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tv   [untitled]    September 17, 2010 7:00am-7:30am EDT

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you understand how will get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us for technology update on r g. it.
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nature and discover it's easy. to. communicate with the wind. test yourself and become. see what nature can give you. arrested in poland one of russia's most wanted terrorists and has been detained by
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polish securities with the russian side for his extradition. to russia. reduction treaty gets of the green light from american foreign policy legislation was paving the way for a crucial final vote from the full senate. believed to be one of the top russian mafia bosses is shot in the center of moscow but manages to escape with his life investigators point of blood feud and a tough war as possible motives behind the attack. a new plan is announced to revive the troubled u.s. economy amid claims the country is recovering from a global crisis but despite new measures millions of unemployed americans are struggling to survive.
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well. why news live from the russian capital this is r.t. one of russia's most wanted terror suspects has been detained by polish police seeking extradition to russia's top prosecutor has guarantees that his rights will be observed in full under international law. in the us out of our joins us live with all the latest developments and hello to you kathy is so they have already been a number of statements from both russia and poland but what has been said so far what exactly is being negotiated at this point. at the moment rory the case is being watched by the russian side at investigated by the polish side they know that polish authorities polish police detained that meant that the morning of friday the seventeenth of september there are now. holding that questioning him waiting for documents to arrive from the russian prosecution they of course are putting together translating all of the materials that they have after his arrest that was
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after his arrest warrant was issued there are a lot of documents and evidence that our list is crimes as a lead to problems that all of the complaints that the russian prosecution have against it they're now hoping to transfer those to the polish side in order that the side sit or extraditing up to russia where he will stand trial the russian side of course say that they will do everything to make sure that the extradition and the process should take place will be taking place in accordance with all the standards of international law. just because there is a police prosecutor general has sent the polish side to act in accordance with the international obligations it was taken upon itself mr sherman saturday quote our actions will not be based on political factors multilateral. russia's prosecutor general you reach said it in the event was
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a kind of extradition to russia. his rise will be observed and he will stand a fair trial in court you can see. so the russian side is very much are hoping that the polish side world in their favor but of course both sides emphasize again that decision will be made to believe according to legal principles and standards of international law that no politics will be involved in the decision making process of course poland does have the matter of an interpol outstanding and to all the rest warrant for heads up by or whether it will fly with russia extradition request has yet to be seen. so a country of poland involved russia's involves if it's been enjoying political asylum back in the u.k. what do you think of the charges really of adventure be ending up in russia there seems to be a lot of red tape. a lot of red tape worry and a lot of negative past experiences daryn as well russia of course has been attempting to extradite and try and mess up by nearly
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a decade it was first announced that wanted man in two thousand and one first nationally then internationally and was granted political asylum in the united kingdom around the same time you can magistrates court later refused to extradite the man despite a number of charges here in russia and there's some very serious charges that that mr pryor should be tried will be facing charges of murder kidnapping and store share participating in terrorist attacks from the secretive it is russian prosecution saying that they have enough evidence to link him to one of russia's most terrifying terrorist attacks in the world that we are seeing it up to over two thousand and two they also believed to be one of the masterminds behind the current hour brassed in the russia's volatile caucasus region so there is a long list of wrongdoing that russia believes service those archives to be guilty of but of course the united kingdom has so far refused to act. no i didn't say that
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he's a refugee on its territory. by. now with the brain as well it may be that i actually get to make yet station decision this of course that. he's out of there reporting live thank you. well john missed from the christian science monitor told us why he thinks poland will not extradite have to russia. pretty much sure that they will not extradite him to russia you know. this is a situation where the poles are fulfilling their international obligations by executing this war it. but extradition is another matter and i don't think there are very many european countries that that would under the present circumstances extradite him or a lot of other people back to russia and the fundamental problem i mean to put it
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bluntly is that there is a perception that people and particularly people who are seen as opponents of the russian government will not receive the full fair trial in russia and as long as that is the case i don't think that it's politically possible to extradite people lexicographer poland does want better relations with russia and this is a this is a problem. and they have they have gone through the motions of executing the arrest warrant and so on but poland particularly among european countries is a place where it would be politically impossible i mean it would be politically impossible for any government polish government to to actually send him back to russia. to some other news now and president obama is pushing forward plans to double u.s. exports in the next five years it's a move that could generate two million jobs their proposal to help america's troubled economy comes amid claims that the country is recovering from the global
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financial crisis but with the number of people facing poverty at a fifty year high millions of americans are still fighting for survival. welcome to silk city. this once was what the industrial revolution looked like in the united states. now this is what poverty looks like in this town more than twenty percent are poor more than seventeen percent unemployed it means for many here ninety m. is a time to go to work not just just up and down it's time to head to the food pantry for charity. they are low income folks are some of them have been unemployed for almost two years is what we're seeing but on average it's the underemployed. there are people who can't make ends meet people like jenny like the one who are going tomorrow and it's not enough
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you know it's just not enough to get all the need and the numbers are only growing and we saw in two thousand and nine a fifteen percent increase over two thousand and eight numbers and we're anticipating that that number will go up by another ten percent at the end of two thousand pounds jenny can't afford to buy food for her mother and three year old son not with illness them public assistance there's just not enough money and a part time job they don't need any more our jobs then is just hard to far north and it only appears to be getting worse it is unfortunately not only here but in the entire us new statistics for two thousand and nine show forty three million people one in seven are living in poverty this is the most people who are in more than fifty years that's when they first began tracking these numbers here you can see one reason they wanted her twenty's are few and far between especially in the old urban industrial cities are rather simple as in so many cities in the united states manufacturing used to power this one these were still factories that now are
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decrepit boarded up sitting in disrepair there are signs everywhere here of the u.s. . and you fracturing jobs that have disappeared or gone overseas factory work all of the low level jobs that these folks with mostly older sort of you know you know and leaving them lining up in droves for a little heat we now see prepare about twelve hundred meals a day now it will be serving about four hundred people. a free lunch some of the workers who are some are homeless not surprisingly always on call been made there are twenty percent more mouths to feed here at avis kitchen than here are going to fly through you know we're now and some can't work like for one who has an incurable disease who is now for work or for so many of it used to be a truck driver yet he still can't afford lunch and experts say the needy are
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needier than ever are they more poor yes that i can say and here on the ground for from washington and wall street there is no sign of an economic recovery for these people in sight i don't see recovery. they have no thanks for their politicians i don't know what's going on with a dollar i don't know was the press to do it. for me is not doing this in the gloom better. in the urban decay of silk city gratitude is reserved for the help with recovery they do know. that we may see that if you don't use their you very carefully lauren lyster r.t. patterson new jersey a suspected russian criminal mastermind is being treated in a moscow hospital after an attempt on his life nicknamed the grandpas son who is thought to folding a victim to a gangster wall right in the center of the capital that you go to first going
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offers up the crime scene. of incident happened at around eight pm moscow time on thursday evening when the us long also known as grandpa sun got to be a major criminal lord in russia i arrived at one of the buildings on fire sky street in the very center of moscow it's reported that he wanted to visit his son who lives here in the neighborhood and asked grandpa assad and his bodyguard were approaching the entrance to the building several shots were fired the bodyguard went down first and according to some reports from the witnesses grandpa haasan actually tried dodging some of the bullets but ended up getting wounded in the stomach when i thought the scheme the found a suspicious looking window in a building nearby and when they checked this apartment they found a weapon just thought to have been used in this assassination attempt according to some reports this was a sniper rifle both men were rushed to the hospital enough for you soon and else to grandpa my son's death the leader of the denying this information saying that by
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giving our own sweet words they wanted to prevent a possible second attack clearly both men are recovering from undergoing surgery had one of moscow's hospitals which is clearly heavily guarded by the authorities the grand baha sun is thought to be someone who's called thief by the call a person of whose reach such a height in the criminal world that he could control supervise and benefit from various criminal activities without actually leaving any traces he was really close to the knowledge to criminal lord known by the name of the coupons he was assassinated back in two thousand and nine as a result of these criminal wars and allegedly grandpa son alleged to revenge his death some analysts to see that if the information about the sniper rifle is correct then judging by the fact that you pointed to was killed using
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a sniper rifle as well the same type of a sniper rifle then they say that the organizers may be hinting at the fact that these two attacks may be connected. r.t.c. go to prison off reporting now the u.s. senate foreign relations committee has voted in favor of the nuclear arms reduction treaty or start signed with russia in april the deal which needs approval from the full senate could eventually see the two countries reduce their warhead stockpiles of by a third but as artie's guy nature can report america's in-house issues could still hinder plans for the ratification. the start treaty got the green light from the senate foreign affairs committee and is heading for the senate floor this treaty will make america more secure it will assist us in moving towards the goal of less nuclear threat and for that reason we're probably actually took today it's been a bumpy ride this five months of hearings and the resolution that the senators
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passed reflects that they put all their concerns in one package among them. the time between offensive and defensive weapons senators clarify the treaty in no way is an obstacle for the u.s. plans to deploy defense systems american officials see it the same way it commits us to continue to develop the ability to be able to protect our people and to have a robust missile defense system but russians do take the time mentioned in the treaty quite seriously they see the new start as an agreement based on equality and balanced and if that balance is shifted or disturbed they say they can pull out but some in washington say there are hurdles related to the ratification are not so much about the details of the treaty but about republicans trying to make a point to the democrats one of the problems is good old fashioned red meat politics the republicans don't you just can't resist this opportunity to say well
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you know the democrats are weak on national security and that's one of the real barriers that the obama administration faces here i have no doubt whatsoever if we had a republican administration this this treaty would be already ratified the paradox is that the number of republicans who had testified for the treaty outnumbers democrats on top of that the u.s. military officials are unanimous in their support of the deal something that many experts are pointing out here senators can express their concerns but they can't really change the trading they can either ratify it or not and judging. what senators were saying this thursday they surely will the question is when i'm going to check out our reporting from washington d.c. well the ratification of the start treaty is a way to modernize and improve nuclear defense that's the opinion of gary hart former senator and member of the commission on u.s. policy towards russia it's
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a large step it will get rid of dangerous unnecessary nuclear weapons on both sides at the end of the day there will be a vote on the treaty people will have to vote for it or against it and those who vote against it are going to have to justify why they voted against it and why it makes us more secure not to have a treaty then if we have the treaty if you replace. warheads or delivery systems that are old and increasingly unstable with a newer generation more secure technology you are actually improving security rather than in danger yet so a limited argument can be made for modernization of nuclear arsenals certainly not expansion of if we are serious about dramatic reductions in these nuclear arsenals then we widen the club and bring in all the nuclear powers and say enough we're all
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we're going to get rid of all these it does seem like. kind of ideal dream but it is a goal to reach for. and you can watch the full interview this sunday with gary hart the former american senator and co-chair of the commission on u.s. policy towards russia now let's get to some other news making headlines around the world now at least twenty five people have been killed after an explosion in eastern sri lanka officials said the blast occurred at a police station where two containers with dynamite were being loaded on to lorries a government security spokesman ruled out any possibility of sabotage he said the explosives were a construction company carrying out a building work in the area. in the pakistani city of karachi has been subjected to mass destruction following the murder of one of the country's prominent politicians shops were set on fire schools were closed and transport brought to a standstill with the news that iran
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a father who was killed in london the leader of the biggest liberal party in pakistan died near his home after suffering multiple stab wounds and head injuries known for his strong and see the taliban stance he claimed asylum in the u.k. in one nine hundred ninety nine after being accused of terrorism by the pakistani government. a fast moving storm has a rip through new york leaving one person dead and causing massive damage to the city strong winds of up to one hundred sixty kilometers per hour knocked down trees tore off roofs and left at least thirty thousand without power a woman was killed when a tree fell on our cars was parked on a road in the bar of queens some rail services have also been temporarily suspended because of fallen trees. in what i'm sorry thousands of students and teachers have hit the streets demanding more funding for education protesters side severe conditions in schools and universities and accuse argentina's top politicians of
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neglecting free public education critics say most of the country's school facilities haven't been renovated in decades the education ministry says its education budget for two thousand and ten. is the highest in the last eight years. so benedict the sixteenth has held an assembly for students in london college later he'll make a speech at westminster hall and hold joint evening prayers with the archbishop of canterbury on thursday he was welcomed by queen elizabeth the second in edinburgh it's the first papal visit to the mostly protestant country in almost thirty years meanwhile protests are planned over the vatican's policies on issues such as gay rights abortion and child abuse scandals in the catholic church. while crew members of a space flight to the international space station have been confirmed by a joint russia u.s. commission the mission involving a modified soyuz spacecraft will deliver new equipment to the station the team
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consists of two russian cosmonauts and one american astronauts the spacecraft will be launched from the baikonur site in kazakhstan in october. all right now it's time for food whether you're looking for a thai japanese or vietnamese restaurant here in moscow look no further in a new edition of his moscow out program. that is crew they delve into the diversity of the capitals far eastern cuisine that's coming up next hour here on r.t. . past fifteen years to see the explosion object to these thai restaurants in moscow muscovites for example are crazy said joey martin andrews as we delve into the subject of the same cuisine theme this week.
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and coming up next is with the latest business news. hello and a very warm welcome to the business program well in their first news coming from the event russian state corporation russian technologists and boeing have signed a contract to supply fifty boeing seven three seven airplanes they will be a quiet for air force russian airlines. and a unit of russian technologists from invest has signed agreements to form direct investment funds totaling eight hundred million dollars with companies to invest in infrastructure and real estate budgets. some of russia's losing banks are outlining they investment plans at the forum
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plans to spend one point two billion dollars on a limp in infrastructure speaking about rubles their banks president herman graff said that despite their recent weaken and russian currency it is still quite stable to draw to a number of more than the current situation on the foreign exchange market i.e. the ruble dollar and the ruble euro relations is stable enough and i'd say the fluctuation that we're seeing now is quite logical and is mainly tied to the actions of the market players and traders but i can say that today the ruble is the most stable it can be and there are no reasons why the behavior of investors and holders of rouble currency should change macroeconomic conditions are quite stable the oil price is also quite stable the gold and foreign currency reserves are increasing and are quite sufficient to provide a stable exchange value of the ruble. and this opinion was for us supported by the president of russia's number two bank the to be on trade question he also commented
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on the new international banking group also great and basal in switzerland. what basel three is now claiming that's approximately what they care in the rush hour national family so they will always wear street frankly speaking will. also go back over to watch three a stricter regulation then the west now they're quite similar so i don't think we need any further step in this direction and speaking exclusively to business r.t. president of russian railways legendary you can explain to the company's plans to sell off some strategic assets in the near future but we are positive that you know actives of infrastructural companies of great demand not only inside russia but outside also we have a lot of investors common cause and i guess yes we can fulfill this task and this obligation to rise to earnings from the selling of the. sheriff's office
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subsidy or a company is up to one hundred one hundred be done by one hundred twenty billion the polls. ok innovation partnership and technology at these at key things off associate to national investment form where bringing you the top speakers and issues from soar to capital of the twenty fourteen olympics and now i'm joined live by business licorice paul who is at the forum hello deacon thanks for joining us so how are things going up for. the well very well have stayed quiet mr putin has just given his key keynote address or it was a fairly brief speech by his stats but he had plenty of detail i think. the main thing was the investment climate in russia and what he noted there were still plenty of problems. that russell for her ground for companies wishing to come here . but she's
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going to make it up as normal the russian economy is still not spoiled by the attention of investors neither foreign nor local ones of the russian business climate is claimed to have problems with and sometimes these claims are justified but sometimes not we know our problems really well and we will solve the key factors for the russian government will be a measured and rather conservative macroeconomic policy economies will. be joining us here joining me now to discuss the point in the speech is that i if somebody if he's chairman of the board of directors and moving steadily in the c.i.s. and russia and with a moderator of the debate but i do think it when i think it went with us and i expected because mr putin spent much more time that was originally planned and that we could continue and continue he was actually very engaged in the discussion and it was not about what we were the main points that came out of it i think that. has
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for his speech which was pretty distraught but it was very negative and very practical and i think that they will be summarized the key messages which are important for the world. so point number one we can russia needs mixed economy they can be nation of private and state sectors including p.p.p. private public partnerships which is good news to say going live in russia needs open a call because it should be open for both russian and korean conventional and should be the way forward certainly i would say it should be a competitive economy so we. wouldn't create national champions huge monopolies we need them a bit of economy because that will come to them as you get the efficiency and then finally and thinking i think it is very important especially for foreign investment in russia.


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