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tv   [untitled]    September 17, 2010 12:30am-1:00am EDT

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it's bank or for deals. and looking at the will now it has slipped over thirty one to a dollar for the first time since the beginning of july russian currency also weaken against the basket of currencies with the euro also gaining forty copecks main factors both strong or stronger than the currency and sliding or prices as well as a man at a major sell off obviously ends by. service dog plans to invest two and a half billion dollars in developing the iron ore project in liberia the company has one permission from liberia's government to develop the field which contains around one billion tons of war will produce from two thousand and seventeen about twenty million tons of magnetite or per year and that's all i have for you this hour but i'll be back with more updates and more coverage from the sochi forum in about fifteen minutes.
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this history still keeps its secrets but now it's time to reveal to the soviet finals. wealthy british. scandal what's really happening to the global economy. the global financial headlines tune in to.
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headline russia u.s. . gets the green light for u.s. foreign policy legislators paving the way for the crucial vote on the full set of. heart of moscow a major. manages to escape with his life after getting shot and wounded at the center of a. new plan has announced to revive the troubled u.s. economy amid claims the country is recovering from a global crisis but despite new measures millions of other. boyd americans still struggle to survive. coming up tyee japanese vietnamese food you can find it all here in moscow next host martin enders and his crew delve into the diversity of the capital's far eastern cuisine moscow out coming up next on r.t. .
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of japanese thai restaurants. sushi crazy. on the subject of cuisine the theme for this week's. asian food many russians love it some still haven't even tried it but here the ever changing culture muscovites means more diversity when it comes to eating. starting a. business in the.
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hollywood actor robert deniro invited japanese chef neighbor might say he's a sensible restaurant and tried back in new york into the partnership to critical acclaim today from las vegas to london and dubai nobu has dozens of locations around the world truly is as famous as the brand itself from his signature dish which is applied. to sushi tasting many millions of people around the world have enjoyed maybe smiled. dishes sitting down and presented with the menu it was cheap but it is worth every penny or in this case every. i think i'll go to see fast sushi. it's from friends. if you want your. you know useful to see.
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people. but you can teach and you can see japanese chefs right because she's learned every morning not that it's fresh. but the cia. and the police. so shameful and his color no skills. but. we need to. take a. close up about that. she she here in their group is all about how the secret. citrus juice here is tripled over the neatly sliced chili peppers local culture. american influence
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sushi different to say the least. is this incredible. the only one of them the claim. is the rest. i'm not singling out some entertainment events that have recently happened in the russian capital. has once again proved itself to be among the fashion capitals of the world big international shopping and. encouraged by the style magazine has taken place attracting thousands of shopaholics to the city's main department store and design it. was right. if people didn't know what. it was that it was during this
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if not this year way down much more. you. know it yeah. you know. it was. introduced cultures of different countries ocean organize in the russian capital and this time it's switzerland that's in the spotlight the swiss embassy is celebrating here but it's counter to chino in moscow showcasing the region's cultural heritage and activities that can be enjoyed down. to. some mountains of. the climate is better said people are warmer and you can do everything you can ski. it's an excellent center and you have many lakes so it's very beautiful you can compare to chino to sochi.
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liking so archie you have balls but you can also go to the mountains. so we've arrived at our next destination chinese food is popular all over the walls from the u.k. to america and russia is no exception and unlike other cities around the world restaurants simply vary from just mint brains to. expensive so we have mary brew and its credit card bill ballots are somewhat a little bit more past friendly and more down to us. believe it or not but the still asked to many chinese restaurants here in takeaways more or less know existed so when a new chinese chain like you can imagine happy faces of. chinese cuisine is huge. and the secret of its popularity is simple it's healthy and tasty
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. rolls. the dice with their everything. and then we have it. so. our kitchen take a look at what. has to offer. food is becoming popular. sushi such cafes.
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which carries freshly cooked food around the place in. the prices are marked by the color of the plates they choose. if you're a friend of sushi and you don't necessarily need to go to a restaurant to enjoy it it might. try to prepare yourselves to shop in the fresh need to make sushi various japanese dishes including special kinds of fish seaweed . takeaway restaurants. various canary events highlighting food from around the world are regularly in the russian capital a month of asian cuisine as we have recently could shrink honorary delights from such countries. as indonesia thailand malaysia singapore and the philippines.
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became especially popular among the event's guests still opinion food is not so widely known in russia but those who tried it says it's dishes fusing asian spanish and american cuisine a very tasty. this is. find out. and. as you know the fastest way to. heart is through his stomach. and if you feed them. that's a very good way of promote understanding. meaning your past is essential and club dedicated to the popular practice there are not only several his workouts relaxation to spar rooms but also a budgetary restaurant where healthy dishes can be tasted in a relaxed atmosphere and away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
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back to the mom it's hard to choose spring rolls have been put into hot oil try for two minutes it is important not to over cook the. piss out onions are added to the beef that's already been cooking to thirty seconds. cooks for just one minute at a high temperature the strongest lead a black bean sauce is then added into the sicily walk past spring so awesome that we have it. looks wonderful generous portions to. their very. spooky. right now. well at least you know if you're hungry they cook the food. here extremely fast thumbs up from mama to how well we finish this oh my favorite christine. let me.
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just love whether you're looking for a green curry or. the restaurants i call here is a safe back and a great place to come. over most russians don't like spicy food here it's chopsticks at the ready it's hard on one of the most popular holiday destinations for muscovites this restaurant means locals can get that high stakes pool be around research of dishes representing various countries now restaurant is the most popular among our guests even though it's pretty spicy. it's so lovely to see outside in september before it gets too cold and what is the i think the more i see the thank you right. wow look at bats so we have it my fuck me. strength day smells great and it just goes to prove that whether you want. japanese when it comes to asian restaurants moscow will never fail to deliver
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a strike. you better leave me to do this i'll see you get the same time next week. by going to. lose least two movies of paradise in are. good when not for the military presence which occupies almost two thirds of the audience temperature and overshadows the people's everyday lives. of all the sound. so people could use their land posing with. the ecus worth every minute of struggle
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on r.g.p. . would be soon which brightened a few newly bought soon from finest impressionist. who threw stones on t.v. don't come. close up game has been to their hangal speech. for the first russian fleet was born. our party goes to the area which holds top position in oil and gas resources. where the biggest russian salmon can be are processing factories located. and where unique species of farm fauna can be found. welcome to the sun coming region. should close up on our t.v.
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. they faced it this is not a provocation but a warning of. a force it let me show you first step is are you sure to suppress the trace because they have no idea about the hardships to face. they wanted to says it all to two minutes and for any army the life of the usaf is the most precious thing in the world. is of self-sacrifice and heroism with those who understand it fully but you have to live a. real life stories from world war two pieces. of the truth nine hundred forty five dollars on t.v. dot com. the russia u.s. trade. arms reduction treaty gets the green light from american foreign policy makers waving the way paving the way for
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a crucial final vote from the full senate. assassination attempt in the heart of moscow where major criminal overlord manages to escape with his life after being shot and wounded in the center of the capital. and a new plan announced to revive the troubled u.s. economy had made claims the country is recovering from the global crisis but despite new measures millions of unemployed americans still struggle to survive. more news coming your way about fifteen minutes but natalia so beloved joins us next at all the latest in the world of sports so give us the latest in the football action that we've got the europa league scores for you plus golf is also gaining popularity here in russia we have a story on that as well coming up in just a few seconds that way. a lot about them you're watching the sports news here in our keith thanks for joining us this hour and here is what's coming up in the next ten minutes says
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camels and it's in pittsburgh at the europa league seasons on the way with tight wins in their respective opening matches. doubts raised that the message before have sounded following their inspection of potential sides but town shell twenty twenty two world cup in qatar. and also our tees constantin popped up of reports from said label golf club outside moscow where the inaugural russian challenge cup kicked off on thursday. so football is our top story it's all started off swimmingly but says it's in pittsburgh in the europa league both russian clubs are in maximum points after their opening games muscovites edging out polls on three of the away in switzerland the loss of their return from a loan spell at flamengo this summer school of grace while defender signal showed which added another one for the russians a good win for considering lasagna had previously beaten russian clubs that appear
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though and like much of moscow and also on thursday night is in need on the lack on the road thanks to have trick from striking an example of the match finished three one. while staying with football but moving to the russian premier league now where lokomotiv are aiming to finish in the top five this season and on sunday they face asif away from home was a minister of iraq has the preview. it's all smiles said look i'm on t.v. strain when they see the eighth in the premier league standings but last weekend's lean over to sky gave them a solid blue stuff coincidence the much needed to victory also the week pressure of head gold shooting men. we started everything from scratch when you fail to do something time after time it's better to go back and see what went wrong in the beginning i was pleased with my players attitude in that game. the man who broke longest streak of cigs games was out to win was brazilian mike and he
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scored and only go again says in a twenty year old is becoming a crucial few go forward to my teeth and he's the club's fans new hero. i've always been supported by my teammates but i know i can feel a real help from the fans it's a fantastic feeling when your game is appreciated by spectators. however on sunday look mighty will have to do without the brazilian who is suspended from the tree to tomsk there's plenty of the stars in this more though with teams legend need to climb in back to his stall for him to spend plus two years and is happy to be back at the captain will try to guide his side to win over f.c. tome which will become another step towards european for. next season players are team. and out of a billion is russia's bid to land a world cup either in twenty eight seen the twenty twenty two has been given somewhat of a boost to
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a fee five valuation team questioned qatar is right in this to host the showpiece event the chief a fine specter said katakana doesn't have enough hotels and transport links to the influx of pounds chile for both aeration president harold mayne in the polls was speaking after the six strong team concluded the smallest nation in the running less than one point seven million people live in the gulf nation that is only bidding for the twenty twenty two events while the likes of russia angle and and the us a bit of base for both world cups in question the fall will announce its decision on december the second in zurich. tennis now i merely crowned u.s. open champion rafael nadal was all smiles on his return home to my yorker on thursday the world number one greeted by his legion on spanish fans and the media of course the doll became the youngest player ever to complete a set of slam titles on monday the twenty four year old outclassing noble joke of each and a rain delay final to clinch his ninth major title at flushing meadows in new york
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. now voltage of the season continues this weekend with the spanish grand prix due to take place at a newly built circuit in aragorn and the man who has scored points in every race this year jorge lorenzo sassy has to be at his best to do light the home crowd on sunday show if you want to we have to fight you have to write a limited race and you have to fight. the. writers and with very high level. so for me. as much as difficult. as much as i am. meanwhile russia's biggest multiple divans the silk way rally likes to have its champion for this year two rounds early carlos sides may not have won stage six but crucially it didn't mess it up either. and this is the man who crossed the finish line ahead of the field qatari space. it wasn't just when he was off to the false walk and drawn sat a full fifteen minutes all over
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a leader carlos science at the start of the day and with only three rounds to go he needed to be blistering although he came home first of course signs who drove a textbook race the spaniard finishing third overall establishing a lead of almost thirteen minutes an advantage we have should baring it crash in the final in the final two stages should crown him champion for twenty sound. golf now as the russian challenge cup as kicked off in moscow regions to leyva constantin popped up of takes a closer look at the brand new golf course hosting the tournament. the number of golf courses in russia has been increasing think enforced in recent times just a few years ago one or at a stretch to go for clubs who are able to host a major tournament throughout the country now there are four in the most cool region alone and with currently being built golf is well in truly at an all time high here this year's biggest event is being held at the speak to kill its in labor
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golden bullock lot more be all russian challenge cup the eighteen hole course was designed by the legend reject any course the golden bear praised it as quote one of the top ten courses i have built so for in such words coming from an eighteen time major champion most certainly said as for the man behind the green they have the right land here has been able to carve a beautiful set of golf holes through beautiful mature woodland to create some beautiful pictures and scenery as the gulf is play around the course so when you get a top designer and top high profile player and you offer them a bit of land and say come and make me a golf course here they will jump at the chance there are several holes that certainly catch a clear residing with a signature town hall not only swarm to in picturesque scenery but it also can make or break year round. another challenge for golfers in the most cool region is the
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weather with snowing for sometimes here but the professionalism of grant's people is such that that clears can be confident the greens will be fit to take on once again in spring we have a very dedicated core superintendent. he is been here. a number of years now and has lead to great team of guys he's work and effort size put in on the course of the last two weeks leading up to the tournament i think fantastic and when you've got a good guy who's looking after the course like that and a good team behind him you know that even with the winters as harsh as they are becomes back out in the spring the guys are working hard and will produce the same quality again. the seven thousand four hundred ninety one yard par seventy two course is a testament to how increasingly popular golf is becoming in the country the quality of the corps. and visiting poor so like so really the only remaining is how to
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make the game a little more accessible to those older then the wolf if you and start producing if you jack nicklaus's with a russian accent you can spend. now one of the greatest cricketers of his generation has announced his retirement from the sport andrew flintoff leaving the game after a series of injuries the english all round he's only thirty two and has stated he is disappointed and sad at having to give up cricket plan to have been dogged by knee problems in recent years but that didn't stop him helping england to ashes success in two thousand and five and again last down the chain i super kings players were to be huge miss on the craze for club. and finally it's a dream come true for many a schoolboy and indeed their dad's the man widely regarded as the greatest player in the world leonel massey touching down for a surprise visit to a youth training session in london it started like any other day at hackney marshes
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but then came the shock with the barcelona and argentina striker descending upon the pitch in a helicopter could see all these sponsors masses impromptu arrival was in the world's best kept secret though above some journalists quick to crowd around the twenty three year old preventing him from taking part in a training game which was the original plan but everyone seemed more than happy just to get an autograph ask hundreds more gathered for a sinus ration right on. and that's the latest in full for now next is the weather then my headlines the headlines at the top of the hour. close up game has been to the r. hang those mean. for the first russian fleet was born. r.t. goes to the area which holds top position in oil and gas resources. where the
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biggest russian salmon cammy are processing factories located. and where unique species of farm fauna can be found. welcome to the sun clean region. russia close up on our t.v. . culture is that so much of a thing could be is going to be made into a lot of people a very unhappy look at the politics of the set of moscow beijing and washington and the rise of the multilateral world.


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