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tv   [untitled]    November 17, 2011 12:30am-1:00am EST

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hello there are the headlines for you now here nazi occupy wall street activists are preparing for massive protests about two months since the movement began so after wave of surprise crackdowns by police who cleared their camps including the one we're told to get. the world ratchets up the pressure on the syrian president the arab league setting a seventy two hour ultimatum to stop the crackdown western nations preparing a new resolution at the u.n. . europe's debt to the place is brighter still and europe continues to nosedive for fourth consecutive day as contagion infects one euro zone's unstable economies. but
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as part of introductions in russia edge ever closer teeth of the floor to leader of the patriots of russia party that's in spotlight up next. well with. science technology innovation and all the moves developments from around russia we've got the future covered.
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hello again and welcome to spotlight been for you show on our team i'm out here and often fay we continue our elections review how the summer for russia is going to renew its fall of several parties are campaigning for that four hundred fifty seats and the like train the state do it how do the new law that m.p.'s turn in office will be five years instead of four as the campaign goes on the spotlight gives me an opportunity to hear from all of the parties and for day my guest has good night he say nigga and a leader of the party called patriots of russia. turn no flame for soldiers fallen in the world against the nazis is one of those special. during election campaigns the feeling of patriotism travels from places like the
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swan to politicians beaches this time around this party running for seats in russia's state duma which is tugging at voters' peytral you caught strings the patriots of russia political party. it was founded in two thousand and five by give not be see me again before that he had been one of the leading members of russia's communist party also was successful businessman simeon was mistrusted by the communist guard who labelled him. confrontation with the communist party leaders to garner even should be to say making being expelled the party he founded on his own shares socialist values so far it can the boast they need big political victories the last parliamentary election four years ago so the party failed to cross the seven percent threshold needed to gain seats in the state duma.
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hello mr simi guinn's thank you for being with us hello. could you please tell us straight away would you make russia's foreign policy whether you like it or not and what you would do differently. we believe there are a number of serious problems with our foreign policy especially with regard to the c.i.s. countries what we see today is that our relations with belarus ukraine could you stand and his deck you stand are somewhat strained our relations with his invention answer very stern are not to do it either so if we want to make it our goal to build a eurasian union we definitely need to change our long term and short term political and economic strategy in dealing with the c.i.s. countries and i think secondly we believe russia should work more closely with countries like india brazil and especially middle east countries where the situation is very difficult at the moment historically we have always lived much power and influence in the region but today the situation has dramatically deteriorated it has got to live with this is because we don't do enough in the
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middle east or behalves it is because the us has old players in the middle east because america has been super busy their. weak nor in all those tendencies and we did not expect this social unrest to. you know what instead of we're signing contracts and building relations with those regimes we didn't see this coming ogles such things are quite predictable if you work on it seriously and properly when the us resorted to the use of force in the middle east russia had only two options left christe it could send its troops to support the other party in the conflict here the same way the soviet union used to do they can those days when we had many so-called local conflicts in africa fueled by the soviet union and the united states. the other option was to side with the us which is what we did more or less but it didn't work out that well. i don't think russia had any other option. what do you think yes there was another option if you know the situation in those
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countries and if you pull of the developments there if you maintain a dialogue with the opposition as well because historically the opposition was quite strong in those countries you just didn't have an opportunity to come to power so if we had stronger ties with the opposition we would have been able to play our game with both the government and the opposition but those countries you need very subtle oriental diplomacy. one of your rivals eerie influential politician and let him as you know ski said while sitting in this studio at the u.s. remains our number one enemy. with the most i wouldn't call it enemy of course he didn't mean the kind of enemy go to war with but it's a rival of course america's a tough rival an enemy that pretty well an enemy or a rival an opponent it's all in the same category this opponent will definitely take certain you konami political and in the military steps to contain russia's influence and increase its own influence there is no doubt about that russia can
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and must offer the world to fundamentally new development model these are your words and true. what are these new forms of society state or economy russia and you speaking in russia's behalf are ready to offer the world. they say well you know we have a few crucial strategic points in our program that nobody else has just common knowledge has to do the whole world needs new forms the new models of state and society in addition to the economic crisis what we see today is a political and social crisis built a highly unusual state in russia where modernization can't help but this means we have to build a new state any new society a new board cool system new canonic social and legal systems that we have a lot of work to to do we need to improve our political system our economic system our social system our legal system needs much adjustment to our entire society should come together in a work out the new model that we are over if we can work out
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a good model we can share with other countries because it is a challenge of the twenty first century the current economic political and global models raise a lot of questions but in the polls. we're looking at your program i get the impression that you have if you popular slogans from other people's programs for example one of your slogan says i quote from your program due to the escalating crisis world oh the guard will work to gain control over russia's key natural resources and quote this is definitely taken from the communist platform of the communists are against world capitalism you are against world. which is basically the same thing. that this doesn't mean that we have heard something from other people this is our position and it has been our position for years compared to the communists we have a clear and the vision of our world all the garcon does it canonically how they do it in seville countries how did today in developing countries and how they're
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trying to do the same thing with russia how can you fight world all the good the soviet union fought it for seventy years to no avail and without that there is only one way to fight it you need to ramp up your economic potential dramatically if you need. strong companies that can fight for their share of the market that can produce quality of goods not just export oil natural gas nickel and copper that should secure and major technological breakthrough and this is possible one of the ways to impact russia's economic potential today is join the deadly cio can become part of the world's only dirty instead of fighting it too perhaps instead of fighting its we should become part of it first of all it's going to be a war wall against america will fight europe europe will fight america and russia china will fight it will be an all out fight membership in the w t o merely defines the rules of the fight that's all the fact that there are rules does not mean that there will be no fight there will be tough economic political and even social rivalry that's why russia will face a number of serious problems after he joins the w c o i doubt that our car
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manufacturing aircraft manufacturing and agricultural companies will be more competitive on the market than they are now i can tell you frankly i don't feel sorry for the forest industry mentions automotive i feel sorry for the aircraft manufacturing industry though but i'm ready to sacrifice our automotive industry especially carney because you know there are two options you can use separate files didn't buy foreign cars or you can do the same thing china did china did not sacrifice anything they had almost no car makers in china but they invited all the world's biggest car and characters and now they make their own cars so there is no need to sacrifice anything only have to do is develop your economy tracking investors a new technology it is not easy but it can be done in the two thousand and seven election you didn't win anything in the state duma if you learned anything from that failure to meet any fundamental changes with this campaign the point is when we entered the race less time our party was only two years old it was very difficult for us to compete with other parties that was your first attempt there was our first attempt today our party is six years old you know of course that
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other party sorry twenty one twenty two years old they have a lot of experience but we have made significant changes in the way we work we know working in the field that is we're working with voters on a regional level. we have achieved very good results on a regional level in two thousand and ten we want forty times more seats in regional centers than we had before this is just in one year we are now working with people working with her and shields and we also have our own factions and we are the only non parliamentary party that has its own faction in a regional and municipal sambit so yes we have changed it for the current campaign we are offering a few ideas nobody else has new state a new society of the national idea nor the party has offered a national idea we say that we promote the ideology of peter it isn't and that we wanted to be russia's national ideology because we don't think that conservatism is a national ideology can work for russia already is a national breakthrough we're not suggesting modernization we think the question today is like a cancer patient somewhere in between stage three and stage forty unless
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a radical treatment won't help shit what you need is a major national breakthrough. their way of course party says their goal is just to overcome the seven percent threshold question to get into the state duma which makes me conclude that they will not make it into the current issue it's like in football if you play are invited to join the national squad says that his goal is no more than just try to stay in the team he's unlikely to put in the starting line up to be sitting on the bench at best so what's your go with our egos to get from someone to nine percent of the book why such a figure seven earning this very close to what right cause was saying what we believe in surrealistic so you don't have that much of a chance so no our chances are fifty fifty the thing is that unlike the right cost party we have been able to make it into regional parliaments we took part in elections and fifty over russia's regions we have a great number of factions and hundreds and hundreds of deputies so we believe our task is if visible won in march twenty eighth lebanon we won nine percent of votes
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in the kaliningrad region in the republic of dagestan why we say it will be nine to ten percent because some votes may get lost during the counting procedure and at the end of the day will get just seven which will be enough to return. in your realistic approach getting fifteen or twenty percent would be nice but it's not realistic when it says see me get leading the patriots russia political spotlight will be back shortly will continue this interview in less than a minute so stay with us don't go. wealthy british style scientists tied to the title of.
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market finiteness. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's concert for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to kaiser report. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. trying to corporations or the day. to cool. welcome back to spotlight love and just a reminder that my guest in the studio today is give me give the leader of
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a political party called the patriots rush. and give you this is in the first part you began talking about the national idea that you proposed patriotism as state policy it isn't as often been used in politics as the intervention of yours it's always been there in czarist russia pleasure it isn't was bennett on the banners god save the czar was the most illustrated administration of patriotism in those times it was these are when body patriotism and it's not quite clear who will do it no silly question is what is the environment over russian patriotism today with the pushing him i would like to clear up one point here they are who criticize you saying that disliking foreigners does not equal patriotism there are a number of points here that i would like to discuss separately as early as in two thousand and six we proposed a national id which treats us faults justice for all and happiness for each of you know now to patriotism with
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a beard is something is not simply about love of your home country patriotism means that all decisions of the state must comply with national and people's interests rather than sitting in a closed group at the top of have their own economic and political goals we also believe that any citizen must take an active part in the life of the country that he has a coach peter to pay to read to you but the next two patriots football fans in front of a t.v. set with a beer is the mean group of patriots out to peter it is a implies that the person has taken some specific steps taken a civic stance doing something seriously that's responsible peter it is we believe that any party decision could be defined in terms of peter jukes mission if we applied this approach the. the word is with think twice before taking any decision these are two you shoes which i think should not be mixed ideologies one thing it would be unthinkable to seal the sale of the fine now a very simple question is investing millions of dollars in russia's football thing
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or not on the one hand we saw thousands of people with russian flags across the country celebrating russia's victory over the netherlands in euro two thousand and eight the whole night but on the other hand these are taxpayers money which could be spent on children or other issues. whether we're investing in food is a necessary thing but it's a pity audie but the question is how to invest one option is to buy up professionals from abroad another option is to invest in youth football skills in a russian team instead the most in sports infrastructure. that would be patriotic and i once heard it radical plan saying there's no need to buy players of african origin you just need to buy room in every moment back there would be the best option well i think you could buy foreign professional employers but you need to keep some kind of balance as an example i would like to mention the ukrainian club shucked are the nets with the ratio for an international players there is
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seventy five to twenty five percent there's just one ukrainian there a goalkeeper there was just one i saw today but i don't regard these as patriotic never mind ukraine they have such a strong national spirit and they can afford it they don't know what to spend their patriotism on but it's no compare you slogans to those of the liberal democratic party of russia it's a very popular party that's why i want to do it there was slogan no saying that liberal democrats are for the russians you slogan reads is russia above everything isn't it the same thing definitely not yes who are russia above everything i would love to point out that the russian people comprise up to eighty percent of the country's population and the russian culture and social protection of russians are all very important but recent. some politicians have taken up their role of the defenders of the russian people i'm not sure that the russian people really need these kind of protection to the press when they say that they want to defend the russians they should address the government those officials who are russian and ask
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them whether they protect the russian people or not what's this production all about. if it's about extremist views if it's about ignoring all other nationalities and overlooking the fact that we're live in a multinational state and i don't think such a position would be appealing to russians we have a very kind hearted and tolerant their attitude to other ethnicities i don't think russians would be happy about such kind of care. because the reason i have asked this question is that the slogan for the russians as a sort of nationalism well the slogan russia of everything snakes of imperial chauvinism. absolutely this and other accusation that was open made against the russians someone is and has nothing to do with us because we don't talk in terms of nationalities we see that it's new country russia that should be above everything spirits and we believe for the russians for the russians and for everyone else we are to become the core in the center of the eurasian union and then it's only russia above everything i don't think you have much of
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a chance with this slogan you work it's a different situation in russia but that's down to the difference in mentality i would like to quote another desert from your platform since today all the national wealth and almost all industries belongs to a close group of five hundred families we can conclude that the national wealth in the course of privatization in twenty years or reforms was really suited unfairly so it's a clear call for a new revolution a call to review the results of the privatization which in the best case scenario will lead to a serious shakeout and in the worst case scenario three billion of it with if you put the full stop there after we're done fairly there is no call there but maybe you want to ask me what the period so for russia suggesting what could be other options of changing the situation but here's what i would like to see. in european countries the situation is the same about two hundred families run the state but they tell the people that that's the way it should be because the rich have a sense of social responsibility they donated lots of tests rates are different true and many other things but here in russia you see through wrong and that's
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wrong this is it again down to get an intel it easy we say it's wrong simply because ten percent of population controls not a percent of assets and it's nice ten percent that get ninety percent of revenues that the rest of the nation gets bench and salaries and student allowances if you know these five hundred families manage the national wealth in an efficient way did you see what the oligarchs did in two thousand and eight that the government to hand them out fifty billion to save their businesses is that a sign of official management but that happens everywhere in foreign countries to put our all the guards drove to the kremlin in their cars well if you remember in the u.s. they flew in private jets and claimed they had run out of money. you can compare these things norilsk nickel was sold four hundred seventy five million dollars when its real value was ten billion panderer received nine billion dollars from sprocket a station program in russia could only gain and that's why we see strong reason you
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shouldn't compare russia with the u.s. many heading to was book from indians for beads in trinkets it wasn't a big price either work you can compare. all around surprises were set up by the soviet people the reason why people didn't get the level of severance they deserved what store shelves were empty was because the whole country worked hard to build these gigantic factories and then these giants were sold for a dime to some into mitchell's your party ok place quite an interesting nisha because you pose both the party in power in the official opposition but it's often said that russia took the wrong path that it should have developed is this china has when a country makes a slow and gradual transition from communism to the kind of this. they have now what you suggest is now the path of modernization not even the path of then is opening but rather a breakthrough right. that there's an absolutely q why do you think it's more typical of russia to move by leaps and bounds with no simpler because we don't have
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very much time left if you look at the key indicators of personally told me the very same words twenty five years ago there is no time left if we don't move ahead with very strong then we'll be done in over with he was right in saying that but he did it all around saying and doing are two different things today etihad brazil china and a number of other countries are developing at a faster pace than we are ready to deem in international markets are close to russia to date we don't have competitive products so what is the future hold for us will you still be happy with this slowly declining to be growth going from five to three percent we need to realize that these figures are very much exaggerated in terms of fifteen years of slow growth will be out competed chinese doing a little brazil is doing really eat is doing a leap there in more countries in particular in the middle east that have the potential to do similarly if they set up a proper political system in this respect our rivals trainees moving at a speed of a hundred kilometers per hour while our train is doing just twenty you don't have
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that we hear a cautious voices saying we don't need to go along this evolutionary or revolutionary road it will pass this rich slowly in what is actually a state of stagnation if we do so orals will be for four ahead of us even before we reach the destination the desired standard of living russian president dmitri me the video believes that modernization projects like skolkovo where he invested a lot of effort in money would help russia to do this leap to bring about a breakthrough why are you against it. but when you were not when you don't approve it three years ago we proposed creating five international dollars in the fields of agriculture aerospace an editor's i'll knock national game here located in russia yes in russia but it should have been down there for. which was utterly efficient just bent huge sums of money to build several facilities on an empty plot of land that when we have cities like this could do not know what to be honest with you there i call a five specialists there the american said you won't be able to build
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a silicon valley is called because you don't have the staff there and that's why we believe it would be much more efficient to step up investment in new scientific centers that we already have rather than building just wants that will work for no more than twenty years in the last question we speak my interest really you don't like the un griddled liberalism and even say that your mean enemy what do you mean by and brittle liberalism and as it looks like the kind of democracy we had under president yeltsin mean literally reforms no he doesn't really matter who is in power at the moment it would be also understands or it's an attempt to force liberalism on us today there is so many positive things about liberal ideas for example democratic principles freedom and market economy so what do you oppose then we don't like the fact that liberal ideas are being used not in the interests of the whole nation but in the interests of a close group of people we saw that when only all the national assets were handed all that suit five hundred families they began to rob us and lead russia in the wrong way some say we had democracy under yeltsin but actually it was not democracy
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with your own mass media under yeltsin yes they might have been more outspoken they published more critical reports down to d. but even back then they were under someone's control as a genuine liberal ideas were not put to life only some elements so western democracy were replicated then but they did not always get rooted in our soil and that's what happened a year you're saying russia has its own way but you are the patriots of russia and he had the right to do it thank you very much for being with us and just to remind you that i guess they was here that you seem a good leader of the patriots of russia political and that. the spotlight will be back with more common. i'm allowed to go on and outside russia and will also help you leave your leaders out russian political. say on party and take. a sixth. place.
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limo please please please technology innovation all the list of elements from around russia we've got the future covered.
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in taiwan the teas available in this type. piece how it pulls a hotel like the shirts inside the hotel hotel while shall his the groom photo to share with her child some will do misty type the hotel kuvasz out over town full of hotel resort evergreens old hotels like the grand victorian hotel a prince or town called springs resort and spa tied to a hotel royal she plans on plus a good chunk of her town. paid evergreen clothes a hotel in thailand to eat london's hotel time to type the hotel full points and i would print certain discipline the hotel in touch with the hotel in touch i'm broke .


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