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tv   [untitled]    September 18, 2010 8:30pm-9:00pm EDT

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they call a nuclear free world you know with new forces trying to get hold of nuclear weapons and nukes are going to be around for quite some time it's deterring now should we just stop talking about nuclear free world and just tag it as wishful thinking you know what i think of human beings need goals and and more than just rhetorical goal schools that are that are achievable. why the dunny states and russia are key to this because we have ninety percent of the nuclear weapons on the earth and we cannot go with the two of us the russians and the americans cannot go to china or to india or pakistan or any other nuclear power france great britain and say reduce your nuclear arsenals until we've done our job so it all begins with the bilateral negotiations between the united states and russia if we are serious about hermetic reductions in these nuclear arsenals then we widen the club and bring in
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all the nuclear powers an. ideal the at least north korea and even iran for that matter and say enough we're all we're going to get rid of all these it does seem like an. ideal dream but it is a goal to reach for thank you very much very thank you. more news today. and these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. and china. today.
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every month we give you the future we hope you understand. and want to bring the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join us for technology update on our.
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and broadcasting a live from our studios in central moscow this is our team we're certainly glad to have you with us now let's take a look at your top. problem entry elections in afghanistan have been marred by deadly blasts and reports of voting violations the polls are being seen by many as a crucial test of the afghan government's ability to ensure stability and fight corruption. one of russia's most wanted men awaits a court decision on his extradition from poland terror suspect. was detained in warsaw on friday but later released. and on the campaign trail for the u.s. midterm elections conservatives call for family values to be made a political priority this comes as the country focuses on the ailing economy after census figures are revealed a growing poverty rate. time now for this week's moscow out and
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a taste of some of the best cuisine from the far east available in the russian capital. of japanese thai restaurants. in the subject of cuisine the theme for this week's. asian food many russians love is still haven't even tried it but here the ever changing culture muscovites means more diversity when it comes to eating. starting
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a. business in the. hollywood actor robert deniro invited japanese chef neighbor matt so he's a sensible restaurant and tried back. into the ship to critical acclaim today from las vegas to london and dubai nobu has dozens of locations around the world truly is and is famous as the brand itself from his signature dish which is applied. to sushi tasting menus millions of people around the world have enjoyed no dismounts. dishes sitting down i'm presented with the menu it's not cheap but it is worth every penny or in this case every. i think i'll go with c.v.s. sushi. to c.v.s. it's from friends.
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if you want your. useful to see. people. with you can teach and you can see japanese chefs work because she's learned every morning not that it's fresh. but the cia. and the belief you know. so should fly in his skull and the skills. that. we need to. take a. close up.
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she she. is all about how the secret. citrus juice here is troubled over the neatly sliced chili peppers. american intelligence sushi different to say the least. is this incredible. the only one of them the flame. because the rest are ready to eat. i'm not singling out some entertainment events that have recently happened in the russian capital. has once again proved itself to be among the fashion capitals of the world the big international shopping. encouraged by the style magazine has taken place. of shopaholics to the city's main department store and design
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a. the people didn't know what bad and. it was wonderful that it was a year at this age but this year way down much more. you. know it yeah. you know. there is a fence and to introduce the cultures of different countries ocean organize in the russian capital and this time it's switzerland that's in the spotlight the swiss embassy is celebrating its counting to chino in moscow showcasing the region's cultural heritage and activities can be enjoyed down. to its. some mountains of the alps the climate is better to people of warmer and you
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can do everything you can ski. it's an excellent center and you have many lakes so it's very beautiful you can compare to chino to sochi. like in sochi you have a lot of falls but you can also go to the mountains. so we've arrived at our next destination chinese food is popular all over the walls from the u.k. to america and russia is no exception and unlike other cities around the world most cars restaurants germany bury from just mid-brain still. expensive so we have no proof of its credit card bill ballots are somewhat a little bit more past friendly and more down to us. believe it or not but the still asked to many chinese restaurants here in takeaways more or less know existed
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so when a new chinese chain like you can imagine the happy faces of the lovers. chinese cuisine is huge portions and the secret of its popularity is simple it's healthy and tasty. great. spring rolls bring. the bible with their everything. and there we have it. so.
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our kitchen take a look at what other asian restaurants are. asked to offer. these in fast food is becoming more popular in various shopping malls sushi oby is one of such cafes with a centerpiece. which carries freshly cooked food around the place in a circuit dinah's can pick any dish they want and the prices are marked by the color of the plates they choose. if you're a fan of sushi and you don't necessarily need to go to a restaurant to enjoy it it might be more fun trying to prepare yourselves to shop in all the fresh she'll need to make sushi various japanese dishes including special rice all kinds of fish seaweed sabi and ginger plus shopping for ingredients are they having a takeaway restaurant. various canary events highlighting food from around the world are regularly organized in the russian capital
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a month of asian cuisine has been held in moscow recently could shrink commentary delights from such countries. as indonesia thailand malaysia singapore and the philippines. became especially popular among the event's guests still opinion food is not so widely known in russia but those who tried it says it's dishes fusing asian spanish and american cuisine a very tasty. this is. find out. and. as you know the fastest way to. hard. if you feed. it would weigh all promote the understanding. meaning your good pasta is essential and club dedicates to the popular practice
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there are not only several his workouts relaxation a spall rooms but also a budgetary restaurant where healthy dishes can be tasted in a relaxed atmosphere your mind away from the hustle and bustle of the city. back to the mom it's hard to teach you how spring rolls have been put into hot oil try for two minutes it is important not to over cook. piss and onions are added to the beef that's already been cooking to thirty seconds. cook for just one minute at a high temperature the strongest lead a black bean sauce is then added into the sicily walk. and that we have it. looks wonderful generous portions to. the process. right now it's hard to eat.
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well at least you know if you're hungry they cook the food. here extremely fast thumbs up for a moment now while we finish this oh my favorite christine. let me. just love whether you're looking for a green curry or. the restaurants i call here is a safe back and a great place to come. over most russians don't like spicy food here it's chopsticks at the ready in thailand being one of the most popular holiday destinations for muscovites this restaurant means locals can get that high stakes pool around the situation of dishes representing various countries now restaurant is the most popular among our guests even though it's pretty spicy. it's so lovely to see outside in september before i get to fold and you see anything more i think you are right. wow look at bats so we have it my fuck me.
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friends smells great and it just goes to prove that whether you want to. when it comes to asian restaurants moscow will never fail to deliver a strike. you better leave me to do this i'll see you get the same time next week. by.
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her. body. her. going to come up with. this history still keeps its secrets but now it's time to reveal the hidden in the soviet files house on the embankment on oxy. wealthy british style polls and that's not on. the. markets why not scandals. find out what's really happening to the global economy in these kinds of reports on r.t. hungry for the full story we've got it first hand the biggest issues get
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a human voice face to face with the news makers. of a failed state this is not a provocation but warns of. a full of shit and you should see steverson you showed us a pretty trace piece they have no idea about the hardships the face. plate wanted to says it all took two minutes and for any army the life of a using them is the most precious thing in the world. is of self-sacrifice and heroism look at those who understand it fully but you have to live a. real life stories from world war two. victory nineteen forty five dot dot com. afghans have cast their ballots for a new parliament amid deadly blasts and reports of voting violations.
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one of russia's most wanted men terror suspects. awaits a court decision on his extradition from poland. and the deadly secrets down below the efforts to rid the baltic sea of world war two munitions which still pose a danger. and it was a big day in sports and for that we turn to. the have you with us this is sports today i'm you know me one vs our headlines this hour relegation dogfight car deep in korea. with a two one win in the russian premier league. cup of cold clash of the moscow bragging rights for this weekend at least aging spark tuck and h.l.
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classic. the all roads lead to soft cheve the black sea resort sees the conclusion of the twenty ten simply a rally with the good news for the hosts russia in the truck classification. let's kick off proceedings with russian football where just the three games are up for consideration in the premier league on saturday but they feel to escape the lower end of the table the blue and whites suffering a disappointing three two defeat. them off by getting a brace for the hosts. earlier in the day i'm car moved a little further on it's all the drops edging fellow strugglers produces two one home the deets at risk they put the hosts in front of her fifteen minutes plenty of reason for the mustn't do me and to celebrate he scoring on his first ever i see russian top flight the visitors got back level in the dying minutes of the first
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time fifty seven right on cue tip in legs sumps and off cross but the striker turned from hero to zero right after the interval i have cheese and michelle shot kicked into his own net by seven for what turned out to be the winner for the perm side moving five points clear of karelia who remain mired in relegation trouble. elsewhere a surprise package rushed off for up to fourth despite thing i'd just brought out on the with the home side who started the brush a rust off. chance working wonders to keep the game score less here. off the mound with a volley seventeen minutes in and held his draw until the end ricky alexander. meanwhile over in england's arsenal have missed a chance to take control of the premier league the gunners distraught after
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a ninety fourth minute equaliser from sunderland meant the game would end one one six five or god gave arsenal lead on thirteen minutes before. dramatic goals deep deep in the entry time. point behind chelsea who themselves. on sunday and told them they have climbed into the top four roman public getting on the scoresheet and spores three one win over wolves three one one draws on the day with west brom and newcastle the only other victors. it's looking like there will be no football at all next weekend and italy's top division a plum strike in syria will not go ahead see of the players association after resolution talks broke dawn to dispute centers on a proposal to limit players from refusing transfers came advice after eventis defender. turned down a move to milan recently in essence clubs want players to have no choice but to agree to a transfer when they have a year or less remaining on their contract initiative players are strenuously
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arguing against if no breakthrough occurs this week the weekend of september twenty fifth twenty sixth will be football free in serbia. one of the older starbase and russian ice hockey added another chapter friday night in the concept of a hockey league this time d.l. a moscow edging a city rival spartak in a comeback thriller but for done in our reports. spark down versus do normal on the page board or ice there is always something more than points and titles at stake when it comes to derby like this first of all it's a matter of one or friday's game so both teams with new jokers in hand post sport down expected a significant boost to their performance they're saying one of the greatest not more interest in the history of the game check the many caution the blue and whites are now led by a let's narrow the best case of the last season the visitors or the first to open
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the scoring as the still back a struggle through this part of the past because the dominant there are not a spark not rush to wise and succeeded meet their wish mistake here making it one one although it was the number who seemed to have taken the game to control by the first intimation the home side poured better taking the lead through again open court early in the second period i but it wasn't enough to change the balance of the game just a few seconds the second derision legs next man rattling managers to make it to too early in the series now managed to push ahead among their looks so ron was bored by caging and efficient high over spurs that was far from giving up the roy the netting here to drive it home crowd nuts three year old it seemed like over time was a matter of course but now my head different idea snatching victory one spot that was forced to play two men down for three see how it ended with dominic how should
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being call from his best day old aspirant kill didn't blame his but a star i don't know. it's not hotshots fault. the team as a whole didn't show their best at all reluctance of them we made on force mistakes the players should always be there to help their goalie against the opponents otherwise even two netminders wouldn't save the team was. a good lesson for sport doc and in due time the stone though is the number three and to celebrate robert wagner on r.t.e. . that's moved to tennis where nine time champions france are back into the davis cup final after our noakes them all on the shuttle drive gave their country and on a sailboat three zero lead against argentina on saturday it was a case of old heads teaching the youths a lesson in the all the french ju with little trouble against the lesser known at waterloo and a real show is about was the moment to draw wrapping the tie up in straight sets
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six four seven five six three the final score in this one which means that the sweep for france after the draw and be able feasts won the two singles rubbers earlier. in the final france will face either serbia or the czech republic with the czechs currently better placed to reach the decider i saw for their pairing of robert stepanek and thomas birch the visitors to on late in the best of five contest serves in fact djokovic. some money each did take the first set six three but they couldn't live with the czechs after that losing the following three sets six one six four six. there's a new king of the russian trucks edward nicholai of besting come us teammate on our dried favored charge and to win the twenty ten silk we rally the country's most prestigious motoring event no smooth in this tournament or even fencing to keep the spectators eye but neither you nor rocky roads but stop and alive topping off
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a superb stage to win his first major force three rally twenty six year old taking victory by a months of twenty two minute margin over charge in a remarkable side on the podium here with russian drivers taking gold silver and bronze all for truck company. could be off the thirty six. also ending the eighty journey and so achieve way where the car competitors so more of an anticlimax this though with reigning champion carlos suns. having led since early in the week in the spine you didn't waste his hefty eleven minute advantage heading into saturday juicing a textbook effort to win with eight minutes to spare the money pushed him hard over the past few days in the. one to secure second overall with mark millar third that's a one two three for folks with. two thousand and seven moto g.p.
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champion casey stoner has picked a jewel of home favorites to pull british and for the oregon ground free the australian well he was quickest in the last three practice on saturday morning at the car and his top form over into the afternoon to decry the rider the only one of the field to go under one minute forty nine seconds during qualification championship leaders forget the renzo will be second on the grid fellows money down he runs out the front row renzo has yet to finish the podium this year and the sixty three points ahead to say at the top of the standings he will be champ. jimmy mccleary will start his final round with a two shot lead at the russian challenge cup if the scot wins are the latest tournaments on the european challenge tour there's every chance he'll be swinging with the game's biggest names on the european tour a proper next season here's under former first unsettled weather had effect
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over the last two days at the to leave a golf club but the rain held off his mccleary held off his rivals to stay on top of the leaderboard. he had a three shot lead at the start of the day and he did one under par round of seventy one to keep him on a nine and over rule but he was put under pressure three ranked jamieson was also in the lead his group and showed moments of brilliance the chipping safe power of the nine. and even when his form fell away to others emerged his threats firstly denmark's the organ oleson carded a sixty nine to go to shots off the pace. he's already qualified to play on the european tour next season and was showing why and tied with him in second is england sam walker he's also two shots back but missed the great chance to half the deficit on the last hole after mccleary missed the green at this point the birdie but missed leading the scot with
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a two shot cushion going into the final round both knowing victory for either would seriously boost their chances of playing on the european tour next season i didn't play very well at all it was a struggle oh they're. really well. going on there's a clearing out when you're put struggling you know their days maybe seventy five say six and i see around seventy one which is was a bit of a bonus so it was good i played a play very good in parts you know and just in how many parts you know which i did the first few days but you know who's always tomorrow which is a good thing with playing finish last sunday and you know it's if i start holding some parts we never know never know what could happen so it is everything to play for going into sunday's final round mccleary has a two shot lead over alston and walker to set up a thrilling finale to this first ever russian challenge cup which will see the eventual winner walk away with twenty eight thousand euros in his back pocket andrey farmer.


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