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tv   [untitled]    September 19, 2010 12:00am-12:30am EDT

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for fifteen minutes. maybe longer shears maybe fifty years. could all of the ideals i had when i was eighteen or nineteen all of the good things the beautiful things my dreams. they all started falling apart. i was just an empty shell. with a uniform and a gun. of very strong very courageous. but empty. i don't know if he's human being of sane mind gets used to killing. me. i never got used to killing. i knew.
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plague an election campaign and what it. chris the candidates from an immigration policy on. the part. of polish court will decide i'm here tradition of one of russia's most wanted terrorist suspects who was detained and later released to warsaw. russia and norway a reach well landmark deal which puts an end to a forty year disagreement over the speeded waters of the energy rich parents see. a new plan announced to pull the ailing u.s. economy out of trouble but despite all measures new figures reveal how millions of unemployed americans are living below the poverty line.
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good to have you with us as we take a look at the week's top stories here on r t sweden is heading to the polls today with the ruling coalition expected to win the most votes but a controversial and time a great party is so far winning most of the headlines the latest polls suggest the center right bloc headed by the swedish prime minister will win the center left opposition are that far behind with some estimates putting them at just a five percent margin away from majority but for many observers this dual has been overshadowed by the success of the far right sweden democrats party which has seen its candidates attacked and says it's been denied the right to free speech artie's laura amid reports from sweden. it's one of europe's oldest democracies but first some the lead up to this year's election in sweden has been anything but democratic candidates from the right wing sweden democrats have been harassed and bullied allegedly by young people from far left groups.
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there have been several cases which passed with a notice but now it's starting to become known we're a big party nice was getting more attention it's horrible that it should happen during an election campaign it's a threat to swedish democracy. this weekend democrats are controversial they believe the government's immigration policy in recent years has been a failure allowing large numbers of migrants to live in enclaves where they don't learn swedish creating tension between diverse ethnic groups and draining the welfare system the s.d. would severely limit immigration and encourage migrants who won't assimilate to go home that's led to them being branded nazis by left wing groups this is one meeting that was allowed to go ahead but in the days leading up to the election the sweden democrats were forbidden from campaigning like this with the police saying they couldn't guarantee their safety s. d.
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candidate nina cain says that's tantamount to the state guaranteeing free speech with one hand but taking it away with the other and she knows all about threats to her personal safety last week she came home to find a swastika daubed on her front door so of course. i'm not scare it gives more fuel to my fire and makes me angry because it's one of the things that. we in this party. used to be you can say what you want. nina reckon she got off lightly a fellow s.t. candidate in a scene reminiscent of a film was tortured by youths in his house held down the wall a swastika was carved on his forehead he told the police he told them speaking arabic in
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a town like malmo where thirty percent of the population was born abroad the sweden democrats have attractive significant support among the swedish born population the latest polls put their popularity nationwide at seven point six percent enough to win twenty six parliamentary seats out of three hundred forty nine henning's a political candidate in the nearby town of sgrena doesn't agree with the message this week democrats are pushing out but thinks it's important they should be allowed to speak we do have the movement here. pretty well but it's very marginal people. in public to of course we can tolerate that here in this country. sweden's other political parties have said they won't work with the sweden democrats even if they do get elected to parliament so it's not just threats to their safety that the s.t. candidates have to worry about they're already discussing. how to keep
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us out anyway and what about. its people. there. at. this weekend's election is likely to result in the sweet democrats winning their first ever seats in parliament is likely to be a divisive. politics. the other party will have to decide. and how that prepared to deal with this group they've tried so hard to ignore and ordinary people will have to decide whether they value free speech enough to let in and see immigration policy play a role in governing some have already said they day you are and it's artsy sweet and. stay with us here on r t we've got lots more headed your way including this. violence and allegations of fraud electoral officials are counting the
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ballots after afghans voted in a turbulent parliamentary election. plus hot off from the outside world a unique experiment to prepare mankind for future deep deep space expeditions is in full swing in moscow details just ahead here on r t. but first a polish corps will determine the fate of one of russia's most wanted terrorist suspects. was detained in warsaw on friday under an international arrest warrant but later released artie's alexei or a chef ski assesses the chances of being extradited to russia. two days before i arrived in warsaw the polish media was speculating over whether one of russia's most wanted terrorist suspects who was also on interpol's list would be detained just hours after he landed in warsaw was apprehended by the police show for e.t.s.
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and was coming to attend a very high profile event the world. which is taking place in poland and it was impossible to ignore he would be making a public splash so therefore the poles had to act because they do have obligations to their european partners to the systems legal systems they belong to and i think that's what they're answering to in detaining the man himself seemingly confident of his immunity provided by his political refugee status made his own way to the prosecutor's office where he was detained he said poland was not his enemy and that he wanted to find out for himself why he is wanted something few in moscow believed . we heard a car i was heading to poland to turn himself in to the prosecutor's office why he could go to a prosecutor's office in britain or any other country if he wanted to but he did it in poland so my theory is that it might be aimed at soaring the improving relations
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between moscow and warsaw. poland has to consider whether to be extradited to russia and no matter how hard war so try to d. politicize this issue. the prosecutor general tells me they have no choice but to start extradition procedures but these procedures do not mean an instant extradition and the russian side shouldn't necessarily hope for a decision that will satisfy. experts knew from the very start the decision would not be free of mind games as you understand. they also have their own limitations. and they can go. and definitely i think this is. a moment of truth for all relations. has been one of russia's most wanted since two thousand and two it is now that he walks in the lagoon suit but just a decade ago he was the leader of a chechen militant group and he is believed to have been involved in
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a string of atrocities in north caucasus from brutal killings to kidnappings mosco says it has proved it was one of the masterminds of the most school theater siege in two thousand and two which led to more than one hundred deaths however in two thousand and three he received political asylum in britain and all attempts by russia to extradite him for trial have been futile the polish courts as we all know considering the sex tradition request as they legally must will review that evidence so will also review the basis of the decisions taken in the u.k. which granted him asylum and that asylum prove the pivotal force. to the polish prosecutor general's office their request to keep him behind bars for at least forty days or so as district court ruled that political refugee status meant more than the fact he's internationally wanted and he was immediately released on friday
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night walked out the doors of warsaw as district court feeling like a free man the question is is whether he will be able to go home or will be extradited to any other country a polish court says it may take several more days to deliver a decision on the fate of one of russia's most wanted criminals. reporting from warsaw in poland this week also russia and norway signed an arctic border agreement resolving a decades long territorial dispute the training created a maritime boundary in the energy rich parents divide disputed area roughly half the size of germany the deal is expected to boost offer explanation exploration in a region. with reserves of oil and natural gas. russian in the region leaders aglow in from satisfaction with president dmitry medvedev and prime minister yen stoltenberg have achieved is a huge relief for the nations. it took us forty years to arrive at this
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agreement it's a long time but this event must certainly turn a new page in our bilateral relations the area which stretches over one hundred seventy five thousand kilometers in the bering sea has been a bone of contention between the neighboring countries since the nine hundred seventy s. but this wasn't simply a territorial he'd containing vost oil and gas reserves prophet has also been at the center of this pete but with an unclear border no one could even start the serious exploration circle in this issue moscow knows les have done with been impossible for decades and that some say because they need to boost their coffers and reserves but production both in russia and in norway is going to. need new fields and new big elephants to develop into this disputed area later. place. promising demonstrating goodwill incorporating with a nato member russia seem like openly oppose to the alliances military presence in
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the region. or. the natural resources have nothing to do with nato it's a zone for economic cooperation and military presence will create additional issues here the signing comes and it's rising tension between the five arctic states which also include canada denmark and the united states over who owns water in this lucrative region moscow knows they have showed how to return to feuds can be resolved very important from the point of view of. the russian strategy which i would call to ease tensions on the russian borders the treaty is yet to be ratified by russian and the region parliaments something the two leaders predict will be done by new year some experts estimate the waters of the barrier would hide as wide as a quarter of the planet's seabed all and get three sources but for years due to political opposition say they threaten. has remained dead and buried now with russia in no
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way finally sinking their low and running feud the two maritime powers are fine they're ready to make some headway what's been called in trouble for decades. britain profits. in the barents sea also this week russia and canada were looking to break the ice over their argument about another disputed part of the arctic on thursday the two countries foreign ministers held talks in moscow after auto says it's prepared to challenge russia in a race for the arctic's rich resources canadian researcher edwards who's been exploring and studying the seabed says the terror territorial disputes are peaceful but anything could happen in the future there's a lot of energy underneath the arctic ice probably twenty percent of the world's remaining oil thirty percent of the natural gas really the future economies of these countries depend on energy and that is really you know going to be there guarantee for a future in the next ten twenty thirty forty years i think the sovereignty question
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is going to be a long long dispute and hopefully it's not going to end up with people making enemies of each other i think right now things are looking awfully good but when you have that much money at stake those kinds of resources at stake and something happens with the world economy. economies can collapse they can get in trouble you can get different world leaders have a different approach to these issues than anything can happen so i think this is a very dynamic situation that we're seeing unfold in the arctic. stay with us on our tease week in review still to come mafia wars are in the center of moscow into a gangster movie as a notorious kingpin gets shot but manages to escape with his life. and why do a rockies have to pay americans four hundred million dollars i doubt later in the hour. first though the white house is pressing ahead with plans to double u.s. exports in the next five years the proposals could generate up to two million jobs
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and it's hoped to help the country and its recovery from recession this comes as new figures reveal that the number of americans facing poverty is at a fifty year. welcome to silk city. this once was what the industrial revolution looked like in the united states. now this is what poverty looks like in this town more than twenty percent are poor more than seventeen percent unemployed it means for many here ninety m. is a time to go to work and as they just don't think it's time to head to the food pantry for charity. they are low income folks some of them have been unemployed for almost two years is what we're seeing but on average it's the underemployed. there are people who can't make ends meet people like jenny like i'm the only one working in there and it's not
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enough you know it's just not enough to get all the who need it and the numbers are only growing and we saw in two thousand and nine a fifteen percent increase over two thousand and eight numbers and we're anticipating that that number will go up by another ten percent at the end of two thousand and thirteen not only here but in the entire u.s. new statistics for two thousand and nine show forty three million people one in seven are living in poverty this is the most people who are in more than fifty years that's when they first began tracking these numbers here you can see. one reason why the fraternities are few and far between especially in the old urban industrial cities are rather simple as in so many cities in the united states manufacturing used to power this one these were still factories that now are decrepit boarded up sitting in disrepair there are signs everywhere here of the us manufacturing jobs have disappeared or gone overseas factory work all of the low level jobs that these folks with will steal what about leno you know and leaving
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them lining up in droves for a little heat we now see prepare about twelve hundred meals a day now with no will be severing about four hundred people. a free choice some of the work around here some are at the homeless not surprisingly always on call. there are twenty percent more mouths to feed here eva's kitchen than a year ago why. now and some can't work like irwin who has an incurable disease lose no. work or force him out of it used to be a truck driver yet he still can't afford lunch and experts say the needy are needier than ever are they more poor yes that i can say it here on the ground for from washington and wall street there is no sign of an economic recovery for these people in sight i don't see recovery. they have no thanks for their politicians i
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don't know what's going on with the government i don't know was the prison doors. or ms the in the womb read or. in the urban decay of silk city gratitude is reserved for the help with recovery they do know her. you. know you still you very carefully lauren lyster artie patterson new jersey. to afghanistan now where at least fourteen people were. killed in separate bombings on the countries on the day of the country's parliamentary elections officials claim the taliban launched more than thirty attacks across the country in an attempt to disrupt the poll authorities say the turnout was low with just over a third of eligible voters casting ballot counting is now underway and eliminating results will be announced next month the poll was also marred by allegations of fraud and widespread irregularities former presidential candidate. has told our
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t.v. election demonstrated the failure of the ruling government. as i had put it to be fooled the presidential election is lost but that if this same situation frontin you this situation can only do tell you date this is exactly what we are with this too in terms of governance issues of corruption rule of law and justice and security and as a whole so this is a these sort of sliding down the downward turn lead to an absolute failure by lists and lists we look into the mistakes of the past we draw this is from the mistakes of the past and we give the people up on this on this in some direction so this is stage the african leadership the administration led by mr i can say it in itself is they misled the leadership and then lost since of the addiction to the failures of the national government cannot decide to do with more troops from outside sources from outside motives he in most
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support from outside this is the situation that afghans are just stacked with in the international community is also stacked with. the center of moscow this week became a mafia battleground the man thought to be the godfather of most of the c.i.s. as criminal groups was shot and seriously wounded but managed to escape with his life r.t. said were piskun of has more from the crime scene. with a click of a trigger this cohen says street in the very heart of moscow became the scene of a gangster movie at around eight pm on thursday evening alleged crime was a slant in sajjan known by the nickname ground by her son was entering an apartment building with his bodyguard when suddenly the two men were entering a vest a door when the shooting began around the bodyguard went down first while witnesses say. actually tried dodging the bullet ended up getting one in his stomach both men were rushed to hospital and the authorities soon after announced grandpa her son
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had died from the room back at the scene of the attack investigators found a kalashnikov rifle a silencer and empty shells but one was firing the shots from that window on the third floor it's right opposite the entrance and such a short distance made it nearly impossible to miss as it turned out the leader of the alleged crime leader and his bodyguard both needed to the hospital underwent surgery and are now recovering authorities said they gave false reports on purpose to prevent a second assassination attempt ground by his son is believed to be in charge of most organized criminal groups in russia and the c.i.s. and controls highly profitable lands in moscow and in southern russia very attractive for his rivals he used to be the right hand man of viewpoint and a tory a smart your boss assassinated last year was also shot in the stomach. and so far it's hard to say who ordered the latest attack but it's definitely the result of a war currently going on between major gangsta clans in russia that's what since
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you point exists there have been various reports of gangster shootings and assassinations both in russia and in western europe including switzerland spain and greece the police found dead bodies of men suspected of being members of this or that gang operating in russia or the c.i.s. but there's still no evidence grandpa son is in any way connected. everyone knew al capone was the go to the mafia nevertheless he was jailed for tax evasion the crime which can't even be content to the horrible things he was involved in proving grandpa hassan's to manila is just as difficult. gangster movies with shootouts in the lesions have become cinema classics but isn't this the gaiters now trying to find the hidden in the organizers of thursday's attack the hollywood story lines. are still to this room and. you go.
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the iraqi government has agreed to pay out four hundred million dollars to americans traumatized during the coate invasion twenty years ago the decision has caused outrage among the country's population during the gulf war and nine hundred ninety saddam hussein's regime had been torturing and using humor as citizens as human shields but millions of iraqis who also suffered under saddam and later from the american military campaign say they're angry that they've so far gotten nothing after the korean war iraq was put under u.n. sanctions which provided the legal basis for the presence of american troops there on the questions of reparations for iraqis and to fight a qanbar a member of the iraqi national alliance party he says there is cash in the country it just needs to be better distributed. a lot is not short of money by the way the publicly we see in iraq is code a degree of mismanagement. on the government part huge
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corruption i think they should and iraq is not if there is money or not i think the problem is how the money is managed and why the how the government is in complete control of the states money while they have arche government is extremely a while they're like people think you're poor something very unusual i think in order that the thought of this issue is more effective government in the future specifically the upcoming government that could transfer wealth from the government to the iraqi people. six men taking part in an experiment project an experimental project to prepare for a trip to mars have set a new record for a simulation of the sky they've already spent one hundred five days confide in a spacecraft like capsule and more than four hundred are still ahead the experiment though far from over is expected to contribute hugely to the future of space exploration. ordinary life but
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did an extraordinary setting this is the crew of the mars five hundred experiment going about their daily business they've been looks in their mock up space module through over one hundred days now psychologists are watching for signs of stress or tension. experiments in psychology or critics of the way they communicate with the control center and in particular the ticks they write for radio communications and e-mails of important sources to psychologists who see them in to state and the way they're interacting. with six men into the voluntary isolation back in june simulating the estimated five hundred twenty day voyage to mars mock mars landing and the trip back. the modules here in the institute of biomedical research in moscow are designed to mimic the conditions of such a journey minus the zero gravity and the physical distance as well as that the idea that they're traveling to mars and back is strongly cultivated but with the real
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world and not deep space just outside the door. how realistic appropriation is this for a future mars mission. because. of course this is not perpetration for a mission to mars that is out of the question there is no group and program a search however some aspects such as can for inspiration limited communication are practiced here the results of such study may later proven porton darley for space missions but for areas like polar exploration or of people have to spend a lot of time in little groups in isolated spaces as well as going without outside contact the crew is also being denied female company others to likes of mariners or polar explorers have to spend long periods with only males psychologists here taking the opportunity to see what effects it may have. busy or lity has its share in this of course perhaps the absence.


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