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tv   [untitled]    September 28, 2010 10:30am-11:00am EDT

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about everything can be found easily but north korea maintains that shroud of secrecy while. you were it happened so that for centuries korea was detached from the rest of the outside world this has to do with the fact that back in the middle ages it frequently suffered from invasions by the mongols and japanese this convince the ruling class that the country would live better if it reduced its contacts with the surrounding countries to a minimum as a result koreans were even banned from setting up settlements in certain locations particularly on the sea shore the information in flow was controlled and restricted when japan occupied korea in the early twentieth century this policy was preserved by the occupants in order to retain this colony under its control the first thing japan did was to take all the foreign relations of korea under its control and start the japanese ation of korea the koreans were forced to adopt japanese names not to speak the korean language under japanese language was proclaimed official
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and so forth all this dark legacy both historical and cultural has to a great extent affected the views of the korean leaders. but not only is korea an informational mystery it's also one of the very few remaining islands so here is how does it maintain to do that more of. the fact of the matter is that the koreans proved to be very consistent in their convictions korea as with china is a confucian country where confucianism dominates the thinking of the habits of the people to quote one example when china had given up most of the confucian traditions korea was rigorously following them all the same so when chinese scientists wanted to find some information about confucian rituals they had to go to seoul for the relevant documents it so happened that when the northern part of korea came to believe in communism and socialism it became an even greater teacher of a then the soviet union itself and other socialist countries which have already
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given up this ideology and system while in korea just like in china they are still trying to build socialism in the korean fashion their own model of socialism. but today in the twenty first century away economic ties there and the world do you think that this policy of isolation will help north korea progress economically laville flawless that there is no doubt that the country needs its foreign economic relations expanded as according to estimates by foreign specialists and the understanding cerned by north korea itself it would be impossible to modernize the economy without investment from outside it i would like to draw your attention to something i find very interesting there has been much talk in the west about north korea opening up and its integration into the world community however real policy is very often at odds with statements some sort of vest area broke out in the media recently around the fact of the swedish department store began selling jeans
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manufactured in north korea if the west is really interested in north korea developing some industries for it to enter foreign markets and thus having people interested in contacts with the outside world or going without what's trapped with the selling of a batch of jeans polls to the western world safety and well being it will be absolutely and significant in terms of economic competition the same applied to the joint north and south korean industrial complex in case on a free trade agreement was signed between the u.s. and south korea several years ago which has not yet been ratified but the refusal of the us to include spoons and forks and other consumer goods manufactured in that area into the agreement was one of the stumbling blocks the us did not agree for a few million dollars to enter the market and yet it's hard to imagine how this could threaten the u.s. and world economies. so in your opinion it's beneficial in some ways for certain countries like the united states for example to
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have korea isolated. so the loser but. unfortunately we have to draw this conclusion we cannot explain everything entirely by north korea's might of course much depends on the past on the traditions on the fear of opening up because that may lead to in desirable political consequences on the other hand when they say north korea needs to become a civilized country and to be integrated into the world community there never too keen really to do things to let it happen what's more the west and the united states in particular need a bad guy in that region to justify their military presence in the southern part of the korean peninsula and to perm and deploying their missile defense systems there that's something that's been done there and somewhat more actively done in europe indeed until now the u.s. and allied military presence in the region was justified by the soviet threat but it's been twenty years now since the soviet union however the u.s.
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is not going to give up their military alliances established during the cold war now it's very convenient to have a bad guy in pyongyang but can be used as a scapegoat for everything now it seems ok to have talks with russia or china and smile and keep face saying because of kim jong il we have to keep our troops and send our aircraft carriers there. when the north korean threat is appears this face will be hard to keep as it will be clear who the troops on the missile defense are actually saying that it will be obvious that it's not against north korea weakened and worn out by long economic turmoil but against a rising china and russia as well. so recent statements from people like former president jimmy carter who went to korea and said that he saw signs of north korea willing to work with the six party talks and take steps toward denuclearizing itself do you think that's just good p.r.
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. i think that carter sense the. mood in north korea he's an experienced politician has been there more than once the thing is that north korea realizes that without an agreement with the united states it won't be able to solve its main problem the removal of the military threat north korea was really frightened by the events in iraq in yugoslavia when the u.s. unilaterally change the regimes in both those countries even without the consent of the united nations north korea is really afraid of that secondly it's a worry but due to the u.s. sanctions it will have difficulties to get money from international financial institutions and other countries to modernize its economy this explains the fact that north korea is quite consistently pursuing the policy of signing bilateral agreements first and foremost with the u.s. and then multilateral agreements such as those produced by the six party talks north korea demands that they should have talks with the u.s. and then proceed further north korea views the u.s.
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as posing the biggest threat and believes that the main obstacle for their economic development comes from the u.s. standing in the way of international aid. let's try and move from a economical and political war towards the personal you've spent so much time in north korea i believe you've even met kim jong il personally what kind of a man is has. been your i met kim jong il both as a journalist and a diplomat in particular during the then president putin's visit to north korea in two thousand carefully read what a number of state leaders had met him as a president wrote a belgian. want to say that kim jong il appears is an energetic and informed person who knows what he does and knows what to strive for i think that the stereotypes appearing regularly in western and frankly also in russian publications about some unpredictable politician and regime are absolutely ungrounded because an irrational
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and unpredictable politician would hardly be able to hold power in his hands for the past two decades when many revolutions broke out on money countries actually disappeared money expected the north korean regime to fall however for a number of reasons including truly pragmatic and realistic policy and the ability to outplay the enemy even though in some small things the north korean regime managed to survive. and you mentioned that the north korean leader knows what he wants for his country and from his country he's calling a party meeting that hasn't been held in thirty years and many in the west specifically are very excited trying to guess why exactly or what he's trying to tell the world by doing that what do you think at the purpose of the conference and the workers' party. will you if the good. if we talk about detail the only thing known to be on the agenda of the forthcoming conference are the elections for the
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governing bodies of the ruling party and it really makes sense for it's been forty four years since the previous conference and thirty years since the previous party congress money leaders who used to be members of the governing politburo in secretariat have died the central committee must by now have less than half the men from the original list so it appears to be high time for elections the second thing on the agenda which is perhaps the key thing is about a successor to the incumbent leader it's no secret that there have been many reports about his weakened health at the same time go money people who have met him and proving people from russia and in particular cultural figures who often go. there believe those rumors are exaggerated but i can't rule out the possibility that kim jong il has begun to ponder about his possible successor who would have to lead the country after he himself leaves the political arena i don't think the conference is due to pronounce anyone as a successor most likely such a person would simply be elected into the government which will allow him to prove
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his eligibility by his achievements in areas he would be in charge of. now if kim jong il decides to follow in his father's footsteps and name his son as his successor there's very little known about the man what do we know who is he what does he what does he have what he bring to north korea. first of all i think we shouldn't expect any dramatic changes right away because power in north korea is built on succession and continuity principles kim jong il became a leader first and foremost thanks to his image of a true follower of his father's legacy and ideas not of some destroyer of the foundations where the person to lead the country's policy into a sharp turn so obviously the same is going to apply to kim jong il successor if it should be one of his sons for example i shall not make any predictions as to which of them it could be but all there is much talk about the third son anyway this
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would be a young person who hasn't earned much authority in the party or the country and who was not very widely known and i don't think that kim jong il is going to quit entirely now he will continue ruling the country as long as his house from the circumstances allow that's why the decisions to be made by the conference will in their essence be shaping the environment under circles loyal to the new successor some advisors who will guide them through the challenging situation north korea is in these days at the beginning of the twenty first century.
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was. germany. the whole of europe is in war efforts to establish a system of collective security. eighteen
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years in power the president because he no longer had confidence in the capital cities. a group of international activists on a jewish organized aid mission to blockaded gaza is forced to end its journey by israeli warships. the russian president trip to china. predicted to be the next leader of the people's republic. of north korean leader kim jong il promotes his son general possible first step towards a hereditary transfer of power. and more news in about fifteen minutes time but right now it's time for the full with. tonight's news i hear
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yes the first of three big nights thinking some russian interests take on china more on that plus the rest of the force that's coming up. well welcome to the sports news on a busy night of european football but here are the headlines aiming high spots at moscow target the top spot in their champions league group that has slowed that. was carlos sings the blues chelsea angell return to winning ways against french champions pass a. nice easy we catch up with the surrogate father of a russian hockey legend starts his second season in the k h l. but let's start with football and spartak moscow are looking to make it to him in the champions league as they take on jay leno at the luzhniki stadium this tuesday evening richer than
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portly looks at what is a good opportunity for the moscow side to go top of group earth spot i find themselves in a great position going into match stage to a fantastic one nil win away and must say has given value to carp inside a good chance even at this early stage of trying to make the knockout stages for the first time since one thousand nine hundred six but not going to ponies from survive here maybe the group outsiders this past like head coach says his team certainly won't be underestimating men. who could soon be one of the there are absolutely no problems with being motivated for this much as it's impossible not to be going into a champions league encounter it doesn't matter who the opponent is be it chelsea marsay or. we may be a bit tired going into the match as we will have played two games in just three days. it's been a long time since apartheid lost one champions league match at home in fact the red and white have failed to win in this competition of the luzhniki stadium in over
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a decade cup inside will certainly be looking to put that right on tuesday and he says he certainly won't be worrying about any statistics bear the risk myself going into the game with marci everyone was saying that russian clubs weren't able to win in france but we managed to win over there a couple of weeks ago we're not going to take any notice of any statistics and is hoping that will get the result we need on tuesday to spot our been in good form recently in the russian premier league winning fine of the last seven a brazilian striker vella turn scoring nine times during this period their ponies are lean or have enjoyed some patchy form over the last month including a four one defeat to chelsea in their group opener because of and says he won't be taking them lightly called webpage of little getting out of it i know for a fact that our opponents don't have a player in the class of someone like leo messi or they have a good striker called c.c. who for someone who so too is very good with the ball at his feet and i have
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a feeling he could cause us one or two problems spartak will have a great chance to make it two wins out of chile on tuesday when they take on the group winners and if they can get their first home champions league win in over a decade they'll be in a strong position going into their double header with the group favorites chelsea which bump off lead r.t. moscow so chelsea is seen as the strongest side in the groups the blues thrashed last time that host french champions must say on tuesday west london side will be without star striker didier drogba the ivorian will miss playing against his former club as he serves the last day of his twenty matches ban after we sent off in last season's quarter final also out as fact one party who is recovering from a hernia operation tries to last their first probably game of the domestic campaign to city on saturday but manager carlo into lotty isn't it. i don't need to tour to every action to see a reaction from my players like that they will do. a very good game because it is
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an important game for us to arrive and the first place. the group does for this meanwhile also also hope to bounce back after suffering defeat at home to west brom on saturday we got this our parties on belgrade on choose day looking for when number two office marking six goals past braga but that have to do with that sixty players for the match in serbia goalkeeper manuel almunia is out with an elbow injury captain says fabregas is also sidelined along with nicholas but the thomas vermaelen and theo walcott manager also vang still has faith in his squad i believe but. i have the same contradiction or between two players i have available and i know my to we play we can play better than what we did on saturday and but what we want to show tomorrow night and rail madrid coach joe is a marine here is also after a solid performance his side face i was there in france and haven't had the best start in spain's let me get way out of
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a car in third in the table after being held one of those door the one on saturday when it was it doesn't think she's days are straight forward encounter. i expect a difficult game. is always difficult to break. against a team that plays the first match at home. i think their motivation will be. very very hard. and that to me is very well organized. and i went there for a difficult match not as catch up with the last of this week's fixtures in the russian premier league where two wins from three games still wasn't enough a clearly a set off to climb out of the relegation zone the same our side east with three no home win over and then a much on monday second bottom clearly i have been finding. kind of form that could help lift them out of the relegation threatened predicament on three fronts and start to victory the first of these kind within the first minute alex some sort of
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strife deflecting that's why plus the goalkeeper goal number two also started from a corner at the bottom of finding the net for another scrappy goal and the tie was effectively done and dusted just before the break after the fed inside were wounded a penalty less than seven stepped up despite a spot kick to make it three now and that is how it finished the smaller sides remain second from bottom live in the relegation zone and injury oct twelfth. so twenty to thirty it's isn't it to remain very much the team to catch the same contest backslid a four points clear head of champions with the top two games in hand taste while the third also to warm up just to play on spot at that roster and spartak moscow struck into it to move the top spots while down the other end it's clear to bear in the drop zone card at us about. moving on to ice hockey where metal leg
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magnitogorsk one will on monday the tories home side will be hoping for no that influential season from side they feel they're off after the veteran came back to his native land following three stanley cup triumphs in the n.h.l. he spoke with robert about how he's finding life in central russia. the twenty eighth of july two thousand and nine the continental hockey league strike three times in a chill still we go we are a surrogate father of returns to russia to join k. chill side middle of the gorse. scored by a russian born player in the n.h.l. unique skating skills combined with outstanding defensive ability all these qualities have made expertly point is three great players in one. good one of the most outstanding russian ice hockey players ever do the food of the urals to money that boris and particular. my brother played
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a few years back my father was in good contact with the former management former director of the team former manager of the team and my brother played pretty well for this club a few years back especially in play offs. connection with or their interest always or. very big compared to other clubs and annoying because the solid hockey club brought up the rights for players were you. i mean really good luck in the services and also. financially very stable and also it was a dream of mine and my family also to play together with my brother one of russia's biggest steel works this would be city leaders he's best known for it could be seen like it. or not hokey superstore but still gave the order of its always proved it
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yeah it's looking into the future. in the ice i think. any city is like this like industrial cities will present something really really. quality let's say we have a couple lakes here we have a couple environments here where you can go. i don't know and do sightseeing or you can go you can go and. we've been to the factory factories incredible the biggest factor and probably i would say in europe and. really really. do a lot of business and a lot of steel so technology there it's been really really good so it was an interesting trip too but as far as a city it's simple city but everything we need to have here and it's very comfortable. when it comes to cumin the kid chills maajid two feet they're going
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care must be good top priority no four year old father of who's won just about everything there is to win on the ice well professionals here and. any predictions you need to back them up and. certain precious already apply to. the team are new for a new manager so i'm not going to be. predicting anything but. you know next that like a month or two we really well know or we really. will feel weak ingle a stunning twenty. one more n.h.l. record store the week in the household where he's ultimate kid chill where time lords that still had her but marty. that's over this bulletin that will be back for
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another update in just under two. week every month we give you the future we help you understand how to get there and what to bring the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world to knology update on r g.
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in indonesia oh geez available in the ground you otoh i'm sure it's a media hotel the ritz carlton hotel motel the film of the millennium hotel in china you can see a sensor tell the rocks hotel macaron. hotel macau divination marco resort hotel resort of the so. when resorts mcmullen seventy plaza hotel riviera hotel in the coming central hotel macau.
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the headlines here one r.t. and the mayor of moscow is fired off the eighteen years in power the president says he did because he no longer had confidence in the capital's top books. a group of international activists on a jewish organized aid mission to blockaded gaza is forced to end its journey by israeli warships. the russian president and there's a trip to china by meeting the man a widely predicted to be the next leader of the people's republic. and the secretive north korean leader kim jong il promotes his son general in a possible false step towards a hereditary transfer of power. around
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the world around the clock this is auntie now off to an almost two decades of rain this the marrow of moscow you. by the president. of the capital's controversial top official refused to resign as demanded by the kremlin. is following the story for us give us more details so has there been any reaction from him with this point. right now there has been no reaction. on giving any. time soon. he is leaving the. ruling party now this is of course on top of the. president so we can see that these are really major blows to his political career and we also know that.


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