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tv   [untitled]    September 17, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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so what what's happening to the traditional so-called universal western democracies at the same time that there are other countries struggling for maybe a new a new manifestation of how are you sure that in the end the people reign ok i saw we have time here for i want to thank our guest for our discussion here on the politics of recession and thanks to our viewers for watching us here are t. see you next time and remember cross talk rules. are to keep.
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a polish court has released a suspected terrorist wanted by moscow for atrocities in the north caucuses. will
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remain in poland until a court rules on his extradition. preparations for saturday's a parliamentary elections in afghanistan are marred by escalating violence with the taliban stepping up threats and kidnappings. gangster wars in moscow an attempt on the life of an alleged mafia boss right in the city center puts him in the hospital. broadcasting a lie from the heart of moscow this is r.t. certainly glad to have you with us one of russia's most notorious terrorist suspects has been released after a polish court declined prosecutor's request for his forty day arrest. was detained by polish police upon arrival in the country moscow is calling on warsaw for his
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extradition artie's has the latest. according to the polish side has been leased to us today that may not spend the next forty days and detention behind bars well however spending and all that is prohibited from leaving the country pending that decision concerning his extradition to russia of course the russian prosecutors have put forward an extradition request saying that this man the one of the most wanted men in the country has been internationally wanted and that warrant has been out for his arrest for nearly a decade and of course they're very concerned this man comes back to russia and stands trial in the polish side to change him. the prosecution did put forward a motion to arrest him thirty days and the extradition hearing that was later to die by the polish court but of course the extradition hearing is still a very long way away and that decision may not know what it's. going to the
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prosecutor general tells me that they have no choice but to start the extradition procedures but these procedures do not mean an instant extradition and the russian side shouldn't necessarily hope for a decision that will satisfy hoping that this is the law says that the dying here is to extradite. and make them stand trial here at russia itself hopes are still high because the charges that. there. are serious major had nothing to extortion and terrorist acts just to the russian jet setters believe that they have enough evidence to successfully link the man to one of the worst terrorist attacks that russia has in the last two years namely the theater siege of two thousand and two they also believe that one of the masterminds behind the general line going on since the attack the speech itself the man that there is
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there that that is to look behind bars where there is a lot of the life. it was i think for his extradition for a number of years previously breasts were have been denied but that i think it's a little silence i did start to die is this ten thousand and three say that there was a letter the rest despite an existing remit in moscow what this change wanted her medals this agreement does not apply to this specific case because it is a political refugee so far as british authorities has. said is that whatever the side that. this extradition that you say that politics letter that right that this decision when it is made whatever it is that they will be done by the on time just guzzles for the polish prosecutor general has said the polish side will act in accordance with the international obligations it has taken upon itself mr sherman
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saturday quote our actions will not be based on political factors model letter of the law russia's prosecutor general yury cheika said it is evangelism extradition to russia his rise will be observed and he will stand a fair trial in court. i said. but whatever this is. this is that there is a sense that this is. there that. it's. starting with the same story fred we're a journalist from the christian scientist monitor says that the political situation in poland will not allow extradition to russia. pretty much sure that they will not extradite him to russia you know. this is a situation where the poles are fulfilling their international obligations by
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executing this war it. but extradition is another matter and i don't think there are very many european countries that that would under the present circumstances extradite him or a lot of other people back to russia poland particularly among european countries is a place where it would be politically impossible i mean it would be politically impossible for any government polish government to actually send him back to russia you're with r t still ahead for you this hour from boom to bust. look at. america's recession battered industrial town. and a retro ride of the russian and ukrainian presidents cast aside state vehicles in favor of a historic rally in soviet made cars. afghans are heading to the polls this weekend to vote for the country's parliament the taliban have stepped up attacks aimed at intimidating voters and candidates ahead of the ballot
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dozens have been kidnapped prompting serious concerns about holding a fair election artie's policy is in kabul briefing us on the situation there. well in the run up to be in election related violence at least twenty one people have been killed the latest news is that two candidates as well as eighteen election officials have been kidnapped and some one thousand out of the six thousand eight hundred polling booths are not going to open their doors because of concerns around safety and security this has prompted many people both here in afghanistan and abroad to actually suggest that the elections be postponed in the last few days the taliban has issued almost daily threats via is to misfired telephone and on its website saying that it will disrupt these elections it will target voters coming out as well as people involved in this whole election process and they claim that will make because agents of western governments and that's what they're setting up is a. sponsored government as
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a result some thirty to thirty five percent of voters who can vote are expected to turn out this is some five percent below the last elections most of them staying away because of concerns around violence but many of them also asking the question whether or not they believe in a parliament because many of them feel very little was done in achieved in the last five years since the last elections. a suspected russian criminal mastermind is being treated in a moscow hospital after an attempt on his life nicknamed grandpa his son he's thought to have fallen victim to a gangster war right in the center of the capital you got a piece going off has more from where the crime took place. vincit it happened here on this quiet sign street in the very heart of moscow at around eight pm on thursday evening iceland cyan also known as grandpa son thought to be a major criminal ward in russia ryan to reportedly visit his son who lives in this apartment building over here and as grandpa son accompanied by his bodyguard were
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trying to enter the building walking through this door over here the shots were fired the bodyguard went down first and according to reports from the witnesses grandpa son actually tried dodging the bullets but ended up getting one in his stomach that's when their driver ran out and called the ambulance the hitmen was firing the shots from one of those windows on the third floor of that building the distance between these two houses is really small and when the authorities came the saw that window was open and when they checked the apartment the found a weapon which is thought to have been used both men were rushed to hospital but soon authorities announced that grandpa and son had died later they deny this information saying that they gave out false reports on purpose in order to prevent a second possible assassination attempt grandpas son is thought to be someone who is called by the code that is a person who has reached such a height in the criminal world that he can control supervise and benefit from
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criminal activities various criminal activities without actually leaving any traces or leaving any proof and it's thought that grandpa son controls most of the organized criminal groups in russia and in the c.i.s. grandpa son was very close to him that's for you yanks to award no one by the name of your point you can was assassinated back in two thousand and nine grandpa son was basically his right hand man and since two thousand and nine we've heard various reports of numerous games towards ensuring an assassination is both in russia and in western europe as well. in switzerland or spring when the bodies are found off people suspected of being connected to this. gang or criminal group in the. u.s. president obama is pushing forward plans to double the country's exports in the next five years the move that could generate two million jobs comes amid hopes that
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the country is finally pulling out of the depths of recession but with the number of americans facing poverty at a fifty year high millions are still fighting for survival. welcome to silk city. this once was what the industrial revolution looked like in the united states. now this is what poverty looks like in this town more than twenty percent are poor more than seventeen percent unemployed it means for many here ninety m. is a time to go to work now i guess. it's time to head to the food pantry for charity . you know. they are low income folks are some of them have been unemployed for almost two years is what we're seeing but on average it's the underemployed. there are people who can't make ends meet people like jenny.
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and the numbers are growing and we saw in two thousand and nine a fifteen percent increase over two thousand and eight numbers and we're anticipating that that number over ten percent at the end of two thousand and one not only here but in the entire u.s. new statistics for two thousand and nine show forty three million people one in seven are living in poverty this is the most people who are in more than fifty years that's when they first began tracking these numbers here you can see one reason they wanted her to knees are few and far between especially in the old urban industrial cities are as in so many cities in the united states manufacturing used to power this one these were still factories that now are decrepit boarded up sitting in disrepair there are signs everywhere here of the u.s. manufacturing jobs that have disappeared or gone overseas. these folks with
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the sort of outlook. and leaving them lining up in droves for a little heat prepare meals a day now is about four hundred. a free hotline some of the workers some are at the homeless not surprisingly. there are twenty percent more mouths to feed here eva's kitchen than a year ago why ruin the world now and some can't work like for one who has an incurable disease list no for work or for some out of it used to be a truck driver yet he still can't afford lunch and experts say the needy are needier than ever are they more poor yes that i can say and here on the ground for from washington and wall street there is no sign of an economic recovery for these people in sight i don't see recovery. they have no thanks for their politicians i
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don't know what's going on with their color i don't know was the press the door. for me is not going there in the gloom better. his life in the urban decay of silk city gratitude is reserved for the help with recovery they do know. that we. now use their you very count pretty lauren lyster our t. patterson new jersey. and with official figures showing that forty three million americans are currently living below the poverty line max fraud wolf an economist at the new school university says the numbers could even be worse. well seeing numbers this large one in seven american adults living in poverty in just about one in four to five american children shows us that the sheer numbers and the percentage of americans who are being systematically failed by the american economy and it gives you a little bit of a taking of the temperature of just how severe the pain is in so many households
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and so many neighborhoods and so many cities so many states so many towns there's every indication from the data flow that next year will be worse than this year because the numbers that we're looking at today and in two thousand and nine and we're already three quarters of the way through two thousand and ten and every trend that made the poverty the severity of poverty worse last year is very much in place this year and i would also add that we have really high poverty numbers here with an actual poverty rate income that you need to get that or less to be considered poor in the united states that's so low if you do a more realistic calculation we really have more like nineteen percent of our public in poverty not even the fourteen so in some level i would say to president obama it's already worse than it looks and i don't think that's quite good enough as a message when you're failing our economy is failing so many people now let's take a look at some international news in brief for you. twenty five people have been killed and scores more injured as containers with explosives blew up in your police station in eastern sri lanka authorities say the blast was an accident the
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explosives intended for road work were being stored next to the police station for security reasons sixteen officers were among the dead. a sixth the man has been arrested in the u.k. in relation to a potential terror plot against pope benedict the sixteenth the men held are all london street cleaners and are believed to be gerry and nationals the pontiff as it continued his you paid visit as scheduled celebrating in prayer with the head of the anglican church at westminster abbey earlier he delivered his keynote speech at westminster hall calling for the promotion of religion at every level of national life. a drill boring a rescue hole to thirty three trapped chilean miners has finally reached its destination the hole must now be widened to allow the men to be pulled to the surface it will take at least six weeks to do this the miners have been underground since early august after the entrance to their gold and copper mine collapsed. now
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the presidents of russia and ukraine have decided to swap their usual state cars for something a bit more retro dmitri medvedev and victor young coverts have been spotted as the wheels of vehicles dating back to the middle of the last century the heads of state have been taking part in a rally with cars made it when the two countries were both part of the soviet union the race connects russia's st petersburg and ukraine's kiev both leaders seemed to enjoy their experience so perhaps we'll be seeing them revving up retro style more often. and that brings you up to date for this hour coming up next artie's martin and his team sample some of moscow's best cuisine from the far east japanese and vietnamese food you can find it all right here in the russian capital.
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past fifteen years has seen an explosion of japanese thai and vietnamese restaurants in moscow muscovites for example atsushi crazy so joe we must as we delve into the subject of missing cuisine the theme for this week's moscow out.
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asian food many russians love it plus some still haven't even tried it but here the ever changing culture muscovites means more diversity when it comes to eating. starting in style yes can you believe it so when i even haven't visited the russian capital yes the world famous restaurant and social elite. ninety ninety three hollywood actor robert de niro invited japanese chef neighbor might so he's a sensible restaurant and tried back in new york paris into the noble partnership to critical acclaim today from las vegas to london and dubai nobu has dozens of locations around the world truly is as famous as the brand itself from his signature dish which is applied to the music to sushi tasting menu millions of people around the world have enjoyed no beef mountain terrain. sitting down i'm presented with a menu it's cheap but. in this case. i
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think i'll go with c. because sushi. if you. can see japanese chefs. because she was. fresh. out of. this kind of skills.
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she. has a secret. history. of . american sushi. to say the least. is this incredible. because. i'm not singling out some extreme events that have happened in russia. so. there has once again proved itself to be among the fashion capitals of the world
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big international shopping and entertainment event encouraged by the style by vogue magazine has taken place attracting thousands of shopaholics to the city's main department store and you sign it beats weeks last year was the first we didn't know how to do it the people didn't know what. it was that it was your thinking. this year wait down touch or. you. know it yeah if you know. people love it. there is a fence and to introduce cultures of different countries ocean organize in the russian capital and this time it's switzerland that's in the spotlight the swiss embassy is celebrating here but it's counter to chino in moscow showcasing the
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region's cultural heritage and activities that can be enjoyed down. to chino it's. some mountains of the alps the climate is better said people are warmer and you can do everything you can ski. it's an excellent financed center and you have many legs so it's very beautiful you can compare to chino to sochi. liking so archie you have a lot of pods but you can also go to the mountains. so we've arrived at our next destination chinese food is popular all over the world from the u.k. to america and russia is no exception unlike other cities around the. very brains. credit card bill.
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little bit more friendly. even. you can imagine the happy faces of. chinese cuisine is huge. and the secret of its popularity is simple it's healthy and tasty . great. spring rolls. the dice with their everything in the.
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kitchen take a look at what. has to offer. popular . sushi such cafes. freshly cooked food around the place in. the prices are marked by the color of the plates they choose. if your friend of sushi. you don't necessarily need to go to a restaurant to enjoy it it might. try to prepare yourselves to shop in the fresh. still need to make sushi various japanese dishes including special rice all kinds of fish seaweed sabi and ginger plus shopping for ingredients. they having
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a takeaway eating in restaurants. various canary events holiday food from around the world are regularly organized in the russian capital a month of asian cuisine has been held in moscow recently tutoring commentary delights from such countries as indonesia thailand malaysia singapore and the philippines. became especially popular among the event's guests still a premium food is not so widely known in russia but those who tried it says its dishes fusing asian spanish and american cuisine a very tasty. this is. to find out. as you know the fastest way to. heart is through his stomach. and if you feed well that's a very good way of promote the understanding.
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meaning your path is a center and club dedicated to the popular practice there are not only several holes for workouts relaxation to spar rooms but also a vegetarian restaurant healthy dishes can be tasted in a relaxed atmosphere your mind away from the hustle and bustle of the city. back to the mom it's hard to choose how spring rolls have been put into hot oil fry for two minutes it is important not to over cook them. pieces and onions are added to the beef that's already been cooking to thirty seconds. cook for just one minute at a high temperature the strongest lead a black bean sauce is then added into the sicily walk past so in boston that we have it. looks wonderful.


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