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tv   [untitled]    September 29, 2010 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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and they also threw a wing of steel rice around the headquarters of. the parliament commission story that was some minor scuffles in brussels around one hundred fifty eight people were detained mainly because they were carrying things according to the police that one suitable for carrying on a march will have no place for carrying on a march that no injuries were reported back over in spain demonstrations clashed with the police like most of it they were throwing projectiles at the police. march is madrid and in barcelona and in barcelona students set fire to a police car they also streets with rubbish bins and police fired rubber bullets and earlier in the day we still pickles is throwing eggs at buses blocking trucks on a main road in madrid and striking workers also staged assisting outside a bus station trying to prevent the shelf in the back yard and going. also big protests in our land those demonstrations were timed to coincide with members of
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the irish parliament going back to work after that summer recess to a cement mixer which was plastered with banking slogans was driven up the entrance to the irish parliament building a man was arrested for that others say they generally a fairly peaceful day considering the number of people gathered also marches in portugal slovenia poland italy and but it has been announced that the unions in greece in athens and they're trying to show their respective governments what they call the human face budget cuts that are being proposed in meant to do in europe basically e.u. governments and overspent particularly the countries that we're now calling the pigs portugal it's only been squeezed in spain and now they have to borrow money they have to save money to pay that money back and how they're proposing to do that is by cutting pay they're going to raise the retirement age in some cases in some cases they're even cutting pension payments and they're slashing jobs in the public sector. but people are saying it's not our fault that the government state. that
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the bankers were reckless and then that then that taxpayer state money had to be used to bally's banks out so you know ordinary people shouldn't be the ones who have to suffer these process this is a saying that actually cuts in danger. what looks to be a fragile recovery and some of the economies in europe they're arguing that actually a better way to go would be tax increases on hiring come groups and also investing in public services and jobs rather than cutting them in this way david campbell bannerman a member of the european parliament from the u.k. independence party believes the single european currency is a key factor behind the current economic woes i think the euro is teetering on the edge this is a manifestation of it this is a massive problem and you can throw hundreds of billions trying to do but it's beyond that now i mean the real underlying problem is you're trying to force together all these different types of column is some a doing very well others
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a very weak and you cannot force them together under one common currency called the euro the euro's a problem it's just unsustainable this as a say you know they're throwing hundreds of billions of euros out here and the germans are paying through the nose and you know the majority of germans now want to leave the euro and that's conceivable that we recreate all the national currency is for certain strong currencies leave all that we currently want all the other. still ahead here on r t the land is not for sale that's the message from many indian farmers were protesting and dying to protect their only source of income all the details coming up on our team. first though there is there have already been changes at city hall in moscow a day after the capital's mayor yuri luzhkov was fired a top official accused of taking bribes has resigned while a controversial building project backed by the city's former boss has been halted and gays have finally been granted permission to rally in the center of moscow
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after previous ruthless police crackdowns at demonstrations ordered by the openly homophobic luzhkov meanwhile the ousted mayor says he won't challenge the decision to sack him but will remain in politics piskun of has the latest. speaking for the first time to the media since being sacked that he was not planning to challenge the president's decision to take him down from power as moscow's mayor and in import and previously there were reports in the media calling schools a friend and state duma deputy it was absorbed he did say that the school was planning to file an appeal to the supreme court of russia so now these reports have been denied by the ex mayor himself he says that he will stay in politics although at the moment it's not clear exactly how he's going to do that just previously he officially got out of the united russia party sent
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a letter to the party officially stepping down from power and also complaining about what he called was a strong media campaign against him since you is quite a controversial figure he was the mayor of moscow for eighteen years that is quite a lot of time and that's why his sacking caused a mixed reaction among most whites and so many people supported you saying that it was because of him that moscow received the new modern walk and also his policies towards pension years created quite a lot of support among many more stories however there are also a lot of people accusing the school for feeling to resolve traffic problems in the city or failing to protect some of the buildings on the morals of that war office story heritage not only to get to moscow bunch of the entire nation as well were destroyed as moscow was getting the facelift and also us not forget. the wife you know about that enough was thought to be russia's richest businesswoman and many people do say that she was able to become so successful because of the risk of
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being the mayor of moscow at the moment former team is still at power until the new mayor is appointed and a new government is put together under the old law the united russia party which whole. the majority of the seats in the russian parliament has to submit at least three candidates for the post of the head of moscow to the president who will then have to pick one of the candidates he would prefer best and submit this candidacy into the moscow parliament many analysts who do see that despite the fact that we still don't know neither the names of these kind of it's they do say that we're going to find them out in the nearest future and perhaps moscow could receive a new head as soon as within perhaps that in the next two weeks even. as the winds of change blow through moscow city hall the former leader of the u.s.s.r. mikhail gorbachev reflected on eighteen years of luzhkov city rule. if you will be
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in the first years of term as mayor and those were the most critical years when industry collapsed when the situation in the cities across russia was terrible he did a lot of moscow here to size firm controls for most of those resources and distributed them in the right ways he supported women children and war veterans in those years i myself used to say that moscow was lucky to have such a mayor as good as you really school time passed and law school started to change these he had a billionaire wife by the authorities began to look more attentively at private activities where she was a rose whether the mayor had a room to wall to tackle moscow's problems a lot of things have now come to light it turned out that funds allocated for the reconstruction and expansion of my school street in routes were invested in some enterprises from which someone received a huge profit of sanctions in recent years have been far from good they've discredited. them as plenty more waiting to be discovered and are putting all the
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stories we air possible logs of video one more years of play taste of what's online right now. little green men do exist and they're trying to save us from their holocaust that's at least what a group of former u.s. air force officers. and battle of the sexes find out about the legendary russian who served in the all male military for a decade without ever appealing. fifteen suspected militants have been killed in two separate counter terror operations in russia's southern republican dagestan ten of the dead terrorists were a sealed off at private at a private housing estate where police had found two large well it is
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a no. tents were asked to persuade them to surrender but the insurgents opened fire instead police believe two terror acts were for oil in the it in the process last week a suicide bomber blew himself up in the same region killing two policemen and wounding dozens of civilians though there are no casualties among police in the latest operations three officers were wounded by a roadside bomb in the same region afterwards that's the biggest number of militants killed by security forces and dagestan in a day the latest in a series of continuing security operations which have been running for more than a month dagestan's neighboring republic of english shetty it is facing a similar battle with insurgents president yunus back you have court of who himself narrowly escaped a bomb attack on his convoy last year says counter terror operations are a vital for the survival of the southern regions. when we refer to. we don't want to brutally murder punish anyone as a warning to others we just want to deal with this terrorist disease or house we
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don't have written permission from the terrorist patient we're treating but for now we don't have any other choice. the central asian nation of carious daniels gearing up for parliamentary elections the vote follows months of political uncertainty and ethnic violence in april kyrgyzstan was rocked by deadly riots in the capital bishkek that left dozens dead and led to the outing of the ousting of president back here in your town ethnic clashes in the south of the country stop the two thousand people dead and one hundred thousand displaced the election will be held in november over more than two dozen parties are taking part parties are going to lose go reports on one of the papers. as the clock ticks towards the criticism elections the country holds its breath will the polls bring stability or plunge the country into another round of violence and chaos meet felix school of the country's former prime minister who could be next to lead the country following the controversial reigns of this kind of cause and could get bucky if cool off is
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one of the few figures who have not been tarnished in the last fifteen or twenty years so if he has a pretty high moral standing here a bit of you asian and he has a good chance for us all we need in the next parliamentary election who has a different times in the national security general the regional governor and mayor of the capital bishkek but what he's most renowned and praised for in his home country is an ability to handle crisis situations. studied in two thousand and five there was total mass marauders in the capital police and national security had all running away at that point that's one pool of friends revolutionaries asking to take matters into his own hands and in three days he restored. but cool of also has a reputation for being difficult. he was a close ally of both congress presidents at the beginning of their terms and soon
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fell out of favor with both of them finding himself in opposition and twice in prison what they need to king that there can never be two or three powerful figures at the top and give us politics has always been very powerful person and the key is and a kind of have felt that he could be the person to sweep them from there and take power into his hands some predict school of the party on the loose which translates as dignity is in a strong position it cool to have to run against a multitude of other communities all of whom most of fancy their chances of challenging him the problem is that it's very difficult to create a democratic country in central asia kyrgyzstan is the most democratic country in central asia unfortunately this is a very immature democracy and sometimes it leads to some very bad results right now what kyrgyzstan needs is not a democracy of european type i don't think it's possible in kyrgyzstan what it needs is stability and secession of violence whoever wins the election this is
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a crucial decision for kurdistan a country that's been to the bring it in a party. turning now to some other stories making headlines across the globe the united states has imposed sanctions on iranian officials for alleged human rights violations included on the list of the country's interior minister and the commander of iran's revolutionary guard any assets held by them in the u.s. in the u.s. are frozen while americans are banned from doing business with that the move is due to the iranians alleged roles in a crackdown on anti-government protesters after last year's disputed presidential election. western intelligence agencies say they foiled an al qaeda plot to carry out terror raids on several european cities and it's reported teams of jihad it's worth planning attacks similar to the siege of two hotels in mumbai two years ago a plot was reportedly disrupted by drone attacks on targets in pakistan and afghanistan
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france germany and the u.k. are all on a heightened sense state of alert the eiffel tower was evacuated for the second time this week on tuesday because of a terror threat. the youngest son of the north korean leader has been appointed second in command of the country's central military commission this comes a day after kim jong un was also made a four star general the moves are being viewed as a gradual transfer of power due to the ailing health of his father kim jong il u.s. white house spokesman called the developments of the ultimate reality show. colombian officials say up to thirty people have been buried alive by a landslide in the north west of the country the victims were changing from one bus to another on a mountain road at the time emergency workers say it could take several days to recover their bodies is comes as heavy rains devastate parts of the country that have triggered widespread flooding and mudslides. in india thousands of farmers say they're willing to fight to the death to keep the government from building
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a motorway through their land while some fear losing their livelihood others argue the real consequence will be a full blown food crisis artie's charan singh has more. indian farmers took to the capital recently in protest against a government takeover of the land to build a new two billion dollar highway this followed the deaths of three farmers were killed after police opened fire on protesters in the state of the top of this. we will not give our learned for development attorney price at any price at any price we're ready to die and will not allow anyone to step on our land. these protests have stalled the government efforts to acquire farmland for industrial in india which means developers have been forced to put the roads refineries and power plants on hold the major challenge is the land acquisition if the land acquisition
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is i mean the per different even because of the order department and in hand and that is what the government is trying to do in case there is a you know projects an orchid they offer big and the land available to you to elaborate only twenty thirty percent then they believe that in the bill is going to happen land is an emotive issue in a country with two thirds of the population is still dependent on agriculture fifty five year old age we're saying doesn't want to sell out but nor some office will be hard to turn down think our gallop of my land goes i will lose my livelihood what will i do so i say if you are going to take my form give me a fair price for my land as well as a job i mean some analysts believe that acquiring crying agricultural land for non agricultural purposes good spur a food crisis in the country on a what was it a there will be no food to eat they aren't giving us good conversation and they're still taking our land without the land will we eat either the government listens to
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our demands have been a month or we will take action. the farmers do have a point after all the government uses a colonial. amounts of compensation to farmers to buy their land for development projects the government plans to update this law by the end of the year to get market prices for farmers but until it does vital infrastructure projects remain something. for. next the nato summit in lisbon in november will focus on the alliances course for the twenty first century afghanistan and missile defense to improving relations with russia are two spoke to former nato boss george robertson about how he sees the future is coming your way in a moment stay with us. thank
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you very much for joining us now with. we've been witnessing a lot of guerrilla warfare you have poorly trained you have. a lot of problems. ready to respond to such threats what way all of us have to adapt. to the changing nature of conflict you know after the berlin wall came down and the cold war was over the number of conflicts in the world went down by he two percent he three percent so we live in a much better world today but the nature of conflict has changed there are fewer
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casualties is that at the same time it's more difficult to deal with you know we didn't have suicide. in the cold war we have that now so it's created. so our armed forces have got to be modernized they need to be more flexible they need to be more maneuverable they need to go a long distances here they have to be highly skilled and they have to use the most technologically advanced equipment but instead of both sides both the nato and russia we're investing in the equipment of the cold war huge time is big for missions you know the wrong type of people will wish to tax payers money on the wrong weapons were fated in the last war not the next conflict so we've got to adapt nato has to adapt russia has to adapt in order to be able to confront those new challenges of the threats to our security i talking about more modern weapons
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versus that's when guerrilla we're talking a guerrilla warfare they're not using very highly advanced weapons themselves well those are the more primitive than a suicide bomber and individual who straps an explosive device to to themselves and blows themselves up themselves up as well as others of their company or this is you know this is almost new it has happened in the past but never on this song on this scale so we are going to be in of it in the we we think about these things to as a political say to this others on a military side of this so that means adaptation innovation cooperation and it means cooperation like among all of the world's these people again. to be affected by modern warfare and too much of a tie at the present moment just take it all worth son took three it's ancient and ghosts of ancient conflicts and people here talking about nato and some common you
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know of course need to fantasy is a fantasy and we have people in the way still russia. russia russia wants to rule the world look at what catherine the great say you know i can only secure my thirty years by expanding catherine the game is big court is today more fun to see. if you go to talk to people in the streets they say we're worried about migration we are worried the bird with the piracy on the high seas were worried about our jobs our pensions because of economic instability we've got to focus what people are concerned with and start working together to deal with these problems well it's interesting that you bring up the different problems of your sense of who is nato's enemy because international terrorism first doesn't sound very convincing as you rightly brought up there are other issues that people are concerned with so who is nato's enemy. is instability it's what will turn of this
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it's the people who are on the insurgents it's it's all of that exactly the same with russia's enemy is you know i've had the greatest and most successful defense ryans of the world has ever know nato. and it has been it has been useful but it has survived and thrived because it wasn't just a military organization it was an alliance of values a belief in democracy a belief in people choosing their own government to freedom before the war good neighborly relations good internal relations all of these things these are values here you need to together share these problems. needs to be part of that community of values sure that we know what will defend one of the country that's sort of creating a bit of instability in that at least in the minds of muslim countries would be iran and now to two years ago at the pentagon has has been reportedly developing
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plans of attacking iran how realistic is that when i think everyone goes in option planet from the lowest to highest well you know that's that's not true because iran is not a normal country seeking to acquire nuclear weapons and iran is a country whose president the ready said it wants to wipe one of its neighbors all summer so you can't talk about iran in terms of just a country developing and you could tell it's a danger to its neighbors and indeed as it develops a long range missiles to a much wider way reading and sideways when i go to moscow i find people in most school even more concerned that the americans are about the nuclear iran because iran and other the missile sites there are much course to the russian border than the united to the american border so the rhetoric might be different but we have
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all got a common interest in helping the people of iran to escape this disparate dictatorship to stop and to stall iran become a menace in the most volatile region of the world iran has no more a fundamentalistic kiddush of receipts of the least demonstrations of the people the people of iran want to be free they're able to demonstrate that they have been ruthless to the crest of the moment but you know this is more a monolithic country and i think we need to be more sympathetic to the new cornish decent peace loving people in iran and encourage them to stand up to. those who were drill press them and seek to destabilize the region that would mean leadership . well leadership is of huge importance in the world today i'm not a leader of any war i'm an ex said joe. but there are people who must
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carry on the torch of leadership that the world can see and recognize is what people are concerned about and hope that we need to find a new tool to be able to deal with these concerns as we go. preoccupied with the ghosts of the past then we miss the opportunity of doing something good and we take our people and in danger because we've taken our eye off the real all right thank you very much for your time pleasure. sure is that so much good music to make it a lot of people here is a political thing next to kill isolated and impoverished north korea is badly in need of change how will this happen and who will.
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they faced this is not a good war. and we should say steverson are you sure the supreme retreat speaks they have no idea about the hardships the you face. this is it. to new since. the army the life of the usaf is the most precious thing in the world
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. is of self-sacrifice and heroism with those who understand fully that you have to live a. real life stories from. nine hundred forty five. every month we give you the future we help you understand how to get there and what to bring the best in science and technology from across russia and around the world join us for its knowledge update on our. more news today violence is once again flared up flew from these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are today.
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half past one in the am in the russian capital good to have you with us here on our t.v. easier headlines one hundred thousand participate in a wave of strikes across europe as national governments impose or propose austerity measures to pay off massive debts some one out by big banks. a change in moscow city hall just a day after a mere yury luzhkov is firing with construction projects halted and gays getting the right to rally after the homophobic former city chiefs crackdown on demonstrations meanwhile the ousted man says he won't take legal action against his sacking but will stay in politicians. clause long awaited
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stability or yet another round of violence we'll look at what the upcoming parliamentary elections in here to stand may bring following months of passions and political turmoil. next full blooded debate and cross talk in which host artie's pira lavelle and his guests discuss what the elevation of the north korean leader's youngest son will mean for the country that's coming your way in a moment here on r.t. . and if you. want to. follow in the welcome to cross talk i'm peter lavelle.


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