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tv   [untitled]    September 27, 2010 11:00am-11:30am EDT

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sounds into glitzy shopping quarters also helping china to surpass germany as russia's largest trading partner last year. and ceremony commensurate with the trade volumes meeting for the fifth time this year presidents of russia and china both stressed this to comport and serve their alliance. russia and china are committed to strategic partnership concerning all issues it helps our countries to adjust to a constantly changing geopolitical situation we have good coordination concerning the international agenda and regional issues. or ling the joints of diplomatic corps reality our russian hydrocarbons about four hundred thousand barrels of russian crude crosses the border each day when these pipeline the first between the two neighbors reaches its full capacity next year the amount will triple along to russia among other things to diversify its supply markets away from western europe
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. have these alliances not without reservations over the recent years russia scaled back its weapon sales to china due to concerns that beijing may copy the designs and later on in other foreign military markets trying to buy some of for example forward quick mint and produce those that equipment it's by itself so of course it's also reduces the boredom of military trade between russia and china but there's also something that russia would like to borrow from china back in the fifty's the soviet union spared no means to industrialize its communist neighbor but now it seems the tables have turned the russian officials now preoccupied with an idea of modernization with very much like to copy china's economic miracle. to war in the recent decades china made a breakthrough in high technology and called duration in these field is mutually beneficial for all countries nowadays. we both have some ideas and experience to
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share with each other so we have a great to spectate in the high tech. but do you thirds of the cabinet traveling with the president russian delegation in china improved among the largest in recent years and they all did their homework for the course of this visit russian officials took a breath equal a liking to side in confucius and china scholar her among other things at by peaceful the worst again developing friendship with somebody who can a teacher any good well china is definitely not the case this country has made such a dramatic leap forward that you want to comment is big brother russia is more than willing to learn from it from a boycott are facing china. american author and china expert john nesbitt says unprecedented freedoms is allowing the far eastern giant to thrive and you can watch the full interview with him on political observer doris nesbitt next hour here on r.t.
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but for the meantime here's a preview. there is social and personal freedom in china the third is never been before in the history of china and their freedom has allowed the people to contribute to the whole and to create. an ever greater and more prosperous society so every level whatever they're doing more incitement more. of course physically. the appearance of a child just gone to the most modern country in the world. to some other news now and jewish activists aboard a boat sailing towards the gaza blockade say they expect israel to intercept them but campaigners say their objective is to show that not all jews support their government's policy towards the palestinians the attempt to deliver humanitarian
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aid comes almost four months after an israeli raid on another flotilla ended with nine activists being killed the incident was condemned worldwide and labeled a brutal and disproportionate attack the jewish state still claims the incident was self-defense and considers the turkish charity group which led the photo as terrorists linked to hamas artie's polis leader investigates. the pictures that catapulted a relatively little known him go on to the world stage in the world in which we live today where sympathizers all sympathize and are also being called terrorists it's no wonder that. is being accused in this way the jerkish charity first popped up on the cia's radar four years ago it's been banned in israel in germany he states strongly linked with hamas in gaza the last thing ismail humans would call himself is a terrorist he's a father of three and says he boarded the ship for gaza for his three daughters. in
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the guise of the children should have a right to live freely we want this so why join that organization if another event of this kind was organized i would go again sit up in the early ninety's to help bosnian muslims the i h h or humanitarian relief foundation has offices in one hundred twenty countries where are. the people. we will go and the room or solidarity for these peoples and had shown solidarity in pakistan if you know pierre levanon indonesia iraq china as well as with the palestinians we help we'll hospitals schools we have impressed we have horses for the peoples palestinian writer had a commie says israel is trying to portray the group as a terrorist one in order to try and justify the deadly fratello raid in the immediate after most of world condemnation of what israel had done in the israelis
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. mounted a defense which was you know we quite clever but with but not based on any on any facts it's enough for the investigators to decide turkey israel and the united nations each with the own inquiry policy or r.t. . a recent un report came to the conclusion that israel's military broke international laws are to talk to un watch group that as part of the american jewish lobby that monitors the activities of the united nations its executive director hillel neuer believes the ongoing investigation is nothing more than another attack on israel. the human rights council held an emergency session only a day or two after the flotilla incident happened they declared israel guilty of quote an outrageous attack so the outcome was entirely pre-determined and this is not something that's exceptional in fact mary robinson who was the un rights chief
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said that the human rights council has a pattern of acting politically and not for human rights let's remember who the membership is saudi arabia china colonel qadhafi of libya is now a member of the human rights council this is not a body that cares about the rights this is a body that is political that is in gauged in a constant campaign to digitalize israel and human rights is the last thing on the minds of members like saudi arabia cuba and saudi and libya the human rights council as kofi annan said is selective politicized and casts a shadow upon the reputation of the un as a whole the outcry over the stood lead to an easing of the gaza blockade although some restrictions are still in place. from the united nations relief agency the easing of the blockade made little effect on life in gaza. i don't think using the. great influence on the humanitarian situation or the circumstances of
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the people here because we need jobs in gaza we not only we need just to ignore the trucks that fall over normal goods or or visit the booth or something like that we need building materials to get into gaza because we have thousands of homeless people in the gaza third grade projects for dui insisted the private sector is completely but our lives and we have more than forty thousand factories have been destroyed during the war and because of the percent of the population is still being in you are in humanitarian aid or going to the fugitive situation here in gaza. it's now ten minutes past the hour here in moscow you with r.t. and file sharers in russia trying their luck in politics in an attempt to legalize the free use of copyrighted products and comes as lawmakers actually attempt to strengthen the existing laws against pirates artie's that you go to prison off like
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so the winners and losers in any crackdown on russia's pirate infested music industry. here has been in show business since the late nineteen eighties back then giving away demo tapes was the best way to gain fans if you decades his formula seems to be making a comeback. except now to spread the word his music on the web for free so people pay to see him in concert. you see the album is already uploaded and downloaded a hundred times before i even published it i know there's no point in fighting it some going to use it instead. according to some estimates piracy leads to over ten billion dollars in losses globally every year. anything can be found on the internet many musicians are forced to hold more concerts while just a few years ago they were merely the second source of income. record companies are accusing pirates of stealing their money but there are those who want to draw
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a fat line between selling counterfeit c.d.'s or d.v.d.'s and sharing files on the internet or just the noncommercial exchange of information be free. by the what is the leader of the pirates of russia party. the internet is everywhere i just need to click a button a couple of times and download a movie or some new album i want to listen to the old distribution model is pointless now dated. the party wants to see new laws in russia legalizing all nonprofit file sharing on the web formed in july in two thousand and nine it's also one of the founders of the pirates parties international a movement which unites so-called pirates from around fifty countries we need to really take a chance again to take a stand and also tradition and taking back the freedom that once belonged to us to rephrase somebody's last name that is. taken that one hundred years for the pirates
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unite some websites accused of facilitating illegal file sharing in the global anti copyright movement have millions of registered users and last year two members of sweden's pirates party even managed to get two seats in the european parliament. these people are naive and lost with poor norge of economics and history a free economy cannot exist criticism supported by some deputies of the state duma who see by making the plant roots of russia party official its organizers could get more than they bargained for the establishment of the pirate party well a lot liberated this people from the criminal liability for. the parents of russia are seeing the current laws are outdated and unfair and claim that he will be backed by most of the internet users in the country and that is around forty percent of the electorate piracy surely it is
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a controversial subject but let's face it it's now grown into an international phenomenon that some official pirates even getting into european politics but before the pirates of russia can even dream of getting into the state duma the all need at least forty five thousand members just to register and the question is even if they do have the right amount of supporters are they ready to come out and name themselves you've got this going off r g moscow. and coming up in about fifteen minutes time with the debate over illegal immigration that's raging across europe and the united states is tackled in our cross talk studio here's a quick preview. i just hate this rhetoric of this own you know these poor people and coming out of the shadows let me tell you they came out of the shadows didn't they they were marching down our streets in the millions everybody in the world saw that even in. oh come on give me an hour you have to. be had are you sharing i want to say one point there are children that they're having here while they're here he
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illegal as well as a huge she's going to stay sure as we are sure it's still going to be so this story should get our chief finish now see this is the compassion of those people want to talk about the feelings they want to feel they want to make everybody think that the law should have feelings and that we should think that well you know if someone committed murder let's feel bad for them because hey they came from a bad home that's only or was it when you were already. got wise. to the way you're with your burger in the united states by by harboring oh my goodness illegal aliens with your words and your right are a. cross workers coming your way in about forty minutes now venezuela is a ruling party backed by a president who goes chavez has won the country's general election but early
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results show it's missed out on the two thirds needed for a majority now the opposition could block bills put forward by the ruling party opposition leaders also claimed they wanted the popular vote which would be a major blow for the country's president the elections are seen as a popularity test for chavez ahead of the two thousand and twelve presidential elections seems that you have been following events for us in caracas the rumors start to flare on the eve of the election allegations that voting machines were out of order began to circulate on the opposition side. but here at a station that is predominately pro opposition there were no complaints. did you having trouble voting just now on our program no nothing no problem i'm very surprised what has been drilled into their heads is that the opposition will win close to fifty fifty. six. members. in the house you know the in the congress and maybe
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sixty seventy towards the inner city however the crowds display more support for the government. what the opposition claim all along is that media messages they hold a majority on the contrary throughout the best eleven years to a revolutionary process us who are on a reelection and these do is going to be a victory for us. my point station you can hear people saying vote up to the left read the government's party this school not only one of the most historic landmarks in the city it's also one of the largest voting districts and the opinions here for the most part are split fifty fifty at this polling station there were also no problems with voting some were even helping people with how and who to vote for began on the streets of caracas it's almost impossible to avoid election time the best way to venice when people know this election in many ways is it illogical dispute one deeply rooted in the history of latin america into what this is more
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than under the although tickle war it's a world of interests and power the power that the right has always had over latin america more than any of you logical war it's about the right of the people in about the america to make our own decisions decisions that will eventually reflect after this election is finally over r t caracas venezuela. safely back on earth seemingly unfazed by the technical glitch which threatened their return the i.s.o.'s crew members have been talking about their experience in orbit their minds were unsurprisingly fixated on the things they missed most while in space. i love spicy food i make real hot chili sauce myself i missed it badly i finished off all the spicy ketchup stock on the i assess and shocked everyone by making eating with subway sandwiches that's my feel as good as a rock it's. the thing you miss there most of all is the earth itself i missed smells
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i missed trees i even dreamt of them i even hallucinated i thought i smelled a real fire and something being barbecued on it i ended up putting pictures of trees on the walls to cheer myself up he do miss the fair. well the crew's first attempt to undock the soyuz from the international space station failed because of a technical malfunction as a result two russian cosmonauts and an american astronauts return home was postponed by a day the problem was quickly figure stern the three crew members landed safely in kazakhstan after the six month mission circling the planet. and after some other news making headlines around the world u.s. marines along with the afghan national army were involved in a firefight against taliban rebels in southern afghanistan and soldiers were forced to take cover as they came under attack from several directions in the town of marjah they responded with a barrage of rockets and machine gun fire and the attack comes during nato is the
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largest military operation in the country so far named dragon strike the operation is designed to drive militants from the southern taliban heartland of kandahar. a senior leader mahmoud abbas has a postponement a decision on whether to quit peace talks with israel for at least a week that's after a moratorium on jewish settlements in the west bank imposed by israel ten months ago expired the ban was viewed as a move towards peace talks with palestinians now palestinian leaders have warned they'll pullout of u.s. sponsored talks currently underway if building restarts jewish settlers in the area have already celebrated the end of the ban by laying the foundations for a new kindergarten. north korea as a ruling communist party is preparing for the largest political meeting in decades where the current leader successor could be decided it's predicted kim jong il will pass key positions to relatives as part of
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a succession plan with one of his sons expected to land the top job in one hundred eighty he took over control of the country from his father the first hereditary transfer of power in communist history. and in just a few moments stephanie will be joining all of us with the business. hungry for the full stop we've got. the biggest issues get a human voice face to face with the news makers. every month we give you the future we help you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world. join our technology update on r g.
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hello and welcome to the business but it's in russia's largest bank sped bank says it has billions of dollars to spend on much as an acquisitions the bank wants to become a bigger global player and is looking to expand in asia eastern europe and c.i.s. countries c.e.o. hummin graf says while spare bank has lots of money the problem is finding quality assets to invest in. life acquired by the russian d.p.s. bank and this can be examining a takeover of cuz it stands e.t.a. . bad debts at russia's top have reached twenty percent of the loan portfolio the highest level since the beginning of the crisis the international finance corporation part of the world bank says russia needs to develop a market for bad debts so banks can clear them from that balance sheets timothy crouse from the i.f.c. spoke to business r.t. about its proposal to jumpstart the system with a two hundred million dollar fund. i think that some of the banks here that are
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trying too hard to collect their loans are not paying attention to their core business and their market share will shrink and they'll be left holding paper that's not worth anything i think the thing is to create a market so you have a market you need buyers and you need sellers so we have plenty of buyers here capitols not the question i see provides financing we also try to match the buyers and the sellers right now we don't have enough sellers there are not enough banks that want to sell their corporate loans so there's loans to small businesses they'll sell retail loans credit card loans things like this but they won't sell corporate loans yet there's too big of a gap between the price banks think that they should get thirty forty cents on the dollar but buyers that are coming into the market are not willing to pay that yet there is no track record yet we need a precedent we need a first sale to occur and then prices will go up after that when people see that you can actually collect on bad loans in russia why hasn't the bad that's markets in russia emerged naturally off its own accord it's a little bit of a cycle
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a psychological issue i think no one wants to admit that they've made bad loans it takes a while to get prepared for this and i think once banks think it through once they see that they're not making progress and restructuring corporate loans once they understand that they're not going to make much progress it makes sense for someone else to give it a try someone that specializes in this business liquidity has a longer goal stop being the bank's main problem do you really think that clean a balance so how banks booth lending i think it will because banks don't have to allocate capital to the bad loans that are sitting on their books if their management doesn't have to devote time to the bad assets that are sitting in their bank they can spend time doing what they do best which is to originate new loans there people can go out and figure out which corporate lenders are the ones that are most credit worthy which can be their best clients allocate capital to that that's what they need to do. russia is ready to provide china with all the natural
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gas it needs deputy prime minister igor such announce the incentive as the countries signed agreements on oil gas coal and nuclear energy russia may start delivering gas to china in two thousand and fifteen if the two countries can agree on all aspects of their corporation contracts with china which include gas pricing terms are expected to be signed by the middle of next year china wants to triple the use of gas to about ten percent of all energy consumption by twenty twenty to cut its reliance on coal and oil. and the western markets finished low on monday echoing trends in global markets record dragged on the my sex it shares were down more than four percent at close banks also under full form view to be shed more than two percent on the my sex lives for about finished one point three percent lower but ross helicon bucked the trend goes even one point four percent in the.
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profits at the russian oil pipeline monopoly transnet plunged by forty eight percent in the second quarter despite stronger sales than that total came in at just under six hundred million dollars alice say the bottom line was hit by rising costs and foreign exchange losses. russia's recall had bought back almost five percent of it shares from conoco phillips for two point four billion dollars it's less than half the stake the american firm had put up for sale under an option that expired on saturday because as the able to buy back is to enhance its attractiveness to investors and to support the share price. and finally russia is adding a new natural resource to its long list of exports amid a global ban on elephant ivory the country is digging up mammoth tusks to meet a growing demand for ethical ivory at a price of roughly five hundred twenty dollars a kilo sixty tons of the ivory are exported annually to china the world. biggest
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market scientists believe the should be plentiful supply of the tusks as they estimate as many as one hundred fifty million mammoths life frozen beneath the siberian tundra. and that's all the business news for now but you can always final stories by logging on to our website that's called slash business.
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to be soo much brighter if you knew about the song from phones to freshen. stance on teeth don't comb. the news today volunteers once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are all.
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india. beatriz a. photo . collection. made.
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the flow of russian oil to china. both countries to a. humanitarian . aid for. political.
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nineteen thirty eight england and france try to reason with hitler germany demands are going to land and gets its way they all thought they had created a safety net for themselves nineteen thirty nine the whole of europe isn't dumped in war efforts to establish a system of collective security nine hundred thirty eight failed and it's still on the agenda. the lesson was to be learned from the munich agreement on our teeth.


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