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tv   [untitled]    September 28, 2010 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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considered to be one of the most beautiful buildings in most of the other and we left a lot of cars in the face of the russian capital such as this huge monument to the sea finally the monument of peter the grades created by georgian arts is that up to the elite which is probably the most hated piece of architecture by most of the boys and things like that can be seen throughout the russian capital everywhere in the world thank you delusional for that was what people in the seat think about them but we've been waiting for this decision for such a long time i'm so grateful to the president for this great nice i believe it's the best they presently deserved he didn't think about the safety of the people to know about his own benefit is that you share those and of course there were problems during luzhkov drain but i personally believe that he's done a lot for moscow i now live in an almost european city boys you know came into his office this morning he behaved like nothing has happened he scheduled a meeting for ten o'clock completely ignoring the fact that he was not to fight by the kremlin earlier that either you will find or you will before you sign the end
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of the work you know that in the years each of you wanting to go on several your approach to perhaps trying to convince russia was like that that he's not going anywhere although he did recently go one of the patients according to him the patient was given to you in order to have some time to think about what could you offer his resignation according to the motion was that if they were you can dismiss it at the weekend so it looks like it was anything to get them out of patients would you wish for because he fired you remotely being aware of the work you've been doing the forty first days chris secretary do you think it is not wanting to have a meeting with you guys are you get details of his resignation over didn't come as a surprise to any of the most boys as news have been floating around on his resignation in the russian media recently and many most of the lights in fact have been waiting for this decision to be made. if not for the past eighteen years of
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history and then for the last couple of years it was now take over that it had why the decision was made. the constant feature of the moscow mayor his legendary cab has been the subject of amusement throughout his eighteen years in power selling his custom made silver capped it's an auction of kindly granted a moscow nursery home the one million u.s. dollars. he's mayorship meanwhile needs more than just one cap to cover the bald spots of his career he started making his fortune on the economic crisis of the late ninety's rumors of money laundering have haunted many of his multi-million dollar construction projects across the capital there's lots of problems in the city namely but there is no affordable housing for the moscow vides there is a problem of people cheated by the construction pyramids these two and others have to be dealt with before any question about future employment of the mill are to be
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discussed while the country was losing money during the recent economic downturn in two thousand and nine income increases however the mayor claims it's not his money but he's wife's about doing that is russia's only sealed billionaire she was a property development company and many claim it's political clout that lends her the deals both in washington abroad to school fees known free strong anti-gay stands never authorising and even cracking down on gay pride parades not sure parts of our society with healthy morals do not except by most they just don't accept it or her going to go for their last summer may blame him for mishandling the severe smoke situation in moscow the city is short on talks of smoke for almost a month as wildfires rage while he was on vacation out of the city of lawmakers this because one of course every specialist should be responsible for what they are interested with he said up with him if for example the mayor of moscow bank from early days start a new. it's day to the small little dears which is old which was the case this time
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and i think it is an example you should have been here due to the small looks like you have been concentrating a lot on his house rather than that of the city's residents in the pews but no i don't drink maybe i'm missing out on something but the more than thirty years i haven't had a drop of the money that the russian government anyway are mccains to improve infrastructure rarely make it to the ramshackle road he's also been criticised over the deconstruction of the city's historical and architectural heritage after his long gone coast footprint hoofy on the streets of the russian capital and then artsy. well a source in city hall reporter your cough has quit the united russia party the party member constantine course a trough says that despite his colleagues efforts to scoff had lost connection with reality the decision of the president about the dismissal of mr low score was not
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unexpected for the united russia party. and for him to both the ongoing problems and their major problem was quite simple the mayor of moscow. did lows his connection interconnection of the people of moscow the problems people inhabitants of moscow in in space experience of the last year is quite obvious in the party in the united russia party and tried to explain the developing emerging problems to mr luzhkov but unfortunately he would not listen to us here was too much short about here i'm not making any mistakes or knowing best of anybody. well luzhkov should have quit earlier that's
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according to dmitri babich a political analyst from the ria news agency certainly. being involved towards i think if he left a bald five or six years ago all he's historically it would be judged in a lot more positive way than now i would say that in the early ninety's he was a supporter of a great change i remember him helping organize their protest march in one thousand nine hundred at that time he moved from his office because what show was a pollster these free meetings. after serious talks and deals in beijing russian president dmitri medvedev wrapping up his visit to china on the third day of his trip he's in shanghai where he's already met chinese vice president. considered the most likely successor of huge untile and he said now reports on this. dmitri medvedev open the day of russia giving a speech he also held
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a bilateral meeting with seething ping who is the deputy chair of president hu jintao also bought to be the most likely candidate to take over in twenty twelve so many people saying this is kind of a ground laying meeting a way to connect ties with the person that might be leaving china in a couple of years to come now the two spent most of the day together they toward the chinese and russian pavilions two of the favorites at this year's x. well what's on display in the russian pavilion well russia's top tech and energy companies including los nano which obviously is a nanotechnology corporation and that's part of a bigger project which is plans to build a silicon valley like tech village just outside moscow to bring together the greatest russian minds to work on future innovations for the president praised the russian pavilion as being a success he certainly like what you saw there and what better place to start pushing for modernization in russia and here in china. and he said now i write that
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and we do have lots more coming your way here on r.t. including something out of this world. witnesses have described these craft as disc shaped or cylindrical shape and these men thing to aliens inside those crofts have the power to gain control over them and these nuclear warheads. north korea's leader kim jong il may name his successor within hours of the country's ruling the workers' party gathers for its biggest convention in decades ahead of their key meeting kim jong il has promoted his youngest son kim jong un to the rank of general which is seen as the first step of a power transition no official announcements were made concerning the move and it's been shrouded in mystery as ati's country now is out of a reports that is rather common in north korea. first century everything is global and all kinds of information is available online but there remains is
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a lot of mystery in the world wide web and not just north korea not many are privy trade secrets like ross my family galaxy the chefs he was one of you to visit the place and hopefully will share his impressions a alex so tell me you were in a gang what's it like what's your biggest impression be honest with you when i was going there i felt a little nervous having read all the stories about north korea in the west media that it's a scary place it's all to different sort of scary things when i arrived there i thought it was nothing like that but the one thing which rescue the most of the first days and first hours being of going on is i saw a building on the other side of the roll from my hotel and had no curtains on the windows and i asked one of the one of our systems why is it like i said well if you have curtains in north korea it means you have something to hide so i got the impression that this society is open to its own government whilst its government is closed to the rest of the world it means the society is close to the world as well
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world attention is turned on north korea for the first workers party meeting in thirty years there are rumors of a man change but that according to those in the know is premature for those of the two of you i don't think we should expect any dramatic changes right away because power in north korea is built on the principles of succession and continuity kim jong il became a leader first and foremost thanks to his image of a true follower of his father's legacy ideas and not as some destroyer of the foundations or as the person to lead the country's policy into a sharp turn so obviously the same is going to apply to kim jong il successor. north korea's nuclear ambitions troubled the west and the secretive states tightlipped policies and everything has been successfully used as a tool by countries such as the united states. the united states in particular need a bad guy in the region to justify their military presence in the southern part of the korean peninsula and japan and for deploying their missile defense systems there which they've done somewhat more actively than in europe until now the us and
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allied military presence in the region was justified by the soviet threat but it's been twenty years without a soviet threat however the united states is not going to give up military alliances a stablish during the cold war and now it is very convenient to have a bad guy in pyongyang that can be used as a scapegoat for everything. to north korea the soviet union was the very opposite of a threat especially in the korean war of the early one nine hundred fifty s. the u.s.s.r. came to see as many socialist states in possible was happy to. against u.n. troops. but the veterans of those battles only recently got the chance to talk about their memories for them it was yet another war they didn't exist for. i was there for a year and a half and when we came back we couldn't talk about it we couldn't even hint those that died were buried and the notes to their families would read killed in the course of duty where when how it was not open for discussion it was hard but
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it was tougher there of course seventy seven out of seventy eight green cities were destroyed almost completely and yet everywhere went by so people trying to rebuild homes roads everything we'd see women on the road carrying their kids and their belongings to a new town and would give them lifts we weren't allowed to but we did. when the eastern european communist bloc fell apart its influx into the north korean economy plummeted despite the fact a close relationship is maintained by moscow n.p.r. the veil of secrecy is not helping to boost economic development north korea remains one of only five communist states in the world and by far the most mysterious country on the map. gas units are r.t. moscow. we've got plenty more on our website. and you'll
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find stories videos blogs there right now a. celebration of citizen a. court case against. time when she wanted to find out the reason. might be a strange combination. of some of the many things. just log on to our web site that is. said to be able to cross galaxies but people who believe they're out there. aliens might be curious about a group of former u.s.
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servicemen is convinced extra trying to feed with nuclear weapons stored on high security military bases. investigates. yes. perhaps few things say normal or routine more than a daily dose of coffee a cup of calm in what can on any day be out of the ordinary. out of the ordinary like a nuclear holocaust out of the ordinary. let's say there's an attack from where it doesn't matter it could be north korea iran pakistan. if that were to happen nuclear payback wouldn't happen. because. that's a claim made by the men in this room are missiles began going into what's called a no go condition or on launchable essentially they were disabled detailed in this
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report full of court sanction sworn affidavits the witnesses have described these craft s. disc shaped or cylindrical shape or spherical if you think what's being said inside this building is completely ridiculous you might want to consider something my name's robert hastings thank you for coming these are men who might know what may have gone on their former air force missile launch officers missile base officers who say u.f.o. spaceships flying saucers make nuclear weapon systems go haywire in one thousand nine hundred sixty six according to a launch officer david shore his missiles were temporarily activated just as his security guard was reporting a bright object moving from missile to missile to missile ten nine eight and it's not just in the united states also. in russia the idea like
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a nine hundred eighty two incident that happened in then soviet ukraine given the fact that these incidents have gone on over there including one incident of their missiles being temporarily activated want to u.f.o. was hovering. well the missile base identical to what occurred here i think we can rule out that who whoever our pilots in these craft are either american or russian . maybe they're right maybe they're wrong. maybe there is no way to ever know but if they all are right and an out of the ordinary day is about to unfold. remember the soft. moon r. t. washington d.c. an israeli warship has boarded and is searching british aid boat packed with jewish activists heading to gaza the vessel is taking to the blockaded area nine jewish activists from israel and other countries the campaign is want to show that not all jews support their government's policy towards palestinians attempt to deliver
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humanitarian aid comes almost four months after an israeli raid on a flotilla where nine appropriate to an activists were killed a u.n. report described that attack as brutal and disproportionate. well let's not look at some other stories making headlines all around the world this hour and washington has said it is disappointed israel refused to extend a ban on settlement construction in the west bank a u.s. special envoy who will try to salvage renewed peace talks now threatened by the resumption of building it comes as un secretary-general ban ki moon told israel west bank settlements are illegal under international law. at least thirty people have been buried under a landslide in northwestern colombia a mudslide swept over people as they were crossing the road. was suspended due to dangerous weather conditions but rescuers are due to resume digging the rainy season has caused flooding and ruined roads across the country in recent weeks.
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and the business news is next with korea. that's twenty past two pm here in moscow walking to business as of been reporting in the news the man of moscow yuri luzhkov has been dismissed by president medvedev liskov has ruled the city for eighteen years and with it he set the planning conditions for construction business r.t. spoke to the head of penny lane real estate agency about the impact of his departure on moscow's will estate market and this is what he said we expect a very long period of time when everybody is frozen nobody is approving or giving any permits everybody is stuck waiting for new orders from the new czar they are all worried if they could do something wrong there was worried orders
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to follow as they do no really know who will be on top tomorrow before everybody is stuck with no job going on and i believe that this would be a huge harm to the industry bad debts aggressors to our banks have reached twenty percent of the loan portfolio the highest since the beginning of the crisis the international financial finance corporation part of the world bank says russia needs to develop a market for bad debts banks can clear them from their balance sheets to meet the crowds from the i have seen says the company proposes to jumpstart the system with a two hundred million dollar fund. i think that some of the banks here that are trying too hard to collect their loans are not paying attention to their core business and their market share will shrink and they'll be left holding paper that's not worth anything i think the thing is to create a market so you have a market you need buyers and you need sellers so we have plenty of buyers here
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capitols not the question i see provides financing we also try to match the buyers and the sellers right now we don't have enough sellers there are not enough banks that want to sell their corporate loans so there's loans to small businesses they'll sell retail loans credit card loans things like this but they won't sell corporate loans yet there's too big of a gap between the price banks think that they should get thirty forty cents on the dollar but buyers that are coming into the market they're not willing to pay that yet there's no track record yet we need a precedent we need a first sale to occur and then prices will go up after that when people see that you can actually collect on bad loans in russia why hasn't the bad that's markets in russia emerged naturally off its own accord it's a little bit of a cycle psychological issue i think no one wants to admit that they've made bad loans it takes a while to get prepared for this and i think once banks think it through once they see that they're not making progress and restructuring corporate loans once they
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understand that they're not going to make much progress it makes sense for someone else to give it a try someone that specializes in this business liquidity has long ago all stopped being the banks main problem do you really think that clean a balance so how banks booth lending i think it will because banks don't have to allocate capital to the bad loans that are sitting on their books if their management doesn't have to devote time to the bad assets that are sitting in their bank they can spend time doing what they do best which is to originate new loans there people can go out and figure out which corporate lenders are the ones that are most credit worthy which can be their best clients allocate capital to that that's what they need to do. and time to have a look at the markets asia's stock markets were down on tuesday japan's nikkei fell over a three percent began its resilience was hurting exploiters but the market was supported by expectations that the bank of japan will discuss further moves to ease monetary
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policy at its meeting next week and hong kong has lost over a cent as well. and european shares are down for a second session in a row on tuesday london's footsies down over a percent with hedge fund manager man group leading the decline and share as well three percent after it reported a sharp drop in pretax profit mining stocks and oil companies are also lower on soft commodity prices here in russia markets are still down and up in trading the r.t.s. is losing over eight percent in the mars express shooting point three percent this hour all the blue chips are in the red on both of course is with energy majors losing the most look or oil is down one point eight percent. in economic news russia's central bank has kept its key interest rate on hold at seven point seven five percent for the fourth month in succession they still say inflationary risks at a at an acceptable level and have previously stated that the possibility of a rate hike this year is very small. the world's largest element and producer also
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wants to increase its sales in asia by fifty percent by the end of the year as its first step the russian company signed a letter of intent with china's industries corporation or norinco to acquire a stake in its sales and marketing subsidiary under a long term contract to solve will deliver to asia up to two million metric tons of other medium hours a year worth more than four billion dollars and norinco will invest in production in siberia in order to increase the volume of high technology in production sales on the chinese market. and you have a group has halted talks about the sale of its u.s. the medium produces struck or earlier this year you have decided to sell struck a cord to cut its seven point nine billion dollar debt now in april two thousand and ten give us sold its. mind to co-producer spots for forty million dollars taking a fifty million dollars in the transaction the company is also considering selling
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its you believe in line closed in april because of high production costs struck or is the biggest unit of strategic minerals corp which he ever was bought four years ago for one hundred ten million dollars. that's all for me and the business team here join us at twenty past the hour for more business news paramount.
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from. wealthy british style. yes but on the. markets why not scandals find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with mike's cause or for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on our. every month we give you the future we help you understand how we'll get there and what tomorrow brings the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join us for technology update on our g.
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line. would be soon which brightened if you knew about soon from finest impressionists. means for instance on t.v. dot com.
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it's. nearly two decades and. a loss of confidence in the reason for his dismissal could be. spending some time with the man who might just be the. vice president. to be the most likely successor. control over the
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nuclear weapons group. given. to the. well with north korea expected to name his successor anytime now. in the twenty first century everything has become globalized there is practically nothing that a person can find on the internet on the phone or from unknown sources but north korea remains one of the very few enigmas in the twenty first century and to talk a little more about this a fact where you got the chance to talk to the director of the far east studies of the russian cademy of science i think somebody should have been.


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