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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2011 7:30am-8:00am EST

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video. tape this is almost with almost all the votes counted in russia's parliamentary election. with united russia party in the lead but still suffering a setback in popular support meanwhile people are happy with the outcome or have protested to the set of the capitol with police interfering with the march mood beyond the old wise venue and paralyzed downtown that's. the biggest threat yet to the euro the entire euro zone faces and meetings downgrade the announcement that set global markets reeling that says the leaders are prepared to make
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a last ditch attempt to save the troubled currency of those days meeting in brussels. and strained u.s. pakistan relations suffer a fresh blow as american standard says push for a viewing times in reducing aid to its key ally in the region the calls come after the recent naysay deadly airstrike on pakistani border as a problem today as i'm about to shutdown a vital supply routes to afghanistan. look like this time last year is very different from what it is today up next we hear from a former top syrian diplomat he shares his view of the changes in the region's future prospects. with me i have mr adnan run a former syrian ambassador to the united kingdom and sweden and also a former deputy secretary general of the arab league he's a political analyst and arab thinker so thank you very much for joining us here on
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r.t. i thank you and greetings to you are a t.v. station too much democracy too soon is that what we're witnessing in the arab world and does it mean chaos for countries like egypt it is too soon to say there is much democracy there is democracy but because democratic. slogans put before the elections do not mean that necessarily the window is going to be good practice democracy so i would see we have to wait and see are we using the y. terminology when we talk about the arab spring and i wonder why i use this word. by the way this season spring is the season of verse storms in the huge and normally come with the breeze dust from south sahara or whatever second spring
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in countries they don't we don't have any food anything really produced the season which is season of production is summer wind gives the green it's hit or spring is the season where you have to wait and see whether there is going to be a positive outcome or map and the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu warns that the arab spring will turn into an anti american anti israeli anti democratic tsunami does the arab spring really challenge the american and israeli standing in the region or in the country does it actually promote their interests first of all going to who statement in the statements made by the israeli leadership and the i very subject line. the religion it from the very narrow interest of history not their objective he took the whole subject so he and they are concerned merely of
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how much someone there. or yielding or concessions can be new jeans gift was an item on the light of this they make their judgement so if those new regimes go into a pause certain disadvantaged agreements like him david or this of course he wouldn't be happy about it because that agreement was ninety percent at least in favor of history what is your sense of what is happening here in egypt how do you predict events will unfold so i think we have you have to remember always that egypt is very important that a country is stitch country with with that knowledge country and all these things economically speaking of course the you know areas of strength in the areas of weakness what is more important now is to build really democratic society.
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far from the influence of any enemy whether this is the mental the military element or really just an event or any image from outside and i'm sure i'm afraid that all these elements are effecting factor in the future politics in egypt you know president bashar assad is promising democratic elections next year but do you think the west is putting pressure on him because they want to those elections absolutely this is now is an established fact we have started the process of democracy calling on all parties to join dialogue in that in finalizing the laws the constitution the decrees on election on parties it up but it was strange for everybody in the region to hear mrs clinton going on record and calling on certain position groups to go for dialogue and even more than that
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justifying the flowing of us to go to schools the question mark you know which is really. what americans. do they need democracy or to be neat guy us out of the really committed or they have still something left of the principal said by somebody i mean franklin and all the leaders in their own history or the stick to what can be said i say bush said that we are going to restructure the middle east. partitioning the middle east what about he ran do you think nato and israel have the military and economic capabilities to strike un i do think that they have the capability but if the question is do they have the community of of winning the war i got a very much because israel will be very very heavy price the countries in the
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region or together will suffer because of such kind of stupid adventure i hope that they will be less mad and consider only the lessons of the past the decent lesson would be the beauty of iraq imagining the united states of america when they really there are going to if east where they can have some you know military operations and then they have the. military bases it's either and now we are seeing them fleeing leaving iraq after the period hundreds of billions of dollars in a weak economy and after the cause the suffering of more than almost almost a million victims and this is stupid it i hope they will learn that the peoples of
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the area. but the peoples will fight with everything they have in order to see the backs of those soldiers leaving the country. when one looks at the strong anti rain statements that are being made by both the united states and israel all we see an iraqi so noria in relation to rand when is almost a pre-war before the actual war look i agree with you that the same store guns but iraq iran is not iraq iran is much much stronger military and they have many many cards to play i think the americans do that very well they want to pressure these countries. the edge of the t.v. they are playing that kind of game going as far as possible threatening of invasion in order. to have more concessions by iran i
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doubt whether this policy will succeed because the americans are very very well known in the region there is no credibility for the americans american interest now is the care they want is they do anything. country in the they want israel is the only nuclear power in the region is the military america b.s. and they have now the americans i saw fond of establishing bases that egypt almost only few countries in the region don't have american military base including turkey which is a very very big country of seventy million the biggest one of the biggest military bases in turkey they were considered to be is a spearhead against the soviet union at that time and i think the same duty is now
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but the name is not soviet union now than it was russia and i'm sure that their key idea mind only of the last new pieces established amused turkey what for. people talk about protecting israel from iran yes this is not the wrong thing i mean this is correct but more important it is part of the strategy of reviving cold war instead of ending russia with all destructive bases do you think the turkish american alliance will continue because if one looks at turkish society it is changing and one does see more islamists coming to the fore no i think for the time being the leadership in turkey is quite fulfilling their own obligations as they call it the need to be sent. to the
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the bilateral agreements which exist between turkey and america and turkey and is so so far they are doing this how long this will go i believe that the people in turkey. lighted people. joy the beauty of thinking deeply real not accept that for long and i remind you that that was not easy when the ruling party now came to power in two thousand and two they could not they didn't dare to challenge the public opinion so they didn't involve turkey in the in the iraqi war they didn't allow you know they would be the base is the american base to be used and that was very correct decision but at that time the ruling party was still coming to power he was
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unsure of his ability and strength but now i'm sure that these policies are different. the venturing more you are trying to take a leading role is what we call probably bloody policies which are not in the interest of the people of tech when one looks at the international pressure being put on countries like iran for example is it actually having the opposite effect absolutely they are strengthening the position of the leadership in iran the people you mentioned the cold war heating up do you think that this region is headed for war and if so who are the players what you put is a question is it measure important question when the when you have called war probably you are not clear planning a war but it comes to a point where you cannot control you cannot control you bring explosives
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and you set fire near it and it is only a matter of luck or time and i know that they are many parties who could provoke pushing a cold war to a hot war because of their interest company is manufacturing arms are to be considered the mean groups which have a pretty wide for such things and they were behind. a lot of wars which happened in . her so the advice is to avoid cold war to please cold war with dialogue to solve pending problems whether these problems are international or regional when i see region and this includes the middle east a lot of things happening in the middle east i think if there was wisdom and dialogue there would we saw within weeks. and many innocent people will be saved
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at nine on one thank you very much for joining us here on r.t. i thank you. it is easy to. believe. in the. mission is. going to take three. four judges. arrangement
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three. three. judge three. three blow against one in video for your media project three medio guard r t dot com. almost all the votes have been counted in russia's parliamentary election with the utilising russia policy and then leave but still suffering a loss of all the support meanwhile of people on the eve of the outcome of protests in the capital center with that today's intervening when the march move beyond will rise by new downtown moscow to a standstill. the euro faces its biggest threat yet to the anti there is a face as a ratings downgrade an announcement that said global markets really doesn't need is prepared to run last ditch attempt to save the trouble currency at a meeting in brussels on thursday. and already strained u.s.
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pakistan relations something precious that was american tennis is the push for view of top of the adoption of aid to communities to ally the calls come off to make his recent deadly air strike on the pakistani border a problem to islam about to shuts down a vital supply right to afghanistan. ok stand out with for us. thank you for joining me and these are the top sports stories. history makers and it's the biggest quarter this tuesday evening looking to claim a spot in the champions league knockout stage for the first time. while under pressure chelsea manager andre village was feels the heat as the blues risk missing out on the last sixteen and crunch time i. am going for
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at once keep up their charges k h l a penalty shootout win a former champions at. first a football and sets in petersburg are preparing to make history a point at porto this tuesday night would see the russian side go through to the knockout stage of the champions league for the first time the russian champions have been training in portugal for the last six days and had a taste of porter's target our stadium on monday although star striker alexander crozier cough is still sidelined with an ankle injury so need beats porto three one is petersburg in september a question of trying to split a says choose days game will be a big challenge. for him out there isn't the favorite i would say that even if we had won against there wouldn't be favorites here because obviously playing here drink our stadium is a big challenge and it's not easy to play against bordeaux. we must come here and show our quality our character and put our personality on the pitch and play the
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game. well poor so are third in the group and have to win to progress but they have injury problems defender and with andrew ferguson pretty garden and christian right leaders are all out so a selection headache for manager of it all but there are fears are they disappointing rain since taking over and over their force held protests after porto's shocked champions league defeat to work out well but what artist says he always knew it would come down to the final group game. that will solve the battle between the three teams for the two places in the champions league was something that i predicted a long time ago because it clearly felt especially after what you play that group g. was going to be very competitive until the end until the last match and that's the way it's happened. so this is how group g. looks with one game left to play out how well the top and there are already three into the knockout stages so a win time to shut down would also guarantee top spot but should they drop they
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need could finish top the victory over porto transporter themselves would go through the state beats in eight very close best. well meanwhile chelsea manager and says his team will try to take the initiative in their crucial group each lash at home to balance here victory or a goal the straw would ensure the second place blues make the knockout stages but defeat or a score draw will see the spanish side goes through instead along with i lave accuser who already qualified well elimination for chelsea at the group stage will be their first since roman abramovich took over as owner in two thousand and three adding to the pressure on the edge of bush in his first season in charge although he's apparently keeping calm. but i think of soon as plane of two to be sure that we always take the initiative of the game and we know that. we want to get something because it all represents a lot for them makes makes things easier makes it makes things even more difficult for us but we just have to take the initiative of the game because that's what
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we've been doing in the past so we won't change our strategy just because we play such an important game strategy will be it will be the same we take the initiative of the ball and we don't speculate in the game as you know we don't play counter-attack. longwalls we want we want to good quality position football and it's what we do the more. volunteers say they plan to go for the win even though a score draw would see them through the result was one one when the science met in september over the spanish side states won seven of the last eight matches the latest victory to want to time to espanyol in that league on saturday. house where reigning champions boss alone have already won greece by each and bottom side but a very soft however by the russian opponents will go all out for a big scalp and the first group where you would say the chance of that place finish and a spot in the europa league group runners up milan travel to check champions victoria pleasure and in the other game. at guardiola has called up only six first team
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players but still it bought a cheap brace themselves for a proper battle. we went to prepare the business with respect but we were told because they are playing for the them for of course between abuse and they are playing for the third place. and we are going to take this game that i say uses push you will so we're going to fight we're going to run we're going to create a situation and it's a good opportunity to see them how is the level in the. game of the champions league. premier league on monday i think i'm saying grab the eighty fifth minute when i spot a rush to thirteenth one when i'm to tend not to have a full day sparing was sent off for following through on a tackle after seventy one minutes the reds stay sevens. i'm talking about elsewhere the world player of the year shortlist has been reduced to three with leo messi and cristiano ronaldo the top contenders for thief as ballon d'or messi won the inaugural award last year after the first world player of the year gong was
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merged with french football's problem bowl and he's the favorite again over the past year the argentina star has scored fifty three goals in all competitions for barcelona while teammate xabi is widely regarded as one of the best midfielders in the game and that last thing you'd be full royal madrid zinj when rebels are like messi has netted fifty three goals portugal win that won the ballon d'or three years ago while playing for manchester united the winners will be announced on january the knights. action now from the k h l where atlanta won a penalty shootout at home to former champion zach biassed to go forth in the western conference follow the last time they met at bars one six three contrast monday night clash and the goal is after overtime and so it went to a shootout dimitry was the only mountain that the atlanta victory in moscow region side why still ten points ahead of scotty petersburg with
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a game in hand at basra six eastern conference after losing hof they gave us a song. box of let me make it go has called off his next title defense after the heavyweight champion was admitted to hospital on sunday for the second time in two days the saudi five year old ukrainian was due to square off against frenchman more make this saturday but the younger kids go brother had a kidney stone removed at the weekend and was readmitted to hospital in germany after suffering painful inflammation of the mia is the reigning w.b. a super champion and also holds the w b o and i.b.s. heavyweight belts. meanwhile the light welterweight champion amir khan has been taking in the sights of washington d.c. the britain who we twenty five on thursday will defend his i.b.s. and belts that saturday night against local lamont peterson khan's trainer freddie roach there on the left also coaches boxing superstar manny pacquiao and
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khan has been sparring with the filipino in preparation and aims to win in style. i mean i know i need to make sure to find something because it's going to be coming for you ok good even for you because if there is any closer you might just go towards peace because you don't tell anyone that you know we were ready for you thought we don't want to do. it we've got a right game plan to be here and finally fighting of the martial arts variety where russia continues to prove itself as a powerhouse after almost a sweep of victories at last. champions tournament or rabbits for the young reports . this is called the battle of champions and the proud name of the annual event which was held in moscow for the sixth time is just a quite russia still presented in the eleven different martial arts board there at the sill scores with their counterparts from the rest of the world first on the mat corral the practitioner's three time world champion aleksandr to get an off against
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evil east two ton european champion double have been until the russian was quick to dump foam his opponent with his kicking ability and then proved to have the in nearly all aspects something wrong with us than if i did what i plan to do or neutralize his legs and didn't let him kick me in the head although he managed to hit me with some body shots well let's give him some credit is a very experienced fighter now over to some bigger guys we speak to there is getting to know arguably the most. martial arts of sumo. he's russia's hero in this business the five time world champion and promptly proving that he's mass and size are hard to stand up against even for the men from the martial arts homeland. got on well next up to demonstrate their skills this
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should've gone practitioners. during his world champ and danielle plus girl of the russian up and comer evanthia enough. this time around it was a punch and perfect timing the decider the mayor gideon of knocking his experience the pool in and out cold to extend his country's lead. i'm glad to see that a lot of home grown talent has emerged in russia over the last four years both in wrestling and stand up fighting disciplines they're developing very fast and martial arts are getting more and more popularity with the russian people. the host dominated the event claiming one victory after another although the final belt produced a different outcome then sion martial art of. which incorporates both wrestling and striking techniques was part of the action the olympics now is being revived with and may fire is competing with only a few restrictions russia's islam google faced rafael sealed off from portugal with
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the title world champ and stake the thirty two year old silver did his best to keep the fight on the ground and that finally gave him the edge over his opponent who's eleven years younger and just ran out of fuel by the end of the belt nevertheless overall the russian martial artists proved their class with an impressive ten victories who's just dead one defeat. r.t. moscow that's all the sport i think it's. a welcoming for the fans technology innovation all the moves developments from around russia we've got the future covered.
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