecting that diversity and it's a failure properly to manny's that diversity that's for it used to called streets in so i'm saying the south african experience perhaps at some point you might want to look at it and say the south africans recognize the fact that you are dealing with a divest society and the best way to keep it together is to respect it stuyvesant by law by constitution and so on not only in speeches so that you create the institutions and the process is a binding on society but what is the border between. the red line on the border between the internal issue the possibility of
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international intervention. such cases like sudan fortunately the african continent has got. the african union. to which all member states of the of the african continent belong. and that really is your friends point of entry in instances of. genocide war crimes and that kind of the union does not need the permission of the country where these crimes are being committed it can intervene. on its own. so it did that in that case it completely you can't hide it you can carry out crimes of that kind and hide behind the doctrine of sovereignty but normally. in any matter. obviously within reason it can be put on to its end of the african union and if the
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african union believes that is the mud that is of interest to everybody never mind dislocating in my cunt but it's of interest to the continent and didn't my token be discussed and a decision taken about how the african union might intervene or assist one bush george bush wasn't. we have about. something like export of democracy to other regions to other countries. do you believe that this very important thing like democracy is able to be exported to other countries no it's not possible. it's not possible and indeed you are quite correct where ned the us. preparatory to going into iraq two thousand and three and part of the argument was this business about. helping the growth and development of democracy in america and we made the same point that you cut you can't export
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democracy it's got to be homegrown it's got to be indigenous way to have any meaning it's got to be home grown to domestic one stick us must take it on board and so no you can't have just this business over and export that democracy it would not be it would not be democrats it's important it's critically important i think that the people must have the space to determine their future doesn't matter how poor they are. small they are the idea that you have some super powerful country. which knows everything about everything and therefore can come to any way and say we believe you need to see this is what democracy is and therefore do the following is obviously wrong and obviously would not go away so now it's kind of conduit to a different export of democracy but. as i said the creation of this space for people to be able to determine their future is very important from south of them
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because the former president of south african republic thank you very much for joining us thank you mr president i'm. sure is that so much knowledge among different angles i want to listen to give a real commitment full geopolitics a new fall towards we often talk about the emerging markets in terms of economic power now it is being translated into international geo political power. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images from world has been seeing from the streets of canada. giant corporations are old today.
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brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world to join us for technology update on our g. if. russia would be soon which brightened if you knew about sound from finest impressions. moves from stock totty dot com. they faced it this is not a provocation but warned of. a fourth it let me show you first step what are you sure the supreme victory speaks of they have no idea about the hardships to be faced. by one it businesses it is
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all up to new systems for any army the life of the usaf is the most precious thing in the world. from years of self-sacrifice and heroism with those who understand it fully but you have to live from real life stories from world war two most of. the to treat nine hundred forty five dot dot com. first from. fifty. five. military ads are becoming second nature to americans with many saying they've become immune to that they promote lethal fighting machines and showcase the through much of the us military defense budget cost americans at the end of that
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total of over six hundred billion dollars of. eliminating the signs of aging a medical breakthrough that gets old wrinkles even kill something since it's maybe just a group of russian don't claims to have found fields that stops the rush to terror health come to the age. and sexual minorities in georgia say their own broken in that home that accuse the government books church of encouraging hatred against them by labeling this section preferences of a city and a disease. and jews handled the latest from the world of sports. hello there thanks for watching the sport and this is what is making the headlines . fail to gain ground on
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a design eat after losing one nil at lokomotiv. plus is back on track when i'm no longer so thrust himself into the formula one title race the hard fought when. i walk car crash tom brady leads the patriots to victory just days after a road accident. let me start with the football where t. is scarring a missed opportunity this morning they were beaten one nil by locking motif in the moscow darby to lose thirty grand on the league leaders and eight the home side looked to have taken the lead after seventeen minutes three decided to of noting in the follow up to fierce parry but it was offside however another had a fan the net. found the back of them each net just eight minutes later alexander lost being in a corner from our quest michael into school what proved to be a goal of the game the recently signed brazilian notching up his second goal in
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russia the gang was marred by a brawl by their saw two players sent off twenty minutes from time but one nil was how it finished discussed day ten points off the top of the table. for three points behind to discard still for the spot that now taking some to show to no defeat it creates a ghetto george every broke the deadlock in the seventy second minute clear make sure the victory four minutes to a quick counter-attack and pavel called the have provided a classy finish after a fine combination said to know just how it ended but the three points were known not enough to help remove the dropped. remark the moment moscow came from a goal down to win three one at home to terry gross in the show. lucky low of thirty fifth minute i know was quickly cancelled out by kevin peraino the german striker heading home alexander some eight dogs cross saying minutes before half time passes for throwing just by going for the top of the club get it looked like the business is restored there late early in the second half is the ball hit the
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post and seemingly cross the line but the referee thought otherwise then and inspired some you don't put the nama in the driving seat a spectacular lope slipping through keeping with his finger and egocentric complete the scoring some crafty footwork from him leaving the goalkeeper little chance. on in the last game on sunday to miss by kelly jobs the winner off the fifty six minutes rostov one one no at home to angie in the southern russian garden. so this is how the table is looking after the weekend's any six clear of true being with a couple of games in hand then just five point separates rostock and sparta moscow . and then look at the other end since there are four adrift at the bottom with the other team in the relegation zone. meanwhile there is just one top flight game in england on sundays liverpool drew neil neil inform birmingham reds goalkeeper pepe
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reina producing a ring of fine saves as the home side went in search of their second wind of the season however they did finish their the point does move up to fifth while liverpool rise to place the thirteenth but it just one point behind the blues so little time table than in england. so far but his latest chelsea were the only side with one hundred percent red gold and at the bottom is west ham stoke and everton who are without a win. twice talking and now moscow have failed to take an early lead nearly jointly in the kontinental hockey league after sliding to their second straight defeat this time at the hands of after one. the least it was a back and forth. with the host securing a five four win less than a minute into overtime on the great ship olenka the hero for them it also finished in overtime in any other game of the day. netting the winner n.f.t. him two one defeat of the chaps. now it is the last grand slam of the season and
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we're going to have to wait a bit longer for a conclusion ryan has postponed the men's final at the u.s. open until monday another joke of it was due to play rafael nadal on sunday evening at flushing meadows in new york but bad weather delayed the final for a. running no such problems on the hardwood in the stumble where the usa have been crowned basketball world champions after defeating host eighty one points to sixty four had to go to clue gave the turks their lead at fifteen fourteen midway through the opening quarter but kevin durant's and company quickly turn the game their way and than themselves ten points ahead by the interval your round then hit the second to three points is early in the third quarter and the game is effectively over the home of six then the man twenty eight points leading the americans to death first goal in over fifteen years. grew too short a good. result from from such
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a blast. with the force of the future with. just days after being involved in a car crash quarterback tom brady has led the new england patriots to a season victory he threw three touchdown passes in their thirty eight twenty four win over the cincinnati bengals brady walked away and hurt from the accident then signed a contract making him the n.f.l.'s highest paid player and started to show what he was worth last night five minutes in his past find was the patriots seven points up . and they linked up again at the end of the first half to make it seventeen. i think. that lead was stretched to the start of the second half kickoff collected here by brandon tate the ranch right at the field for a ninety seven yard return touchdown. no stopping him at the bengals did pull the
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school back to thirty one seventeen with a touchdown of their own when the brady's arm gave the patriots for the daylight this time finding rob brown koski in went on to win twenty four. hours a winning star is the athlete's new coach pete carroll is the forty niners thirty one night matt hasselbeck three two touchdowns a run for another there something systemic and seem to struggle on their right under their coach mike singletary. wow. ok. and a quick look at the results there from sunday night went for the pittsburgh the new york giants tampa bay and jacksonville chicago detroit there and they use and got the better in that place quite a few games last night also not sure miami who defeated buffalo fifteen ten a big win for tennessee ever oakland arizona just got the better of st louis green bay and washington force that one. engulfed dustin johnson has won the b.m.w.
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championship to move into second place in the fed ex standings while tiger woods failed to do enough to make the season ending tore championship woods is still the world number one but finished tied the fifteenth at the b.m.w. championship in illinois that mention didn't collect enough points to finish among the top thirty plays in the fed ex standings and doesn't qualify for the season ending top championship which starts in just over a week johnson though had a sixty nine to win by short from england's paul casey the american may have been making up for his missed opportunity at the u.s. open and i lie second in the fed ex standings behind. both with dollar signs in their eyes where the finish. top of the standings will get a staggering ten million dollars it's. elsewhere martin kaymer of germany has won the dutch open the u.s. p.g.a. tour fourteen under overall four straight ahead of his closest rival christian you'll see of sweden in paraguay for but it seems
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a naughty climate is set to make his ryder cup debut as celtic manager next month. formula one now mark webber is back at the top of the driver's standings there after finishing sixth at the italian grand prix which was won by two time former champion fernando alonso the spaniard started from pole but was overtaken by reigning champion jenson button on the first corner however his shaky start was nothing compared to what happened to lewis hamilton the briton was three points clear at the top of the standings before the race but went out on the first lap articulating with ferrari's free from last mclaren driver was unable to steer properly after the incident and retired as massive went on to finish meanwhile a tight battle for first basically tinubu long as they managed to put himself back into the lead after the pit stops and held on to edge button by two point nine seconds for each one of the season alongside also leapfrog button to third place in the championship and his twenty one points behind to give webber. fantastic.
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priests we are very strong opposition very with us to go from from going from. with rope to put both for august first two. after the story was it was difficult. but you know if you're from first to do the. best to stop things to where we are sleeping here. meanwhile the world rally championship has also been blown wide open after sebastian you won the latest round in japan it was victory number two this season the frenchman and also in his career the situ driver capitalized on the mechanical problems suffered by rivals just to make it heaven and had to settle for second and six places respectively six time defending champion sebastian love and without fear however a win in any of the three remaining rallies that will ensure retains his crown.
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amazing i'm really really happy because when arriving here i say the gates will be a difficult ready for me i don't like this kind of day it is very raw it's my first time but mentally we find. a good feeling good reason and now we're reading stories. and colors signs of spain has won the second stage of the silk a rally here in russia he was the fastest during the six hundred kilometer spin from. yasmin and takes the overall lead rushes edward nick alive came home first in the truck's category but compared to me shagging leads the overall standings after finishing that day in second. great pictures that saw the sport for the moment we're back with more in a couple of. hungry for the feel we've got. to be.


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