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tv   [untitled]    September 16, 2010 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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new. zealand. this history still keeps its secrets but now it's time to reveal the hidden in the soviet files house on the embankment and odyssey.
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in moscow ots available in marriage grown toto which colson royal marriage renaissance marriage troubles a holiday in circle due to. holiday in the social ski patrol is a really emotional in the region country club so fully shortened from this piece of the first earth the booklet well sure convinced switzer till closing the whole bill to let me go to golden beach a coach and. starting up a u.s. senate panel most of the nuclear arms reduction treaty with russia clearing the way from omaha for house vote on ratification.
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and as the start treaty is heading for the senate floor i'll be back with you in just a few moments with all the details. and one of russia's most wanted men the suspected chechen terrorists are mad as a car is said to have a body in poland despite threats from a fardy to arrest him. the possibility of a heads up the rest is as unclear as the information regarding his whereabouts find out more on our team. and russia has its sights on reaching an arctic agreement with canada hot on my heels of signing a demarcation pact with norway. a warm welcome to you why from our headquarters in central moscow you're watching r t
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with me a new some now way now it's ten pm here in the russian capital two pm in washington where a u.s. senate panel has given the go ahead to. the start treaty with russia the nuclear arms reduction deal will now face the full opera house before it can be ratified russia said it's ready to sign off the document but wants to do it at the same time as the u.s. let's get more now from our washington correspondent thanks to cannes joins us live hi there guy named so it looks like the committee's given the green light to the treaty does this mean that all concerns have now been laid to rest yes i mean as you mentioned the senate foreign affairs committee of foreign relations committee did give the grand life to this treaty and it is heading for the senate floor and actually the chairman we've just heard the chairman for in that relations committee is saying that he was very optimistic about the ratification of the treaty and here's what he said. we hope to.
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get to the full senate as rapidly as possible our work is not done the full united states senate has to now debate this and ratify it. it's our hope that they're going to happen quickly before the end of the year and we will work to try to make that happen we had a very constructive process today as i think you saw. by judgment. the. long work of the committee of the administration to bring together representatives from almost every administration president nixon all the way through president george bush who testified that helped to build a consensus on this treaty this treaty will make america more secure it will assist us in moving towards the goal of less nuclear threats and for that reason we're proud of the actual who took the day off. well he said today the senate
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foreign relations committee did not just say ok to the three to the treaty they also passed the resolution on their treaty so what does that mean the resolution senators in this resolution senators express their concerns their understanding of the language of the treaty they they do this you know translation from english to to congress english they also lay out their interpretations with now changing the actual text of the pact and that's the trick tricky part the resolution says the treaty in no way is an obstacle for the u.s. plans to deploy defense systems and that's something that the u.s. officials have to have already talked about and that's something that senators wanted to make clear once again in that resolution as it was explained to me by the key u.s. start. the treaty acknowledges the time between offensive and defensive weapons as a fact and not as an obligation but russians do take that tie quite seriously they
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they see the new start as an agreement based on equality and balance and if that balance is shifted or disturbed they say the can pull out so when he says that we see the final round of five document as we know russia is ready to sign off but it wants to do it at the same time as washington we have mid-term elections coming up which could mean trouble what kind of timeframe are we looking at. and if that's right now what's the trigger got the approval of the senate foreign relations committee it will go to the senate for ratification and as some insiders estimate that will happen in two or three weeks time but the chairman before was chairman of foreign relations committee john kerry said it is very unlikely that the senate will ratify it any time before november elections in congress so it's not really clear when exactly this will happen but john kerry said this can this
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should happen by the end of this year but. you know but the fact that the senate foreign relations committee approved it is quite important and as you just mentioned the washes the senate is also is just basically waiting for what's what's that what's going to be going on in the united states and as we know that they they intend to ratify the treaty at the same time with the united states and we have a comment. here for you. this time of the year a certification process in the states concerts internal elections can be one sort of the servant is to be reelected which means the minute senators consider the situation not in terms of where the agreement is good or bad for the united states but in terms of what you may contribute to their own electoral could be a little bit because the document itself is too much important for the national
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interests of the united states for the national interests of russia for the globalization of interest to be mixed up in a single. election can be. you know there is a huge support on russia's part for this treaty and we heard it this was mentioned by by russia's defense minister. yesterday when he met with secretary of defense robert gates and they they discussed once again they reaffirmed areas of cooperation between russia and the united states and they also they were talking about they signed in a statement a joint statement on setting up a commission that's going to constantly that's going to consist of government officials who are going to constantly work on a no cooperation between the two countries on security issues so it washes are taking this very very seriously and if you look at the support that the treaty has
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been getting keir in the united states there is really a bipartisan support here going on although among senators on capitol hill there is still some kind of some kind of a competition going on in the e.u. i remember invested a reach of byrd pointing out that it's not so much about the details of the treaty that made the discussions so tedious it's about republicans trying to make a point to to the democrats but also that if it had been a republican president submitting the same treaty for ratification it would have already been ratified and just to remind you under the treaty both countries will cut their nuclear arsenals by a third and that will be within seven years time after the ratification or it will continue to track the start treaty and whether or not it's ratified as it goes to the senate floor for now argues washington correspondent. and one of russia's most wanted terrorist suspects is said to have entered poland despite the
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country's threat to arrest him upon arrival of meds a coyote is thought to be attending an international chechen congress you're warsaw he currently lives in britain where he house political asylum because he is following the latest developments. at the moment it's all very confusing and very unclear because even his whereabouts are at this moment unconfirmed and the very fact that polish authorities would say in advance that they would arrest the man should here arrive in its territory is somewhat confusing as well because it is not unknown for law enforcement agencies to give their suspect a warning of an imminent arrest so this could just be yet another pocketing statement towards russia that they will arrest the man should he arrived because of course there is an outstanding interpol arrest warrant for an issue for me it's a cry of he's wanted by russia on a number of different charges but even of the process even if they do detain him
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the process is a very complicated one the prosecution can't exactly lead on the police and make him detain the man and even if they do after an initial period of detention a polish court will then have to decide whether there are grounds for further detaining mr zentai of and of course then the entire matter of his extradition to russia has to be decided by yet another country the united kingdom which has granted him political asylum in two thousand and three it is very unlikely that us up by a will be facing trial in russia any time soon of course he has been granted political asylum in the united kingdom seven years ago and since then russia has repeatedly asked to its. british colleagues to hand the man over to extradite him so that he could stand trial here in russia that of course he faces charges of homicide kidnapping extortion and various such terrorists and extremists happy to vittie so a large number of crimes that he's accused of and yet the united kingdom insists that this is a client is a political refugee that he has remained
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a law abiding citizen on its territory and therefore the agreement that russia and the united kingdom have between them to share extradite all those accused of various crimes in each other's territories that agreement to. not stand because of course he has been granted political asylum so the question of his standing trial in russia is a very likely one even if he is detained in poland and then later sent back to the united kingdom. now it's coming up to eleven minutes past the hour coming up for you join our close up team as we explore russia's far east and the wonders of the soccer region. tucked in between the russian mainland japan and the sun coming island is the early of minute all named off to the french seafarer who discovered it it is described as the pride of the succulent region we'll take a look at what's in store for us here. russia and canada are neck and neck in
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a race for the arctic's rich resources on why it's challenging moscow's claims to a portion of the polar sea bed but russia says it won't give up your position though it has more on the north and. both russia and canada remained firm at their stances claiming that part of the arctic seabed known as the a woman also for age belongs to bear territory's moscow says that its claims are based on scientific fact and according to the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov russia will continue sending expeditions to this area with the limo and also the loam and also bridge was discovered by russian explorers but today we want to prove scientifically that it's a continuation of the mainland in providing our data to the un as is canada and now denmark is also thinking about lean clean to the woman also of ridge but any such claim must be based upon scientific data provided to the un commission and do you have the last word in any case in two thousand and seven a group of russian scientists or do you send a dawn to be
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a woman also fridge study of it and found conclusive conclusions that it is a continuation of the russian landmass they've been planted a russian flag there meanwhile canada has also filed claims on this territory saying back to the a woman also for h. is off the canadian stage or you know we will submit our data on the loan is awfully age and we're confident that our case will prevail by scientific evidence the arctic is a huge area and currently doesn't belong to any country but at the same time it's thought to hold up to twenty percent of the world's untapped resources of gas and oil which makes it quite an attractive area for many countries apart from russia and canada other states are also keen to stablish themselves in the octaves and they include the united states denmark and norway according to some analysts
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this me lead to some type of conflict just now during the meeting in moscow the foreign ministers off of russia and canada have pledged to resolve the state or the dispute. strictly diplomatically and scientifically and there is already an example of how such a dispute could be resolved peacefully just recently russia and norway resolved the decades a war to truly dispute on their borders in the bar and see it now for seoul to establish the border and also to share the natural resources which are held in that area so hopefully that will be done in the case of russia and care there as well. the latest round of middle east peace talks has ended without any breakthrough however meeting with the u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton after the negotiations palestinian president mahmoud abbas that he sees no alternative to continuing the exchange the israeli and palestinian leaders held two days of direct negotiations with egypt and
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jerusalem president obama had threatened to quit if the if an israeli ban on settlement building in the west bank is not renewed israel completely rules this out during the talks israeli warplanes conducted two raids in gaza following palestinian rocket and mortar attacks documented yourself a political adviser for hamas feels palestinians don't expect the talks to yield any results. and we figured out that all these talks is another. set of being made against. the things that are this that i give you that is then this is something i want people to do these things from time to time as the israelis. against the people of gaza has nor. does it. change. so. these kind of dogs because we don't believe these talks will lead to something
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significant in that he had a future. let's take a look at some world news in brief for you this hour in glasgow tens of thousands of people have gathered to hear a mouse led by pope benedict pontiff is on a four day trip to the u.k. the first popple visit to the country in almost thirty years earlier he was welcomed by queen elizabeth in edinburgh but protests are also planned across the country over the pontiff policies on gay rights and abortions and child abuse scandals in the catholic church. or our over france's crackdown on roma migrants has overshadowed a summit of e.u. leaders in brussels the european justice commissioner had compared the deportations with mass expulsions during world war two the statement angered french president nicolas sarkozy who called it outrageous and insisted the country will continue to dismantle roma camps the issue will be discussed again at the next e.u. summit. now our close of team has once again hit the road to bring you the best of
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russia. and today we take you to russia's far east of the country's biggest island. for many years it was at the center of a route between moscow and tokyo because of its rich oil and gas resources to start in as one of russia's most developed regions and its breathtaking landscapes and rich flora and fauna are still largely unspoiled by tourists as alexie yourself ski discover. ati's russia closeout team is back and this time we're seven thousand kilometers from the russian capital moscow in the russian far east in the island of cycling and this is the soccer in region indeed one of the most prosperous in in russia located around four hundred kilometers from the russian mainland and separated from the russian mainland by the top two are straight it is quite
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a big island one thousand kilometers from north to south and about three hundred fifty kilometers from west to east it represents a new region a very rich in terms of biological resources now the island of cycling that's home to more than one thousand species of birds and animals as well as flowers and plants and more than a third of them are considered to be endangered and are placed in the so-called red book of endangered species now of course all this beauty has to be protected somehow and we did a report explaining what this protection is like in the far east of russia. risking life or limb special troops to send those speeding boat in the middle of the pacific. coast guard in the russian far east this is an almost daily routine they five years annual to a number of illegal fishing and mounts for millions of dollars.
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along with a team of officers we come on board a fishing boat they check documents to see whether the versal had any right to fish here. this particular boat was legit but officer got a boost said this was an exception rather than the rule and xander told us of the biggest highlight of his three years of service here. we identified a vessel belonging to poachers we asked them to stop and fired flares they didn't reply so after an hour we had to open fire after about twenty minutes they stopped probably being too scared of a suiting at them that was one wild chase alexander came here from the other side of russia and despite nonstop action and hard work he enjoys his time here that is because he projects some natural beauty from human harm the beauty which is visible from the very first glance. tucked in between the russian mainland japan and the circling island is the island of mine you're on named after french seafarer who
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discovered it it is described as the pride of the sakhalin region we'll take a look what's in store for us here. until two thousand and four the island was part of the borders own and was completely restricted to visitors now the speech rest place is open to tourist plants and animals are its top attraction. the island is unique because it is located far from the mainland and is practically untouched by humans that's why many endangered species or both flora and fauna can be found here the underwater world here is also unique because a warm currents in the sea when your own is by a ride depend on the far east while some go to the sakhalin region to enjoy the
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sights others convert the island's nature's riches into a healthy dollar it is home to the biggest seafood processing factory in russia the tonight show hundreds of thousands of of tons. fish get caught in the nets too late to produce delicious salamon caviar almost and necessary attribute of anything in russia the owner of the enterprise says a good fishing season can bring in more than a hundred million dollars net profit and to a large extent this is old to do what succulent offers environmentally the tonight show operates in only and natural habitat farms selman the feed you have to give them a lot of. all sorts of matters in mind to biologics and things like that to make sure that it actually survived and this is the natural environment and again while filming is certainly much better than many farms basis it's a natural product if you can see the fish is alive we deliver it live to the factory and you get the best product you can get
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a mild climate unique natural sites and delicious seafood succulent can all for a diverse holiday for those who are not afraid to travel ten thousand kilometers from europe the question is whether this distant land would ever be able to become a major tourist destination alexi russia ski odyssey reporting from the cycling region but business is next with that after a short break through with us. for the full story we've gone to. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. in
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moscow she's available in hotels course to. keep a promise it is congress motel east west. center no but. rather some s.a.'s lobby on sky. historical hotels of escape culture in a city. called small. as it could have been tells the strength for us to tropicana. how it's time to have a look at the world of business business leaders from around the world to driving in such a capital off the twenty fourteen olympics artie's nicholas pull reports from the city as new and. the newly refurbished sochi airport is open it's the first of the
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olympic projects to become operational at a cost of just two hundred million dollars it represents just a fraction of the ward work going on for the olympics the company beholding the development displays an error. because basic element group which is involved in a number of other projects as well including waste disposal a new seaport and the olympic village the airport is coming on time and on budget. explains the pro. it had a number of advantages over all the sites in and around sochi first of all we didn't construct the building itself which we didn't need to move the concrete and the salmon and. the sand and all the heavy material so we were not effectively using a roach too much. with a good mantra we fortunately delivered the most of it before the second construction phase started around us so we didn't expect this many difficulties but
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other sites i believe experiencing. the opening of the airport coincides with the months she economic forum prime minister putin be giving the keynote speech on friday morning addressing the issues of modernizing the russian economy and improving its investment climate we'll be bringing you full analysis of that speech plus extensive coverage of the wider forum on friday and saturday. and several companies because the basic element holding may fall over sol on their way to i.p.o. the current step or two director general spoke exclusively to r.t. we're planning to listen to more companies in the near future you know in general you know going public this is just one of the potential sort of the just for you know old capitalization of. all the companies from low energy sectors to you bill you know no more really to look to become our target is that all of our companies
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are being developed to the standard that we're able to lose them any time you know when the markets move we think it's that i mean so that it's so there so it's more important for us to focus on internal efficiency if you know the internal keep you know capacity to push it to be its own self or still so that if you decide to go public you can do it and you punch bowl depends on the markets you know if markets open up and become positively convinced can be very quick. and another republican former yugoslavia has agreed to join the sol three project prime minister of the republic of srpska minora daughter was in moscow on wednesday to sign a coal operation equipment on the south three gas pipeline russia's energy minister said court said it was in europe's interest to create favorable conditions for south does it added that there were no real turners have to the project and i'm going to work with you but we're being told that the project is too expensive and this is not needed in europe i'd like to draw your attention to the fact that the
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gas will be sold at the market price that will be formed in europe well the european consumers should not be worried about the cost of the south stream construction this is a concern to shareholders that there is a loss here in europe the more market price will drop which is in the consumer's interest. that we are absolutely sure that there is no alternative to the south stream project confident that the construction of the south stream will provide regular gas deliveries not only to the whole of southern europe but also to many consumers in the rest of europe. let's have a look at the markets in moscow the r.t.s. and the my six finish low on thursday topping the trend where the shares of russia's biggest oil producer ross left more than two percent on reports the company may win an extension of tax breaks for its bancorp oil field. so to stop plans to invest two point five billion dollars in developing.


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