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tv   [untitled]    September 27, 2010 10:30am-11:00am EDT

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having their own lives that is a huge huge change people are obviously the people who are in politics or who are in government and who are in businesses and so forth so every level whatever they're doing there's the area with more excitement more energy and of course physically. the appearance of china is just gone from that primitive third world look to the most modern country in the world. the country with the most modern cities in the world having said that now thirty years ago china was track one hundred thirty seventh in terms of g.d.p. and today they are now in the second position so what do you think from your first outsider's perspective what are they doing right now that doing a lot of things right obviously in the in bringing the economy the constancy of the government of course allows a more long term thinking then you could have in
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a western democracy so this long term strategic thinking and all trial and error and as we see as china goes along and some things fail but most of the things that they tried out work and then they apply it on a bigger scale you know we say china is number two rich country but its g.d.p. . is five trillion dollars or more that's five trillion dollars the u.s. g.d.p. is fifteen trillion dollars so it would be a long time before we get that gap is closing number two is it is it will continue the number two for a long time before it ever comes close to passing but it will continue to pass through extend the gap between china and germany and china and japan will get richer and richer versus germany and japan but it's a long way from the u.s. if i may add on the practical side. when you say is it an opportunity or as fred
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well take for example chairman e. and the u.s. germany's auto industry very early on went into the chinese market and they are very very well positioned one third of the term an automobile production goes into china versus how many chrysler still you see in china how many i don't know catalogs or whatever we take so it is up to a company a country whether you see china as a straight or an opportunity and it very much depends on the person and the country . how much it supports dealing with china and trading with china ok you seem to be very positive about china coming from europe you're coming from europe you're coming from the u.s. do you think china is misrepresented in the world yes or no you know there are things in china that are not good at all and that absolutely need to be changed and
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will change over time especially with the new generation coming up that has a much lower tolerance on. strict surratt authorities but what needs to be done is to also report the guts things about china the many things where china really has made enormous progress and that not only in economics but also it is on the way to change its in its political structure in its social economic system or i think biggest problem with reporting in the western press about china is that there's news about communist china and peoples they always say and it was true because the communist government of china. world record is going to china is that what it used to be but there's this mindset about what it probably is that shapes to read. think about china and it gives
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a very distorted picture this is a very modern society where there's a lot of participation in these. people obviously the point is there's a there's a social and personal freedom in china that there's never been before in the history of china and that's freedom has allowed people to contribute to the whole and to create. an ever greater and more prosperous society china is one. china is probably the most the centralized country in the whole world the problem is one problem is the other a very very different and they have different levels and energies have been issued and creating social mechanisms and so forth and some of those local social mechanisms. and become national policy and all those things that
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were in the special economic zones or by the whole country and things that all work or draw up and that was done stopping it's great great thing and speaking of prosperous they are indeed getting very prosperous these days and in fact the government the chinese government has been trying to cool the economy but because of. overheating supposedly overheating do you think there is an overheating of the stock market and the property market and you think it's going to person possibly be another us incident well i think we're i think the whole world is a little too focused on the crisis of the cooling of the healing and. we're going to have a double dip or not it in a number of years i think this will be seen as an event rather than you or will share this is the this is a bump in the road this bump of the road is part of something that's already very much in for. and that is the very slow. decline of the well.
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pretty fast rise of the east that same place those are. shifts there were a lot of change it's a real difference of thinking if you're different mindset. in the worst a. detailed thinking in china it's context thinking you know what is the context because the context is changing all the time in the larger context when that changes you've got to shift in the western mindset is you've got to keep track of every single detail you know and that's where you get all these long contracts and so work and they keep. the chinese mentality is to really stay loose and who are adept at it just to the changing larger context you know what you're trying to do china is much more it's not a universalistic view that china has and china is also much more
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a group oriented society. it the individual sometimes has to drop an interest for the benefit of the many and the west this is sometimes standing in the way of progress that the individual right is stronger than the right of the many or the benefit of them you mentioned china is a rich country that is correct but you know lately more and more what comes up is the difference between china being a rich country and having a huge population which is not rich which has not yet gained its share on riches and to give you a little example how why that is so the property rights private property is has not existed in china so when the urbanization of the country was beginning. private property and the property belonged to the. community they were sold to
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developers that moment the value of gross dramatically cut off ominous who were relocated did not gain and that. did not get that again but only the low price and then you know the property rolls and rolls so what is now going on and we are now investigating and researching that in a chinese province of sichuan in chengdu is to give the farm us the people who know it all one owns the land before the property the private property right to sell their land to a much better price to have a share at all for that creation and if you think that in china still fifty percent of the population are farm us then there is a lot of wealth that can be created to the people and that's a development that can contribute very much to the sustainability of the economic
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progress of china.
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i am. i am just. wealthy british stock. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with my stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines and to cause
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a report on our. mind. being linen friends try to reason with hitler germany demands of the land and gets its way. to safety net for themselves nineteen thirty nine the whole of europe is a war efforts to establish a system of collective security in one nine hundred thirty trail and it's still on the agenda. the lessons to be learned from the munich remains on our t.v. . if. from focused impression. from stunts on t.v. . wealthy british. market
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. is happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds. headlines kaiser reports. more news today. these are the images. from the streets of canada. the day.
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the headlines. and the flow of russian oil to china will triple. that's the target for the leaders of both countries they met to officially open. new pipeline. with a humanitarian mission. brutally attacked by israeli forces back in may. russia attempt to go of. political. legalization. sporting use.
10:44 am
hello and welcome to the sports update on r t thanks for joining us this hour the headlines keeping in contention says. absolute time to consolidate place in the premier league with the season though in to its final third. top gear fernando alonso produces a textbook race from pole to win the singapore grand prix and live up to second in the driver's standings. and ten million dollars american jim furyk captures the tour championship and the fed ex cup in atlanta grabbing golf's biggest bonus in the process. and it's in pittsburgh may be overwhelming favorites to be crowned russian football champions this year but says certainly haven't given up the chase the imam easing to a three mail win a way to sit on sunday no waiting around for says scott in this one with less than the minutes on the clock wagner has the ball in that strike.
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and the man with the blue have played a big part in the number two as well loved taking the defendant out of the way should be fourteen up save. for two meals and forty eight minutes. the second half was one sided but didn't have the ball pos the timeline again until the doubt still mush that said the playoffs whipping out of the rams for email the final sports thirty eight points behind me that's a meet with exactly the season to play. now it says to rivals did not have the exact opposite luck on the day going down three mail at home to spar technology. a d. doing got the ball rolling just after the hot fall mark. and massa golden made it to kneel at the beginning of the second half and it was the same man to do and again the right place. and he claimed his hattrick plate on the twenty two year old probing the pain of the six yard box but really the denominator fans must take the lion's share of blame for that one three nailed the final score in the capital mall
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chick remain fourth and well in contention for european football next season. a surprise victory for minnows syberia in the day's final match of the rock bottom side getting back to winning ways after three straight defeats the man from the us to be the fifth placed a stalwart helm thing story thirty eight minute had a from polish international bottle mia good luck to be remain lost but their fourth win over the year should at least restore some confidence and also on sunday looking mighty big terry to one mention only their second win since july. talking english football now and it hasn't been the best of days for manchester united alex ferguson's man i'm able to take full advantage of chelsea is slip up early in the week and united needing to come from behind twice to salvage a point against bolton and win would have seen the rads move to within a point of chelsea who themselves drop the first points of the season against man
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city on saturday elsewhere l.a.'s window from animal house came moved aston villa up to fifth in a two one victory over wolves while james birches own goal handed still all the three points you cause. now let's move to american football as a weak three all of the new n.f.l. season is almost gone and the indianapolis colts now have a winning record off the top in the downward broncos after a couple of older field goals the colts got the bust early in the sack and they manning finding austin calling for a five yards or more however the broncos gave into iran for the body with the first playing the third kyle orton fires it up failed and finds brandon lloyd for a forty eight yard touchdown in the final for the hosts with a chance to tie but aren't on the table to me. why on the fourth and short while back the other way the calls sealed the deal on the following dr manning once again connecting with molly twelve crosses one hundred seventy one yards twenty seven to
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thirteen calls the final score in this one. and moving to jacksonville no michael vick's dogs in the game for the visiting philadelphia there and coach andy reid didn't regret his decision midway through the first big once the eagles on top with a sixty one yard touchdown pass to do sean jackson the catch and the downs and in case you forgot he is still able to do this wrong with the ball like no other can with a back in the n.f.l. free passes takes this one in by himself and all feely in base one twenty eight two three the finals for. some more noteworthy schools the dallas cowboys finally got their first victory of the season in the texas doll being used and so did the minnesota vikings that the detroit held while super bowl champions new orleans saints went down to visiting atlanta in overtime but. let's move to tennis now and russia's honest i see it probably chunk of ways into the second round of the two
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open beating them and he gets a book about in straight sets on the opening day they're all powell of the nineteen year old just too much woods both of the sixteenth seed will now face ukrainian. and fellow russian or ukrainian peace also through even though it took her three sets to beat substitute. sunshine is. now a dramatic night on the formula one track with fernando alonso holding off to boston with celtic when his fourth win all the year in singapore is wise for a champion now just eleven points behind me the mark webber in the overall scheme of things the spaniard making the most out of these two position on the night street circuits red bulls a boston battell placed in the whole way with teammate mark webber managing to survive a collision which knocked hamilton out of the race. seven time champion michael schumacher also playing a.k.o. field in a spin on the marina bay circuit things heating up for hiking coble lining the fans
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lotus clearly in need of a cool down at the end of it although he was alone so much edge to tell by just two towns so we sat on the labyrinth there and four aces remain this season. as we means a lot obviously coming from on so we know that it was a unique layout so we want to do confer on me now you know normal truck even if using up or distiller how very special they are those well but with more than first thought the crowd is performing well we did it so this we means you know a lot to keep in the fight in the championship and we know that the state forest is the world but the he seems so we can be gone by that if he knew any tracks or things to deem that i don't buy the fact that a great job in the truck as we're getting a hundred percent off i would have been several all the time so it is seen in the remaining races on force of about. to go off now well phil mickelson missed another chance to overtake tiger woods as number one while jim fury grabbed the sport's biggest bonus for winning the tour championship and the fed ex cup the overnight
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lead the shooting and even par seventy on the final day to be donald by a single shot over all while another man chasing the jackpot retief goosen finished alone in third as through the back here and here at the final hole one up against donald he almost told his bunker shot and then knocked the for his sixteenth area title and a cool town million dollar bonus for claiming the serious fed ex cup win also programming him up to fifth in the rankings. i really worked hard last week made a couple equipment changes even and. worked really hard on my game and came in. under so it's a special moment what a special year of never had a three one season this is the first. for the fed ex cup trophy in my hands right now it's just a great icing on the cake and over in paris ricky john perry left the inaugural vivendi cup title for his maiden european tour victory the twenty three year old
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englishman following up a birdie on the seventh with another one on the towns and pubs football was enough to clinch the title or the experience we carry finishing on seventeen will be bound you'll have an ad for us that was the lone swede in the second place while his compadre down half way stage of the dutch jeremy soundly and was in a five way tie for third. yeah let's finish by heading on to the mat west sunday saw the finale of their while their ethnic gymnastics championships how here in moscow constantin pop up of reports. it's the first time russia has hosted the biggest event in richmond gymnastics so the pressure was high as the country is the clear trend setter in the sport but you never know a little is being done to make this or even more popular here we don't need that with me gymnastics around the world it's easy to work with the ration a real pleasure many of coaches work abroad to increase the level to next six worldwide nevertheless we should continue the progress of the sport and have
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a project for development. but pressure not the house swept all around them the proverbial nerves of steel very much in evidence with a tally of eight gold five silver and one bronze medal russia absolutely dominated the thirteenth world championships the russians have always set the bar high for their challengers annelise occasion no nation came close to emulate them again you can arrive at broadway she simply the best overshadowing to feel with her flow is routines the twenty year old gymnast getting three gold and a silver to have medal cabinet however the olympic champion can be fully satisfied with the result as last year when i won five gold medals and sensationally this eighteen in one thousand didn't reach the final of the ribbon event that on i went to bed neither you or who long with the to conduct polish old they're more than ready to challenge any of gaya for a series of very buoyant. competition is thus rife for
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a place in the national team and that can only be good ahead of their own big games in london in two years time russia climbs atop the podium in all but a single group final losing to reigning champions italy in one of the three deciders. we are very very pleased with their performance and their results i don't think we could even dream of getting a higher score it's extremely hard to compete with the russian team so i think we did very well. looking back over the six days of the world championships the inaugural games held in russia were an obvious success for the host it all by as well for record holder at london two thousand and twelve consigning but out of our team. the spot for the moment let's have a check all the while the next stay with us. question was that so much of the taxpayers' money i mean it was a given real mistreatment of the r.b.a.
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undocumented immigrants or even legal aliens a label to protect or punish as an end to immigration.
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in india g.'s available in the grand central shirts of the taj mahal. polish president. they work for souls beatriz's. taj mahal hotel. the cement hotel. hotel. the meridian the lena the judge the hotels church in new delhi hotel. babyhood clearing collections ramona plaza the maidens hotel believe park plaza movie medicine shift it was promise but they promised.
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the headlines here on our t.v. and on the float russian oil to china i will triple by next year that's the target for the leaders of both countries as they met to officially open part of a momentous new pipeline. as jewish activists sail full blockade of gaza with a humanitarian mission talks to members of the aid flotilla brutally attacked by israeli forces back in may. on the side of pirates of russia attempt to go official setting up a political party to come pain for the legalization of free file sharing. live from the heart of moscow this is r.t.
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welcome to the program now russian oil will be pumped directly into china by next year tripling supplies it will travel along a pipeline which was open during president dmitri medvedev this three day visit to the country and talks with the chinese leader have also seen the signing of agreements to boost security in that region artie's works on a boycott is in beijing for us china towns have long become a permanent fixture of many metropolises but here in china you would normally find a russian district in their place sprawling all across the country their track thousands of vendors on a hunt for knockoffs this is the fans who were there when showing up there was the city here it used to be an open market with rows of counters only recently they've built everything at our expense if i may say so. but it's shamelessly low prices and high turnover areas like this one in beijing now i should chance form themselves from shanty.


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